
Saturday 14 May 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

 Janet's Daughter's Winter Goddess

 Christina's Winter Goddess

Christina's Willow Peacock (frame) tbc....

Angela's Beautiful Boxed Card

Angela's Gorgeous Card

Lynda's Beautiful Altered Box

Lynda's Altered box (side)

Lynda's Gorgeous Floral Box (top)

Michele's Kipling Bag 
Birthday Gift

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I am so excited to share with all of you some of these most beautiful crafts, all designed and created by our very talented friends here in the Cafe !!

First up is the most amazing Natural Sculpture, the willow Winter Goddess, designed and created by our Janet's daughter Christina, it as you can imagine has taken months of work, a true labour of love.  As you can see Christina has used only natures own gifts to construct and decorate the Winter Goddess, her beautiful crown has been created using, Pine Cones, Teasels, Honesty seed heads and Twisted willow, an utterly breathtaking design.  I don't doubt that this sculpture would cost hundreds of pounds, I can see it standing at the entrance of a high end Garden Centre, we have a lot of those around here, your Sculpture would fit in perfectly Christina.
I cannot wait to see Mr Peacock when he is finished, I know he will be equally as beautiful.
Christina I cannot thank you enough for allowing us to see your wonderful sculptures, Janet thank you so much for sharing Christina's work with us, you must be a very proud Mum xxx

Angela has created our next gorgeous gift.  A beautifully decorated 'Thank Ewe' card, I just love that adoreable sheep image Angela, the box you made to present the card in is equally as beautiful, that perfect flower and ribbon is all it needed, so pretty Angela, I am not surprised that your Outgoing WI President loved the card, anyone would love to receive such a beautiful gift.  Thank you so much for sharing with us xxx

Lynda, your Altered box is just beautiful, the laces that you have used on the sides of the box are perfectly adorned with that pretty pearl trim. The top of the box is just stunning, you have placed those metal butterflies perfectly in amongst those beautiful flowers, I cannot believe this is just your second piece of 'Altered' or 'Mixed Media Art, I cannot wait to see what you create next, thank you so much for allowing me to share your amazing work. xxx

Last up we have a little peek at one of Michele's birthday gifts, a lovely Kipling Handbag, I love the summery colour Michele, thank you for sharing your gift with us, I look forward to seeing what you spend your birthday money on xxxx

Wow ladies, an outstanding selection of crafts this week, thank you all so very much xxx

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Wow-Christina, your sculptures are stunning. Looking forward to seeing Mr Peacock when he's complete.

    Angela & Lynda-beautiful altered boxes, both very pretty.

    We have a lovely sunny day here already. I'm going to the shops early then am going to relax in my craft room & start the sketch challenge card then think about the Bokeh challenge card.
    We have a fully functioning bathroom now, just a couple of minor things to complete then the flooring is going in one day next week-yippee!!!!


    1. Hi Michele
      I'm glad your bathroom is virtually finished.

    2. Hi Michele thank you for liking my box .i love your bag & the colour is so summary. Glad bathroom is almost finished.xx

  2. Good Morning Sandra, wow lovely mixed crafts today, very cleaver ladies, the willow sculptures are truly amazing, Angela your card and box are delightful.
    Lynda your box is a really WOW.

    Up early as am really wishing I didn't have to go out today, I know I'm truly a coward, also hate driving, still it has to be done.
    Hope you all have a really lovely day, weather is not looking too bad.

    Sorry for the ramble lately. Hugs

    1. Margaret Palmer14 May 2016 at 07:59

      Lilian just remember we are all behind you, think of the good times you had. The blog is all about helping each other so don't worry about rambling as you call it. Take care will be thinking of you Falmouth is lovely, hugs on w way love Margaret xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer14 May 2016 at 08:00

      Lilian just remember we are all behind you, think of the good times you had. The blog is all about helping each other so don't worry about rambling as you call it. Take care will be thinking of you Falmouth is lovely, hugs on w way love Margaret xxx

    3. Margaret Palmer14 May 2016 at 08:01

      Lilian just remember we are all behind you, think of the good times you had. The blog is all about helping each other so don't worry about rambling as you call it. Take care will be thinking of you Falmouth is lovely, hugs on w way love Margaret xxx

    4. Lilian, I wish you have a nice day and your drive is good. Have fun and remember all the happier times you had with your sister. Sending you a big hug xxx

    5. Hi Lilian
      Hope you have a lovely day out, just remember all the good times you ramble away as much as you like. It's good to share, and that's what we're for. I've done it enough times as well.

