
Tuesday 17 May 2016

Something to 'Tickle you' Tuesday!!

 Good Morning Ladies,

I am delighted to be able to share one of our Anne's amazing cards with all of you this morning.  the ne has made this fabulous card by using an Art Impression Stamp, this stamp includes the fun sentiment too, the company have so really fun stamps, although they can be hard to get your hands on as they are often sold out!!
Anne you have coloured the stamped image beautifully and the background paper that you have used matches your coloured image perfectly, particularly his socks !!
Thank you so much Anne for sending me your cards to share, please keep them coming my lovely xxx

I have started to receive some of your Bokeh Challenge cards and I have to say WOW,
Those cards I have so far are fabulous, I can't was it to challenge you all further, if there is anything you have in mind or fancy trying just let me know.

Sophie and Lucy asked me to thank you all for your good luck wishes for their exams, they had some tricky questions in their Ethics exam but they have done that one now, Lucy has ICT on Wednesday, they then both have Spanish on Friday, lovely and spaced out, until you get to next week, when they have 2/3 a day!   So we keep the cupboards full of healthy snacks, Sophie seems to be consuming an Avocado a day, made into Guacamole, she can't get enough! Lucy is more of a white chocolate cookie kind of girl!!

Have an amazing day ladies, thanks Anne for starting our day with a smile !

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-your card is fantastic, I really love it. It would be perfect for my hubby who is obsessed with golf!

    Sandra-glad the girls seem OK about their exams so far.

    I had a lovely soak in my new bath last night. Once the flooring is fitted on Friday it will be perfect-pity it's on a day I'd taken off work to play in my craft room. I have a table booked at the Attic Sale on Saturday so I wanted to get organised. I also got a card order when I booked the table-card with drums on it for the lady's son who will be 18. I have printed out a few images do I need to get on with that card plus a couple of others.

    Today & tomorrow look like they're going to be busy at work. My Dad has a hospital appointment with the orthopaedic specialist tomorrow morning to discuss a hip replacement & he's going to all in to see me afterwards to tell me what they said.

    Best get ready for another fun filled day in the NHS!


    1. Thanks Michele, I could send you a couple of stamped images if you want them?
      Sounds like you enjoyed luxuriating in your new bath, good for you!
      Anne xo

    2. I would really appreciate it if you could send me a couple of stamped images, that's very kind. Thanks.


    3. Michele pleased your are enjoying your new bath, good luck with your Attic Sale on Saturday, hope the weather is kind.xx

    4. Hi MICHELE glad you had a lovely long soak in new bath your new bathroom. Good luck wit your Attic sale on Saturday hope you get some cards made. Xx

  2. Hello Sandra and All, back to winter here today, wet and cold !!
    Anne your card is great ,love that stamp,
    Sandra glad the Girls first exam went OK, always think the first is the worst, how many weeks are they spread over ? Hope they all go well. Keep up the avacado they are one of my absolute favourite foods.
    Still have my children's hoods to do, as other colours became more urgent, also have a hood repair, to do , the hood is 20 yrs old, some people really take great care of them.
    Might have a go at the challenge card this evening, have idea ,but my ideas do not always go well when it comes to the doing.
    I'll pop in during the day to see you, do wish this was physically possible, would love to meet you all.
    Hope those who are feeling low, are quickly on the mend, Michele glad you enjoyed your new bath,
    Have a lovely day all. Lilian

    1. Thank you Lillian, I hope you manage to get all the hoods done, you always sound busy.
      Anne xo

    2. Lilian hope you manage your card tonight & have made a start on the children's hoods, hadn't thought about children working with bees. Take care xx

    3. Hi Lilian, hope you had a good day and made the little hoodies up and then managed to do the CC. We will meet you somewhere one day, that's a promise not a threat tihi xxx

    4. Hi LlLlian hope you get your CC made tonight. I defently won't be ordering any hood I don't like bees & my daughter is terrified of them well she dosn't like anything that fly's.haha.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    ANNE- your card brought a smile to start my day so a big Thank You for that. I don't often due character cards but you have me wishing I had someone who would appreciate this one. I love it.

