
Sunday 8 May 2016

Sketch Challenge Card

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

 Janet's Challenge card

Lilian's Challenge card

 Margaret's Challenge Card

 Maria's Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge Card

Michele's 2nd Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Anne's Challenge Card

 Ciara's Challenge Card

Brenda's Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Hopefully we are in for another beautiful Spring day today, plenty of sunshine, its surprising how good it makes you feel, I have asked Paul to put a reclyning chair in the garden for Lucy, so that she can sit and revise in the sunshine and absorb a little vitamin D at the same time.  I would like to craft in the garden but there is always too much of a breeze! 

Another lovely display of Challenge cards, thank you ladies for making the time to take part.

Janet, I love everything about your challenge card this week, the colour combination is fab, I think that we all love that blue and white.  I recognise the Phoenix Gemini Die from Creative Expressions, I am not sure of the frame die that you have used, it looks like a Tonic die, I am sure Janet will set me straight!! I would love to know what the background paper is that you have used.  Thank you Janet xxx

Lilian, you know how much I love this card, I have used the papers that you have used, I believe its a Papermania Vintage Notes, a really pretty paper pad, sadly no longer available. The beautifully coloured rose fits perfectly with the colour and style of the card, all finished with a delicate pink pretty bow. Thank you Lilian xxx

Margaret, you have created a fabulous Man card, I love that you can use the sketch to make the cards that you need to make. The Anna Marie Papers you have used work perfectly with the sketch, I hope RJ loved the card as much as I do, thank you xxx

Maria, your challenge card is just beautiful, the die that you have used for the focal image is gorgeous, mounted on a Spellbinuder Floral Oval die cut, the centre panel in finished with those lovely Art Deco style corners, the ribbon down the side ties in perfectly with the rest of the card.  Thank you xxx

Michele, 2 fabulous Christmas Cards from you this week, both of them are so bright and cheerful, I love the embossed background on the bauble card, that border is stunning too, is it a Memory Box die? , the Christmas Tree card is so lovely, I love how you have tied the colour of the tree into the matting and layering, it gives such a professional finish, the holographic background works well too!! So that's 2 cards in each challenge this week, thank you so much, will it be 3 next week?! Haha xxx

Sonia, your card is amazing, I love the colours, this is a good unisex card, you have used the border die from the classic Bow Die Set, which is a really versatile die for anything from Handbag handles to borders for men's cards as it has no frilliness!
The frame you have used looks like the Auckland Die from the New Zealand Collection by Creative Expressions, I hadn't really considered this die before but having seen your card I think I NEED it! Thank you so much xxx

Val, gorgeous card, love the background paper, so spring like and pretty, the Sentiment from Creative Expressions is lovely, a really handy die to have in your collection, the background die has me stumped, I love it though, please put me out off my misery! Lol
Those two perfectly placed butterflies finish your design perfectly, thank you xxx

Anne, your fabulous card looks like a book at first glance, I love that border you have used down the side of the card, the image is so sweet, you have so amazing images in your collection, is this from a CD ROM? as the background papers work so perfectly with your main image. The black jute bow is the perfect finishing touch to your card Anne, thank you so much xxx

Ciara, what a beautiful card from you this week, I love the cute Lilli of the Valley image you have used, it looks as though you have made your own shaped frame to fit into your embossed background panel too, you are so very talented when it comes to making cards Ciara, you have used distress inks to make your image blend perfectly into the background too, thank you so much sweetheart for taking part in the challenge, it look forward to seeing one of your cards each week, they always make me smile, thank you once again Ciara xxx

Brenda, I love this card, the dies may be older but they just don't 'date' do they, I believe that lattice die was the first die that Sue Wilson designed (for Spellbinders) it seems like that was only a few months ago! The card is finished so beautifully with that gorgeous shade of Seam Binding and your handmade flowers spray, I love that leaf ribbon too!  Thank you for taking part xxx

Now onto Fridays Draw.....there are 5 Sue Wilson cards to give away, but I am going to send each of you a that took part a little something, so you may have to put up with a Sandra original instead, each with a little something extra, just to show my appreciation for your time and continued support. Hope that's OK xxx

I will be back tomorrow with another Challenge and I may do another mini challenge through the week, if you are all up for it?! Xx

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely collection of challenge cards. Isn't it great that we all make something so different after seeing the same sketch?
    I'd love another mini challenge Sandra, it makes you use stuff & get thinking so bring it on!!
    I'm amazed at your encyclopaedic knowledge of the products especially dies that we've all used.
    We have a lovely sunny day here in Southport, think we're going to do some more gardening this afternoon then we're off out for a meal with our ex neighbours . They're such good company so they evening should be very enjoyable.


