
Sunday 22 May 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

 My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

 Anne's Challenge Card

Janet's Challenge Card

 Lilian's Challenge Card

 Lynda's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge card

Margaret's 2nd Challenge Card

 Maria's Challenge card

 Michele's Challenge Card

 Sonia's Challenge Card

Sue's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Once again I am blown away by your talent, so many amazing challenge cards, I do hope that challenging you every week and pushing you all that little bit further out of your comfort zone is helping you all to expand your card making styles, the only trouble I have found is that I have to chose between so many different new ideas when I sit down to make a card, this will be one of my favourite sketches though.

Anne, wow, so beautiful, such a classy mix of colours, that touch of lace really lifts the card, the most beautiful part is the bow and flowers finishing touch, thank you so much Anne for taking part in this weeks challenge xxx

Janet, a beautiful 'Gorjuss' card, finished perfectly with that stunning rosette style flower and your lovely die cut Happy Birthday, thank you so much my lovely for taking part. xxx

Lilian, such a beautiful card, I love that delicate floral paper you have used, and the bird is so beautiful, can I ask what die you have used to cut that pretty red mat layer, it almost looks like a stamp edge.  Thank you so much for taking part Lilian xxx

Lynda, OMG, such a pretty card Lynda, that lace is just stunning and it works so beautifully with the papers you have used, a stunning card Lynda, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Margaret, two beautiful cards from you this week, a stunning Christmas card, I love that round die you have used, it is so pretty and clearly works for all seasons, now onto that gorgeous birthday card, I love those papers, such a pretty floral!! I love the sentiment you have used too, thank you so much for making two cards this week xxx

Maria, another super cute image from you, the sentiment reads 'Happy Mother's Day' and I think your Mum will love your gorgeous card Maria, that decoupaged sunflower is so pretty too! Thank you for sharing your card with us Maria xxx

Michele, another gorgeous card from Michele, I love the Hot air balloon image you have used, is it a CD image?, I love the matching backing paper too, the purple is the perfect contrast colour too, thank you so much for taking part, despite the chaos around you xxx

Sonia, you have used some of your Theresa Collins paper already, I am so proud, I am still stroking mine! hahaha!! The dies you have used work perfectly too, I love that heart border die!
Thank you so much for another amazing card xxx

Sue, I love how this card turned out, (I saw the beginings of it on Wednesday), but the little finishing touches you have added like the pearls in the little snowflakes and the red ribbon bow with the delicate pearl centre really have lifted the card, you will be finished your Christmas cards by September at this rate! thank you so much for taking part xxx

Val, I love that you too are making use of the sketch challenge cards to get your Christmas cards made, I love this one with the proud prancing reindeer, and the pretty snowflakes, the calming paper at the bottom brings the whole card together perfectly, thank you so much for taking part each week Val xxx

Well that's it for this week, by the time you are all reading this I will be trying to decide on next weeks sketch, I wish I was quicker at making decisions! I started trying to decide at 10.30 am and finished my sketch card at 11pm, (I was doing other things in between), I love doing it though for as long as you all want to take part.  

Thank you all again, from the bottom of my heart ladies xxxxx

Love and Hugs


  1. Good Morning Sandra and all.
    Well another Sunday of lovely entries. Beautiful, each and every one. Looking forward to what you've got planned for us this week Sandra. I know it must be a lot of work for you Sandra but I know all of us appreciate what you do in giving us none blog owners a chance to show what we can do. Thank you.
    I've woken up this morning with sore throat, head ache, earache and sneezes. I have to take Gracie out but I think it's a take it easy day.
    Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val sorry you have woken up feeling so unwell you don't do things by half do you with all your symptoms. Please take it easy & hope you feel better soon sending some healing (((((Hug's))))
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val,
      Hope you feel better soon, take it easy hugs on

    3. Sending well wishes cuddles, bless you. Hope you feel better asap. Take care xx

  2. Good morning ladies,

    Really gorgeous challenge cards greeted my eyes popping in the café. You have done yourselves proud again.
    I have no meet ups for any of my groups this coming week except for the usual Monday walk so I might actually find time to do a challenge card. I can't remember the last one I made even.
    Maria... the advice from Fernli is to assemble their products first, then gesso or chalk paint. As they are somewhat porous, if you do gesso, ink or chalk first, it will soak into the noggins, then they won't fit and split or break as did mine.

