
Monday 16 May 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

 The Sketch

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, the weather was beautiful here, sunny for the most part, quite chilly in the shade though, I haven't seen the forecast for this week but I do hope it stays dry.  It is so lovely to be able to get the washing dry outside. We spent yesterday afternoon at the allotment, Paul was busy preparing the ground for planting out and I sat and sowed seeds (the easy job), I quite enjoiy the excitement of watching them grow!

Now onto the weeks Sketch, I found this one on Pinterest, its fairly simple once again, I try to bare in mind that some of you like to make "December" cards as our Janet calls them and not everybody has a huge collection of dies, you can use can't shape you like on the side (in case you don't have round dies), you could also use a doily or a large flower. I think as long as you keep to the basic layout, (different paper top and bottom and a shape to the left hand side) I didn't add the little tag, mainly because it was almost 11pm when I was finishing up my card and I just couldn't die cut another shape! Ha ha ! but you can add one if you like, the button can be a flower or a pearl embellishment, that's entirely up to you.  I just want you to have fun making it.

Lucy and Sophie have their first GCSE Exam today, 'Ethics', so we were discussing all manner of things at the dinner table last night. So it will be an early rise and a hearty breakfast to send them on their way, although they both said that they will be to nervous for breakfast! 

Pat, I hope you have a lovely time in London, I have my fingers crossed that your hip doesn't play you up too much, hugs xxx

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, this sketch has me scratching my head. Am really stumped but will search Pinterest for ideas.

    A colleague has just sent a text about work already-it's because she's part time & won't be in to deal with the problem. Quite why she feels the need to contact me at 7am I have no idea!

    Got a package to collect from the Post Office Depot this morning-I was only out for just over an hour on Saturday morning & I missed the postman! I'm thinking it might be my cards from John Lockwood as I haven't ordered anything (yet)!!!


    1. Hi Michele. I'm glad to see that your bathroom isore or less finished, sorry that you were contacted so early this morning about work though!
      I love your Kipling bag. Do you have more of them? I was given a second hand one about 3 years ago and it is still going strong. Sandrs and co will be able to vouch that I am not into "labels" but must admit Kipling bags are worth the money as they are indistructable. Did you get a fluffy or metal monkey with yours? And if so, what is its name? The monkeys label on my bag has been mangled by all of the grandchildren playing with it, so please don't ask what it is called : )
      I hope the parcel was the ones from John, typical that the postie called while you popped out, isn't it. I hope you had a good day and have got some ideas about the challenge card now. Take care x

  2. Good Morning Sandra and All, looks like another lovely day here, not that I can spend it out side, might have lunch out .

    Today's sketch looks interesting,should be able to fit in a bit of stamping, do love my stamps.
    Your card is lovely with all the lace and flowers.
    Had a go at the mini challenge last, why do al ways get an idea when it's time for bed? Still I made a card will send a bit later.

    Up a bit earlier this morning, have some urgent small hoods to do for children's suits., plus loads of assorted colour full size hoods.

    Hope everyone one has a lovely day, will pop in later to see what everyone is up to. Hugs abound Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I am so glad that you enjoyed yesterday, all of the "firsts" are hard but you did really well.
      I hope you are getting on well with the urgeht order. Sorry if you have already told me but how long does an adult one take to finish, and do you hand or machine sew, or both?
      I get lots of ideas during the night so keep a pen and paper by the bed now, otherwise by the more ng I have forgotten it!
      I hope you had your lunch outside in the lovely sun. Take care x

    2. Hi Lillian hope you had a nice lunch outside in the loveing sun.
      You have lots of hoods to make how long have you got to finish them.
      Take care Lynda xx

