
Tuesday 10 May 2016

Gorgeous treat from Janet x

Good Tuesday Morning Ladies,

I am once again thankful for you ladies for giving cards to use as back ups when I just can't get one made myself.  Whatever it was that sparked off my migraine wiped me out for the whole day, I woke up half dressed as Paul didn't want to wake me on Sunday night, gladly by teatime I was feeling brighter.
Luckily for you that means you get to see this beautiful card, designed and created by our lovely Janet.
This card is so pretty, the papers are beautiful, I love how you havev left part of the word die in to add pearls to, tiny details that make such a difference!
The two pieces of lace threaded through the die cut you have used works perfectly, the card impeccably finished with that beautiful spray of flowers and the little pearl corners.
Thank you so much Janet for allowing me to share your card xxx

If any of you have cards you would like me to share just send them in, I love to share your work too.

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet- what a beautiful card, so very pretty.

    Sandra-glad you're feeling better.

    Well we now have a bath & the shower over it works...! The rest of the bathroom looks a mess but the fitter still reckons he's going to complete everything by Friday.
    The hall/stairs/landing & kitchen were all covered in a fine layer of dust (unavoidable) so we set to cleaning last night, quick visit to the greenhouse then I was shattered. Think the heat hadn't helped-it reached 25C here. We're meant to have some light rain today which will be quite welcome. Hubby is playing a golf match today at 4pm so he's hoping it stays fine.


    1. Hi Michelle
      Sounds like the bathroom fitters are coming along nicely Michelle. The only problem is the dust just keeps coming back.

  2. JANET such a delicate, beautiful card.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Sorrry I'm late but I've had a problem with Google this morning so have had to find another way in.

    I was surprised to see one of my cards this morning. It was one I did for the Weekly Challenge and I did it for Sylvie while we were in France as her birthday is in April.

    I used the backing cards/paper from my stash and I'm sorry I cannot remember the die I used I threaded the ribbon through. The spray I made up from little flowers in my stash and the Happy Birthday is a Tattered Lace one (one of the very few I have of theirs).

    It's Knit and Natter this afternoon and as I didn't do it a fortnight ago (they had forgotten it had been arranged that I would do that date) it's my turn today. I need to check all the packets to make sure that all the components are in (I'm always afraid that someone will be missing a piece and it doesn't matter how many times I do this I still panic until all the packs are opened). I've done a gatefold card with very little cutting to do so hopefully everyone will be happy!!

    We have a very dull grey start here this morning so I'm hoping that the rain stays away.
    Have a good day everyone and I hope that all who are suffering are not in too much pain. Gentle hugs are coming your way. Everything is set and ready to go so please come on in and have a chat.

    1. Hi Janet
      Have a lovely time at knit and natter today. Thanks for setting the cafe up again this morning.

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Like Janet I had problems with google this morning but seems ok now.
    Lovely card Janet. Very pretty paper and ribbon and love the little flowers.
    Glad you're feeling better today Sandra. A migraine is so draining, it really makes you feel washed out.
    Well I wrote out a card for the window of Lynns shop askig for a cleaner. I'll let you know what happens.
    Its Tai Chi this morning but no sleep again last night and I feel so weary I really haven't got the energy to go. Anyway I've got to decide in the next 20 minutes.
    Glad your bathroom is finally taking shape Michele. Do hope its finished by Friday as promised.
    Enjoy you Knit and Natter afternoon Janet. I'm sure they'll love your gatefold card.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val I do hope you start to get your sleep pattern back soon. It's awful feeling tired all the time.

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies, Janet your card is beautiful, I bet your friend loved it. Have a good day at your knit and natter group.
    Good luck Val in finding a cleaner, hope you get someone reliable.
    Have a lovely day everyone, take care xxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad your feeling much better today. Migraines are awful aren't they.
    Janet I love your card today, the papers are so pretty. I'm still trying to find a nice peach card to add to my stash though. Well the DVT clinic has just rung and Doreen has an appointment at 1.30 this afternoon fir a scan on her upper legs.
    Petes gone out to breakfast this morning, so when he comes back I need to go and do a bit of shopping. Hope Google doesn't play up when I post. Hopefully Lucy us feeling better today.

    1. Hi Pat, hope it all goes well for Doreen this afternoon. Fingers crossed and hugs to you and Pete xxx

    2. Hello Pat, Hope all goes well for Doreen later

    3. What would she do if she didn't have you. xx

    4. Hi Pat, hopefully you're back home now. Do hope Doreen got on ok with her scan. Do you get the results straight away?
      Love Valx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all lovely ladies popping in to the cafe' today. Glad to see you feeling better Sandra.
    Love your Card Janet, very pretty papers and the sweet little flowers. Hope your packs are fine and you will have fun at the K & N this afternoon.
    Mochele- to have your bathroom back soon sound really good, hope it look like you expecting it to be. Have a good day at work.
    Lynda- please take it easy ,at least until you seen the doctors and had you ECG done. special cuddles for you.
    Val- did you stay at home and took it easy this morning ?
    Sleepless nights do drain on you after a while, hope you can change them soon.
    Feeling tired myself again after emptying two and a bit of cupboard in the kitchen and moving things around in the garage. Need to go to the skip with a lot but it has been raining on and off since last night and it is so humid. Hope our missing friends are ok and be back soon.
    have a good day everyone, love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. I did go to Tai Chi after all. I feel so guilty not going as our teacher Gerry is at the moment having treatment for lung cancer and I think if he can make the effert to turn up , even though I feel exhausted, I should as well. I go to the docs for the result of my blood test tomorrow so see what that brings.
      Hope you haven't tired yourself out moving to much stuff today and hope the rain's stopped.
      Love Valx