    Very treasured time with Tiegan yesterday, we started off in the Jewellery shop and she spent quite a while choosing what she would like. Then she spied a beautiful plain silver cross with the star of Bethlehem right in the centre adorned with a tiny zirconium. Then she couldn't make her mind up between that or a rose gold tree of life pendant. I explained to her that the tree of life represents each member of your family. I bought her both as she had not had her £50 to buy something in Pete's memory, that would be special for her and granddad. After finishing the bathroom and other house repairs there was enough left from the insurance for all the grandchildren to have some money each to buy an individual item to remember granddad.
    Then we bought a beautiful zirconium half bangle on behalf of Jamie for Milly-May's birthday.
    A lovely lunch followed at the Tudor Hotel then a quick pop in to The Works for her to pick up some craft items.
    Dad picked her up at 3.30 so all in all, a lovely day.
    A very wet soggy day yesterday which looks like it is carrying on. I have nothing that is really urgent to do housework wise so I feel a whole day crafting is what I need.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi CHERYL
      Sounded like you had a very special day with Tiegan her necklaces sound lovely Cheryl. Glad she is still liking her crafting. When is your next crafting session with her.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Cheryl,glad you had a good day with Tiegan and she got some things a little girl like. Have a nice day crafting xx

  3. Congratulations Karen Lotty for winning in Sue's comment draw. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant selection of challenge cards today. For a change I didn't go with the Christmas theme, wish I had now. The topper & backing paper are from this months Making Cards magazine which I bought as there was a free cd with it-images & backgrounds for men's cards. The cd is really good so if any of you struggle with men's cards I'd recommend the buy the magazine for the free cd.

    I had a bit of a lie in this morning, was shattered last night and still feel tired so we're having a lazy day. Definitely no gardening!

    I was asked yesterday if I could make a golden wedding anniversary card for a lady to give to her husband so I think I might look on Pinterest for ideas. Also my M in L showed me some new dies she'd bought so I may have to go on the Internet...!!!


    PS I agree with Val, I really appreciate all your hard work Sandra running the blog & setting up the sketch challenge for us as its a great way of us non blog owners showing our cards to others.

    1. Hi MICHELE
      No harm in having a lie in now & again your up so early all week. Pinterest is great for inspiration but it's so addictive Take it easy Michele hope you get your card made.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Michele, having a lie in must be so unusual for you and after all the work you do during the week you well worth it.
      Sorry it was so few people for the craft table for you, hope it goes better next time. Shame you have to pay for having a table up xx

  5. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful way to start the day by opening the Cafe Door and seeing this array of scrumptiousness (I've just made that word up hehe you wouldn't have guessed would you and I'm so pleased that we put that additional display board up last week.

    I love each and everyone. All different in their own ways but all following Sandra's Sketch and all covering different occasions. What is going to face us tomorrow morning? Hmmm I wonder.........

    We had a good shopping morning and bought Isobel's bday books and then back home for an easy afternoon. We bought her a boxed set of 'Secret Seven' to go with her set of 'Famous Five' she had last year. I loved these books as a child and I believe they stand alongside all the classic children's books.

    Not sure what's on the menu for today.

