
Friday 20 May 2016

Oldie for Friday and this weeks Craft Shopping !!

 Lynda's Gorgeous Goodies

 Michele's Lovely new bits and pieces

 Sonia's New Dies, Stamps & Paper pads

Val's Lovely Joanna Sheen Shopping

Anne's Craft Shopping !!
Good Morning ladies,

I thought I would share with you a card that I made a few months back, as some of the newer ladies may not have seen it, its also good to have a look back at cards we used when we first received the dies that we made them with as it can inspire us to get the die out again.  I don't think I have used that die since then, which kind of proves my point.
I covered a piece of white card with double sided sticky sheet, I then cut some purple card 6 times with the Creative Expressions Lattice Arched Adornment die, I placed these in an even pattern over the adhesive sheet, I then used some extra fine glitter to cover the remaining exposed adhesive.  I then added some matching ribbon and added a tulle bow with a matching ribbon bow on top that I finished with some little purple flowers and some foliage.  The sentiment is placed upon Creative Expressions Pierced Flag Die cut.

Now onto your fabulous shopping...........

Lynda, You have two lovely new dies, the Australian Background die and the new Pierced Roses Mini background, both of which I love, I cant wait to see the cards you make with them.  I see you also have another lovely delivery from Amanda, some beautiful laces and trims to play with, you lucky girl. Thank you for sharing xxx

Michele, We have already seen the lovely cards that you have designed and created with the lovely Little Claires Goodies you have shared with us today, all such bright and cheerful colours and designs.
Thank you so much for sharing Michele xxx

Sonia, Creative Expressions Maggie Frame and Meridian Edger Configurations die along with the Creative Expressions Paper pad designed by Theresa Collins make up part of your fabulous haul, along with a pretty blue Joy crafts paper pad and 2 Crafters Companion Words to Inspire Stamp sets, I can see some amazing backgrounds being made with those stamps, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Val, I see that you have had a delivery from Joanna Sheen, The little pots are Imagnation Crafts Alchemy Wax, Val says it is really creamy and spreads like butter, it is water based and can be used as Gilding Wax on many different surfaces, they sound fantastic and are available in a good range of colours, they are a 20ml pot and cost around £3.99.  The dies you bought are super cute an Elephant and Sheep die set, I have seen many hilarious sentiments that can be 'ewes'd' with the Sheep dies and cute ones like 'love you tons' with the elephants, I am so looking forward to seeing your cards.  Some Creative Expressions Smoothies complete your haul for this week, very useful with many different mediums. Thank you so much for sharing your new goodies with us Val xxx

Anne, you have treated yourself to some lovely new stamps and dies, those masks from Leonie looked really good, I am excited to see what you create with your latest haul, thank you for sharing xxx

Brenda, I hope that your antibiotics will start to take effect after today and that you start to feel a little brighter, there seems to be so many different 'viruses' going around at the moment that you almost get sick of hearing that diagnosis at the doctors. These things just seem to hang around for weeks making you feel so exhausted. 
I had to go back again today as I have another Urinary tract Infection, exactly a month since the last one, its so frustrating, they have given me the stronger antibiotics straight away this time, the ones they use as a secondary line of attack (apparently), so heaven knows what they will do when my body starts to resist that one too! I did ask if they could look into why I get them so frequently and was told that 'some people are just more prone to getting them' !  He has given me a seven day course but said that if my symptoms are gone by Sunday I can stop taking them, which goes against everything you are always told about finishing the course! We'll see I guess.

Pat, thinking of you and Pete today as you say a final goodbye to Tom xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day, however you are spending it.  

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra. I know exactly what you mean about unused dies. I tend to go mad with them when they're my latest addition then once I've put them in their folder...that's it for ages.
    Great to see what everyone has been spending their craft money on! I'm hoping to use my new items today as I'm off work to play in my craft room. I'm going to se the sky box to record Julia Watts on Hochanda as it will be something for me to watch when hubby is away next week.
    Bathroom flooring going in today, once that's complete then I'll send Sandra some photos so you can all see the end result-the bathroom not just the floor!!


    1. Hi Michele. You lucky thing, having these lovely goodies to play with. I hope you have a great time crafting today. It will be wonderful to see your completed bathroom. You must have another christening bath with a glass of something to celebrate it all being finished : ) x

    2. Great goodies today Michele. Looking forward to seeing the new bathroom pctures.
      Love Valx

    3. Hi Michele, love to see a pic. of your new bathroom and be all green. Good idea from Sue to christening it with a bottle of bubbly :-)

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- now that's my kind of card. I love it; everything about it from start to finish. I have that die and yes I used it as though it was going out of fashion but haven't seen it for months and months. Must check to see if it has left home or it's just sleeping. lol.

