
Monday 23 May 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

The Sketch

Inspiration Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Here is this weeks sketch, I am hoping that this is a fairly simple one for you all this week, you could use a Sue Wilson background die for the centre section if you have one of them. 
The centre shape could be a rectangle if you like, to make it can little easier.
I have to apologise to all of you as I was too poorly to make an inspirational card for you, I have used the one that came with the sketch, I don't usually like to use them as I want to inspire you myself!  

I do have an extra treat for you though.........

Michele's New Bathroom

 Hand basin & Bath

 Heated Towel Rail/ Radiator


Toilet and lovely new flooring

Wow Michele you must be so thrilled with your new bathroom, it looks amazing, so clean and fresh looking, I love the storage under the sink, I have the same towel rail/radiator in my bathroom and it works really well.  Its a shame you didn't take a 'before' photo!! 
Thank you so much for sharing, we have Maria's new kitchen to look forward to next!

That's all from me today ladies, I will try to get a Sketch Card done for your today, I am hoping to be feeling better by the time you are all reading this.
I am now pretty sure that its the new stronger antiobiotics that are making me feel so unwell, they seem to me disagreeing with my usual medication.
I am hoping that the Cranberry Capsules that I have will take the place of these awful antibiotics and the prebiotic tablets will hopefully work on restoring my very upset stomach back to being calm.

Sorry once again, I know that you will all understand.

Love and huge hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Great sketch challenge for us today Sandra. I'm hoping to have a go at making my card either tonight or tomorrow night as hubby is away. I have done viewing to do-I recorded Julia Watts on Hochanda last week and need to watch them so I can delete them off the Sky box.
    It was a shock seeing my bathroom on the blog, even though I knew I'd sent Sandra the photos!

    Best get ready for the day ahead-my boss is off today so that always adds to the fun!


    1. Margaret Palmer23 May 2016 at 12:43

      Michele your bathroom looks lovely, well worth the

    2. wow Michele, your new Bathroom is Fabulous. Must be quite big for room with a bath and shower. Not jealous or anything...xx

    3. Hi MICHELE Wow I love your new bathroom. It was worth all the mess & upheaval. Xx

  2. Morning Sandra & crafty chums,

    Hope you manage to get your tablets sorted out Sandra, it is annoying when new ones upset the oldies. Sometimes you have to read the instructions for the contradictions, I know some of Pete's didn't agree with each other, but as the doctor says 'I know better'.
    It's good to have another go at one of the challenge sketches, I have used this one for a few cards now and find it is such an easy card to make.

    WOW! Michele, what a beautiful bathroom you have. Enjoy it my dear, the mess/aggro is always worth it in the end.
    I loved my shower room when it was finally finished and still do now. It is a pleasure to do my ablutions in such a calming room.

    Off to Burrow Mump for this morning's walk, so I'll see you all later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hope you enjoy your walk at Burrow Mump Cheryl.

    2. Hope you have a lovely walk in the sunshine and having a nice lunch after . Where is Burrow Mump ?

    3. Burrow Mump is near Galstonbury, it is a mound with St. Michael's Church atop it. xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- please take care and get your meds sorted. It's bad enough not feeling A1 in the first place but then to be upset and worse with the supposed cure is not good. I've sent you very gentle but very large hugs my Dear Friend.
    MICHELE- Oh Michele my green eyes have come out to play this morning viewing your new bathroom. lol. It's beautiful and I can imagine spending a lot of time just gazing around. Good luck with work today Dear Friend.
    CHERYL- have a really good walk today and of course a wonderful lunch wherever you finish the walk.
    I have to say you have made me smile -not because of something you have said but because of how I read the end of your comment.
    I read 'Off to Borrow Bump' instead of 'Burrow Mump'. Heaven only knows what I was thinking. NO DON'T TELL ME hehehe. Hope the weather is good for you all Dear Friend.

    We have a beautiful sunny morning here and the birds are singing their little hearts out. It's a beautiful sound to start the day.
    I love this week's Challenge Sandra and will be having a ball with it. It's my usual Mr Tesco morning and so I'll be at my crafting station until he has been hoping to finish off a little trinket box I started this week-end.

    We have clean cloths, towels and tea towels today in the Cafe and I've put some little pots of blue bells on the tables. They are out of my garden not out of the woods. I will not take them from their natural surroundings. We did when we were children. I can remember arms full of beech sprays and blue bells and now I think they are protected as ancient woodlands are disappearing quickly and so are the bells. Too much of our woodlands and true meadows have gone. We need to protect all our Green Belts. OK soap box is back in place ready for next time.
    Hugs are on their way to all of you with my love xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. When I was a child we had a bluebell wood by me and yes I used to come home with armfulls for my mum. Wouldn't dream of it today, they look so much prettier left were they are in the woods. The tables look lovely today with them on the tables. Enjoy your crafting.

