
Monday 2 May 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Lovely Ladies,

How is your Bank Holidays Weather?! It's quite chilly here, I am hoping it will be dry today as there is a May Fair on in town, it usually has plant stalls, craft tent, dog show so I have asked Becca to bring Diego, (I just hope its not a test on Obedience)!! There will no doubt be a car boot sale too!  Do you all have any plans?

Now onto today's Sketch, as you can see it is a really simple one this week, my Challenge card crosses both challenges this week, its an olderd die that I haven't used in months and its this weeks Challenge card too.
I used the central decorative die out of the Classic Adorned  Rectangles from the Noble collection of Creative Expressions dies, I then used the outside edge and inner frame to make a plain lilac mat to go under my decorative piece, I used foam tape to lift the frame slightly, I then used some matching Anna Marie Designs Dotty card to create the background.  I ran a piece of lilac ribbon across the card front, tied a knot at one end and topped it with a satin flower and a pretty little acrylic flower for the centre of the flower! I added a few purple/lilac flowers too!,
I hope you like my card today, its very simple!,

Cheryl I hope you are feeling a little better today my lovely, sending lots of hugs to  you! xxxx

I hope the rest of you are OK too, have a wonderful Sunday Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Good Bank Holiday Monday Sandra and Ladies,
    Great sketch today Sandra and love your interpretation of it.
    It's not a Bank Holiday here today , just a normal day The banks are closed but everything else is open and everyones working.
    I've an early start as it's hopefully the last visit to the dentist at 9. Shopping then but not much on today so I don't yet know what will win. The sunbed or the craft room. Decisions, decisions!!!
    Have a lovely day everyone. E njoy the Faie, Sandra.
    Love Val x

    1. Such a hard decision to make Val. Wish I had that dilemma.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a nice, easy sketch for us this week.

    Looking outside I think the forecast of heavy rain is just about to start-ah well, good day to head into the craft room. After looking at old/unused dies I found quite a few printed images waiting to to be cut out + made I to cards so I completed quite a few yesterday afternoon as it never stopped raining. It's meant to brighten up this afternoon, if it does I think we're going to walk down to the beach.


    1. Hope you manage to get a walk on the beach Michelle.

  3. Hello All, Sandra love your card, looks like a nice easy card to do this week.
    Have done my card using older dies, will send it today if looks OK in daylight.
    Rained all day yesterday, supposed to be better this afternoon, so might get out in the garden.
    Have a good day all , hope all the nasty germs are are on the wane now.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  4. Morning Everyone
    Looks a lovely Challenge this week Sandra. Thank you and I'll see what pops out of my head and I haven't forgotten the mini Challenge.

    VAL - I just wish I had the sort of decision you've got to make after the Dentist. Here it is sunny but wet and windy and still very cold. I've got everything crossed that I can cross that the lady on Country File Weather last night is true about this week's weather as if so we're going to be somewhat warmer!!!!!
    MICHELE- hope you get your walk on the beach. Do you pick things up with the possibility of using them as you walk?

    I had a good rummage round the Range yesterday morning and a few little things jumped into my basket!! I also popped into Hobbycraft as I needed some padding so the first job this morning is sorting it all out and putting it way after I've taken a photo of it all. I then need to put three inserts into bday cards needed for the end of the week and then I need to finish off my new box which is going to house my lace.

    And if I get all that done then I'll be exhausted lol.

    CHERYL- I hope you had a good night sleep after such a busy day you had yesterday. Have a good walk today and I hope the weather stays fine for you. You know if you keep up that busy pace you had yesterday you'll meet yourself coming back. I wonder how that would look?hehehe

    Off now as it's Mr Tesco morning so anytime between 09.00 and 10.00. All's set and ready for the day in the Cafe just waiting for customers but I CANNOT FIND THE KEY TO THE BISCUIT CUPBOARD!!!! It seems to have gone AWOL again. Has anyone gone home with it in their pocket please?
    Hugs are in the basket and I've sent a large parcel of them to SHEILA. You're much missed Dear Friend. Please let us know you're OK.