    Your shopping Dear Friends is wonderful. I play a little game and try to name whose shopping list it is before getting to your names. This morning I managed Michele and Lynda's haul. How sad am I hehehe.

    MICHELE - am looking forward to seeing your new bathroom pics. I love watching those programmes like Grand Designs/Small Places etc and then dream as I'm sure many of us do.

    PAT- I'm thinking of you both today Dear Friend.
    BRENDA- Hope the meds have kicked in and that you're starting to feel a little better. Just take it easy please.
    SANDRA- Please ask you GP to prescribe a preventative anti-biotic. It really works.

    Good luck to Lucy and Sophie today with your Spanish exam. Another one down and just a few more to go. Hugs for you both.

    It's quite windy here this morning and very overcast so I guess the weather hasn't made its mind up yet.
    Housework is the order of the day and then hopefully if I'm still standing I want to start altering a little MDF box I got from Fernli Designs.

    As usual everything is open and running smoothly in the Cafe at the moment. Lemon Drizzle is the Cake of the Day at Sandra's request so please save a piece for her.
    I've sent all my hugs so I hope they've arrived safe and sound and spares are in the basket. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I hope by now you will have finished the housework and are busy crafting, and if you haven't then STOP cleaning and start crafting right now : )
      The Cafe is looking great and the lemon drizzle cake is disappearing fast, yum yum.
      The weather is not good here either, rather cold on fact and rain is forecast for tomorrow, when we are taking the granddaughters fishing! Oh well, Granddad did warn them it might rain but they both still want to go anyway.
      Have a good weekend with lots of crafting x

    2. Hi JANET did my lace give me away haha. Did you do your MDF box will we see it on mixed craft tomorrow.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Janet, hope you had a good day and did some crafting after the housework. Something I need to do but today has been mostly sitting down and I know the builder will just make it worse so...hihi

  3. I totally agree with Michele I will buy a die and use it a few times and then i buy something else and use that one instead Fantastic haul ladies I can't wait to see your makes
    My crafty haul this week has been Low Tack Tape and wax paper using JS 15% discount Very boring so no photos!
    I have been calling in late most days So in case you haven't seen my comments MARIA lease send me an email so I can double check which one is right and we can organise a meet up in June for anyone to come along
    Oscar had his first swimming lesson this week! I was astounded that new borns can go swimming!

    1. Hi Karen. Your Crafty shopping may be boring but we all need those things don't we. I have either 3 or 4 rolls of the paper up in the lift, brought over from Canada by a cousin as its much cheaper over there, I just have to find it as I have run out!
      Wow, I didn't realise that new borns could go swimming either. I think k different doctors and health visitors etc. have different thoughts as around here they say to wait until after their first jabs at 12 weeks. I feel sorry for new parents these days as there is such a lot of conflicting advice out there for them isn't there.
      I ber your little Oscar is growing well and loves his hugs with his Granny/Nanny/ Grandma (sorry can't remember what your special title is) : ) Please can we see another pic of him ?
      Have a good weekend x

    2. Hi Karen My Grandson Harry stated swimming when he was 6month's he loves it now. Last time we went over to my son's they took him swimming & we went as spectators. I was nealy evicted haha as I was taking pictures & one of the staff came over & told me to delete them as not aloud & he stood & watched me delete them.
      Harry is a water baby he was laughing so much.
      Love to see another picture of Oscar .xx

    3. Oh how sweet, it's amazing that they keep their eyes open under the water :-)
      I only using the Yahoo e-mail but will send it to you later. Hope your day was nice xx

  4. PS love the card and JANET IS right SANDRA ask about preventative meds Have you tried cranberry tablets? They help me especially as I cannot drink the juice - too sugary for me

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love your card today. The Lattice Arched Adornment die was one I considered getting myself, then decided on the Meridian Edger. After seeing your beautiful card I may still have to add it to my stash ;-)
    Lots of lovely goodies again this week. I also have the little elephant dies that Val got - they are so sweet.
    Hoping you and Brenda are starting to feel a little better and antibiotics are taking effect.
    Hope everyone has a good day, and thinking of Pat.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I hope that you get to have a really good time playing with the great stash you have this week : ) Have a good weekend x

    2. I must admit I bought both dies because I love elephants and sheep. Whether I'll ever use them is another matter. Ha ha.