  3. Good morn7ng Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card today and the sketch looks great. I feel a Christmas card coming on.
    Hope you girls manage to eat some breakfast this morning before their exam. Hope the get on well.
    Have a lovely holiday Pat. Pain free I hope so you can see lots of London sights.
    Nothing much going on today. Back on healthy eating today after eatinf so many chocolates in the last few weeks. Anyway they've all been eaten now so the Spiralizer is out on the worktop again ready to use. Just love the food once I get into it.
    Finished by Bokeh card yesterday. Really enjoyed it when I realised how to do it. Will send it later Sandra.
    Bye for now. Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all today.
    Love your card Sandra and I will have a go but no promises. I also had a look at the mini challenge and did some little samples, will try to make some today just need to find something with circles.
    Glad you had a nice time at the allotment, it is a lovely time of year only wish ,OH included, that suffering with allergies was not so long.
    Glad you had a nice time too Lilian with your sister and meeting cousins.
    Pat, have a good time in London. Enjoy Motown and hope your hip be kind.
    Brenda, take care and wish your cough better.
    Had a few hours out of the house with my friend yesterday, she going through some things at the moment and I was listening, we were laughing so much at the end so that was defiantly a T. moment :-).
    A walk around our man made lake is on this morning and then some more packing up in the kitchen. Started to wipe out a cupboard and then thought, what am I doing ! It's going in the skip so why cleaning it ,doh moment or what hihi Have a nice day all, Hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Morning Maria- when you've cleared all your cupboards etc do you think you could pop round and just change all mine around. They are in need or should I say I'm in need as I cannot reach the top shelves at all now and so I haven't a clue what's up there so I immediately thought that as you're in the 'cupboard mood' and will feel totally lost when you've finished yours I'd call on you Dear Friend tehe tehe tehe lol.

    2. Hi Maria. It sounds like you had a lovely time with your friend yesterday, with tena moments : ) Laughter is such a good thing, so much better than any medicine isn't it.
      I'm glad that you stopped yourself cleaning any more of the cupboards that are heading to the skip. Think of all that wasted craft time you would have lost. If you had the SE lovely sun today your walk around the lake will have been wonderful. Good luck with both of the C cards this week. Take care x

    3. Hi MARIA pleased you had a good chat with your friend & made her laugh but next time don't forget the Tenna Ladies HaHa. Glad you cheared her up.Are you mad cleaning cupboards that ar going to the skip 😃 Im sure you will do a brilliant job of both C C.mlove & Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for this week's Challenge Sketch Sandra. It's just up my street and I cannot wait to get going on this one.
    I won't forget the Mini Challenge I promise lol.

    So pleased you got to the allotment yesterday just the weather for it wasn't it and being out and planting just makes your heart soar. I'm wondering what Daniel will have put in the veg patch in Marigny this year. We always get the usual potatoes/tomatoes/carrots/onions/green beans and salad veg but he always puts one out of the ordinary veg in. I'm getting more impatient in wanting to go but of course it all depends on the hospital appointment on 10th June so we cannot do anything until I've been there.

    Although you both will have gone I'm sending gentle hugs and a massive GOOD LUCK Lucy and Sophie. Ethics - now there's a word to conjure with. I know you'll have something nice for lunch and many hugs for them Sandra when they return at lunch time.

    MICHELE-have a good day at work and I too cannot understand why someone should ring you at that time in a morning even if she does only work part time.
    LILIAN- good luck with the hoods. I hope you meet your deadline and if you do go out for lunch have a good one.
    CHERYL- have a good walk today. I hope it's somewhere nice and the weather is kind to you.
    PAT - I hope you enjoy your trip to London. Don't do too much walking on that hip but have a really good time you more than deserve it.

    As it's Monday it's Mr Tesco this morning and then I want to get to grips with the mini challenge and have a look at this morning's.

