
Tuesday 24 May 2016

My sketch card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it was the only thing I managed to achieve yesterday and I finished it at 22.50pm but now I feel that I given a little inspiration for this weeks challenge, although I did get a little carried away with beads and trim!
The image is from a Lilli of the Valley Art Pad, the die I used to make the frame is from Creative Expressions Austrian Collection, 'Innsbruck' die, designed by the incredibly talented Sue Wilson.  The papers I used were also from Lilli of the Valley, the flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts.

Now I don't expect you to add quite as much to your cards of course, although I have noticed one or two of you adding lace to your cards, it really makes a difference, I'm not sure if its because its a different material but either way it really works.

Are you all up for a mid week challenge this week? I will try to do one every other week so that you don't get to overwhelmed with challenges.

Lucy and Sophie's prom dresses arrived yesterday, both beautiful, Lucy's fits perfectly, Sophie's will need taking up, so I need to find a seamstress to do that pretty soon, I am so relieved that they arrived though.

Well that's all from me today, will call in later.

Love and hugs

Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, not sure mine will be quite so pretty! Glad the girls dresses arrived & I hope you find a seamstress in time.

    I had a very lazy evening yesterday-watched recorded programmes all evening including Law &Order from Sunday which is to be continued next week. Tonight I'll head into my craft room to start my challenge card-well, that's the theory!

    Work wasn't too bad yesterday but I'm waiting for an engineer to come out today-pro owing one of my isolators(safety cabinet where we make the chemotherapy). Then tomorrow I have a new isolator arriving but first the company have to deal up one side of the Aseptic Unit then remove the old machine (in pieces) as there's very little room , then move the new one in and re-assemble to then seal up my unit so they can start testing the new machine. They're hoping to complete everything by Friday then on Tuesday we can start our cleaning & testing. It'll be about 3 weeks before we can use the new machine as we have toget all our test results back & know there's nothing nasty inside it.
    After the chaos at home this is really the last thing I could do with but needs least I can leave the mess behind at 5pm!!!


    PS thanks for all the lovely comments in my bathroom & yes, I do keep looking at it when I go past!!

    1. Morning Michele,
      Glad you and Phil had a nice re!axed evening!
      Work sounds like its going to be total chaos!
      I don't envy you having to deal with that mess!
      Hopefully the company will be super efficient and you won't even know they are there!!!! Lol !
      Try and have a nice day my lovely,

    2. Hi Michele. It sounds like you had a good day yesterday catching up on TV programmes. Sorry to hear that it is going to be hectic at work, just what you don't need, especially with a bank holiday coming up! Like Janet I wondered how you manage with one cabinet down? I hope you have as good a day as possible at work and get to play in your craft room this evening x

    3. Hi Michele, it sounds as if you're in for a busy time at work. Good that you can relax in your craft room tonight. Xx

    4. Hello Michele, sounds like you're in for some fun at work (not)
      It's interesting to read what you have to do to prepare medicine for your chemotherapy patients. What happens in the meantime while the Machine is assembled and tested, do you have to buy the Meds in? Anyway hope all goes well and on schedule. LOL

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Another beautiful morning here,so I will enjoy playing 9 holes of golf in the sunshine but my knee is still a bit dodgy.
    Sandra your card is stunning with all the gorgeous trims ( definitely a keeper) for the lucky recipient ! I do find LOTV art pads so useful and handy if you need a quick card, I bet your girls are delighted with their prom dresses, I can't wait to see them in all their finery , I hope you are feeling on the mend, just take it easy for a few days.xo
    I plucked up courage to ask in our new garden centre if they would be interested in some handmade cards and they said that was a good idea and to bring some in , so will attend to that when the weather changes, the garden is getting all the attention at the moment .
    Well I'm off to have some tea and toast, I wonder who might pop by?
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Oh Anne that's fantastic news regarding your cards, they are always stunning and will sell like hot cakes!!
      Enjoy your golf, can you strap your knee up for support?
      Enjoy the beautiful weather.
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Anne. I hope your bad knee doesn't stop you from enjoying your game of golf today, I hope the weather is as good for you as it is here too : )
      The garden centre have struck lucky, your cards are beautiful and Im sure they will sell like hot cakes. Well done for plucking up the courage to ask : ) x

