
Sunday 15 May 2016

Challenge Cards

 My Challenge Card

The Sketch

 Janet's Challenge Card

 Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge Card

 Margaret's Challenge Card

 Maria's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge (1)

 Michele's Challenge Card

 Sonia's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Ciara's Challenge Card

The very detailed back of Ciara's Card

Good Sunday Morning Craft Friends,

How are you all this fine sunny Sunday Morning?? Well I hope that you are all well and enjoying a lovely relaxing weekend.

A simple challenge design this week I think, I hope that you all found it easy enough, it looks as though you have, judging by the lovely range of cards above you found it a breeze, so maybe a bit more tricky challenge this week !!!!

Janet has used some of her beautiful peacock design papers to compliment that almost spearmint green background card, I love the little bows as the finishing touch Janet, they really add a special touch, thank you so much my lovely for taking part in the challenge xxxx

Lilian, oh how I love those gorgeous papers that you have used for your challenge card this week, such delicate florals mixed with the pretty polka dot paper, beautiful and such a great idea to use the pearl flower trim to add the finishing touch to the card, so pretty, please tell me what the papers are?  
Thank you so much for taking part this week, I know you had that rush order to make up as well xxxx

Lynda, a lovely Christmas card from you this week, that Dove is so pretty, such a bright and cheerful card, love the polka dot paper! Thank you so much my lovely, I know you have a lot on at health wise at the moment, sending hugs xxxx

Margaret, a lovely Christmas card from you too, I love how you have matched the gorgeous gold background and the ribbon and pretty bow, your flags are fab too with the Christmas images on each of them, thank you so much my lovely for taking part xxxx

Maria, I love, love, love the papers you have used for your challenge card, some of them look almost tie dyed and 60's!! This card would be great for either ladies or gents, particularly as you have used a butterfly and not a flower, thank you so much for taking part xxxx

Michele, love your Christmas card, that pearlised paper looks great with that embossing folder, they look almost like Icicles hanging in a row!  Your second card is so bright and cheerful, a good staple birthday card that you could reach for for almost any age, thank you so much for taking part despite all of the chaos going on around you xxxx

Sonia, I love everything about your card, the papers are absolutely gorgeous, they look  both distressed and pretty, I notice you have used the border die from the Classic Bow set as your ribbon, it works brilliantly, I love the die cut snowflake you have used too, thank you so much for making a card this week, I know how you were feeling at the begining of the week so I am really touched that you made a card xxxx

Val, a gorgeous card from you once again this week, at first glance I thought that you had used animal print, but on closer inspection I notice that it is butterflies on the papers you have used, perfectly finished with the pretty bows and that gorgeous Phill Martin Sentiment. Thank you so much for taking part Val xxxx

You always make such amazing cards ladies, no matter how hard the challenge, you always estound me with your talent, I always panic at first as I think from your comments that I have challenged you too far but you always prove me wrong! Thank you xxxx

Ciara, you have once again come up with a beautiful design, I love the colours that you have chosen, your little bow is amazing, I have to say I had a little sad moment when I started writing today's post as I thought that you hadn't had enough time to make a card this week and I so look forward to opening the email with your card Ciara!! Now one thing that makes your cards unique is the incredible detail you add to the back, thank you so much sweetheart to making time to enter a card this week xxxx

My girls had their last day at school on Friday, wow, they were emotional wrecks when they came home, I don't remember feeling like that when I left school, I think that they have made stronger bonds with their teachers than we ever did, we can tell that when we go to parents evening, the teachers seem to know and love them very well.  I felt a little emotional when they left for school in the morning, realising that that was their last official day, that's it for us, no more babies to put through school!
I feel so old all of a sudden !!  
So Monday brings the first day of GCSE exams, RE (ethics), my other two never had seperate RE exams, it just seems to spread the stress.  But I guess the experts know what they are doing (NOT),
whats the betting that next year it will all back to how it was originally?!

Have a lovely Sunday my lovelies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Great collection of challenge cards, when I look at them I often think "why didn't I do that". Isn't it amazing how we all create something so different.
    Lilian-I love the papers you have used, hope you pop into tell us more about them.