    I've opened all the windows and the front door in the cafe this morning so it might encourage people to step through and have a cuppa. Everything is ready and the hugs are in their place just waiting to be used. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I hope you have had a lovely day and both c cards are going well. I have been able to catch up with all that went on in the Cafe over the weekend and have to add my praise to the others about the wonderful lady your daughter has made, she certainly has a talent there, and I can't wait to see the peacock once it is finished : )
      How nice that you get a surprise veg. each year at Marigny. You can't beat freshly picked fruit and veg. can you : ) I hope you are able to visit soon after your hospital appointment.
      The Cafe is looking lovely, and with a lovely breeze coming through, thank you for opening the windows and doors. Take care x

    2. Hi JANET I hope you managed both c cards is Sunday's one going to be a December one.. I hope your hospital appointment will be ok so you can visit your little piece of Heaven.
      Take care Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    I love the look of your card Sandra, very pretty and lacy, look forward to getting a cc to you this week.fingers crossed the girls don't get too nervous and do really well.
    Val, I'll be joining you in starting to eat healthy again, as I've been very naughty for months and need to get back on track, like you I do enjoy it and feel so much better .
    Meant to ask was anyone else tempted in the Heartfelt Creations show? I ordered the ( underwater pad) the colours were so beautiful!
    Pat , have a wonderful holiday ,hopefully without pain, enjoy!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Good luck with the healthy eating plan Anne. X

    2. Hi Anne. I hope you manage to get the C cs done this week, the time just vanished sometimes though doent it.
      It is much easier to eat more healthy during the warmer weather isn't it. Good luck with your healthy eating : ) Take care x

    3. Hi ANNE God luck on healthy eating I'm also have to loose lot's of pound's that I put on over the winter months stupid I know. Do you just cut down I will have a couple of lettuce leaves haha.xx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone. Like the look of this weeks sketch :-) Looking forward to taking part and using some of my new craft stash ;-) Got some lovely papers and Sue Wilson dies that I've been waiting for. Sandra your card is beautiful - love the flowers :-)
    Wishing Lucy and Sophie good luck in their first exam :-)
    Hoping everyone has a lovely day. I'm off out on a shopping spree ;-)
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Will we be seeing any guilty pleasures from todays shopping, as well as your new stash? I hope you have fun with this weeks c cards. Take care x

    2. Hi Sonia have fun with all your new goodies looking forward to seeing them xx

    3. Hi. My shopping spree didn't go as well as I'd hoped - why is it you can never find anything when you have money to spend and yet see loads of things when you're skint? I did however buy a couple of sets of stamps from Crafters Companion, so will send a pic of those in. My new stash was a Birthday present from Hubby, so hoping to get round to using them this week and for the challenge card :-)
      Hugs xxx

  8. Littlelamb, congrats on getting a card from Julia !
    Having a little break from clearing and packing up so while I still got a worktop in the kitchen I will have a go at a Bokeh of some kind and prep for this weeks challenge, ain't I good tihi and then I'll send son around to you Janet for taking down things high up. He is 6ft 5" so it is never a problem to get things down.Hope you don't get any cancellations reg. the hospital for the 10th so you can go back soon to Marigny.
    Michele, exciting to get some cards from John. Have a good day at work. Lilian , hope you finished the little hoods and can have some play this pm.
    Sonia, have some happy crafting today.

    1. Hi Maria. I'm glad to see that you are making time to craft : )
      Goodness me,6'5" is tall, your son must come in very handy sometimes. Gemma's boyfriend, James, is just a little shorter at 6'3" and I often ask him to reach things for me. I hope the cards went well. Hugs x

    2. Hi MARIA my your sone is tall I thought my son & daughter were tall
      Son 6'3 daughter is 6'1 so they could all help JANET HaHa
      Have a good evening xxxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love the card today, I will be able to try my new circular die,hehe!! I have so many new things I want to have a go with but jobs or appointments keep getting in the way, had to take Alan to dentist this morning he had broke a bit of a front tooth, all done now, I also needed passport size photos for my blue badge renewal & that is how the time goes. Hope the girls exam was not too bad good luck with the
    Brenda hope you are feeling better & you Lynda both take care hugs on
    Must get on washing ready to get in & iron, then hope to look at cc. Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Mum. Give Pop a hug from me, glad his tooth is all sorted now. Good luck with the blue badge form, getting the photos is the easy bit sometimes with those forms isn't it!
      Sorry you haven't had any time to play with all of your new goodies but hope you were able to this afternoon. Love you xx

    2. Hi MARGARET it's horribal how so many things get in the way
      Of our crafting especially when you have new goodies & can't wait to play with them like children. HaHa take care Big Hug'sLynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I hope Sophie and Lucy got on well today (((((big hugs))))) .........
    One down, how many to go?
    Tell them there IS light at the end of the tunnel.
    Does the school have a Sixth form, or will they have to move to a Sixth form College ?