    3. Hi Anne, so pleased that you have an outlet for you're lovely cards. I bet they'll sell so well.
      Hope your sore knee doesn't bother you whilst you're playing golf today. Xx

    4. Hello Anne, well done for having the courage to speak to the people at the garden centre, I'm sure your cards will be a great hit. I always like to look at things that are locally produced, be it cards, pottery or anything. I think you have targeted the perfect place to show your cards. Good luck, though I'm sure you don't need it xx

    5. Thank you so much girls for your support, I'll let you know when I get some there, the golf today was really enjoyable , the woman I was out ,with won today , she played beautifully. I was so pleased for her as she is the clubs best player and hadn't played for ten weeks as her mum died beginning of April and before that she was caring for her..
      I worked in the garden this afternoon and it's starting to look really good.
      I really enjoy having you as my blog friends xoxo

    6. Hi ANNE sorry I'm late I've had Hospital & Dentist so by time we got home had to start dinner.hope you enjoyed your golf. Hopfully you will sell lots of cards at the garden centre.your cards are lovely Xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- What a gorgeous card and more than well waiting for. I don't think you went over the top with the embelisments at all lol. I think this sketch just shouts out for everything you can lay your hands to in lace/ribbons/gems and a little bling! I'll just have to see what I can do with mine.
    MICHELE- May I ask a question please. When your machine at work is taken away and it's going to take three weeks before the new one is in commision and fully working does that mean you're one machine down or is there room for the other machines to cope with the work or do you 'farm out' Sorry if that sounds silly
    but I just wondered.
    ANNE- what fantastic news re the Garden Centre selling your cards. Good Luck with it.

    Well it's Knit and Natter today (I don't know where the last two weeks have gone) so it will be an afternoon of chat, craft and no stress for me this time round as it's one of the other ladies turn to 'take and make'.

    I made a start on my CC yesterday morning. I have a little girl bday card to do so I'm making my CC fit that bill. Hopefully it will do the job and you never know I just might get round to doing another!

    Like Anne I'm wondering who will pop in today. We seem to be missing one or two regulars at the moment and I'm hoping that it's just that they are busy, on hols and not under the weather. Where are you all?

    Thank you Sandra for opening up this morning. Everything looks good and very inviting. Hugs have been despatched so please accept them with my love.

    1. Hi Janet, have a great time at knit and natter today. I'm sure you'll enjoy it all the more with no pressure. Xx

    2. Hi Janet. Have a nice relaxing time at Knit and natter today. Your question to Michele was just what I thought as well, so it wasn't silly at all. I was saying to hubby that it is so interesting to hear about things that everyone in the Cafe does, sometimes things that we would never even think about. Just about every day is a school day in here isn't it : ) x

    3. Hello Janet, enjoy your afternoon at knit and natter. I hope the person organising the make and take have something interesting for you all to do. Have a good afternoon LOL

    4. Thanks Janet,I appreciate your good wishes, I don't expect to sell many but it's always an excuse to buy more stash when you earn some pennies! xo

    5. Hi JANET hope you enjoyed your knit & natter today hope the lady organised something good for you all. How many of you are there taking part & do you all have turn doing the make & take.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Beautiful card - love everything about it :-) The art pads from LOTV are fab, such a shame they discontinued them. They were my go to for many cards! I do have lots of image stamps but my colouring/shading skills aren't very good, so hence to say most of these stamps have never been used :-(
    Glad Lucy and Sophie's prom dresses have arrived. Hope the exams are going well.
    Looking forward to your next mini challenge. I do hope you're feeling a bit better and not overdoing it.
    Have a lovely day everyone and hugs to all xxx