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Lovely card Sandra! I think it looks quite an easy challenge for this week but maybe that's deceptive? I'll soon find out ha ha!
    Well I didn't get into the craft room for long yesterday as Abi our 13 year old grand daughter came up to make a card for her friend and she spent a long time on it, I wondered what it was ( really showing my age ) it was of an app that teenagers use ? I will send it to Sandra and let you all see it, she made a super job of it , so when I did get in I finished a large tag of " Julie Nutall's Prima Doll "stamp for Amber age 10, to use as a decoration for her bedroom, so hope she likes it .
    Val , I hope the dentist goes well and you enjoy an afternoon in the sun , lucky you !
    I am taking Abi and Amber to my Pilates class and then for tea and shortbread afterwards, they don't like coffee yet, a wee treat on holiday Monday.
    Looking forward to hearing all about your walk Cheryl , they always sound interesting, hope the weather is good for it.
    Janet , it sounds like you have a busy day ahead, you make me feel I'm so lazy lol!
    Enjoy the May holiday , love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Look forward to seeing Abi's creation Anne. Enjoy your treat with Abi and Amber.

  6. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    What a beautiful card Sandra and the sketch opens up a few ideas in my head.
    Might just take some die cuts ready for Ciara to create her own design.

    Sorry I'm dashing AGAIN going to Sisters, this should be the last time, for a while. With the help of Daughter and SIL we moved most of her things yesterday. Today is cleaning her old flat and trying to get some order in the new one.
    Love and hugs, Brenda X

  7. Morning, great sketch today SANDRA I hope to have a go. It may be a Bank Holiday and I may be off work but in a way it doesn't feel like a Bank Holiday because husband is at work - like every Bank Holiday since I've known him! We hope to go dancing later, so I have to make a card for one of the teacher's 30th birthday tomorrow - that makes me feel old
    JANET - slow down I feel tired already
    Little Oscar seems to be settling down on the feeding front. So all is well with the world (well my world anyway!)

    1. Enjoy your dancing Karen if you get to go. Janet also makes me feel lazy.

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, the challenge card looks quite easy today, tempting fate I think.
    Everyone is having a busy day, I'm off down to our craft shop to help change the window display, so that will fun. So better get a wiggle on, take care xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. Fabulous sketch again and I love your card. I am still trying to decide which die to use in your other challenge, but hoping to take part in both :-)
    Pleased to say I finally finished the album last night, yay! So can now relax and start concentrating on other crafty things :-)
    Hope everyone is well and enjoys the bank holiday.
    Hugs to all xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love the card, it is RJ's birthday on Sat & I w
    as struggling with design, you solved it for me. I have done it & sent it to you, must be a record for
    Having a lazy day so will sit & do some cross stitch.
    Val hope dentist wasn't too
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Love this challenge card, so this week I must route around my old dies and see what I have. Well, I do hope you've been into Carterton and are now home again. The weather here is awful now isn't it. Pete was going to finish off planting his potatoes, got engrossed in the snooker and now it's to late. I helped Doreen up Mount Everest (aka our stairs ) as she's unable to bend her legs as from her knees up they are swollen, below her knees they are red and blustery. Not infected but due to the trauma of her op and the blood not returning up through whatever they go through. I forgot what they call them. Blood can go down but not back up to the heart properly. Ringing Dr tomorrow to see if an emergency care package can be put in place, as according to the dr at the hospital said yesterday, should have been put in place by the hospital.

  12. Hi Sandra and all ladies in today.
    Love your card Sandra and the CC looks fine too so will have a try and do my best.
    Val- hope your dentist visit wasn't to bad and hopefully you aren't seeing him/her for a while again.
    Anne- looking forward to see what she made, hope you had a good day and the same to all of you, I hope your bank holiday Monday was not to bad. I took a change and hanged the washing out, oh what a mistake. It's now have to hang until tomorrow. we had a very warm morning so had a quick walk around one side of our man made lake where we live. took forty minutes and that was enough exercising for today as the head is not with it at the moment. Played away in the kitchen with different things this afternoon but most of it went in the recycling bin. A glas of wine to dinner and now feeling sleepy, yay maybe an early night is in order for once. Sorry I'm so late but thought I posted this morning but it is not there so no clue who got it. I wish you all have a good night and I see you tomorrow and hopefully some of our missing friends too,

    1. change= chance hihi always mixing them up and some other words ,sorry xx

  13. Hi this is third time lucky
    SANDRA sorry late been trying to do this post since 10,30pm
    Kept freezing up. We have been over Darren's as he left his keys here so an extra visit with Harry.he is so lovely climes on my lap for cuddle on his own now.
    Sam did a lovely lamb roast dinner. We met them in the leisure centre
    As went swimming Harry is a proper
    Has cheered me up as iv had a few down days
    the cc looks great Today.sorry Sandra your card is lovely love the die & colour very pretty. Right I'm off to bed I keep nodding off see you in the morning
    Hugs Lynds xxxx😁