    MICHELE- Isn't it lovely to have a soak and in a new bath Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. That is one thing I really miss these days running a lovely hot bath and taking my book and a glass and just soaking away all troubles.
    LILIAN- good luck with the CC and I'm sure it will turn out beautifully.

    I had a go at my Bokeh card yesterday and although I did make one I decided it is definitely NOT my forte! I will keep on trying.I must start my CC this morning but I want to finish a TAG I'm doing. Please may I have some more hours added to my day or should I say more hours for crafting.

    We have a lovely sunny morning at the moment. Yesterday was glorious until lunch time when the sun went AWOL and it turned rather chilly.
    So pleased Lucy and Sophie survived their exam and I'm with Lucy and white choc cookies YES PLEASE!!!
    The doors and windows are open again in the Cafe so please step inside we don't bite! well maybe a little sometimes but we try to keep this to a minimum lol.

    Hugs are available for everyone of you. I've despatched some to Sheila with a little note. xxxx

    1. Thanks Janet, I must say I do enjoy funny character stamps, up here people seem to go for them before anything else, I don't know if that means they have a great sense of humour or just need cheering up more lol! Anne xo

    2. Hi Janet I could certainly do with some more hours as well, at the moment it looks like I will have tomorrow afternoon free so may do another cc. Hope the sun shone for

  4. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    Anne, just love your card. Great image beautifully coloured and what a wonderful sentiment. Will have to look into these stamps.
    Glad the first exam went ok yesterday. I'm with both girls. Just love avocado andwhite choc biccies - yummy.
    I must tell you, I don't seem to get normal orders for cards. Think of the most rediculous scenario and I'm asked for it. So I was pleased yesterday to be asked for a WeddingCard for two men until i read the note further. They would like a Manchester City FC theme. Now come on. I honestly don't know where to start. Any ideas ladies would be very welcome.
    Well the sun is shining, I think I heard a bird singing ( very rare in my garden with the 4 cats!) and it's Tai Chi morning. Afterwards in the bar there is the usual community lunch. Its all been started to bring the urbanisation together. Afterwards there's bingo. Now I've never played bingo until last week. It's not really my sort of thing but my friend loves it and it's an few hours out. The lunch is only €2.50 and last weeks was roast pork, mashed potatoes, cabbage and carrots. I think maybe the pork was left from Sunday lunch. It was really lovely.
    Anyway we are going again today.
    Enjoy your day ladies.
    Love Val x

    1. Look at Man City's website for pictures, I did that on West Ham's for Pete one year and there was quite a few I could print off, especially the club logo. x

    2. Thanks Val, I can't resist these stamps.
      I managed a very good day yesterday but after golf this morning I succumbed to a slice of coffee and walnut cake ( but they do say walnuts are good for you) ha ha ) hope you enjoyed your Tai Chi and lunch. Anne xo

    3. Hi Val. That's a tricky one with regards to the wedding card. As Cheryl said, have a look on the website for any ideas. Do you have a football stamp or die, or football boot? Perhaps a wedding cake in the teams colours - think their colours are light blue/white with a couple of footballs on top.
      Did a quick Google and saw a card from 'not on the high street' and it was two football boots and a sentiment which said 'A Perfect Match'.
      You may get some ideas on Pinterest too :-)
      Hugs xx

    4. Thanks Cheryl and Sonia for your ideas. I don't have any football related stamps but I do have a wedding cake one that I could do in their colours. I'll just go onto the web sites you've suggested and see if anything jumps out.
      Anne, well you can DRINK coffee on a diet and as you say walnuts are good for you so I don't think you need to feel any guilt. I'm sure all the walking has worked those calories off anyway.
      bye for now.
      Val x

    5. Val it is good to do things with a group, I would really miss the boule & embroidery group if I had to give them up. Hope you enjoyed the bingo.xx

    6. Coffee and walnut cake mmmmm! I just had a cinnamon and raisin bagel hihi I have wanted one for day's , it was yummy. Hope you found something for the wedding card Val, xx

  5. Morning Ladies,

    Loving your golf card Anne, so apt for golf fanatics.