    1. Hi Michelle
      Enjoy your meal with your ex neighbours.

  2. Good Sunday morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Sorry I was not in yesterday but my sleepless nights did catch me out and I slept for a whole day. I and a few of us understand how you feel Val when Mr Sandman is going pass us at times and then he drop's a whole bag full.
    Karen - The Mona Lisa art by Origami pieces is just that, Art ! She must have a fantastic eye for making it and must have taken her month's if not longer to make.
    Janet - your altered Box is Gorgeous ! I love the laces you have used and the flowers are pretty. it's not you in the frame by any chance ?
    Oh Sonia - the Memory Book for your Parents turned out Beautifully ! Not wonder they loved it, it is a very special thing you have made over the last few month's and it turned out perfect. So many happy memories all the way to today with you all around them. So glad you all had a lovely day together ! and 'the cake' :-)
    Open the doors this morning is a wonderful feeling to see so many wonderful cards out of one sketch. Wonderful papers, EF's and Images, even some x-mas ones.
    Ann's look like a note book with it's spiral side, Ciara, you have made a lovely card again, sweet image and Sonia, you have made up my mind that I need more dies hihi and Val have been busy sticking down the beads, can't see anyone missing tihi
    I have a lot of stickers still and not using them very often so that is my centre flowers in black. I like this Sketch very much.
    I hope our Sue having a good rest and Karen, hope to meet up in the later part of June. Everyone welcome !!
    We are having a gorgeous day with temps up to 26 so washing machine is going already with the first batch.
    OH going to see football down London and son is sleeping during the day to keep his sleep pattern ok for when he goes back to work tomorrow night. Meeting a friend for a coffee and weigh-in this morning. Chinese and Toby's Carvery during the week wont help but oooh it was good.
    Lynda, sending you some healing hugs, wish you feel better. Lucy, take it easy, hugs to you too.
    Pat - what was he thinking ?!! Must go back and read your comment again, unbelievable stupid !
    Have a nice day everyone and if you happen to pass by ,do come in and have a coffee/tea and a chat, we love seeing old and new friends. Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. So glad you managed to catch up on your sleep yesterday Maria. I bet you felt so much better. Hope your weigh in goes ok and enjoy that lovely sun.
      Love Val x

    2. Hi MARIA thank you for the Hug's much appreciate. Glad you had a good sleep yesterday. Good luck with your weigh in. I have to start my diet tomorrow giving the 5 - 2 one ago again or might do it for three days ( 500 calaries each day 😁 ) then eat normal for rest. Enjoy your coffee with your friend . Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Maria
      I'm glad you were able to catch up on your sleep. I ought to start a diet sometime soon before we go away in June. Where do I start I wonder. Wonder how Lynda's diet works. I'm away in June from the 17-26 if your meeting up with Karen after the 26th, I'll see what I can do.

  3. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,
    I'm sure Sandra that sitting out in the sunshine will do Lucy the world of good. Do hope she's feeling a bit better now she's taken her meds for a couple of days.
    Wonderful selection of beautiful cards again ladies. Michele you must have most of your Christmas cards made by now. Great idea.
    I love the LOTV image you've used Ciara. Beautiful card. Just love the embossed background.
    The die I've used is yet again one of Joanna Sheens. Can't remember the name sorry but a corner die and matching heart came with it.
    Well after 3 hours in the craftroom yesterday I must admit it doesn't look much different. Another few hours in there today and hopefully I will see some improvement. Once I've finished I'll nip over to you Pat and help tidy up. I think you've all got better weather than me at the moment. Pretty cloudy here today and a couple of spots of rain were falling when I opened up although it's stopped now.
    Meant to say I for one would love a mini challenge. So enjoy them all.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val
      good luck with craft room tidying .When I do mine I put things away & it looks good.Then I go in too do something card or projectsI i can't find anything & gets messed up again so frustrating 🙀.
      HaHa. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val
      Your welcome anytime if your anywhere near Oxfordshire at any time.

  4. Wonderful array of cards Sandra. xxx
    May join in one week, xxxx

  5. Happy Sunday morning everyone,

    Oh my, another wonderful array of gorgeous talents. How we all see things differently is one of the best things about crafting. And just goes to show how much our tastes differ in what we buy and use.
    I apologise for not sending in a card, I have been having such fun getting all my caddies and Fernli goodies glued together and gessoed ready for the most interesting part... the decoration. Watch this space..........

