
Wednesday 18 May 2016

Maria's Cute Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Just look how cute this gorgeous card is that has been designed and created by our Maria, for Karen's Baby Grandson Oscar.
Maria, your cute image has been coloured beautifully, I just adore that cute baby elephant. The frame you have used around your stamped image works so well with the colours you have used.  Adding Oscar's name is the special touch that lifts the card above any that you can buy, that cute little Rocking Horse charm is a cute finishing touch. Thank you so much for photographing your card to inspire us all. xxxx

No Pat this week as she is having a wonderful time taking in all of the sights in London, so it will just be Sue and I today, I am sure we will manage to entertain ourselves, last week we were so busy playing it was about 5.45pm before Sue left (not that i minded at all), the time seriously just disappears, I could have quite happily sat having fun for another 2 hours, as long as the tea keeps flowing we keep talking (and crafting of course).  I usually run all of my ideas for the blog through Sue and Pat first as I really value their opinion.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, I wish you could all come and craft with us!

Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies ,
    Gorgeous card for little Oscar, Maria, I love the image it is so cute and your colouring is lovely, I'm sure it will be treasured!
    I was awake at 5.30 am so finally gave up trying to sleep and just got up at 6.15 am so I'll probably want to go for a nap by 11am !
    Meant to be going the walk today but it's quite misty and wet so I might not go and finish a job I started yesterday in the craft room of sorting out my bit boxes into colours ( I didn't know it would take sooo long) and I still have another box to do, but will give lots to the primary school to use so it will not be wasted.( my halo will be shining , ha ha !) .
    Sounds like you and Sue had a good day yesterday Sandra, you are really lucky to have a crafting companion.
    Time for tea and toast , love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne-not sure if you saw my comment under yours yesterday. I'd love a couple of the golf images if that's OK?


    2. Hi Michele, happy to send them to you, I'm in the middle of a bit of a clear out in the craft room so when I get it tidied and have space to stamp I'll get them done, hope your birthday card arrived ok?
      Anne xo

    3. Thank you Anne. I too having a tidy up for what I could use in the lounge for the next five weeks and it's true ,it takes for ever to get it together xx

    4. Anne-your lovely card certainly made it here. The hedgehog was scoffing his food last night at 10pm, it's so comical to watch him, nice though.


  2. Morning Ladies

    Maria-beautiful card, really lovely.

    Just before I went up to bed last night I saw the hedgehog at his food dish which was nice to see.

    We have rain today & it looks like it's rained all night, glad really as the garden needed it.

    I have a 2 hour meeting-yes, it's one of those where nothing actually gets sorted but lots of people get to talk for ages! Luckily my Dad will be calling in after his hospital appointment so hopefully I'll be able to miss some of it!


    1. Thank you Michele. Hope you have a good day at work and say Hi to your dad xx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and Freinds, cold and wet here, but apparently the met office are forecasting a warmer than usual summer !
    Maria love the Oscar card , very cute I'm sure it will be treasured.
    Michele hope you're meeting goes well, some people just like the sound of their own voices.
    Made my challenge card last night , it's OK , might have another go tonight, while I'm colouring my hair, (have to let it soak for 25 mins ).

    Got to go now cleaners comming today, as they had a new build clean to do on Monday which is my usual day.
    Have a lovely day all. Lilian

    1. Morning Lilian - I can just imagine you creating your CC for this week while waiting for your hair to set/soak lol. What a good idea for Hair Salons - offering crafting whilst under the dryer or waiting for your colour or perm to set. Do perms still exist? I could just see us all in a row. hehehe hugs xxxx

    2. Thank you Lilian. What colour is your hair going to be ? have seen some crazy coloured hairs around lately hihi Hope you have a nice day even with the rain xx

  4. Hellooo! I have been piping by but never the time to comment I do leave one late lady night but didn't check back to see if anyone was still around MARIA's card is beautiful and I 'm so lucky to be the one who owns it It will be treasured I have emailed you MARIA but it may have gone into a black hole My laptop is still poorly I hope the girls continue to get on OK with exams SANDRA
    I loved your golfing card ANNE I know my dad would love it Did you do the "out of the die" technique to get the golfer to sit slightly higher than the circle?
    Are you selling your items on FB yet SONIA
    Off to work now and then a GP appt But hoe to I back later for a read

    1. Hi Karen. I decided not to go ahead with the selling opportunity - it was for a shop at a craft centre which a lady in a Facebook group is opening. Not the right time at the moment for me to commit to it, but she has put me on a waiting list in case anything comes up in the future.
      Hope your GP appt goes ok. Have a good day. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi My friend, sorry never got your e-mail. So glad you like the card. Memory to myself to get some watercolour cards so that wont buckle to much next time. Is it time for a meet up ? What about end of June ? This is a announcement to all ladies who are visiting the cafe' ! Karen, take care and hope the visit to GP is all right xx

  5. Morning Everyone - sorry I'm a little late this morning. I have to sort my meds for next week first thing on a Weds morning.