    Gorgeous weather for our walk yesterday up on the Quantocks at Lydeard Hill, not so many slow walkers this week so we could all stride out quite briskly, fantastic views all around, heard my first cuckoo of the year, our leader found a 5p piece and passed it onto me for good luck. We went into Bishop's Lydeard for lunch and thoroughly enjoyed our meal at the Letherbridge Arms sitting in a sheltered spot in the pub garden. We also took time to wander around the beautiful village, they had celebrated Somerset day on Saturday so there was quite a lot of bunting, all crocheted or knitted by the local Knit and Natter group, hung on trees, garlanded around gate posts and iron work fencing. The cutest item we saw was the tops of two square gate posts had red and white dotted mushroom caps. Another occasion where I hadn't got my camera!!! Missed opportunity there.
    Have to play catch-up now with all my cards and altered items for the Church Fete. Time is creeping away fast from me, this time last year I made all the cup candles in one month. These items are taking me a bit longer so will have to get a wriggle on.

    Cuppa calling me so cheerio for now, will pop in later to see what you are all up to.
    Gurt big uns ((((HUGS)))) to all that would love to have one today for whatever reason.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thanks Cheryl, golf cards always seem popular.
      Loved the sound of your walk yesterday and I think going to the pub afterwards is a great idea ( we just take a picnic lunch with us) the village must have looked wonderful , sounds like something out of "Alice in Wonderland" with the mushroom hats on the gateposts!
      Anne xo

    2. Cheryl you always make your walk sound lovely & how lucky to hear a cuckoo, they were very common when I was a child, long time ago, but we never hear them now, such a shame. Love the hats on gateposts!! Xx

    3. Hello CHERYL your walk sounded lovely you describe it so well & glad you enjoyed your lunch. I can't believe it's a year since you made your beautiful candle cups. What have you made for this Church fete
      Hope we get a photo of all your make's please.
      Lots of Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Lovely walk you had yesterday Cheryl. The village sound so sweet. I'm glad you joined this group so you get out and meet people at the same time.
      take care xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Anne, what a great fun card. Your colouring is wonderful and everything works so well together, and the fun caption made me giggle.Thank you for sharing it with us : ) x
    I'm glad that Sophie and Lucy have got their first exam out of the way. I'm sort of with Lucy about loving white chocolate, but only with raspberries in a cookie, Im not so keen on white choc on its own. I believe a yummy treat is good for you, as long as it's just once a day along with good healthy food for the rest of the day. I hope you're finding time to play Sandra, no doubt you're trying to think of this weeks mini challenge. Can't think of anything at the moment but will try and get the brain ticking over xx
    I finished my Bokeh card last night, and hope to do this weeks CC today, have decide whether to do it before or after the ironing. I'm really tired at the moment so had better get the boring stuff out of the way I suppose, then O can relax and play : ) x
    Brenda, I hope today is better than yesterday re. your cough x
    Lynda, please let us know what the outcome is to your friends dies and machine. Try and take it easy until you know for definite what is going on x
    Michele, glad that you have christened your lovely new bath x
    Maria, I hope you enjoyed your walk and cleared some more cupboards yesterday x
    Val, good luck with the card, Pat's advice sounds good, at least you might get some ideas for colours. Enjoy the Bingo : ) x
    Lilian, it would be wonderful if we could really met in the Cafe wouldn't it, it will happen one day I'm sure. Enjoy mending making the hoods x
    Cheryl, thank you for taking us on the walk with you. You live in a beautiful part of the country. Sorry you didn't get photos, you will have to add your camera into the bag with your water bottle each time : ) x
    Janet, I am happy to give you some extra hours today, if you will give me some tomorrow, which will fly by when Sandra and me are together. Hope that helps. Wouldn't it be good if we could do that really : ) x
    Right I'm off to get on. Hugs to all with the extra healing ones for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue, on the way back from golf I went into the local shop for heathy vegetables and came out with a new Cadburys 3 variety bar of chocolate , I think it must have jumped into my bag when I wasn't looking, dark, white and milk , hope it's calorie free lol! Anne xo