    Sandra the challenge card looks very interesting, looking forward to seeing everyone's results. I will try and get my head around mine tomorrow.

    I started to do this post about 4:00 and fell asleep ..... Must get on and finish dinner. It's easy we are having cold gammon with potatoes and veg. Not that I have much of an appetite but must make an effort.

    Pat enjoy London, just don't go overdoing things.

    Love to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. I'm so sorry that you are still not feeling 100%. Maybe it's your bodies way of making sure you rest as you have been extra busy lately haven't you. Whatever, as long as you be very gentle with yourself and take things very slowly then you will be fighting fit very soon.
      Please pass on my praise to that very talented young granddaughter of yours. Her card was wonderful, and with her extra detail on the back too : )
      Take care. Love and hugs x

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. What a beautiful card you have made to inspire us for this weeks challenge. I hope to get it started tonight, after I have finished the Bokeh one.
    I hope that the girls got on well with their ethics exam. And my best wishes to them both with all if the others too. After all of the hard work and revision they deserve to do very well. It is a big jolt when you realise that all of your babies have completed compulsory schooling, after so many years it takes a while to adjust, well I know it did for both Chris and me when Gem finished.
    I'm glad (but also a little envious) that you and Pat managed to get to Anne Marie's open day, the weekend just flew by for us. Never mind, next time I hope to make it with you.
    It was lovely catching up with so many gorgeous cards and mixed media goodies, as always it proves how talented you all are : )
    I hope you have all had a good day in this lovely sunshine. Love and hugs with extras for all in need, especially Lynda and Brenda. Take care xx

  12. Hi Lynda. I hope you are keeping well and not having to use your spray too much. I couldn't comment on the weekend but I loved your mixed media box. So many gorgeous flowers and beautiful butterflies, you have such talent. No one would know it was only your second mixed media item! Sending my healing hugs. Take care x

    1. Hi Sue thank you for Hug's & lovely comments on my box I really enjoyed doing it. I got three boxes from charity shop that being the middle one only £2 so have got two more too play with. You seem very busy lately Sue please take care I do use the spray now & again & still wonder what or if anything is wrong but it doesn't feel right so just waiting for a letter now from hospital,
      love Lynda xxx

  13. Hi Pat. I hope you have a lovely break in London. You certainly need a break just hope your pain meds help. Enjoy Motown at the theatre too. Take care dear friend. Hugs x

  14. Hi Cheryl. I hope you had a lovely walk today, please tell us all about it, you write so well it makes us feel that we are with you. Take care x

  15. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    Hope LUCY & SOPHIE got through their first exam ok more Hug's coming their way. Glad you & Paul had a good weekend at the allotment & you didn't over do it my lovely.Your card is lovely & a good sketch for this week.i notist you used some Scrimpy lace too. I went round MARGARET'S today she has got the big 8x8 Desire dies from Hochanda last week think they where £78.00 for the three well she lent me the butterfly one.I put it through my Ebosser 4times never made a impression so tried again with two shims of paper with no luck. Told her today so she tried on the GC & it didn't cut so tried it on the Todo first go nothing then she adjusted the presure i said to her it was too tight going through but still trying then decided to run it back so the dile again but only went so far so tried without anything in it & wouldn't go so I think she has broken her Todo. I told her to ring Hochanda & tell them she wants a refund for all the dies.
    Other than that I did some cutting out did the striplet one John did with cutting six times pleased with them.
    Well must close now cup of tea calling.
    Love Lynda xxxx

  16. BRENDA hope your cough is getting better take care my friend
    Love Lynda xx