    3. Thanks Sue - hoping to spend the weekend crafting :-)
      I love elephants too Val, also have a little stamp of 3 elephants from Little Claire :-)
      Have a lovely weekend.
      Hugs xxx

  6. Not to sure where my comment went Sandra, but went to press publish again and it had disappeared. No new meds for me but the Drs chased up my next appointment which the hospital emailed me. 27th June the day after we come back from out holidays. All meds are codiene based which this time round do not agree with me.
    Lovely goodies ladies. Lovely card Sandra. I'm really not with it today.

    1. Hi Pat. I'm sorry you didn't get any different meds and that codiene isn't good for you now. I hope that all goes as well as it can as you say your final goodbyes to Tom today.
      I hope you can get some rest, between visiting Bet in hospital. Have they sorted out what is going to. With her legs.
      Take care dear friend x

    2. Hi Pat, so sorry you're not feeling so good. Do hope today has gone ok. At least the doctor has brought forward your hosp. appt. Hope the time goes quickly for you.
      Take care
      Love Val xx

    3. Hi Pat sorry you were poorly in London hope you feel better soon .
      Hug's xxx

    4. Hi pat, hope the day has gone ok and you didn't feel any worse. more hugs to you and Pete xx

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    Well I got a lovely surprise a wee while ago as the postman delivered the gift of lace etc. And a stunning card from Sandra! ( I have sent her an email thank you) , I can't believe where she finds the time to do all she does, she is very kind.
    I did comment fairly late yesterday I finally managed to produce a card from my gelli plate that I was happy with, it really was fun to do.
    I thought I had sent a photo of some of my guilty secrets but maybe I forgot ( could have been a senior moment) lol!
    Pat and Brenda I so hope you are feeling better today xo
    I loved all the stash shown today , the lace is so unusual Lynda I can't wait to see what you do with it. It's gorgeous!
    The lemon drizzle cake is one of my favourites Janet so I'll let myself be tempted!
    Housework done and washing out so I'm off up to my tidy ( how long will it last ? ) craft room to do my challenge card now,
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. I hope you are having a lovely time in your tidy....or not any more, craft room : ) Have a good weekend x

    2. Well done you for tidyig your craft room. I did have a go at mine but it's looking as bad as ever again.
      When I'm in a messy mood I love playing with my gelli plate. It's surprising what lovely effects you can get.
      Love Valxx

    3. Hi ANNE yes my lace is gorgeous I have never bought lace before it's Sandra's fault she told me of AMANDA Scrimpy lace closet, Now I'm hooked on lace haha. I will be Using some hopefully tomorrow if I get into craft room..I was looking at the gelly plate on you tube it looks very interesting looking forward to seeing what you made Anne
      Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Ladies, please refresh and check out photos, as I have added Anne's craft goodies to the list, the photo was in with some of Anne's amazing cards, so I may have got side tracked!
    Sandra xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your card Sandra. so true about the dies we bought over the years. I have plenty of spellbinders that never even been used so that will be a task for me over the next weeks. I did the same thing Janet, guess who's loot before seeing the name hihi Like the Splodge paper Michele, looks little bit like bokeh. Some nice dies, Like the Australian background and Maggie (both on my wishlist) and Val have gone Baaarking and bought some goodies from Joanna, the Elephants are so cute.
    Thinking of you Pat and Pete and sending some hugs. Hope you feeling a bit better Pat, take care.
    Littlelamb, sorry missed you there this morning. Had a few hours sleep then woke up with tummy so felt so ill all morning and as soon I move I get the shakes so annoying because I still have things to do :-( Sorry Sandra that your infection have come back again, hope you soon feel better with the meds given but surely you need to finish the course. Something we always been told.
    Good luck for the girls and the Spanish exam, wish I could speak Spanish. Do you speak Spanish Val ?
    Doing some washing and it looks like the rain not coming until tonight so will hang it outside in a minute.
    Have a good day all whatever you are doing, hope to see you later sometime for some cake :-) love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. I do hope that you are feeling better now, you poor thing. Are you still waiting to get your appointment at the hospital?
      I didn't even manage to learn French after years of learning it at school so haven't ot a hope of learning Spanish. What languages can you speak?
      I hope you don't do too much over the weekend getting ready for the new kitchen etc. Take care x