    2. Hi Sue, hope you were a good girl & did your ironing first. Pleased you managed a Brokeh car, I did manage to do cc yesterday. Enjoy your time with Sandra tomorrow. Love xxx

    3. It was a quick forty minutes around one side of the lake, shower and changed into something warm as it was bitterly cold and back down into the kitchen for some more packing. Tried to make the bokeh but haven't got the right items so think I will leave that out. Take care xxx

    4. Hi Sue I haven't see my friend she was out all day but will let you know . Look forward seeing your Brokeh card I have done a few so will send the to SANDRA with cc when I'v made it haha,
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    So pleased Sophie and Lucy got through their exams yesterday, yes I think it's a good idea to keep their favourite treats in stock, with all the studying they are doing they will need a boost quite often. Don't forget to keep a treat for you and Paul, you too will need a boost OFTEN XX

    Anne I LOVE your card, the colouring is brilliant, love the sentiment it's just perfect, anyone who plays golf would certainly appreciate this beautiful card XX

    Cheryl your walk yesterday sounds lovely, you have so many beautiful places close to you and you certainly are making the most of them. Good luck with the crafting for the church fete. Can't believe it's a year since you made all those lovely candles, I can still remember the photograph you sent to Sandra, it was beautiful, you standing by your stall you really look so happy. XX

    This afternoon I am planning to try to make a card using the Bokeh effect. Well I'll have a try anyway !!!!

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda hope this means you are feeling better, I haven't even attempted a Brokeh card struggle enough to find time to do cc at the moment! I bet Ciara has a go though it is lovely when they enjoy doing things with you, I used to love doing things with Gem shame they grow up, make the most of

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi BRENDA good luck with your Brokeh card look forward to seeing it.Hope your feeling better & your cough has gone Xx

  8. Thank you Brenda, as I've said before if you ever want any of my stamped images I'm happy to send them to you, enjoy your cardmaking , I look forward to seeing the results.Anne xo

    1. Hi Anne Sharing our stash is a great idea. Like every one else I have loads of dies some maybe that others don't have and I'd be really happy to die cut and send some out to whoever wants them. Just ask.

    2. Hi Anne,
      Love your card & the sentiment is great. I don't suppose you have ever come across any boule or to give it the French name Petanque designs have you?
      Enjoy your chocolate!! Xx

    3. Hi Margaret, thanks for your kind words on my card, I'm sorry but I've never come across any stamps for boules or pétanque , if I ever see any i'll take note! Tried a bit of the chocolate but prefer just the milk chocolate !
      Anne xo

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. Popped in this morning but didn't have chance to comment before work. Love the card Anne - the colouring on your image is fab (have never really been able to master this colouring technique myself) and the sentiment is great :-)
    Glad Sophie and Lucy got through their first exam ok. Wishing them Good luck with the rest.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
    Hugs to all xxx

  10. I know it's late so don't know if any of you will be popping in for a lemonade or two...
    Love your card ANNE I know my dad who (in his eighties still enjoys a few holes)
    MICHELE I loved your comment re NHS (being a fellow NHS worker albeit clerical)
    So glad the exams have started and that the girls seem to be coping well SANDRA
    I'm still without laptop so no card making for me at the moment I'll get the knitting out instead!