    6. Hi Lillian hope your day goes wall remember all the happy times you had with your sister thinking of you. Thank you for liking my box.sending you Big Hug's xxx

    7. Hi Lilian, I always think life is a series of FIRSTS and the first time you do something you don't want to is always the hardest then it gets easier. I'm sure you have so many happy memories to talk and laugh about.
      Take care and drive carefully.
      Love Val x

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Wow ! Janet what beautiful willow sculptures your daughter Christine has created , they are wonderful, we had similar types on show in Inverewe Gardens near us which we enjoyed admiring and wondered just how long it took their creator to make , fantastic artistry, your daughter is so talented, I look forward to seeing the peacock when finished, Thankyou for sharing with us. xo
    Angela your boxed card is so pretty and cute!
    Lynda , I love the flowers on the top of your box , did you make them? I also think the lace trim is lovely , I wonder what treasures will be kept in there?
    Lilian I hope your day goes well xo
    I had a frustrating day yesterday as I took hours to make a card ( sailing theme) and then when I checked the order requested , it was fishing and art , for 1card and golf and fishing for the other one , so my fault and I had to start again , decided I would use a fishing scene on the La Pashe cd ( for speed ) what a joke , the computer decided to play up ( it's Iain's and I can only work an iPad , so I was no help) so then spent ages finding something else suitable and adapting it , came downstairs to prepare dinner and then Iain produced the scene I originally wanted, so now I have the makings and half finished bits of three cards, but by then I was too tired to bother, so I have to get them done today , golf this morning but can't decide whether to go or not as my knee is still aching after Wednesday's exploits ! Too many things to do with so little time , don't know how I ever managed to work ha ha !
    Well girls I hope you all have a great weekend doing whatever you enjoy, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      What a frustrating day you've had re the cards. I also wonder how I fitted work in. Hope your knee feels better soon.

    2. I bet you felt like screaming Anne. Do hope your knee feels good enough for golf. I think fortunately many of us pensioners have such full lives that we couldn't fit in working again and really wouldn't want to ha ha.
      Enjoy your day.
      Love Valx

    3. Hi Anne thank you for liking my box I did make some of the flowers.I was really pleased with it,it's nice trying something different. Oh what a nightmare your having with your two cards hope they turn out ok in the end & your pleased with them. Rest your knee.
      Hug's xx

    4. Thanks girls, I felt better coming off the golf course than going on, and I really enjoyed it, I just took some pain killers, I played quite well so better go and finish the cards while I'm feeling good .xoxo

    5. Glad you enjoyed your golf, good luck with the cards.

  4. Morning Everyone
    ANGELA- I love your beautiful card and matching box. Your Lamb is so cute and I hope that your recipient really loved it. A true work of art.
    LYNDA- What a gorgeous box. I would love this to stand on one of my shelves. You have used my favourite lace and of course flowers are always a winner with me.
    MICHELE- Thank you for showing me your new handbag. One I would love to have. I love the summer colour.

    Christina had made one or two small sculptures in willow at The Eco Centre near them but then decided that she would love to have a go at something more challenging. She had some Christmas money last year and went on a one day course at the Centre and asked for guidance on what to do re large pieces. This is the end result of nearly a year's work -not working on her every day of course as other things get in the way like lambing, calving and looking after all the poorly animals sent to her. The Winter Goddess will stand in the large border in her courtyard garden when she has found something suitable to stand her on instead of this old dining chair. Hope you all like her.

    Off to meet Jim's Niece and her two children this morning for out fortnightly meet up and after that probably a quiet afternoon to recover lol.
    Everything is ready and waiting for you all to pop in.
    Hugs are also ready and waiting to be taken. xxxx

    1. Janet please tell Christina how lovely it is, I can well imagine the work involved, thank you for showing us & please let us see the peacock when finished. Have a lovely time with family. xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I must say I admire her work. These sculptures are simple wonderful.
      On the other side of Witney someone has a sculpture of a horse halfway over their hedge at the back of the house. It's brown so I don't know whether it's wood or metal, but it looks lovely.

