
Monday 9 May 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought I would keep it really simple this week as I will be doing another challenge in the week. This sketch is a good way of using up bits of card in your 'bit box' or in my case 'bit boxes' !!
You could also use bits of ribbon, or whatever you like, don't forget if you don't have a fork tail flag die you could use the corner of a square die to do the same job.
I am hoping To do a 'girly' version of the challenge card today, mind you as iam writing this I am suffering with the onset of a migraine, so we will see how the day progresses!
I have no time to lay down mind, its a busy month for blog birthdays this month, we have our Michele's on Wednesday, then Maria's on the 27th !!

I hope to get the little parcels out to the ladies from Fridays draw too, so a busy day ahead, which is a good thing as Paulis at work, busy mind means less anxiety!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend in the sunshine, I sat out in the garden while Paul cut the grass, it was so warm, it makes you feel so much brighter, Lucy wasn't playing along though, she didn't want to sit outside but I managed to get her to spend the whole day in the lounge rather than shut away in her bedroom, clean bedding and windows flung wide open to cleanse the germs away!!

That's all from me for now,
Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card card Sandra-hopefully I'll manage at least one card. I have a few ideas already.

    Our meal last night was great-the food was excellent & our ex neighbours are good company. We got home just after 9.30, I put the hedgehog food out. Had s quick shower then we realised another series of Law & Order SVU had started on Sky so we watched that then I stupidly decided I had to finish my book so it was 11.40 before I turned the light out. Lay awake for ages then woke up at 5am and haven't really slept since then. I think an early night is required tonight.


    1. Hi Michele, glad you enjoyed last nights evening out. Hope the bathroom is coming on well.
      Love Val x

    2. Hi Michelle
      I'm glad you had a lovely evening.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and All, dull again here and rain forecast for later.
    Love your card and the sketch, be good to delve into all those "precious " bits of left over paper.
    Back on diet today, no refunded carbs, which is ok once you get past the first week.
    Have a good day all ,hugs Lilian

    1. Lillian, Thank you, you made me laugh, Love the thought of refunded carbs. You could set up a new business. xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      You've got my trouble, refunded carbs. That's a new one on me.

    3. Hi Lillian snap I started my diet too today ( doctors orders ) good luck
      With it. I could do with a diet chef to prepare my dinners haha
      Lynda xx

  3. That should read refined carbs!!!

    1. Ha ha Lilian, I thought it was a diet I hadn't heard of. Hope it goes well.
      Love Val x

    2. Lilian, don't think I could be without the carbs
      I like my pasta to much. Good luck anyway xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    An easy CC this week and so will fit in nicely with everything I've got to do!

    It's a shame that Lucy wouldn't sit out in the garden but at least she was with the Family. Please give her some gentle hugs from me.

    MICHELE- good luck with the bathroom this week. I hope the men meet their targets for you.

    We have a beautiful start to the day here. Sunshine and no wind so perhaps it will be a little warmer than yesterday as we didn't seem to get the predicted temps.

    Have one or two crafty things I want to start. I've got some tags to store my lace on so they need covering and I have to make a start on June Bday cards. It's also Mr Tesco morning so a busy day ahead.

    Everything is up and running in the Cafe. I've changed the table cloths for nice green checked ones with some lovely green/yellow patterned serviettes paper ones of course as Heaven only knows what the Huggles would do with material ones.

    Hugs are waiting for everyone who pops through the door and I've sent some extra off to Sheila who is really missed. Where are you Dear Friend?

    1. You have to come down her for the heat, quite balmy so it might be thunder later on. Love the new table cloths and serviettes. No Norah, No huggies any more and I miss Sheila too. xxx

    2. I was thinking the same about Sheila, hope she is alright. Also Norah maybe her huggles are playing her up, sending virtual hugs to all of our missing friends. xx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies, do hope by now your migraine has cleared up Sandra. I used to have them so often when I was younger so I can sympathise with you. You really do need to go to bed and keep still in a dark room. Do hope you feel ok this morning.
    Todays challenge is great. I actually lifted my Christmas stash out of the wardrobe yesterday and put it in an accessable place so lots of small bits of paper to use up.
    Hope both Lucy and Linda are feeling brighter today.
    Housework day today. Every week it seem to take me longer as I get slower. Seriously thinking of advertising for a cleaner.
    Enjoy your day ladies. Hope it's sunny near you. My son and I did our usual Sunday Skype last night. He lives in North Wales and he was actually sitting in the garden whilst he Skyped. The sky was blue and cloudless. Lovely to see.
    Bye for now.
    Love Val x

  6. Margaret Palmer9 May 2016 at 10:40

    Hi Sandra & all in the cafe,
    Sandra nice easy card again I think, will try & get it done today. Hope your migraine is not too bad, take it easy. Hugs on way xxx
    Dull & overcast at the moment trying to rain, we have a tournament at Boule tomorrow & guess what rain is forecast all day so think it will be cancelled.
    Must get on with housework so will send hugs to all who need them especially Lynda love Margaret xxx.