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great card from Anne thanks for showing. Wish Lucy & Sophie well in their exams. I must send my cc to you finished it last night may even do another. Enjoy your time with Sue tomorrow. Take care love xx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  12. Evening Sandra and everyone,
    sorry so late but it has been a very busy day and like Janet I would loved to have some more hours in the day.
    Anne, I love your card and the sentence is great. Wish I know someone playing golf so I could ask you for some stamped but most I know, of men , are into football, car racing, cricket and fishing. Love you colouring in too.
    I made the CC today and will send it soon but the Bokeh is a disaster so will have to leave that out, shame on me but don't think I have the right tools for making one up.
    Brenda, you sound a bit better and I hope you had a calm day and could do some crafting. Lynda, I hope your friend will have her dies sorted, real shame if her machine is broken after going through to thick. Hope you taking things easy, hugs to you and Terry.
    Question: Sue and Karen, have you received the card I sent you ? Only asking because sometimes our post office is a bit funny with the pricing and friends I sent cards to before never got them and they been sent back to me after some time, even months !
    Had a little trip to Frost and sat in their garden for a drink and then we looked for something to put in five pots we have on the patio but not sure what, maybe some Hydrangea but not if they need to be taken in for the winter....
    Have some paperwork to sort out so I wish you all a good night and see you all tomorrow. love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer17 May 2016 at 22:43

      Maria as Littlelamb said hydrangea's are fine over winter, they last a long time & flowers are good to dry, leave any other flowers on the plant till ypu see new shoots in spring them prune to new shoot, hope this is helpful. Xxx

    2. Thank you ladies, there might be a few in the pots soon. Good to see you Littlelamb, hope you get some more time to pop in to see us xxx

  13. Hi everyone. Have I been missed? Been so busy but things a bit quieter now but don't know for how long. Sometimes don't get chance to read half my emails. Anne - love your card today. Maria I have two Hydrangas in pots and they were fine all winter. They do shed their leaves so don't get worried. I was told not to cut off the dead flowers until the new leaves start appearing. Bought another very pretty one last week. Well I have managed my Bokeh cards but not the challenge card for this week yet. See how the rest of the week goes. You all seem very busy. Michele enjoy your new bathroom. Maria hope all goes to plan with your new kitchen. Brenda glad you are feeling a bit better. Well I have a lot of birthday cards to do this week so better get on.

    1. Margaret Palmer17 May 2016 at 22:37

      Littlelamb yes you have been missed lovely to see you. Take care xx

    2. YES Brenda You really have been missed, I did post a few days ago asking if your boys had moved to their new homes yet?
      Take care LOL xx

    3. Sorry Brenda didn't see your message. One son has moved and still settling in the other one moves tomorrow. It's all go here. Glad you are a bit better.

  14. MARIA I did get your card and thank you I did email you to say how much I loved it and how you'd personalised it

    1. Hi Karen, never got that e-mail. Glad you liked it hihi. Hope the little one is fine and mum and dad get any sleep.... xxx

  15. Hi SANDRA & ladies
    Hope SOPHIE & Lucy's exams are going well & without too much stress for them extra Hug's coming thier way. ANNE your card is really good love how you have coloured it. Have been home alone today YAAY playing in craft room.Terry had a job for a friend extending the decking & some painting while they are on holiday. So that will help out.they are away for two weeks.
    I have made Three Brokeh cards & tomorrow I will do Challenge card.Then I want to do some more altered art & MDF projects. So will be busy by myself pluss I don't worry about eating as it's only OH that make's me eat haha.
    SANDRA have a good day with Sue tomorrow
    Hi MARIA glad you made your challenge card but sorry you couldn't manage the Bokeh one.
    Will say good night everyone
    Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer17 May 2016 at 22:47

      How lovely for you to have the time to craft, will do you so much good, make the most of it.
      Look agyer yourself hugs on eay xxx

  16. Hi Ladies, yes I did attempt my Bokeh, and the result ...... five pieces of paper trying various techniques, and I'm not really happy with any of them, maybe one last try tomorrow. But I'm not holding my breath.
    Good night God bless everyone, love Brenda XXX

  17. Thanks girls for all your lovely comments , happy to send stamped images anytime.
    Anne xo