    3. Hi Janet WOW you have a very talented daughter it's amazing,looking forward too seeing the peacock when finished Thank Christina for sharing.
      Thank you for your kind comment on my box I loved trying something new. Have a nice day. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Janet - your daughter have made an amazing Art piece of the Winter Goddess and the Peacock looks great, love to see it when finished. Do tell her I love it :-)
    Angela - Stunning box and card !
    Lynda - wow, your box look amazing ! Love how you put all the flowers together and of course some butterflies !
    Glad your ECG was all right, take care x
    Michele - nice handbag, like the colour and plenty of room for all the girlie things :-)
    Brenda - sending you some healing hugs and hope you feeling a lot better pronto.
    Pat - what a ridicules system reg. the money for Doreen. How are you suppose to do for helping paying for things. Have you got the power of attorney ? It might help if you have....
    Margaret - I need the stitched lattice die, now ! hihi
    John Lockwood have a gorgeous card made by it in blue but maybe an idea for the card you want to make.
    OH getting annoyed hihi better get going ,we are going for a walk outside MK so we take the car first then the walk and a coffee place at the end. Take care everyone,
    love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you have a lovely walk. We're off to London for 4 days on Monday, as my hip is really playing up at the moment I'm not to sure how I'll fare. I rang the Drs yesterday to ask for some stronger painkillers. So we'll see how I do. No, I haven't got power of attorney for Doreen and Ellis. But she was on about adding my name to her accounts so I could transfer money between them. But like everything else she hasn't bothered to go down with me to do it. The Post Office situation is ridiculous. That's obviously why they gave quite a bit of money in it, and keep transferring money from a bank savings account yo their current one.

    2. Enjoy your walk and coffee Maria.
      Love Valx

    3. Hi Maria
      aww thank you for you lovely comment on my box loved doing something different so I had to have butterflies on it haha.
      enjoy your walk Maria Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    My word what stunning mixed art we have today. Janet what a beautified Winter Goddess and Peacock Christina has made. She's certainly very talented. Not to sure how she found the time as well as running the farm. That's enough hard work in itself. I hope she makes sure it's anchored down well if she puts it in her garden.
    Lynda what a beautiful box you've made as well. I just wouldn't know where to begin. Angela I love the card and box you've made as well. Your bag you had for your birthday is lovely Michele.

    1. Hi Pat. Do hope you manage to get some stronger pain killers so you can enjoy well deserved breat in London, pain free. Also hope that everything is sorted out with Doreen so you can go away and enjoy yourself without having worries on your mind.
      Have you started packing yet?
      Love Valx

    2. Thank you Pat for your lovely comment on my box
      I loved doing something different.
      Hope you get some stronger pain relief for your hip you will need them if your walking a lot in London.where are you staying in London.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi ladies
      I have stronger pain killers but i'm not to sure they're going to do any good. Paul took Sandra and I to Anna Marie's in Moreton in the Marsh this afternoon. I took painkillers at 1.15 and i was walking better at 5.15 just when I was supposed to take the next lot. I'm on paracetamol and codeine. We're staying in the President in Russell Square with friends of ours Pat and Pauline. Staying 4 days instead of 3 this time. No packing done yet, however, I always have to take double of everything for Pete, just in case. Just in case of what I'm not to sure. Come home Thursday evening, and straight off to Harwich on Friday morning.

  7. OMG How stunning The sculptures are beautiful CHRISTINE I hope they get displayed in somewhere equally as beautiful (in pride if place I might add) another beautiful card from ANGELA and LYNDA a stunning box I think I must get an MDF piece as both you and SANDRA inspire me What a beautiful gift MICHELE another craft I'd like to get into, back to sewing and to make bags
    I can confess now that we are back that I have been away We went to New York - a place that was on my bucket list A surprise gift given to me by OH on our Ruby Wedding anniversary in April It'd been planned and booked prior to my daughter announcing she was pregnant! Can't wait to see your creations for the sketch tomorrow and what's this about Bokeh... I've obviously missed this post...?