    MARIA- Ohhhhhhhh what a cutie. I love everything about your beautiful card and I love the idea of putting Oscar's name on the side. Are the images from Joanna Sheen by any chance? I seem to recognise the bunny rabbit.

    Well I sent off my CCs for this week to Sandra yesterday so that's one job out of the way. I now have to do three inserts into cards which are due to go out this week-end. This is always the job I put off for as long as I can. I don't know why but I always find it a difficult one. I love choosing the verses but not the sticking in bit. Daft isn't it.
    We have a very dull, grey and wet morning here. It started raining last night and it looks as though it's carried on through the night. I don't know about the Weather people forecasting the hottest May in 100 years as it doesn't seem to know that this bit of the country exists.

    All's up and running and waiting for you all to pop in and have a cuppa. Today's specials are Lemon Butterfly buns, Carrot cake and Eccles Cakes.
    Hugs to you all and spares are in the basket. xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet. sorry but do not remember where the images are from. unfortunately when I sorted my stamps I never wrote where they came from, me
      stupid ? yes lol. Have a nice day xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Gorgeous card today from Maria. Love the beautifully coloured imagine, so cute.
    Hope you and Sue have a fun day, enjoying lots of crafting :-)
    Shall be making a start on this weeks sketch challenge this afternoon using some of my new stash.
    Hope everyone has a great day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia. Their is some paper piercing too.
      Have fun making the CC xx

  7. SANDRA there is saying "be careful what you wish for" some of us don't live
    that far away from you!! lol. Me for one would be there in a flash for a tutorial afternoon as long of course tea and cake was on the menu? Perhaps we will have to settle for Sangria and tapas whilst we talk?

    1. Should have been new paragraph not publish grrrr.....
      Maria such a pretty card and love the name OSCAR, did you die cut the letters?

    2. Thank you Angela. I cheated on the letters, they are stickers I had in my stash hihi. Hope you are ok and having a nice day xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have a lovely day with Sue. It is pouring with rain here so we will not be playing boule but just have a coffee & sit & chat, then all being well I can make some cards or a
    Maria your card is beautiful I really must do more stamping. I can understand Karen being thrilled with it what a kind thought. xxx
    Must get on Lynda make the most of your time in craft room will do you the power of good xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret. Hope you have a nice meet up with your boule friends and can make a card or two this afternoon xx

  9. Good morrning SANDRA & all pop in the cafe'
    SANDRA Have a lovely day with Sue today. Home alone again so will spend most of it playing in craft room. I just wish I was more tidy when making a card I also talk to my self think I'm loosing the plot haha.
    I have just spoken too my friend she phoned crafters compainion customer service about the 8x8 Butterfly die & told them she tried cutting it on her boss n cut grand caliber then the Todo which in fact broke her todo.also told them that they never showed it being cut on the shows They just told her to take it up with Hochanda but she hasn't phoned them yet. After all it's Crafters Companions product. what rubbish custermer service.Will let you know how she gets on with Hochanda custermer service. Well must clean S...t leg's out then make CCard. Will pop back later Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Sorry MARIA your card for Oscar is Gorgeous love your cute image.
    Well done.xxxx

    1. Thank you Lynda. Hope S..t leg now is clean for a little while at least hihi. How is Annie doing ?
      Have fun in your craft room today, hugs xx

  11. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful card Maria. Love the image and the lovely colouring and little Oscars name down the side is so cute.
    Well I managed that difficult to me card Wedding card yesterday. I printed a picture of the football ground and placed it on the card with an acetate wrap around it on which I put a large filigree heart with a wedding cake trimmed with the team colours and the two gentlemens names on a banner. Quite pleased with the result.
    Well its cribbage day today. Can't believe the week goes so quickly. Just put my slow cooker on. Cooking a piece of brisket and veg for my healthy meal tonight.
    I'm not having a problem with the food but I do so miss my maltesers in the evening. Still when I et on the scales on Friday hopefully it will all be worth it.
    Hope your long meeting went by quickly this morning Michele.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Val x

  12. Sandra. Meant to say have a lovely afternoon with Sue. X

    1. Thank you Val. Hope you remembered to take a photo before the card goes off to the happy couple.
      Have fun playing cribbage today. Hope you sleeping better xx