    2. Oh memories, when I was a child we lived in Leicestershire and had Woodlands at the end of our road. It was a Childs heaven, yes we would go and get armfuls of bluebells, we would also make dens in the woods and have ropes hanging from the mature trees to swing on and there was a babbling brook that went thought went through the Woodlands and on the land opposite our house so we had frogspawn in todespawn - you name it, Life was pretty idyllic for us children. We never played in the garden, occasionally in the street but we were blessed with real country surroundings. Life was good.
      Janet, thank you for waking up those memories. LOL x

    3. Love the bluebells Janet. haven't seen any for years. Remember when we travelled up to Scotland one summer and on the way there were so many bluebells growing in the woods. Wonderful xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and lades,
    So sorry you're not feelung too good Sandra.Do hope by today uour tum has started to calm down and those cranberry tablets start to work.
    I'm amazed you felt like doing a sketch this week so thank you for that I feel another Christmas card coming on.
    Didn't feel good yesterday so went for a lie down after lunch and got up this morning. Slept most of it to. I think I made up for the last few months of not sleeping. Do feel a lot better though. The aches have gone just a head full of cotton wool now.
    Just love your bathroom Michele. The sink unit is beautiful and the floor looks so lovely. It was definitely worth the mess.
    Maria, hope the first day of installing your new kitchen goes well.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I'm glad your feeling better after your long sleep. Did you feel like a sleeping princess.

    2. Sadly Pat a handsome prince did not wake me up with a kiss, only Gracie licking my face ha ha.xx

    3. Hi Val, this is what's happening when Mr Sandman do turn up. Hope you feeling a little better this afternoon. Nice to have a kiss from Gracie :-)
      The Demolishing of my kitchen is going on well, just waiting for the skip to come back as we sent it away on Friday (we were not ready for it then) Oh the noise when he taking of the tiles eeek xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well Sandra. Hope you have an easy day and start to feel better soon.
    Great sketch again, thank you.
    Wow, Michele your bathroom looks lovely :-)
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hope you having a nice day whatever you are up too Sonia, happy crafting xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    I'm sorry to hear that your medication is playing havoc with you. As you say they probably don't mix well with the others. I've rung to speak to my new Dr whoever they are, re my referral which isn't until another six weeks. To see if I can see Mr Taylor at the Manor, but still have the op on the NHS if the wait isn't to long. I can't stand still as its so painful, so I might need another X-ray before I go as it sure wasn't this bad when I had my other X-ray done.
    What a lovely bathroom Michele, certainly worth the wait. Wish our bathroom would take a big radiator like that. But we had to have a 3/4 size bath when we had one. Now we just gave a shower in there.
    Lovely sketch Sandra, but must try and get a few cards done to go off this week.
    Hope everyone else is feeling ok. Hugs for those who need one.

    1. So sorry you're still in pain Pat, do hope you can sort something out so it bring the op forward. When is it you travel to Lverpool? Xx

    2. Hello Pat, sorry to read you are in so much pain, I hope you are able to get through to your consultant, sometimes it's worth ringing and asking to speak to the consultant secretary, I've found I got results going down that route. Best of luck. LOL xx

    3. Hi Pat, so sorry to see you are in so much. Really hope you get hold of someone to help you asap. Sending you many hugs xx

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    I just realised this morning I hadn't commented yesterday , I looked at all the wonderful challenge cards and the phone rang, so needless to say I wandered out to the garden and worked hard there all day ( sore knee today as a result , so no Pilates this morning) I was finally sowing all the vegetable seeds and then had to have a quick shower etc and get organised as I had 8 for dinner ( the family ) so after they left I was only fit for bed ( I slept for 10 hours!) not something that happens often.
    Sandra I'm sorry to hear you are having such a rotten time I hope the cranberry tablets work for you, if not Aloe Vera sometimes helps , this week's challenge looks good, thank you xo.
    Michele your bathroom looks so sleek and stylish ( like a posh hotel) I love the neutral colours , I'm sure you will enjoy it everyday!
    Cheryl, I love the name of the place you are having a walk to today ( Burrow Mump) it sounds like somewhere from a fairy story , look forward to hearing about it.
    Janet , the cafe looks a picture, I adore beech trees and bluebells, the fresh colours just lift your spirits like nothing else can, this is my good day so I'm so happy your cakes are calorie free lol! so I can indulge with my coffee.
    Hope you all have a good day, love and hugs xoxo

    1. Thanks girls, I managed to do some weeding, sitting on a small chair, where' there's a will there's a way lol!

  8. Well done you for cooking for so many yesterday. I come out in a cold sweat just thinking of cooking for 8. Hope you can have a rest today after you busy day yesterday. Xx

    1. Hope you had a nice time with the family, you must have a big dinner table :-) Careful in the garden, wish your knee better xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly, it's horrible when you are given something to make you better and it ends up making us feel worse. I hope the cranberry tablets work. Is it worth ringing the doctor and explaining the effect these pills are having on you? Sending you lots of gentle ((((((hugs)))))) XX

    Like this weeks challenge card, you never need to apologise for not making
    your own card, it's enough that you think about a challenge for everyone anyway.