    1. Hi Karen
      I expect you had a fabulous time in New York.

    2. WOW Karen what a fantastic surprise from your OH I bet it was brilliant, Did you find any crafty bit's out there.
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my box.
      Hug's xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again a lovely selection of crafts on show. How lovely to see once again something from other members of the family, thank you for
    Angela what a lovely card & box something to
    Lynda well done you your box is beautiful, must have taken a long time, but well worth it. Take care hugs on way xxx
    Michelle what a lovely & useful size handbag. How lovely .to have your bathroom finished enjoy.x x
    Must get on friends in for coffee hugs on way to all who need them, especially Brenda hope you feel better today love Margaret xxxm

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a stunning array of alternative crafts today
    Everyone is gorgeous especially Christine's goddess, what a work of art, you must be very proud of her Janet.
    Take care everyone , xxx

  10. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    First of all sorry didnt get to comment yeaterday. Tried numerous times but just disappeared. Floating up in the sky no doubt. Just loved all of yesterdays goodies.
    What a beautiful array of talent today.
    what an amazing sculpture Janet. Christina has such a wonderful gift. Looking forward to seeing the finished peacock.
    Lynda. Just love you box. So much work I image but a wonderful result. Bet it looks lovely on display.
    Angela I love your card and box. What a lovely sheep image and beautiful flowers. I'm sure whoever receives it will treasure it.
    Michele. I just love your handbag. One of my favourite colours. So glad your bathroom is almost complete and also that you can finally get into your craft room. Enjoy your play time.
    Karen, how lovely to have had a holiday in New York. Did you see all the sights? Bet you had a great time.
    We didnt have a craft class yesterday sadly. Made my cc card which I'll send to you in a moment Sandra. Also had a go at Bokeh but didn't like the result which is now in the bin. Going to look at utube to see if I can get any ideas.
    Meeting Wendy for coffee later for a chat.
    bye for now.
    Love Valx

    1. Thank you Val for your kind comment on my box I think I'm hooked now for more altered art & MDF.
      sorry you didn't have you craft class so did you craft in your C/room instead. Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Meant to say take care Brenda and I hope you feel better soon.

  12. Hello Sandra & everyone
    I have commented on way down, with interruption from OH wanting to use my computer. My I pad is doing my head in as it keeps freezing up or it doesn't publish my comments then they disappear so very annoying.
    We have some bright sunshine but it's really cold & vey windy. Not up to much today think I will stay here in my craft room. I want to have a go at Sandra's mid week challenge & get messy. OH gone up the vet's for more tablet's for Annie. He is back & now asking for his lunch wouldn't mind he can't be hungry he had 4 egg's on toast for his breakfast can you believe.
    So will go & see what he want's. Try & get back later once I get crafting the time has gone Then it will be how long's dinner HAHA
    love Lynda xxxx

  13. Any more info on the Winter Godess? where will it go. I have a
    The altered box is scrummy Lynda, the colours beautiful, what treasures will this hold?

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, Christina's Winter Goddess is amazing - a lot of talent and hard work there, Janet you must be so proud :-)
    Lovely card from Angela, love the image and sentiment. The box is beautiful too :-)
    Stunning box by Lynda - you have mastered altered art and mixed media perfectly. I'm still trying to find the time to have a play with my mixed media goodies, but I love seeing what everyone else creates and it is very inspiring :-)
    Michele, love your new bag. Lovely colour and looks a good size too :-)
    Well, I hope everyone has had a lovely day. I did pop in earlier but didn't have chance to comment. After a busy day am finally sitting sown with a glass of wine, waiting for Britains Got Talent ;-)
    Enjoy your evening everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    WOW Sandra our ladies really have a knack of showing something different. Janet you must be so proud of your daughter. Her Winter Goddess is brilliant. Please can we see a picture when it has a permanent home. Also the beautiful peacock. Christina you are such a very talented young lady. Thank you for allowing us to see your brilliant creations. xx
    Angela your card and box are really lovely, I'm not surprised the lady loved it.xx
    Lynda your box is beautiful, you really have found a new area to show off your amazing talents. xx
    Michele love your Kipling bag. You will enjoy using it. xx
    Well ladies I have been in bed most of the day, got up late afternoon, struggled to make a challenge card. After the third attempt I gave up. SORRY.
    Hope everyone has a good sleep.
    Will try to catch up with you all tomorrow. Love Brenda xxx

  16. Margaret Palmer14 May 2016 at 22:07

    Brenda please take it easy, gentle hugs on way hope you feel better