    2. Hi Maria, So sorry you're not feelng so good today. Hope by now you're feeling a lot better.
      Yes, I do speak Spanish. I had 5 years of lessons when we first moved to Spain 17 years ago. It was only classroom Spanish and when we moved to a very pretty Spanish village I realised how basic it was. Sadly we only ived there three months when very suddenly my husband died and to be able to survive in the village I had to learn good Spanish quickly. There were 600 residents but only 10 non Spanish people. It became my first language for a few years but I moved to the area I'm in 6 years ago to be with my daughter and sadly haven't really spoken Spanish since. There are a lot o f English people here and the Spanish really want to speak English. So as they say if you don't use it you lose it.
      WOW Maria I've just told you the story of my time over here. Sorry if I've gone on a bit.
      Take care Maria.
      Love Valx

    3. Hi girls, I'm feeling a lot better then this morning thank you. Had to rush a few much information :-) I speak a little bit of Swedish, understand Norwegians (sometimes),
      crocked English and did evening course for Spanish more than thirty years ago so don't remember any of it. Love hearing about your life in Spain Val so do tell more xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card Sandra, it is so true that we all are guilty of using our newest dies and overlooking the older ones.
    I hope the meds are starting to kick in nowy lovely, it is strange to be told that you don't have to finish the course, isn't it. It sounds like there may be some that you can take to prevent the infections from what Janet and Karen have said. At least you can look into them before talking to the doc. Keep drinking the cranberry juice.
    Brenda, I hope the meds are doing their job now and you are starting to feel better. Make sure you keep on resting as much as possible please. We want you back fighting fit. Take care x

  11. Pressed the wrong button!!!
    Lynda, I hope your not feeling too bad and that you are having time to play with those beautiful laces that you got this week : ) Take care x
    Val, I hope you are having fun with those gorgeous dies, I keep looking at that elephant one, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it, when you have given me some inspiration then I will have to buy it won't I : ) Enjoy yourself x
    I'm having a lazy day as the joints are not happy. We will hopefully (depending what my joints are like) be taking Phoebe and Paige fishing tomorrow, they only have to ask Granddad when they are going again and he sorts it! Have they got Chris wrapped round their little fingers? Yes, you bet they have : )
    I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend playing with their guilty secrets, so many lovely things. I am looking forward to seeing what you all get up to with them.
    I am just going to take a photo of this weeks challenge card the. sending it to you Sandra. X
    Take care, I'm wishing for warm and sunny weather for us all.
    Sending love and hugs xx

    1. Hi Sue so sorry your joints are playing up today. It's so pinful isn't it. Hopefuly afterc a good rest today you'll feel fit and well for fishing tomorrow.
      You take care.
      Val xx

    2. Hi Sue sorry you haven't got happy joints hope your feeling better soon. Think my joints have come out in sympathy Arthur is visiting especially my hands. Take it easy my friend love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Sue ,I hope you feeling better too by this evening and can go fishing with the girls. Take care xx

  12. Margaret Palmer20 May 2016 at 16:44

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely card that's my colour I love it. Hope you feel better soon & the girls exam was not too bad. xxx
    Lynda, Michele, Sonia, Val & Ann what a lovely lot of goodies, have fun using them, we have already seen some of Michele'
    Brenda hope you are beginning to feel the benefit of your meds sending special hugs.
    Pat I cannot take codeine either I have Co-Dydramol 500/10mg which help me, might be worth asking. Thinking of you today take care hugs on way xxx
    Janet to answer your question the other day, yes they do still do perms, without one my hair is so thin & flat now looks awful, only have one to give it a bit of body, plus I am lazy & cannot be bothered to fuss with it each morning, just wash & run fingers through. Thanks for lemon drizzle makes a change to have somebody else'
    Maria hope you feel better, you have been very busy, take care hugs on
    Sending hugs to all in need love Margaret xxx

    1. I'm ok this evening thanks. Hope you and pop are all right and he can walk better, hugs xx

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Love todays card your showing Sandra. A very pretty die and a lovely colour.
    Like you all , I have many dies that were favourites and now are never looked at. Such a lot of money to be sat in a drawer un-noticed and unloved Maybe one of the die companies should pay for old dies and recycle them.
    Sorry you're not so good Sandra. Hope the meds start to kick in soon. Seems strange not to have to finish the course though.
    Been to craft club today. Had a great time as usual.
    Well time for tea. Lost 1 kilo (2.2 lbs) this week so quite happy although I so miss chocolate. I have a boxof maltesers in the fridge which plead with me to eat them every time I open the door. to get the salad out. I really should put them somewhere else out of the way of temptation.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Love Val xxx

    1. Hi Val Congratlations on loosing 2 1/2 pound well done are you on a diet or just cutting down whatever your doing Ita working. I'm trying as well the first week I lost 2 lb but this week stayed the same Help,please.
      Love Lynda xx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a gorgeous card Sandra. I think we are all guilty of not using our old dies, I have been looking at the new die for a while before I decide to buy them these days. There are so many collections on the market, I have got to satisfy myself it will not be a five minute wonder.