    1. Thank you MARGARET your so very kind & thank you soooo much for
      Your lovely card I received this morning,bought a tear too my eye.Can I adopt you please.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, we have a lovely day here at least for now, you never know what the weather will be especially living in Scotland, we can get the four seasons in one day!
    I really hope to do the challenge card this week, take care everyone, xxx

    1. Sending you some warmth from here for you and the others :-) Hope you have a good day xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone in the Cafe,

    Sandra I hope your migraine has eased, I suffered with them for years, and they always left me feeling quite washed out for a few days. So please take it easy, because you're not going to want to be pushing yourself . LOL
    How is Lucy today? pleased she came out of her room, shame she didn't make it to the garden, but at least she had a change of surroundings and went back to a bedroom that was nice and freshly aired. How is Sophie coping with the pressure? Hope everything is going well for her. Sending those girls gentle hugs and best wishes for their continued success. XX

    LYNDA hope you are taking things easy and doing is Terry tells you to do, just take it steady. Big HUGS on their way to you. xx

    This weeks CC is interesting. With lots of thoughts going through my head, and what ifs. Wishing everyone lots and lots of inspiration, I know you will come up with some amazing designs, i'll just feed on your inspiration girls XX

    Had a great time outside yesterday, I cleaned and treated two of our garden benches, would've done them sooner but there is still a lot of work going on in our neighbours house, builders have finished most of the outside work now so I can give some attention to the garden, also planted up a couple of tubs. Might be able to get back out there again this afternoon, hope so anyway.

    Take care everyone, thinking of you all and some of our missing friends,

    1. Oops I accidentally pressed publish - what a daft thing to do (don't answer that)
      Sending love to everyone, Brenda XXX

    2. Hi Brenda, have a nice day and just take care when in the garden. We have also a lot to do but first it was too wet and now it's too hot! hihi hugs xxx

    3. Hi Brenda
      When I press publish I then have to go to google and sign in. I mostly forget to press publish again. So when I go to the top of the comments my comment ends up as a reply, usually under Janet. Age must think I'm barmy. Then again thinking about it I probably am.

    4. Hi BRENDA yes taking it easy at least I will know what's what on Thursday after ECG. So fingers crossed .You take it easy too Brenda.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. How annoying, I haven't commented for almost a week then when I did yesterday morning my comment isn't there! Now I'm not sure whether I didn't press publish or it did the usual vanishing trick bit it's so annoying as I had caught up on all of you ladies comments over the week and responded in my comment. So frustrating! Anyway I will be checking this one after publishing it.
    We had a lovely get away, the weather was lovely too. Spent a lot of time just relaxing on the decking watching the birds, squirrels etc in the woodland all around our cabin...wonderful.
    Sandra, I am sorry to hear that you had/have a migraine. I do hope it has gone now my lovely. Poor Lucy, having glandular fever. It often strikes just as exams come around, just to add to the stress. Please give her my love and wishes for a quick recovery, bless her. Im looking forward to seeing you on Wed, and I hope to join in the cc this week and any extra challenges that are set. Take care my lovely x
    Pat, I do hope Doreen is sorted very soon so that you can get away and relax knowing she is being cared for properly. Have you made a decision about which surgeon you want to do your hip? I hope it's not giving you too much pain my lovely friend. Take care x
    Lynda, you certainly had a shock when you saw the doc and they gave your their diagnosis, bless you. Sending big hugs and orders not to do too much, please. Unlimited hugs from Harry would be very good treatment for the high blood pressure wouldn't they. Glad that you had some extra ones because son forgot his keys, maybe you could hide them when they come to visit next time so you can get more hugs : ) please take good care x
    Maria, I hope you are feeling OK today, are you starting to pack up the kitchen bits that you don't often use, or are you going to do it all in one go nearer to the 23rd? Lol after yourself x
    Michele, it sounds like the fitters are getting on well, I hope you enjoy yourself today too. Take care x
    Janet, the Cafe looks wonderful with the pretty fresh tablecloths and serviettes. I hope you manage to make a start on Junes cards, you are so organised, do you fancy coming and sorting me out, hi hi Take care x
    Liliayousorry to hear you have a grey day outside, I will send some of our sun down to you. Good luck with your diet, I had a giggle when I read about the refunded carbs (shame we can't end the ones we don't want back and get a refund, isn't it) : ) Take care x
    Val, the house work takes me so long now, I used to do 2 houses in one day, now I can do 1 room a day. Will it be easy to find a good cleaner where you are? If you can why not get one, you have done your fair share, now sit back and let someone else do it for you. Take it steady today. Take care x
    My hugs to all in the Cafe today with the extras for all of n need. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue, pleased you has a restful break, it is so relaxing watching the wild life, and am sure did you the world of good.
      Pleased you are safely home xx