    Woke up this morning with a stuffed up nose and terrible coughing bouts. I thought I'd got rid of this cold, I fear it is back, blast it.
    Give Lucy a big ((((hug for)))) me and I do so hope she is improving.
    Off for my morning cuppa then washing on, strip my bed sheets, quick tidy up of craft room and another play day until the weather improves a bit. I'm trying to get Pete's bench cleaned back to the original wood then I think I may try the timber decking protector instead of Teak Oil. I used that last year and it radically changed the wood from a pale colour to an awful orangey one which I didn't like at all. The bench is made of Indonesian hardwood so perhaps Teak Oil was not the best coating for it. It brings up my oak furniture to a lovely hue.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi CHERYL hope you feel better soon,that virus never seem's too leave us compleatly dose it I have been coughing again for over a week.
      Hope you get Pete' bench done & looks better than the Teak Oil.
      But don't over do it.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      My word that virus doesn't seem to want to go away does it. It seems to be going round in circles.
      Hope you manage to get Pete's bench done and it looks better than the teak oil. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  6. Morning Everyone
    What a gorgeous display on the board this morning and one again all very different. Different themes, colours, dies and papers it's fantastic what one little black/white outline can turn out to be.

    Thank you Maria for opening up for some reason I've slept a little later today perhaps it's things catching up on me.

    The die I used for my CC is a Joanna Sheen one and the paper background is from is from a pack by Shell Rummel - Bloom Beautiful.

    I'm hoping for a quiet day today and if this mist goes like it did yesterday perhaps I might just get outside so fingers crossed.

    I hope Lucy is feeling a little better Sandra and that she's able to get into school tomorrow for her last full week. Please give extra hugs and Good Luck with the Exams.

    Hugs are by the door just waiting to be collected so please help yourselves. xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow such a great selection of beautiful cards. I love popping in on Sunday's to see what everyone has created :-) Each one so unique to the original sketch.
    Sandra, your sketches and challenges, and your own creations are so inspiring. A big Thankyou for that and all you do on the blog :-)
    I did pop in late last night, and I have been been overwhelmed with all of the lovely comments about the memory album - THANK YOU ALL. Your kind words mean so much :-)
    I do have a dilemma and would be very grateful for any advice -
    A lady who is admin on a local craft group I belong to on Facebook is opening a shop and has advertised for people to hire shelf space within the shop to sell their own creations. I had been thinking about requesting more info and then decided that I probably wouldn't have the time to commit. However, after mentioning it to my family yesterday, and after their responses to my cards and creations they said I should definitely give it a go. Trouble is, I wouldn't know where to start with regards to pricing my cards and Angel policies on dies and images. Does or has anyone else sold their creations this way, would love to hear your experiences. Thank you. I emailed the lady last night to show my interest, but think she had a lot of response so will wait to hear back from her.
    I hope everyone is well and has a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      Most companies operate an Angel Policy for their dies etc. There are plenty of images online also with an Angel Policy and even Hunkydory say all of their products operate under this. As long as yo don't claim that you have copyright for your images you are OK to sell on. As to prices I am always stuck too, but following advice form others on Sandra's blog, work out the price of what yo have used, double it and add on however many hours it took you to make. The lady in the shop might well put on a mark-up to cover her costs in the running of the shop. If she gets back to you ask her advice a she would know more about charges. Look around at shows to see prices or on the Internet.
      Hope this helps xxx

    2. Hi Sonia,
      I find selling some cards quite fun as it gives you some pennies to buy new stash but some cards take so long to make there is no way someone would pay for all that time , so I just judge by looking at it what I think it's worth , as at the end of the day it's our hobby , also I take the size of the card and any extras on ( particularly if they want it personalised) into account, so I usually price them between £2.50 - £5.99.hope that's of some help, good luck!

    3. Thank you Cheryl and Anne for your advice. The lady has messaged back with shelf costs, commission details - which are reasonable, and all the other details. Am going to think about it over the next day or two before I make a decision.
      Thanks again.
      Hugs xxx

  8. Morning everyone, a lovely array of challenge cards, everyone so different, I'm sorry I didn't participate this week, I have been so busy at our craft shop, we rearranged the shop about and moved display units and wall hangings, I also was covering my friends craft shop while she took her card classes on Tuesday and Thursday, I was totally done in by the time I got home at night, so nothing crafty was done.
    Have a lovely day everyone, take care, xxx

    1. Hi Jess
      I know your helping your friend but don't go over doing it.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Another gorgeous display of cards, all so different, it really is a treat to open the blog on Sunday mornings and look at everyone's different interpretations of Sandra's sketch.
    I hope Lucy gets out in the sunshine today, it will give her a boost, bless her she certainly needs all the help she can get. xx. I am going out into the garden, have loads of jobs to do out there, it's where do I start.