    Love the guilty secrets this week, I've been good this week, I didn't get anything for myself but did get Aqua Pencils for granddaughter, she was thrilled with them, she even admitted her Art teacher will be pleased, as she is always suggesting she does more pencil work.

    Thank you everyone for your good wishes they really mean so much xx I think that I must be improving as I'm starting to notice things need doing !!! Haven't done anything about it - yet. But then I have slept most of the day anyway.

    Sandra I'm sorry your infection has returned again, I know how these infections can pull you down, do your best to keep warm and drink plenty of fluids. I'm sure if it keeps reoccurring the doctor could give you something that would reduce the chances of it returning. LOL

    It time to go and make dinner now. Have a lovely evening,
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Glad you feeling better but do take it slowly and don't go overdoing things. take care, hugs xxx

  15. Hello All, wet and very cold here, very tempted to put the heating on, trying another cardi first as hate switching heating on after switching off for summer.

    Sandra your card is lovey, must admit I use my older dies more than new ones, I suppose it's because I use my stamps mostly. Do hope you are feeling better today, have sent you a email. Hope the Spanish exams went well, clever girls, I'm hopeless when it comes to other language, have enough trouble with English!

    Do hope those who are unwell are feeling better, sure we will all feel better when we get some summer, looks as though we going to have a wet weekend again.

    My Boss turned up again this morning to collect and bring me some more work, although have a day off today as hands are very sore ( arthritis ).
    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

  16. Hi Lillian do you have to sow the hoods by hand or machine think Arthur is making his rounds today My hands are really tender & Sue too.
    Hug's xx

    1. Hi Lilian, hope Arthur is leaving you be and you have a better day tomorrow. I read somewhere that we are going to get a hot summer so I'm sure we will complain soon again :-) hugs xx

  17. Hi SANDRA Gorgeous card love the colour you have used. Did you go Amanda lace sale tonight I didn't join in today no funds in pay pal. Boo Hoo.
    Nothing exciting happened today House Work Tesco then my friend came no crafting done today. Hopefully start my project tomorrow I have commented on way down. The serial the Secret is on now so going watch it.
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. We are watching the Secret too but from catch-up, the second episode is just on. Hope you feeling better and Arthur don't overstay his visit. many hugs to you and Terry xxx

  18. Late again. Another busy day but it was Craft club this afternoon so that was enjoyable. Lovely lot of goodies people have bought. To all those not well hope you will soon feel better. Sorry I miss you last night Maria. Hope you are soon feeling better. Hope to see my two granddaughters and Gt granddaughter tomorrow. That will be nice. No Maria I haven't got a craft fair soon. Could have one in July for two days but it's about an hours journey so decided against it. Would be very tiring travelling there and back two days running plus the table fee and petrol I probably wouldn't make any profit at all so better just to stay at home. Would have to sell a lot of things for it to be worth it. Pat I hope you get good news when you do get to the hospital and you don't have to wait too long for the op.

    1. Hi Brenda, Have a lovely day tomorrow seeing the family. I still have some things to do before the builder coming on Monday morning, no peace for the wicked hihi We are having a skip on the drive and it's booked for that afternoon. Doorbell went at 3pm today and there was a guy with a skip for us but we sent him away so he have to come back. take care xx

    2. Hi MARIA are you feeling better my friend how is your tummy setting down you take care. Why did they send a skip 4day' early were they singing "Skip loo my Darling" haha. So the kitchen is going a head on Monday I don't envy you but will look beautiful when finished. Hope we are going to see picture of the finished new kitchen. Are you extending it Maria so you get craft room. What are you going to do now for your crafting .How long is it going to take.
      Sending Stress free HUG's. Love Lynda xxx

    3. Hi Maria. Good luck with the builder. Hope you have your craft things within easy reach and you don't forget anything vital like glue or something. When I go to craft group I always forget my ruler and have to borrow someone else's. I am sure I will have a lovely day tomorrow but thank you for mentioning it.

    4. Hi Lynda, They reckon it will take near five weeks. Only one guy at the time and not working the weekends. No extension, just new things, more cupboards and a oven at chest hight. Knees and back will be grateful tihi. Brenda, I have my glues and ruler on arm length reach. I prefer to stand crafting but I hope to still make a card or two :-) Better off to bed, OH not so happy when I'm coming up this late. Good night my friends xxx