    2. Maria
      You do seem to be doing a lot of tidying up. Can Rick bring you down to kick start me off tidying up please.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I hope you are feeling better today, just be gentle with yourself, don't expect to much of your body. As I said yesterday migraine can leave you feeling washed out for days. xx

    Like others I have had problems with Google today, first it wouldn't open the blog (and it was the same with Sue W. blog) when I got onto it, it wouldn't let me read the comments, LOOK OUT Think the virtual Gremlins are about again !!!!!!!

    JANET, what a lovely card, the beautiful backing is complimented by the very delicate spray of flowers. I'm sure you friend was delighted to receive this special gift. Good luck with the K and N group.

    VAL , Hope you find a reliable cleaner. Ask do they move furniture and dust skirting boards, even hover the soft furnishings once in a while? Our daughter has a very reliable and trustworthy cleaner, but if her boys leave anything on the floor, the item will be cleaned around. Best of Luck. xx

    LITTLELAMB Where are you these days? Hope all is well with you. Have your sons moved to their new homes yet? Say Hi to Scarlett for me. xx

    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Thanks for that Brenda. Hadn't thought to ask those sort of things.
      Love Val x

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are recovering & taking things quietly,take care hugs on
    Janet your card is lovely very pretty.xx
    Our tournament has been postponed as heavy rain forecast so hope to get CC done this afternoon, I don't know what happened to yesterday!
    Maria please go careful don't overdo
    Pat good luck with Doreen this afternoon.xx
    Must go & get lunch now hugs on way to all especially Lynda take it steady, love Margaret xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone. Beautiful card by Janet. Love the pretty flowers and papers :-)
    Hope you're feeling better today Sandra, and that Lucy is on the mend too.
    I also had trouble this morning with Google - wouldn't let me comment on here or Sue Wilsons blog! All ok now though.
    Hope everyone has a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  11. Good morning Ladies,
    I had bother with Google this morning and was unable to comment , just happy to find out I wasn't the only one and am able to comment now, Sandra , I'm glad your migraine has gone , it must have been awful for you, also the challenge looks interesting, I wonder what kind of ideas the girls will come up with?
    Janet , your card today is gorgeous ! I love the little flower spray it's so pretty!
    I played golf this morning and really enjoyed it as it was lovely and warm but had a pleasant breeze, it would have been too hot without it.( hard to believe last Tuesday the course was closed due to flooding) .
    I feel quite tired now but must push myself to get out and do some gardening .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  12. Hi everyone
    Yes, we got the results today, thankfully no DVT clots. So it's back to the drawing board tomorrow when she goes back to the Drs to have her legs dressed. A care package has been put in place starting Thursday after dinner. We have to see them tomorrow for an assessment.

  13. Evening Ladies

    Goodness-I had hoped to watch some TV tonight but everyone else has plans for me! Bathroom fitter just left, flooring bloke been to confirm tiles/grout etc. Next thing was my crazy (cluttered house) friend asked if she could call round with my birthday card & present (s) so she's due about 7pm. I've had some very "interesting " gifts off her so this should be fun!! I'll let you all know the details tomorrow.
    The weather has changed dramatically so I have the dryer on plus more washing in the machine. I usually leave the washing to dry in the garage but that's not been possible the last few weeks.

    Guess I should have my tea before my friend calls round.


  14. Hello All, Sandra I hope you are feeling much better now.
    I also had Google trouble this morning , had to have eye test at 9.15 , so didn't have time to comment before I left, then this after had to have blood test for several things, hopefully everything OK, didn't need new glasses but have a cataract comming on my right eye.

    Janet your card is lovely, love the little flower spray.
    Michele glad the bathroom is comming on nicely, love my walk in shower.
    Pat hope Doreen's assessment goes well and they sort out adiquate care.
    Val hope you find a cleaner, couldn't manage without mine, they do my whole house from top to bottom, but they don't move furniture, they would but I would have to pay more. We always have a tidy up before they come so they can get straight on with the cleaning.
    We'll have a good evening all, see you in the morning, xxxLilian

  15. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Third time lucky comments gone floating around cybra space.
    JANET your card is gorgouse I love the papers you have used so pretty. Hope your knit & natter went well..
    VAL hope your advert had some impact for a cleaner good luck.
    Hope you feel better after going to Tie Chi hope you sleep well to night.
    MARIA please take care moving all the kitchen things to the garage make sure they are not too heavy.Hope you sleep better tonight Hug's.
    I started my cc nealy finished it so will finish tomorrow.
    MICHELE glad your bathroom looking good not long only 3 sleeps then it's finished. Hope you had good catch up with your friend. X
    SANDRA I hope your migraine has gone now,& Lucy isbetter sending you both Big Hug's. Nealy finish my cc so will send it with my guilty secrets tomorrow.
    Well OH has just given me a cup of tea so I will say good night & God bless
    Hug's Lynda xxx