    2. Hi Maria Cribbage was fun as usual but lost this week. Never mind I on't expect to win every time.
      My sleeping is still not good sadly. Tried a hot milky drink last night. Went to sleep around half 11 then awake 1 ish for the night. My body seems to be getting used to it now and I don't feel as tired as I did.
      I have taken a photo of the cardbut don't really think it's good enough to show on Sandras blog.
      Enjoy the rest of the day.
      Love Valx

    3. Sorry your sleeping is no better. I have similar problem, sitting up to the early hours or can't stay awake some days and when you get in to these stupid ruts it's not easy to break them. What do you do when awake during the night ? I'm sure the card is lovely, you making some great cards so do sent it to Sandra. Have a good night as possible Xoxo

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Maria what a beautiful card you made for Karen, and what a clever way you have included Oscars name down the side, I'm not surprised she loves it. xx
    The colouring is lovely (something I need help with and am working to improve) it's all just gorgeous. xx

    Sandra and Sue, have a great time today, if Pat is still in London she will be getting wet today. Not a very nice day out there at all. xxx

    Val, you reminded me of a request I had for a birthday card some years ago. It was for a gentleman who was celebrating his 65th birthday, it had to include Man.U. and Eddy Stobart. When I think of it now I should have printed off the pitch and put a Stobart Lorry in the centre. What I actually did was an MU badge and a Stobart Lorry - sort of card in two halfs. Can't find a picture of it. But then I wasn't 100% happy with it. So maybe didn't keep one!

    I have at last given in and am going to the Doctors late afternoon, this cough is making my heart race, I have atrial fibrillation and only half of the heart functions normally anyway. So really should not ignore it. It's just another one of life's pains !!!!!

    Hope you are all having a good day. Sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Definitely best to get it sorted Brenda. Hope you're appt goes ok. Thinking of you. Hugs xx

    2. Hi BRENDA pleased your going to the doctors best be safe than sorry .hope appointment goes ok sendig you BIG HUG'S xx

    3. Thank you Brenda. I'm glad you seeing the doctor and hope he can help you with this cough. Must be a struggle for you so please take it easy, hugs xx

    4. So glad you're off to the doctors to get sorted out.
      your card sounds as silly as mine. How to people think of these things.
      Take it easy. Valx

  14. Margaret Palmer18 May 2016 at 13:03

    Good girl Brenda listen to Dr. Take care love Margaret xx

  15. I hope you all understood my comment earlier today I'm blaming predictive text and a need for new glasses! Or was it the lemonade I had last night....
    I can understand how you feel SONIA You don't want to turn a hobby you love into a chore
    MARIA end of June sounds fine I hope to get laptop back soon So we can sort something out Set a date and invite anyone else to join us If you're in later drop me an email so I know which address to use
    My GC is playing up It is getting harder and harder to use It's so tight Gping to look at YouTube to see how to take it apart

  16. Hello ,good evening everyone.
    Thank you all for liking the card I made for Karen and her first grandson. it was fun, no good at colouring in and I used the wrong card but it looks alright and I did some paper piercing too which was a little fiddly with my fat fingers lol.
    Hope you all had a good day and Brenda, you got some help from the doctors.
    I sat up to around four this morning so the whole day have felt a bit sluggish. The rain was coming down here too nearly all day so no walk this morning. We went to Ikea for a drink and met some others who are also sad going there for some hours out of the house. They do have nice coffee and I didn't touch the cinnamon buns but god help me I could smell them, soooo
    I too got the stitched trellis die through the post today, I will have a go but think it will be a bit too big for the size card I usually make so we will see what I do or it will be sold on.
    I wish you all a good night, take care and many warm hugs to you all xxxx

  17. Im a bit late, sure most of you are tucked up in bed. I've sort of finished my mini challenge card, but haven't added a sentiment yet. I'm not going to be sending it to Sandra at this hour, may just forward it tomorrow, at least she will know I tried.
    I really wasn't happy with the results yesterday. Then I read an article by Fiona Clayton and she had lightened hers with watered down Gusso. Tried that today using a small smoothie. I am now beginning to like the results.

    Went to the doctors, who said I was congested and prescribed antibiotics also sent me off to hospital for a chest X-ray. Nothing is straight forward when you get older. So by the time that was all sorted, we didn't get home until 7:00pm I had made our dinner earlier Spag. Bol. So it was just the pasta and veg to do and dinner was ready in no time.
    That's me folks, I'm ready for my bed, Sweer Dreams everyone, Brenda xxx