    1. Like you Sonia I just love the LOTV art pads and really wonder why such a good selling idea would be discontinued..
      Enjoy your day xx

    2. Hi Sonia. I'm like you, have quite a lot of pretty stamps but not good at shading and blending in at all. Have a good day x

    3. Hi Val and Sue. Think a customer asked on LOTV Facebook page why they had discontinued them, and I'm sure they said that they weren't selling enough to make a profit as the production costs were quite high. Such a shame as I love their images.
      Perhaps when I get time I will have a look for some colouring tutorials and have a go ;-)
      Hope you're having a good day. Hugs xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Gorgeous sketch card,all your laces and flowers and bling real suit this card so well. you putting so much work into making the cards up every day . Hope you starting to feel better soon. How exciting to see the prom dresses for Lucy and Sophie again and hopefully you will find a seamstress in time.
    Michele- sound like you have the work cut out for you, hope it all goes well with the new machine. Nice to catch up with your recordings sometimes, can be difficult sometimes when OH not interested in our programs :-)
    Anne- how fabulous for you to be selling your cards at the garden centre. Your cards are wonderful so they will sell good,good luck. have a great day playing golf just take care with your knee .
    Janet- have a lovely time at Knit and Natter and have a fun and relaxing day.
    Pat- hope you can get some relaxing time too when being away for a few days . hope the pain have eased off.
    Managed to do quite a bit in the garden so felt good about that but uj the stiffness came in the evening and got so sleepy so was in bed by 9pm ! it was weird hihi
    Had a nice walk this morning, it's a bit cooler but sun is shining again after a horrendous weather last night. We had thunder going for nearly thirty minutes. I hope your little dogs and other pets were ok if you had the same. Builder late this morning but he might have gone to get something, would been good if he said so we could go shopping. Not sure what to have yet but we have the micro so... Wish you all a nice day whatever you are up too. Love and hugs to all, Maria xoxo

    1. Hi Maria, I'm sure having an early night made your stiffness easier. Hope the kitchen isn't too messy. Glad the sun is shining for you today. Xx

    2. Hi Maria. I hope you aren't feeling so tired after being busy in the garden yesterday. Did you sleep all night after going to bed at 9pm?
      Did the Skip turn up in the end yesterday? Are you taking photos of the work each day to see how it is progressing. I hope the weather is better for you now. We have a beautiful clear blue sunny sky, quite breezy though at the moment, great for drying the big pile of washing just about to be pegged out : ) Have a good day, have fun deciding on what to have for dinner! Do you have a combination microwave or just a normal one? Take care x

    3. Hello Maria, no don't go over doing things, just because you can't get in the kitchen, that's no excuse for going mad elsewhere. It sounds like you could have overdone it a bit in the garden yesterday. Take care. xx

    4. Thanks Maria, I will let you know how it goes when I get round to taking them some cards, my knee is still dodgy but no worse than before so here's hoping it's ok for the walking day tomorrow, hope the kitchen is going to plan.xo

    5. Hi Maria hope your not over doing it .sounds like you did yesterday as in bed at 9.30 please take care. How is the kitchen looking so looking forward to seeing it finished. Probably not as much as you haha. Hug's my friend xxx

  6. Good Morning All, lovely day here sunny but a bit windy, just been for a walk to get the paper, hoping to loosen up my stiff joints.
    Not much sleep last night, only took one of the new tablets so I suppose it's my fault that my hips payed up, trouble is they make me feel so sludgy.
    Sandra hope that you feel better soon, and that you get the prom dress sorted., remember making my daughters first one when she was at university.
    Anne great news that you've found somewhere to sell your cards, sure they will fly off the shelves. Have a good day at golf.
    Well I'd better go and get some work done, might try the cc tonight, have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Some times new meds do make you groggy for a while don't they. I hope they settle down soon. Good luck with the CC tonight x

    2. Hi Sandra and all, beautiful card Sandra. Love the lace and flowers. So pretty. Looking forward to seeing photos of your daughters in their beautiful dresses. Hope you're feeling better today.
      My head cold seems to be easing but has now gone on my chest as it always does. I have an appointment later with my doctor for some anti biotics. I see him as soon as I get a cough as I have pretty bad asthma and the quicker I get the meds the better. Then it clears up pretty quickly.
      Enjoy your day all.
      Love Valx

    3. Hi Val, so pleased you're going to the doctors, it sounds as if you need antibiotics for that cough. Take care LOL x

    4. Thanks Lillian , I already sell some cards at Torridon gallery but it's only a few per month so I don't expect this will be any different but it's quite exciting all the same , hope you get a good nights sleep tonight, how about a wee nightcap? xo

  7. Hi Sandra. Wow, this is a gorgeous card, so beautifully embellished too. Thank you for taking the time to inspire us, I hope you are feeling better now my lovely, if not please take it easy. Sending big hugs. I bet you had a tear or two when the girls tried their prom dresses on. I'm trying to think of a good seamstress around here, the only one that I can think of at the moment is very expensive, several years ago I asked how much she would charge to put a new zip in a childs coat, which I had taken the old zip out of already. I had the zip and thread but my old sewing machine just wasn't up to it, she quoted £25! Funnily enough I didn't go to her but found another local lady that charged me £3.50 and took just over 5 mins to do it. Sadly she has retired now.
    I have housework to do and a mountain of paperwork. Might just say blow it and start on my challenge card instead, muchore fun : )
    I hope all of you have the sunny weather today, take care.
    Sending love and hugs to all with extras for Mum, hope the jab went well, Brenda, hopefully better each day and Lynda, take it nice and easy please. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue, I think the challenge card is a good idea. The other 'stuff' will still be there when you have finished and you will tackle it with great gusto and a better frame of mind. LOL xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    WOW, WOW, WOW Sandra what a beautiful card, This is one very special card, it will certainly be treasured.
    So pleased the Prom dresses have arrived. Hope you can find a dressmaker to shorten Sophie's dress - one who doesn't charge a fortune. Also hope the girls will allow you to show a picture of them in there finery. I know they are both going to look beautiful.
    How are you feeling? has your system settled down to the new meds. Or did you get back on to the doctor? I just hope you are feeling better. LOL

    MARGARET hope all goes well with the injection today. xx

    Take care everyone, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card, it's perfect, don't apologise for putting too much on, its lovely. I know the girls will look beautiful in their dresses, hope you find d so which who doesn't break the bank! Hope you are feeling
    I had my injection no problem, as we only live 5mins or so from hospital, Alan dropped me off & I said I would ring him when I had finished,it took him 45 mins to get to me!! The hospital was built about 14 years ago & in their wisdom decided they didn't need a big carpark, people could use public transport, only one entrance used by ambulances, buses & cars, plus entrance to carparks is by barrier, so when full cars are backed up, you get the picture, it is getting worse , I heard somebody apologise for being late & a nurse said "Not to worry Dr. was late as well". Soapbox back in corner, my hand feels slightly sore but not too bad, thank you for your best
    Well done Anne hope you do well with your cards, they are lovely.x xx
    Maria hope your builder showed up, how annoying when they don't say they will be
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxxx

    1. Thanks Margaret, I'll let you know how it goes! xo

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Just a quick one as I have to go Dentist soon.
    I have just got home from hospital. I got a phone call this morning from cardiology to see if I could go at 12oclock. I had another ECG & blood presure
    Which was high. Then too see a doctor asking lots of questions about my symptoms & family history of heart trouble.My mum had Two heart bypasses
    My brother had irregular heart beat same as mine. I told her I had a ablation opp.about 15 years ago. Then told me I had to have a Coronary Angiogram.
    I will get app. In post
    Got to go love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, I think we all need to give you a BIG virtual cuddle, since you had that fall it's been one thing after another. Just take it easy and try not to stress about things + lots of deep breathing, you need to keep that BP down. LOL xx