    I was stumped with this challenge for days then my M in L sent me a picture (via Pinterest ) and a made the bright coloured card then I was on a roll so I made the Christmas card. They would be quite easy to make up in batches. I hope you all noticed I used my new word die on the bright coloured card. I hadn't realised it cut the letters out individually which was a bit of a faff.
    I started my Bokeh card yesterday, not happy with the first one the had a lightbulb moment-if I diecut circles from card then I could use the negative piece like a stencil!!! Guess what I'll be doing today?! That's after all the ironing & some gardening.


    1. Hi Michele. That's what I did too for a Bokeh stencil :-) Great minds think alike! Did try first using acetate to make my stencil, but it kept splitting on the edges when I ran it through my machine to cut the circles. Ended up using a heavyweight watercolour card, which held up well. Have fun. Hugs xx

    2. Sorry, forgot to say how lovely your cards are :-) xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Lovely cards you've made, what a shame the letters cut out individually, as you say it's a faff to get them straight. I've plenty of ironing to do but have to do it in stages as my hip doesn't like standing still for to long.

    4. Hi Michele,I love your bright c card it really pop's out you did a great job getting the letters straight. I did my ironing at 8am this morning
      Pat I have to sit down & do mine I can't stand in one place for long either.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Again a beautiful start to the day seeing all this week's CC. All different and all so pretty. It's a good thing that the new display board went up yesterday afternoon just in time. I love the December card ideas in particular and what a good way of starting early.

    We have a lovely start with sunshine and a few grey clouds but hopefully the sun will overcome the clouds and we will have a beautiful day.
    It's going to be a rest day for me today as my body is complaining a little so it will be an easy evening meal with Chicken breasts, mixed salad and baby new potatoes.

    LILIAN - I hope you're OK this morning after yesterday and that the drive wasn't too bad.
    BRENDA- I hope you had a good night and are feeling a little better this morning. Please take it easy. It hasn't been a good few weeks for you flying here and there and all at top speed.
    ANGELA- I'll put your name on the list for The Winter Goddess lol. So many have asked her if she takes commissions but she has so much to do already and just cannot. The Goddess will go into the large flower border in their Courtyard Garden (I think) unless she changes here mind of course.
    LYNDA- I know what you mean about being 'hooked' on Altering and MDF. It's really addictive isn't it.

    SANDRA- I'll be thinking of the girls tomorrow when they take their first exam. Please give them a hug from me.

    Have a good day everyone hopefully doing something wonderful. The coffee pot is full and waiting and the kettle is on the boil for Tea. Hugs are in the basket for everyone. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Lovely card and the tiny bows you've added to it. I would think Christina would make a fortune doing this kind of work, turning willow into gorgeous designs. These designs seem to sell for lots of money in garden centres. Mind you if you did it for a living it soon gets to be a chore after awhile. I hope you told her how fabulous we thought her work was. Please end Sandra a photo when Christina has decided where to put it.

    2. Hi JANET yes I think I might have to do all the challenge cards for Christmas as I'm starting a new MDF project today. But it's hard cutting my gorgeous lace HaHa. It's Sandra's fault telling me about Amanda's Scrimpy Lace Closet. Have a good day. Xx

  3. Morning from sunny Somerset Sandra & ladies,

    My have I been busy again this week, didn't know if I was on my head or tail. I think I'm the right way up today, I'm having a day off to have lunch with one of my walking chums Rosie and then an afternoon catch-up by a phone call from my Honorary daughter Tracy. She passed her Uni exams in Mental Health just before Christmas and became a fully qualified Mental Health worker. Since then she has been offered and accepted a very good positon with her own team which meant we have not seemed to catch other for a good chinwag for ages, both going separate ways and in different directions. So today is all about relaxing and chatting. Aaaaah, bliss.

    Sorry again for not doing the challenge card. I will use some of my relaxing time after a good salt scrub in the shower to play catch up so be prepared for a pile of cards to land in your inbox Sandra.
    I am absolutely bowled over once again by the gorgeous plethora of your imaginations. As Michele said, it's amazing how you all have created something so different.

    Congratulations to your beautiful girls on their school leaving. Having to back for the exams though?
    I seem to remember we did ALL our exams before we were allowed to leave and then it was at the end of term in July with everyone else. How times have changed.

    Shower and sea salt scrub are calling me, so until later

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Congratulations to Tracey Cheryl on passing her exams. I'm glad your having a me day today as you always seem to be rushing around doing something. I hope you enjoy your sea salt scrub and lunch with your walking friend. If your coming up our way anytime you could stay a few days then the four of us could meet up with Marie and Karenlotty if she was about. I know Sandra was trying to coordinate a meet up somewhere it all depends when everyone is free. Take care my friend.

    2. Hi Pat, will pass on your congrats to Tracy. I'd love to meet up, we'll have to arrange something soon def before my American holiday. Shall we email dates to float about? x

    3. Hi CHERYL can you bottle me some of your energy please. Just lately your feet doesn't touch the ground. Congratulations to Tracey
      Passing her exams & her new position.
      Enjoy your sea salt 🚿 & your lunch with your friend.
      Big Hug's xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Am loving all of the challenge cards today. Such a pretty display and so many variations.
    Lilian - I too am intrigued to know the papers you have used. They are beautiful and I love the colours of them :-)
    Lynda - Just love the Dove/Peace die from Sue W. I have it too, and they cut beautifully.
    Such an emotional time Sandra, when our teenagers finish school, only to go back for their exams. My eldest Luke, did his last year so I know how you're all feeling and we have it all to go through again next year with James. Good luck to your girls in their exams, I wish them every success. I tend to think it's us parents who stress more than our children, I remember Luke just took everything in his stride. I will admit, he could've done better (teenage boys would rather be playing Xbox than revising) but he done well in his core subjects, and passed his Sports diploma and is now carrying on with the next level.At least he is doing something he enjoys and wants to pursue in the future - I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do when I was their age!
    Anyway, I hope everyone is well and has a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies. Yet again a lovely selection of cards. Like Michele, I look at everyones entries on a Sunday, all so lovely, and wonder why I didn't think of that idea.
    Sandra , do hope your girls do well in there exams and so good they were happy in their schooL. Going back many years I was jumping for joy the day I finaly left school which I'm sure were after the final exams. My friend and I were bullied and it made our lives very miserable. Nobody seemed to be interested back then. I'm glad to say things have improved now.
    Pat I hope the packing is going well and the pain killers are startig to work.
    well I'm going to have another go at Bokeh today. Last night I found a Barbara Gray stencil with different size circles cut out of it. I'm hoping it does the trick.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Well we seem to be having some of your warm weather here at the moment. I do hope it lasts into next week. No packing has been done yet. Pete will take shorts plus jeans in case the weather turns again. I always need to take extra of everything for Pete just in case he has any leaks. Plus all his pills as well. Going to see Motown while we're in London.

    2. Hi Val, I have a quilling circle gadget so will try using this. Thanks for the nudge to think of it.x

    3. HI Val like you I hated school I couldn't leave quick enough I was also bullied,so at 15 when I left I was skipping down the street.
      Enjoy doing your Bokeh. Xx

    4. I had a terrible time in school and left at 16, the best at the time but now wished I done some more studying, oh well that was back then.
      Quilling gadget ,fabulous idea xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and anyone coming through the doors today.
    Lovely cards once again, different themes, colours and makes out of just the one sketch. It does help me anyway do Sandra that you make one up because even if this was easier it still so many colours, papers etc. to choose from (you should seen the ones that went in the bin , No you wouldn't!) hihi
    Good luck to your girls doing their exams, big hug.
    To Lynda, Brenda and to anyone not 100% ,wish you have a better day. Pat, have a rest today so you be all right for London and your other holiday. Cheryl, take care.
    Seeing my friend in a minute, washing machine is going for the second time this morning and the sun trying to come through the clouds. Wish you all a nice day, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope you have a lovely time with your friend. Need to do a bit more ironing when I decide what needs to go into the case.

    2. Hi MARIA have a lovely time with your friend. Has Rick gone to a football match today.Have you tried Bokeh yet I did two yesterday & playing again today. Hug's xx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Well my whole comment just disappeared after I put my passwords in. So here goes for the second time.
    A lovely array of cards ladies. Such different take on the same design. You ladies are so talented. Didn't have time myself I'm afraid.
    I'm taking Solpapol but yesterday they just started to work when I left Sandra's at 5.00 just before the next lot were due. Plus I was sick last night. However, I'm not so light headed this morning. I'll take them today and see what happens. If not I'll be back to the Naproxen until I can get back to the Drs which will be a week Tuesday. I looked at Sandra's girls year books yesterday after we came back from Anna Marie's open day. Yes, I'm afraid I bought some more card as she had some single sheets and let us pick our own out of them. So I got some peach that I've been looking for and a lovely blue, plus 2 stamps.

    1. I take Zapain for my aches and pains, ask your Doc if this might help you. Only one warning, you have to eat something before taking them or you'll end up floating away with the fairies! x

    2. Hi Pat your lucky haveing Anna Marie's near you I love her card.
      Like CHERYL I take Zapain for pain, but I have taken them on empty stomach whe I need one in the night I'v been ok.
      Look forward seeing your guilty secrets Pat xx

  8. The different interpretations, colours and textures are so lovely. So enjoy seeing what everyone is doing.

  9. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra , sorry I didn't manage a cc for this week but it's just been so busy, I hope to manage one for next week, wish your daughters good luck from me for their exams , A tense time got all the family xo.
    Girls , your cards are all fabulous ! I love all the different papers , embellishments and designs used , it never fails to amaze me we all interperet the challenge, it certainly gives me some good ideas.
    I managed to get the two cards finished and I'm quite happy with them, I only hope the friend who ordered them is.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  10. Hello There's me thinking I'd got some time to scroll through and read what everyone's said to be told "get a move on and we can visit Oscar on the way to dancing" So just to say I love all of your cards and like Michele I always get a "why didn't I think of that" moment Sorry I've not commented more specifically but grandson is calling

    1. Hi Karen have a lovely time with Oscar lots of cuddles,also enjoy your dancing. Xx

    2. Hi Karen, enjoy your visit to Oscar. Hope he is awake and you get lots of cuddle time.xx
      Enjoy your dancing xx

  11. Hi SANDRA hope LUCY & SOPHIE are chilling out today ready for exams next week wishing them both good luck next week . Is LUCY ok now & better give them both Big Hug's from me.
    Hope you enjoyed Anna Marie's open day must be nice having her shop near you. Did you buy any guilty secrets ��
    Not up to much was going for walk but OH still in his dressing gown I Did do my ironing early & just put second wash on. SANDRA I did play yesterday with Bokeh I have done something similar with the colour cloud John &sue did cards it's very affective with the distress I will play later.
    All Todays CC are brilliant all lovely & so different & from the same sketch
    Love Lynda xx.

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I AM REALLY IMPRESSES - so many different cards, what talent you ladies have, you should all be feeling so proud of your creations.each one so special, I love them all.

    Sandra I'm so pleased your girls managed to complete the GCSE course, poor Lucy has had a few hiccups on the way.But bless her she got there, what a trooper. I'm sure they will both be eagerly awaiting their results now, are they due out mid August? What ever grades they get, you can be assured they tried their best. GOOD LUCK Sophie and Lucy xx

    I'm pleased to say I had a good sleep last night, But I am falling asleep so often I'm sure I could spare some Zzzzzzzzzzz for those who are not able to sleep at night!!! I am still coughing, in fact my ribs are quite sore today. Anyway think I may have turned the corner now. Hopefully. xx

    Hope everyone is having a restful Sunday, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda glad your feeling a bit better today the coughing is a pain it never wants to leave you, I'm still coughing on & off since I had the virus. Glad you had a good sleep hope it continues Zzzzz💤
      Hug's Lynda xx

  13. Ladies please refresh your pages and have another quick look at the challenge cards, our laptop was doing updates last night so I didn't receive Clara's Challenge card until about an hour ago, I know how much you all love seeing Ciara's cards, so I have added it on.
    Many thanks