    MICHELE- I'm so sorry that yesterday morning was a wash out at the Attic Sale. After all that hard work you really deserve to have taken more. Perhaps it wasn't advertised very well. I remember you saying that you hadn't seen many posters. The organisers really should do all they can to flood the area with posters, leaflets etc. I hope the rest of the day went well. Hugs.
    CHERYL- so pleased you had a wonderful day shopping with Tiegan and that she managed to get what she wanted. I cannot believe that Milly-Mae is one. Where does the time go!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. All's set for you in the Cafe. I hope that all who are under the weather and suffering are feeling better day by day. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi JANET I love your card the papers you have used really lovely.
      Glad you had a good shopping trip yesterday. I also loved those books & my two loved them as well when they were little they don't seem to date do they. Have a good day.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet, hope you are having a nice day.
      The cafe' looks lovely and it was great you put the extra board up because we seem to need it :-) xx

  6. Gorgeous cards by your girls Sandra. xxxx

    1. Hi Wendy, nice to see you .Hope you are ok ? xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and Friends, dry but cloudy still not warm.

    WOW the challenge cards are amazing, all so special in their own special way.
    Have a good day all, hand back in support today , hopefully that will help, but makes it difficult to do much craft.
    Hope Val you soon feel better.
    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, take care . Hope the support will help but it is a bit tricky to do things with them on xx

  8. A comment has just disappeared down a black hole! Now a quick one as I have to get ready to shop - this doesn't happen often with OH when sun is shining Love your cards ladies I'll try and catch up later

    1. Hi Karen that black hole is getting greedy I lost some comments this week too. Haha.Have a good shopping trip any crafty things dropping into your basket:0)))
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Congratulations Karen on your Sue Wilson comments win enjoy.xx

    3. Hi Karen, hope your day is fine. Congrats on winning on Sue's blog, yay! :-) xx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wonderful selection of cards, all so beautiful. I'm gathering a nice little stash of cards thanks to your challenges Sandra so really appreciate the time and effort you put in for us :-)
    I did pop in quickly yesterday to see the mixed craft creations, and again was amazed by the beauty of them :-)
    Managed to get some crafting done yesterday and last night sat and made swatches of all my Distress ink pads (26 of them) Something I'd been meaning to do for a while.
    Congratulations to Karen Lotty for winning a prize on Sue W blog - enjoy :-)
    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Maria. It has really helped, I done it with my Pro Markers too when I got them a while back. Hope you've had a good day.
      Hugs xxx

  10. Hi Sonia,
    You were very good doing All your swatches for your disstress ink pad. I've never done that. Have a good day is there more crafting going on.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while, so glad I got around to it. Now I can easily see the colours and work out different colour combos :-)
      Have done a little crafting this morning, but nothing finished yet! Hope you're having a good day.
      Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Sonia, what a good idea to make swatches for the colours you have. I need to do that too and hopefully with my colour pens . Something I could do now without my work space. Thanks for the tip. Have a good day xx

  11. Hi SANDRA & everyone
    Wow the challenge cards are all amazing this week. You should give yourself's a pat on the back well done everyone. Sandra thank you for all your hard work doing these challenges for us it must take you ages but I for one am very grateful as I love doing them. I should have a look at my blog haven't done anything on there for so long. Raining today so crafting I think.:0))).
    We was going for a walk but that's a no no now. Poor Harry has a black eye & very swollen. Mum & Dad had a 40 th birthday party to go to at the bowling ally on Friday night Darren was having his turn just as he put his arm back but out too the right didn't see Harry was at the bottom of the step & the ball hit him on his eye but luckily he is ok as they took him A&E & he is fine .Darren was so upset ( he even cried ) Sam said but accidents happen just glad he is ok. He sounded fine when Sam phoned me yesterday I could hear him playing with his noisy sit on toy then he wanted the phone he said daddy Sam said no it's Nannie so he shouted Hello Nannie first time I hered him say that 😍 love him.
    Well I better go Terry wants his lunch he's fading away..Will pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, you do make me laugh. I can't see Terry fading to anywhere. Nothing for me to cuddle if he disappear Hihi. Hope you feeling better, when are you going for the ECG ? Poor Annie, hope she is alright today after the thunder. how is your healthy eating going ? Builder in tomorrow morning , so now it starts for the next 5 weeks. Water will be on so can have my weak tea and coffee's, washing will be at a neighbour and paper plates and micro for food. Hoping for warmer weather so it can be salads and bbq's. will keep you up dated. Stamps come back to you alright ? hugs xxx

    2. Glad Harry is fine, lot of cuddles for him xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely selection of cards again, thank you for the time & effort you put into the challenge each week, we really appreciate it & would miss it.xxxx
    Not a bad day at the moment at least it's warmer, lawn wants mowing but it is too wet, well that's my excuse, will sit & do something instead.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxxx.