    Hope everyone has a good day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. It's such a gorgeous day so enjoy your time in the garden. Love yours and Caira's card.

  10. Margaret Palmer8 May 2016 at 12:30

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely selection of cards again, I do love the challenge thank you. Hipe Lucy gets to sit in sun give her a hig from
    After a grey start lovely now so just stopped for a coffee.
    Hihs on way to all who need them especially Lynda lpve Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you MARGARET for the Hug's.really appreciate them.
      Love your cc your card making is amazing for the short time you have been doing it. Glad your enjoying crafting. Hope Pop's is doing ok.x
      Love Lynda xxx

  11. Margaret Palmer8 May 2016 at 14:57

    Sorry for spelling didn't check it till

  12. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Sorry I'm a bit later today I got held up with phone calls this morning and then wanted to get some work done in the garden before my energy disappeared.
    Today's cards are brilliant in all sorts of different ways , I love seeing what ideas others have and I'm never dissappointed, Ciara I also love LOTV images , you have made a beautiful card with a lovely embossed background.
    Sandra, my card was made from a Heartfelt Creations pad "Winking Frog" they are so easy and effective to use, all the frames are printed out for you, I hope the sunshine helps Lucy and she manages to get some studying done.
    I have to go and make shortbread now to take to Torridon tomorrow for craft day.
    I wonder what challenge Sandra has for us tomorrow , I do enjoy them all.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Must have a look for that pad Anne, love the frog theme.

  13. What beautiful cards ladies It's a good job you don't have to pick a favourite SANDRA because they are all fantastic
    Going back to Mona Lusa I think she got the pattern from YouTube - a little bit like a knitting pattern in that you read row by row
    The weather here is miserable!
    Sounds interesting this FB thing SONIA I'll be interested to see how you get on I sound a bit like you in that I do not sell my cards anywhere but I do have a small stash of cards that need homes
    I think I'm going to go and put my feet up and get the knitting out!

  14. Hello All , cloudy but warm here.
    Have just come in from doing a bit in the garden, still a lot to do.
    The cards are all fabulous, glad Sandra remembered the paper, because I couldn't remember what it was. I have a habit of keeping papers and not using them, that's the good thing about the challenge, makes you look at your stash again. Ciara love the topper you have used, great colouring.
    I agree with you Sandra, I think sunshine is a great healer.
    Lynda hope you feeling a bit better each day, I have to go back on my diet again tomorrow, as I've put on six pounds since I've started eating bread again.
    Going to put my pork in the halogen cooker for dinner, like to do it low and slow.

    Have a good evening, might pop in later. Lilian

  15. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    Sorry I didn't get my challenge card too you I started it last night but I didn't finish it till Ten o clock & you would have done all your posting for it to go live this morning for the cc. Never mind I will try harder next week & get back in a routine. This week has been very trying & all up in the air with one thing & another going on.
    Anyway All the CC are wonderful again you have all done a amazing job ladies & all different. SANDRA hope LUCY is starting to feel better with her meds & collecting lot's of vitamin D rays from the gorgeous sun we are having last couple of days sending her some healing Hug's xx.
    I have commented on way down. Must go & see how the leg of lamb is doing for dinner ( sorry Matt )
    Lots of love Lynda xxx

    1. Take care Lynda, gentle hugs on the way to you.

    2. Hi Lynda, hope this week will be a better one for you, don't go pushing yourself to hard. Enjoy the lamb. xx

    3. Hi Lynda, hope you enjoyed the lamb. Do take care over the coming week and ask Terry to look after you for us xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Well I hope that Lucy is improving by the minute, what with her medication and this beautiful sunshine were having.
    What a fabulous selection of cards the ladies have made this week. I just haven't had the time this week, as I'm down the Drs with Doreen so she can have her legs dressed every other day. Plus Pete had, and still has appointments at the hospital. I wonder if I'll be able to make one this week?.

    1. Oh Pat you must make some time for yourself or you will be ill......Take care and hugs to you and Pete, hope Doreen be all right xxx