  14. Oh Sandra, Thank you, Ciara will be delighted to see her card 'published'
    I thought I had made A faux pas when I sent it, and it was lost out in cyberspace.
    Just had a text from Daughter (Ciara mum) they are going to pop over - think they are checking up on me!! Anyway she will be able to check the blog xxx

    1. BRENDA tell Ciara her card is lovely she is a very good crafter in the making hope she keeps it up.

  15. Hi everyone, quite late today, Ibe been to our scrapbooking crop, it was a good day, I actually managed to get two pages done, all be it without any photos, I will need to find appropriate ones to match the papers I used, I seem to have a mental block about my photos, I have about eight pages without photos, I think I really need to have a severe talk to myself and get them finished.
    Anyway, what a collection of challenge cards today, it is amazing how everyones interpretation is different, well done ladies.
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. My daughter has delivered me a huge box of photos and asked if I would make memory books for them!! I think it may take me a year!! I am looking forward to the challenge though as I haven't scrapbooked for a while ! Xxx

    2. My daughter has delivered me a huge box of photos and asked if I would make memory books for them!! I think it may take me a year!! I am looking forward to the challenge though as I haven't scrapbooked for a while ! Xxx

    3. Oooh that's a big challenge Sandra good job you don't give us one like that HaHa. Are you doing it from Baby till now. Good luck.
      Big Hug's xxxx

  16. Quick visit while I'm waiting for tea to cook.

    Ciara-your card is so pretty. I love the way your greeting matches the colours you have used on the papers. I really like the fine print on the back.


  17. Hello All, sorry to be late , have spent the whole day in the garden, just finished dinner, lamb today.
    The cards today are all great , the papers I used are from the pack I bought at the range, it's called BRONTE CHARM 8x8 36 sheets. I must stop buying paper, I have so much.Ciara your card is fab, love all the details on the back.
    Sandra hope the girls exam go really , pass on my good luck wishes. The day I left school was one of the best days ever, I think today's school must be much nicer.
    Yesterday went really well, I allowed extra for traffic and road works so I was there very early. When my sister arrived she bought my cousin from York who I had never met, also another cousin came, so didn't have a chance to feel sad. The Maratime museum was a bit dull ,I'm sure if you like boats it would be fascinating, still had a lovely day, although knee really sore today after walking all day.
    Well I'll wish you a good evening, hugs to those not feeling well. Lilian

    1. Hi Lillian glad you enjoyed your day & driving was ok, It must have been nice to meet your cousin you hadn't met & your other cousin & sister.
      Have a good eavening Hug's Lynda xx

  18. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely lot of cards again, as usual Ciara has done a lovely one, I love the detail on the back. Please wish Lucy & Sophie all the best for their exams. Sorry did not make it to Anna Marie's, I have had a busy week & no doubt Sue told you I was feeling very tired by Friday, this getting old is no fun, plus Alan is not doing much at all yet. I will have to sort a day with Sue when can come & craft with you. Spent this afternoon making golden wedding card using the lattice die, I feel quite pleased with it, will send a
    Brenda pleased to hear you feel abit better, hope cough improves
    Lilian pleased yesterday went well & lovely to see
    Pat hope you enjoy your well earned break, hope your hip doesn't hurt too
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. A quick comment as we have been having issues with the WiFi box all weekend, again! So many beautiful cards, I was not able to send mine but am starting on the Bokeh card when and if this publishes.
    Give the girls my good luck wishes for their exams please Sandra.
    Brenda, Lynda and all not too well, healing hugs are on the way and hugs to everyone. Take care. Love and hugs xx

    1. Hi Sue thank you for the healing Hug's. Hope you get the WIFI sorted soon moden technology ay Sue.take care Big Hug's love Lynda xx

  20. Hi Sandra,
    Ciara was grinning from ear to ear as she was reading your comments about her card. She went home a very happy bunny.
    Wish Sophie and Lucy all the best for their RE exam tomorrow, hope all goes well for both of them. xxx