    WOW Michele, Love the new bathroom it looks very calm and relaxing, the perfect place to unwind. xx

    Cheryl enjoy your walk, love some of the names of these country hamlets. Hope you find a lovely pub/ cafe to have your lunch.

    The sun is shining, might just be tempted to go outside for a little while, John is out there trimming bushes and deadwood out of plants, every now and again he will come in and say can I have your opinion? It would be easier if I joined him and anyway there's always another job to do, and it's a great way to get some
    fresh air and exercise.

    Will look like in later to see how everyone is and hopefully hear that you're feeling a bit better Sandra. xx

    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hope you had some nice time in the garden before the rain is coming this afternoon, hugs to you and John xx

    2. Hi BRENDA hope you haven't over done thing's in the garden,
      πŸŒ»πŸŒΏπŸƒπŸπŸŒΎπŸŒ±πŸŒΌbut was enjoyable. Hug's for you & John xx

  10. Margaret Palmer23 May 2016 at 12:41

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so sorry you are feeling so poorly, hope you pick up soon. Challenge looks good again hope to have a go this afternoon. will not be able to do much tomorrow having yltra sound guided injection in my left wrist in the morning. Sending gentle hugs to you & all qho need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Good luck for tomorrow Margaret, hope it's not a
      painful thing to have done. Take care xx

    2. Hi MARGARET wishing you well for tomorrow hope you won't suffer to much pain.Sending gental Hug's.Love Lynda xxx

  11. Hello all, very sorry your meds are making you feel so poorly Sandra, do hope you will feel better soon, rest as much as possible.
    This weeks challenge looks great, even I should be able to get this one right.
    Michele your new bathroom looks stunning, always lovely when everything is brand new.
    Maria hope the kitchen refit goes well.
    Cheryl hope you enjoy your walk, sounds lovely, nice weather here hope it's the same with you.
    Well better go and do some more work, hugs all round, healing hugs for our special lady who puts in so much work for us to enjoy, better soon Sandra.

    1. Hi Lilian, hope your day is fine. With all the noise, drilling, banging and scraping that's going on it sound like it all out soon hihi Take care xx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I get into the Cafe to comment yesterday, was just about to when a little voice asked for help with a tricky Lego construction and that was it, the rest of the day was spent with lots of Beaver Scouts at a sports day. After an enjoyable but very busy weekend today is one of not being able to do much so will just say that the Challenge cards were all wonderful, so much inspiration too : )
    Sending big healing hugs to you Sandra, sorry that you are feeling so bad my lovely xx
    Pat, big hugs for you too, hope you are resting xx
    Brenda and Lynda, I hope you are both taking it very easy, please xx
    Love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue I hope your not too sore after your busy weekend with the Beaver scouts sports day hope you didn't join in 😳
      Sending Gental Hug's love Lynda xx

  13. Afternoon Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Sorry your meds. are making you so ill, wish you better my friend. The challenge sketch look easy enough, even for me :-) so will make some room on table for the GC and cut some shapes out for this and some other cards I must do. June, August and September are busy month for birthday's for me. Now had some lunch and watched judge Rinder , time to get active again so not thinking of food and feeling the pain :-) Take care everyone,love and hugs Maria xoxo
    The work have started in the kitchen so I have been spending the morning in the garden doing some dig over and weeding. Seem to be the only plant that will grow in our heavy clayed borders. The sun have been out up until now when some dark clouds are coming in.

    1. How did my post split in two and dropped
      underneath ?, I have no idea xx

    2. Hi Maria I hope you haven't over done it in the garden 🌹🌻🌺🍁🌾🌷🌸🌞 sending you some flowers ☔️. Thank you I received the stamps back this morning. MARIA thank you so much for the lovely thank you card it's really lovely. It didn't look like the stamps hadn't been used !! Hope kitchen is well under way & they are useing rubber hammer's HaHa. Take care my friend love Lynda xx

  14. Hello SANDRA & the gang.
    So sorry your not very well Sandra & the antibiotics that are making you feel so ill.hope the cranberries help my lovely take care. Hope GCSE's are going ok for SOPHIE & LUCY sending you both some Hug's.
    Sketch challeng looks great this week I don't know how you managed to give us one today. I'm sure none of us would have minded if you hadn't done one as your so poorly Sandra x I done the usual mundane clearing up this morning. Then went went in my Rabbit hole as Terry called it ( not sure why) I finished my altered Tag off,& quite pleased with it. Then started another box the middle size one. Then I only have the larger one to do. Before that I must do some B/cards.
    When I have done the challenge card I will send them in for you Sandra.
    Must go & dish dinner up so see you all later.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx
