
Saturday 21 May 2016

Mixed Crafts Saturday

Janet's Beautiful Tag

Angela's Handmade Flowers

Margaret's Amazing Peacock cross stitch

Good Morning Ladies

As you can see we have another amazing collection of mixed crafts!

Janet has made a beautiful MDF altered tag, the tag itself is from Fernli Designs, 
Go over and check out their website, you won't believe the amazing prices, Janet, Cheryl and myself will all recommend them as a company, they have a fantastic range of products to browse through.  
Janet has used Floral Muse paper to cover the MDF tag, she has then maded a rosette style flower using lace, topped with a pretty heart, she has then trimmed the bottom half of the tag with pretty lace from Amanda and used as cute resin potted tree from Anitaz Blake's Crafty Insomniac store on fb, somer pretty flowers and a border of pearls finish this tag beautifully, thank you so much for sharing Janet xxx

Angela has been making so pretty handmade flowers, if these were your first attempt Angela you should be incredibly pleased with your effort!! 
It looks like you have used both patterned and plain paper to die cut the flowers, you have then shaped them so that the individual petals look rounded out, I love how you have added shading to them to, such a pretty range of colours, they are very useful to have in your stash to add that perfect finishing touch to your cards, you can of course use the same paper that you have used on your project too so that it matches perfectly. Thank you For sharing  Angela xxx

Margaret, another of your absolutely amazing Cross Stitch pieces, he looks so regal, it never ceases to amaze me how you capture so much detail, like the tail and the plume on his head, the beautiful blossom looks like it iusd coming out of the frame! Thank you for sharing such an incredible work of art Margaret xxx

Thank you all ladies for sending in your projects, please keep them coming as I love to share them on a Saturday.

Have a lovely weekend ladies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-wow, your tag is gorgeous.

    Angela-beautiful flowers. You must have a lot of patience.

    Margaret-stunning cross stitch. I think peacocks look amazing. I used to stay in Portmerion every year & they had a number of peacocks living there-noisy at times!

    Well we have a dull day & more rain is forecast. Not seen any adverts for the "Spring Fair " at the church today so not sure how busy it will be. I spent yesterday evening pricing & packing everything into plastic crates to make it easier to carry.
    I need to get baking as soon as I return home as we've invited my in-laws over for dinner. I have a huge box of goodies for M in L & her granddaughter who has really got into card making.


    1. Morning Michele - Good Luck with the sale this morning. I'm sure you'll arrive back home with empty boxes. What a very lucky MinL and her granddaughter you have in having you to pass on lots of Crafting Goodies. Hugs xxxx

    2. Good luck The things I've seen of yours should mean you have a sell out

    3. Hi Michele, good luck with your sale,sure you will do well your cards are always great.

    4. Hi Michele, hope all goes well at the sale and you make lots of pennies.x

    5. Hi Michele, hope you have a good day and there is a lot of people who need a card or two. You making some lovely cards so hope you have a sell out xx

    6. Hi Michele, I hope your sale went well and you managed to sell lots of your cards. LOL xx

    7. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 15:14

      Hi Michele,
      Thank you for your comment, yes peacocks are lovely but can be very noisy. Hope your Church fair was well attended & you sold your cards. Hope you not too tired to do your cooking, take care xxx.

    8. Hi Michele
      I hope you sold all of your beautiful cards.

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    First of all I must apologise to Sandra I am so sorry I missed out mentioning your card yesterday and I thought it was beautiful ! I loved the die used the design and the colour, just so delicate !
    Michele , good luck with your tabletop sale today , I hope you have a clear table by the end and " loads of money " ha ha !
    Janet , your tag is beautiful ! I can see you are addicted to lace too!
    Angela , your flowers are sooo pretty and a lovely selection of colours , can't wait to see what you do with them .
    Margaret, as usual I am in awe of your cross stitch , it is so perfect, it is truly wonderful!
    Maria, glad to see you are feeling a bit better after all your clearing out etc. at least you won't have to cook for the next few weeks ( behind every cloud , comes to mind) but by the time you have your new beautiful kitchen I'm sure you'll be happy to cook again? Enjoy your crafting!
    Pat , sorry you had so much pain while you were away , hope you get the treatment you need soon xo.
    Brenda, also hope you are on the mend and feeling brighter xo.
    Well done Val on losing this week !
    Well, I'm meant to be golfing this morning but apart from feeling a bit stiff ( after all the bending , clearing the craft room) the weather forecast is not great so I'll wait and see how it looks at 9.30am.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Morning Anne - fingers crossed that you can play golf today but if not I'm sure you can find something to keep you occupied lol. hugs xxxx

    2. Hope the weather stays fine for golf Janet. Xxxx

    3. Sorry Anne I was looking at Janets comment and typed her name. Senior moment.x

    4. Hope you could go and play golf and the weather is holding up for you. Talking about stiffness hihi I know how you feel after bending and reaching inside cupboards or high up, to lazy to take out the stepper, I need a walk this afternoon xxx

    5. Hello Anne, hope the weather held out for your golf. xx

    6. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 15:19

      Hi Anne,
      Thank you for your kind comment. Hope you got your game of golf. Take care xxx.

    7. Fingers crossed the weather holds for a game of golf Anne.
      Might see if I can see the consultant privately, but have my hop operation on the NHS. But I'm not to sure how that works. Not seeing a consultant on the NHS until the 27th June.

  3. Morning Everyone from another very dull and wet morning here in Sheffield.

    ANGELA - i love your flowers and their pretty colours. You certainly have more patience than I have. I always resort to buying my flowers as I can never get my efforts to look OK.
    MARGARET - Oh you are a Master (or should that by Mistress) of Cross Stitch. Your pieces are always so very detailed and gorgeous. I hope Mr Peacock is on display in prime position.

    My tag is my first attempt of doing a Lace tag and yes I can more than recommend Fernli Designs. Their prices are absolutely fantastic and delivery is excellent. I love working with lace/pretty flowers and resin embelishments from Anita are excellent being so dainty and not heavy.

    We're off to do some shopping this morning. We have my Great Granddaughter's birthday coming up this week and her party next Sunday. She is five this time. I think it will be a collection of reading books to add to her library so will be visiting 'The Works' and having a look see round their crafting corner of course.

    SANDRA- Thank you so much for your package I received yesterday. Your Card is just beautiful with gorgeous cuties on the front offering a lovely bunch of flowers. They made me smile. Thank You. xxxx

    All's up and running in the Cafe. There's extra goodies in the cupboard and fridge just in case we get extras in round about tea time for a couple of hours. I'm thinking of those who don't want to watch the Cup Final and need a little escape. lol.

    Hugs are on their way for you all. xxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 15:29

      Hi Janet,
      Your tag is beautiful, I would not know where to start with it, good job we are all different. Thank you for your comment, it sits in our spare bedroom. Enjoy your meet up with Great Grandaughter, I love looking round the Works we only have a small one near now, they rent part of the Co-Op shop so a bit cramped. Take care xxx.

  4. He'll All
    I have never done an MDF project (apart from having a little go on the CE stand at AP) and your tag JANET is beautiful and inspired me to take a look at Fernli and buy some
    ANGELA Your flowers are gorgeous I only have a couple if flower dies and don't use them to their full capacity Note to self - must try making more although I was pleased with the roses I made on a card shown on my blog recently
    What can I say about the cross stitch Not only is the subject magnificent and beautifully stitched MARGARET I know the hard work and patience that goes behind a project like this
    I have been looking in and now I have brain freeze as to who is doing/feeling So a big general hope everyone is getting better
    GC appears to be working OH just tightened all of the screws and rescued a screw that was floating about Laptop still poorly Out dancing tonight As weather looks dismal I think I'll make a bit of a start on some cards for Christmas

    1. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 15:39

      Hi Karen,
      Thank you for your comment, I did this a long time ago, did get a friend who comes from Hong Kong to check the Chinese writing to make sure it was not rude!!
      Enjoy your dancing wish I could do it but my hips & knees protest too much! Take care xxx.

  5. That should have read "Hello"

    1. Hi Karen, hope the brain freeze have melted by now so you can have a superb time tonight dancing. Have fun. You didn't just say the C word ! hihi Thanks to the challenges I have made a few but my box with the papers etc aren't reachable at the moment. will have a look on your blog later xxx

  6. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    Beautiful crafts on offer today for our delectation.

    Janet... your tag is gorgeous, a beautiful themed item.
    I have bought 3 of these so after all the prepping with gesso and chalk paints, I might actually get them finished along with all the other goodies I bought from Fernli.
    Ladies, I can in all honestly thoroughly recommend this firm, not only for the fantastic array of items but also for their after sales service. I made the mistake of gessoing a caddy before I glued it together, following a tip on YouTube (don't believe everything you hear on there!), so when I came to glue it, the inevitable happened and the noggins that slot it together broke. I asked Fernli what I could do to salvage the caddy and they very kindly asked for a photo or two then told me where I had gone wrong. I was very pleasantly surprised to find they were sending me a replacement which was totally unexpected and very gratefully received. I now have all manner of items ready now for finishing touches.
    Why does all the prepping take the longest?

    Such pretty flowers from Angela,which would grace any project. Are they all patterned papers or inked after?

    Margaret.. I am in awe of your regal peacock. The muted background colours allow him to shine in all his glory.

    Bargain of the week for me ladies was a passing 'pop-in' to The Works on the way back to the carpark where I found some gorgeous flowered polyester fabrics, 100x74cm...24"x30" approx. for £2 per piece AND flat 22 meters spools of gift ribbon, which is actually satin ribbon not the plasticky stuff, at £1 per spool. Just in time for my covered caddies, fortunate that I popped in or what?

    Milly-May will be 1 on Thursday, my goodness me how time has flown, I have bought her a beautiful stone/resin photo frame with the most gorgeous raised relief flowers on it and the words Mum & Me from Bastins of all places. They seem to have gone more up-market with their gifts these days, no more tat. Our shop closed a couple of years ago and has now reopened in the same location with wondrous goodies weighing down their shelves. I have done all my Christmas shopping in there already with only the problem of men's presents left.

    Today I shall be having a late birthday lunch with Tiegan after buying her a necklace, bracelet or earrings for her belated present. It is always hard to spend time alone with her now she is older, seeing as she splits her time with Mum in Dorset and Dad here in Bridgwater. So I value each and every minute with her.

    I'm off for my shower now, I'll pop in later to play catch up.

    Enjoy your day wheatever you do or whever you may go.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx


    1. all the papers used are plain to start, stamped up,and coloured before die cutting . Then put together sometimes three layers or five. I am getting better at shading.

    2. I cannot believe MILLY-MAY will be one year old on Thursday! Where has that year gone

    3. Oh Cheryl, please try to get us a photo of Milly-May. Can't believe either that she already will be one ! The years do fly.
      Very good company and service, will have a look in later at Fernli. When you make MDF items do you have to put Gesso on first ?
      Enjoy your time with Tiegan and have a nice lunch together xxx

    4. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 15:44

      Hi Cheryl,
      Thank you, yes I think the background drew me to it in the beginning, I was with the effect. Hope you get to see Milly-May on her birthday & enjoy your time with Tiegan & no doubt spoiling her. Take care xxx.

    5. Wow Cheryl
      I can't believe Milly May is nearly 1. Can you send Sandra a photo please so we can see how much she's grown. Enjoy your time if you get some with Teigan. I hope your not doing so much now.

  7. Good Moerning All, very wet and cold here, resorted to the heating last night.
    Feel so sorry for those who are comming on holiday, still it doesn't seem to put them off.

    The Saturday crafts are FAB as usual, Janet your tag is beautiful, would make a beautiful keepsake wedding tag.
    Angela your flowers are beautiful, am going to have a go at making some this morning.
    Last but not least is the cross stitch by Margaret, it's wonderful, you must have the patience of a saint, do you block and frame them your self or have them done for your, they always look so beautiful.

    Well after last night trying to deal with mr arthritis grabbing my hand, while trying to do this weeks challenge, managed to knock over a pot of nail varnish, trouble was I didn't see it until it had emptied all over my desk !!!!! Luckily it was clear but still took a lot of clearing up as I managed to drip it over everything while picking up.
    I'm going out to scrub my path this morning, the postman complains that it is slippery if I don't keep it done, also the House Martins are back with a brood of little ones so they add to the " decoration ". Then going to clean the bird feeders, so you can see I have an exciting morning ahead of me.
    Hope you have a lovely day, hugs to all, especially those who are in pain. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope your morning was good and that you did't slip while doing the path. lovely to have House Martins but they do poop everywhere at the moment . OH hate when they gone on the car Lol xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 15:51

      Hi Lilian,
      Thank you for your kind words, yes I usually block & frame them, some times Alan will help, usually just use photo frames. Hope you managed to scrub your path, lucky you to have House Martins we do not seem to see them around here any more. Tae care xxx.

    3. Hi Lilian
      This Mr Arthritis does cause a lot of trouble doesn't get. I hope you managed OK to clean your path.

  8. JANET what a beautiful tag
    pearls and lace stunning combination.
    MARGARET how many "man!! hours" in your peacock cross stitch, where do you start, awesom project? Message to self ..... Patience is a virtue.....

    1. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 15:57

      Hi Angela,
      Your flowers are lovely, this is something I want to have a go at but never seem to have enough time. The cross stitch I do in the evening, I must admit the starting point is always the hardest bit, as you say you just have to have patience. Take care xxx.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies, I'm always impressed on a Saturday when I see how clever you all are.
    Your tag is beautiful Janet. So very pretty. If I'd make it I couldn't bear to part with it.
    Angela , your flowers are so pretty. I have a few flower dies that I dont seem to use but you've given me the inspiration to route them out again. Thank you.
    Margaret another amazing project. How much work involved. Just love the peacock. You're very talented and obviously very pacient as well.
    I've cleaned all downstairs this morning. Even cleaned the windows. Feeling shattered now. Its too early for lunch so I think a coffe in on the cards without the usual biscuit sadly.
    Love to all those not feeling so good today.
    Will pop in later.
    Bye Val x

    1. Take it easy Val, don't overdo things. Oh a biscuit would sit just perfect right now but NO ! weigh-in in the morning and don't feel I done so good this week hmmm xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 16:02

      Hi Val,
      I wish somebody would do my cleaning, I never seem to have time to have a good go at it, oh well somebody once said that it's a home not a show house.
      Thank you for your kind comment, I find it very relaxing. Take care xxx.

  10. Well GC is still a struggle One of the black thingys is cracked Waiting for Spellbinders to get back to me Might be time for a new machine Do I stick with GC Go Platinum or the TL crossover one - I do like the idea of altering the pressure or do I go electric I'd value your opinions especially re the TL one

    1. I'm starting with arthritis in my hands so I treated myself to the Platinum as they're bringing out a motor for it at the end of the year. I liked the idea that you could have it either manual or electric. So far so good with my Platinum-must say I'm quite lazy & tend to grab my cuttlebug!


  11. Hi Sandra and everyone today in the cafe.
    Janet your tag is so sweet with laces, beads and flowers.
    I love it !
    Angela, you are very good at making flowers. Mine never look right to me but I have some flower dies so must get them out and try again. Practise makes.....
    Margaret, Love the peacock cross stitch. it's wonderfully made and sitting so proud on the branch .Beautiful !
    Karen , sorry the GC has given you so much problems lately and your laptop is still poorly. I like my GC, haven't heard about the crossover one. One thought might be a electric one as you struggling sometimes with your hands. So many new ones coming out again so wait and see what the girls saying.
    Lynda, hope you are ok, sending you cuddles.
    Pat, Hope you are all right. I can't take Co-dine. I'm taking Tramadol, nothing else they want to give me but they don't help much these days either. Take care all who are not feeling to good.
    The rain has stopped at last so will try to get a walk in
    before it starts again, not very nice out at all but apparently we will have some heat coming soon so I'm sure we will moan about that too hihi Have a nice day all,
    love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 16:11

      Hi Maria,
      Hope you got your walk in without getting wet, it is pouring here at the moment. Thank you for your kind comment, I enjoyed doing this one, the same as I am enjoying yours, there are lots of different sections to do.
      Hope your new kitchen goes according to plan, that & the bathroom are the 2 worst rooms to manage without, good luck!! Take care xxx.

    2. Hi Maria
      The Dr said the could give me some Tramadol but it has mostly the sane ingredients as Solpadol so didn't. I'm trying some codiene on its own that the hospital gave me last year. The pains not much better though. I can't do standing still as its to painful. Pete and Jill wheeled me round Colchester hospital to see Bet in a wheelchair.

  12. Hello Sandra and Everyone,

    Love mixed crafts day, it's lovely seeing what other interests our ladies have.

    JANET Your tag is beautiful, love the lace, it's looks very expensive. A real touch of class. xx

    ANGELA, Your flowers are gorgeous, it is so satisfying to make them. xx

    MARGARET, what can I say that hasn't been said already about your cross stitch, it is absolutely gorgeous.

    Sandra, I hope your meds are working and you are feeling more comfortable. xx
    Lynda, hope you are feeling better.
    Maria, take it easy, don't go pushing yourself to hard.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 16:15

      Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your kind comments. I hope you are feeling better & your cough is giving you some peace. Take care xxx.

  13. Afternoon Ladies

    Disastrous morning-very quiet. Took a total of £13.00 and the table fee was £8.00!! After lunch I had a sort out & added to the bag going to my M in L. Need to either sell some of my stash or move into the spare bedroom (I'm in the box room).

    Baked chocolate chip Fairy Cakes -not that you can call them that now but you know what I mean. Was going to do some cookies but have just cleaned everything away in the kitchen. We're having a roast tonight-pork, then fruit strudel & custard and my cakes after that. The strudel is bought not home made-just in case you were thinking I'm some kind of domestic goddess...ha ha!

    Best continue my search on the internet for bargains.


    1. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 16:19

      Sorry you had a fruitless morning it is such a shame. Good luck with search for bargains you do seem to have the knack of finding them. xxx

    2. How disappointing Michele. Your meal sounds lovely.enjoy your evening.

  14. Margaret Palmer21 May 2016 at 16:28

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I hope your meds are kicking in & you feel better. Thank you for your comment on the peacock I think this was one of the first I did that had shading etc. I think it helps to bring the picture to
    Pat & Lynda hope you are both feeling a bit easier, & of course Sue hope you were able to go fishing with the girls, hugs on way to you all love Margaret xxx.

  15. Hi Sandra
    A bit late again today. Spent the morning resting my hop. Went to Jill's for lunch and then spent the day at the hospital with Bet. She's ok but finding it very hard to walk. Wants to go home but can't until she can walk with a frame.
    Love the mixed craft ladies.

  16. Good evening SANDRA & everyone
    Wow JANET your Tag is Gorgeous love it did you cry when cutting your beautiful lace. That's what I have been doing all afternoon i made a MDF tag will send Sandra a picture for next Mixed craft Saturday. ANGELA you flowers are beautiful. MARGARET WOW WOW your cross stitch is stunning & thank you for the Hug's. CHERYL my word Milly May one already doesn't time fly My Harry is two in JUNE he is talking more now & got so much energy but i still get cuddle's. Enjoy your time with Tiegan xx
    SANDRA hope you water infection is on the mend hope the med's .have kicked in now. How are the girls after their fist week of exams sending them some de stress Hug's wishing them good luck for next week.
    We have Thunder & lightning & poring rain at the moment. Poor Annie is shaking like a leaf.Brenda hope your feeling better sending you some Hug's.
    I'm off to Bed now so good night God bless see you tomorrow. Love Lynda xxx

  17. MARIA hope your tummy is a bit better. Are the workmen starting your kitchen Monday. So will it be take away meals for two weeks.will you be able to make a cup of tea .Hug's my friend xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Just very quick hello as its late and off to bed having fallen asleep on the sofa after a busy day fishing with Chris and the girls.
    Janet, your tag is gorgeous, some beautiful embellishments.
    Angela, what beautiful flowers, especially the great shading
    Mum, As always I get to see this gorgeous peacock in " the flesh".
    Sandra, Brenda and Lynda, may you all be on the mend, sending healing hugs.
    Wishing you all a good night, have a lovely day tomorrow, what ever you do. Take care xx