    2. Hi Sue, glad you had a lovely relaxing break. Really does you good doesn't it?
      So many people are looking for jobs over here that I think it's quit easy to get a cleaner . It's just finding the right one I suppose. Trustworthy, reliable and good at cleaning I suppose.
      Love Valx

    3. Hi Sue
      I'm glad you had a lovely break. Doreen still not sorted and I'm still taking her every other day to have her legs dressed, hope to see you on Wed,

    4. Hi Sue pleased you enjoyed your break sounded lovely,nothing more relaxing than listening to the birds singing & sun of course.
      Yes I will be glade when it's Thursday & have the ECG TEn I will know what's what.
      Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone. Another great sketch, and I love your card too Sandra. Will try to take part again this week, but after sitting down this morning to craft and getting absolutely nowhere, I feel a few days break from it is on the cards to get my mojo back! ;-)
    I have decided that the selling of my cards in the shop isn't for me at this time :-( Too much going on to be able to commit at the moment, maybe one day...... (Thanks again for yesterday's replies)
    I hope your migraine has gone Sandra and you're taking it easy, and everyone is well and having a good day :-)
    Hugs to all xxx

  11. I was just going to say good morning to you all and realised it gone past 1 so Good Afternoon Sandra and everyone :-) I hope is good or at least better your migraine, bless you. Take it easy and hugs. Hugs special goes also to Lucy and to Lynda, I hope you both feeling better today. Val, a cleaner for you might be a good idea. It takes me a few days to do the whole house, no it's not a mansion lol. but with fibromyalgia I have been told to pace myself, what a lot of bull. Yes Sue, I am packing (welcome home again,good you had a nice break.Did you have a good B-day ? ) I have been in the garage and got a big box on wheels where I going to put plates etc. etc. I have so much stuff ! and of course my crafting section will be gone for weeks so need to put something together to have in the lounge. The CC looks fun and your card Sandra is lovely, beautiful papers used. Will have a look in my bit boxes, more then one here too hihi
    I wish you all have a lovely day, I must go and continue tidying up (sort of) to make room in the garage for the fridge/ freezer we having in there for a while and other "stuff" and also a lot will have to go on the patio for the time being. love and Bamse hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi MARIA have you chosen your kitchen then so it's all go then . When do they actual start work.
      Thanks for your Hug's they really help.
      Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I hope you migraine is getting better and that Lucy if feeling a bit more perky. Like today's challenge, but I'm not to sure that I'll have time to make one. Had a call from Occupational Therapy to see if Doreen could get on and off of the bed that had been put in for Ellis. Plus to bring a commode for her to use. Plus I've sorted out her pendant alarm. she's been paying £22.00 per week through the council. Privately it's £5.23 per week. So it's going to be changed over to private. It's the same company just not paying the council for it. Plus they still don't know whether she'll be looked at home or in respite. However, they need to come and look at it. That'll be for me again to sort out, so it will wait until we come back from London and Harwich. Didn't see any winners names on Friday but that just might be me.

    1. Oh Pat, You are having a trial with Doreen please take care of yourself. Hugs on way xxx

    2. Oh Pat, the problems yo're having. You'd think one person could take over her case and sort everyone out. Or is that to much like common sense. When is it that you go away?
      Take care Pat.
      Love Val x

    3. Hi Pat must be so frustrated for you trying to get thing organised for Doreen please take care.
      Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Val and Margaret
    Yes, Val you would think common sense would take over, but there's not much about at the moment. We've just spend 1hr in the Drs having her legs dressed, plus the Dr looking at her swollen upper legs. It's being arranged that she has an Untrasound scan on her upper legs to see if the swelling is caused by Thrombosis again. If the hospital haven't rung me by 11.30 then I have to ring them. Plus back to the Drs to have her legs dressed again. That's going to be a long job. However, wherever she is the district nurse will have to visit. Hopefully we should hear whether she's going home with a full care package or going into respite tomorrow. It's a good job the problems started with her legs so it's forced someone to do something about some care for her. If we weren't going away I would have booked one double quick fir a rest.
    Fingers crossed we meet up this week, and Pete can take Doreen to the Drs instead of me.

  14. Good evening SANDRA & everyone
    Sorry late again kept dosing off most of the day.we had to pop tesco I wanted some salad stuff. Starting my diat today as doctors orders. Oh well given me a kick up the bum I need to loose a few stones. You 😱. I had to use my spray while in Teso. It's a bit scary.I will be glad when Thursday comes for my ECG then I will know what's whats hopefully.
    SANDRA the CC is interesting this week your card is lovely I must do one this
    time. Well I'm off to bed so will say good night God Bless
    Love Lynda xx