  11. WOW! That's a stunning card SANDRA. I'm still waiting to hear from Spellbinders about my very poorly GC Although I used to make cards before the days of owning a GC, my mojo has gone for a walk. I need to make a card for a male work colleague, so it'd better come back soon
    I cannot wait to see the girls in their dresses SANDRA.
    I hope the work isn't too disruptive or dusty MARIA
    Will be seeing OSCAR tomorrow I can't believe he'll be a month old. My daughter and I are having our nails done, so some quality me and her time and lots of cuddles with OSCAR

    1. Hi Karen, give Oscar an extra hug from me. xx

    2. Hi Karen have lots of cuddls with Oscar they are so precious get as many as you can. Xx

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Me again- removed earlier comment as it was full of errors!

    Sandra-Phils's away so I made the most f having access to the TV remote control!

    Work-if we can't make a treatment the we would buy it in. Luckily we have two new isolators for chemotherapy, the problem ones are for Parenteral Nutrition (I V feeds for critically ill adults/babies) so we've been forced to buy these products. Despite the mess/chaos this week it will be great to have new machine (with CCTV) as everything we make has to have a second check for safety reasons.
    Hope that explains things OK.


  14. Evening all, hope your day has been good.
    Margaret -glad the injection wasn't to bad.
    Lynda - doctors and dentist on the same day ! You never do anything by halves do you hihi hope everything went well.
    Val -glad your feel a little better but not good it gone to your chest. Hope the meds. will help you as soon you get them.
    Karen - have a great time tomorrow with Charlotte and little Oscar, Give them both some hugs from me :-)
    Ann -enjoy the walking tomorrow and I hope the knee is up for it. Do you walk near were you live ?
    Sue - did the paperwork win or ? hihi hope you did some crafting too. Hope you pain is not to bad.
    Our builder came first at 11am ,very apologetic because no-one had contacted us this morning. He had to go for some brick and breeze blocks etc because the backdoor will be gone tomorrow. The kitchen is now just a empty carcass, it looks very different Lol. I have taken some pics. yes so you might see them one day. We using our Micro, it's only a normal one but it does the job. Shopping was a bit funny because we were looking for anything healthy that could go in the micro and a lot of fruit and salad. Just wish it was a bit warmer, yes the sun was out and it was nice but the wind was bitter cold.
    Made some room on our table so managed to cut with the GC and made the challenge card so will send it later to you Sandra . A mug of warm weak tea has been brought so I wish you all a good night for now. Hugs to all xoxo

  15. Hello again everyone
    well Dentist went ok after waiting almost an hour I was in & out in two minutes as only had to have a denture fitting Grrr. So by time we got home had to start dinner. I'm glad I went to the hospital although the doctor said again to use the spray & then that number 999 rung in my ears.haha. I have had the angiogram
    Before I remember It isn't nice but has to be done. Thank you SUE, BRENDA & KAREN for your good wishes they mean a lot,
    SANDRA I'm sorry I didn't say earler that your card is stunning just love it.
    I haven't done the challenge card yet hopefully try & do it tomorrow. But I will send my guilty secrets & somthing for mixed craft Saturday in the morning. Then have a couple days for c c..
    I'm just going to have my cup of tea that Terry has made me so see you all tomorrow.
    Good night & God bless love Lynda xx

    1. Margaret Palmer24 May 2016 at 23:12

      Lynda I tried to leave a message earlier but it kept disappearing. Sending you special hugs xxx

  16. Hi it's me again , Sandra forgot to say how beautiful your card is, love all the lovely trimmings.
    Val hope you feel better soon. Lynda sorry you're having such a tough time, lots of hugs on the way.
    Did my ironing tonight , then sat and watched tv, so didn't do any crafting.
    Well it's bed time, so sweet dreams