    1. I love excuses hihi but today the lawn had a trim and washing done but hanged indoors, it's raining !
      Hope you have a good day, hugs to you and pop :-) xx

  13. Such an array of colours and styles, would have a difficult time choosing if they were on the shelf of my local store.

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone in the cafe' . Hope you all having a good day as possible. Sending special hugs to all who are feeling poorly and wish you better.
    Wow, it looks great on the board today with our challenge cards on show, love them all. Where is your image from Lilian ? Lynda ,is the lace from Amanda's or a die ?
    Sandra, thank you for all the work you do to put these things together for us. I love it and would miss it if you stopped. You are amazing to keep the blog open every day ! Hope you feeling better and the meds. are working.
    Pat and Pete, wheelchair racing coming to mind hihi Hope Bet gets better soon and you two can have a rest,hugs.
    I have comment on the way down so you get the job to scroll up again if you want to read it tihi
    Kitchen is at last empty so now the ripping out can start tomorrow morning. I am stupid, I know but feeling a bit funny about the whole thing. Memories... Now I have to make new ones , I'm such a fruitcake Lol
    Weigh-in went ok but not easy when so many goodies everywhere, lucky they are calorie free here ;-)
    Football once again have just started on Tv so will clean out my mail box before it's dinner to make so I leave you for now, love and hugs to all Maria Xoxo

    1. Hi Maria that is Amanda's lace well mine now haha not a die. Good luck tomorrow for the roping out of the kitchen are the work men doing that or have you got to do it Well done with weigh much did you loose. Big Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Not sure what roping means but the workman will do the removing hihi. 1 pound today with the other
      13, only another to go hihi Big hug back xx

  15. Lovely lot of cards this week. I just didn't get the time. A lot of birthday this month and then it will go quiet. Only 2 in June. Hopefully I will get the challenge card done this week. Can't remember what the midweek one is. Will have to look back and see if I can find what it is. Hope all those feeling unwell will feel better soon. Pat I do hope that you get your needs sorted out soon and don't have to wait too long for your op. Congratulations to Karen for winning on Sue's blog comments. enjoy.

  16. Thank you ladies for the Congrats
    Shopping consisted of a new TV! I knew he had an ulterior motive!
    SANDRA I may not take part every week but I do enjoy seeing what you have picked BUT don't stress As an idea to help you decide on a sketch how about a random choice like choose all of the numbers that end in 1 or 3 or something ...
    Still no laptop or die cutting machine I feel lost as most of my card making includes using one if not both

  17. Hello again, it's been a lovely day here, so managed to clean the windows, they needed doing badly, we live by a very busy road, so they will soon be dusty again but at the moment they are looking nice. This afternoon spent pottering in the garden.
    The die I used Sandra is one of my tonic layering dies, the little bird is from one of the paper pads from the range that I added colour too bring it out, also coloured the flowers, a very quick card as work is busy.
    Last night did my first bit of up cycling, cereal box into a magazine storage box, think my mod pod get is a bit old, had a job making the paper stick, maybe I'll gesso first next time.
    Well I think my roast chicken is about ready , hugs Lilian

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a lot of very beautiful card, I just love all the ideas everyone comes up with, It makes me think why didn't I think of that!
    Had a lovely surprise early afternoon, Our daughter who lives in Essex had driven over because she was worried about me. I think she went home satisfied that I'm on the mend.
    Sandra sorry I didn't take part in this weeks challenge I think you understand why. I did say to Ciara would you like to make a card but had a project to do for school so obviously that had to come first. I'm sure she'll soon be saying what's the challenge this week?
    Sending love and gentle hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  19. Just popped in to say Good night everyone and we sees tomorrow xx
