
Sunday 1 May 2016

 My Challenge Card
The Sketch

 Janet's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

 Maria's Challenge Card

Anne's Challenge Card

 Ciara & Brenda's Card

 Hazel's Challenge Card

 Jess's Challenge Card

Karen's Challenge Card

Karen's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge Card

 Sonia's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge card

xxx Happy Birthday Sue xxx

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Firstly I would like to wish my Very Special Friend Sue the very Happiest Of BIG Birthdays xxxx

What an amazing display of Challenge cards once again this week, you never cease to amaze me ladies,
each and every one of the cards above are fantastic xxx

Can you believe that we have covered every theme of card this week, from those adorable little Gnomes on Anne's card to Snowflakes, Cupcakes, Paint splats, Pets, flowers and the cute little Owls, Birds and Butterflies on Ciara's card.
Ciara, I am so grateful that your helped Grandma to get her Challenge card made this week, although
I understand that you did most of the work!! Thank you so much Ciara for entering your card xxx

I would like to thank each and every one of for taking part this week, you all know by now how much my blog means to me, having you go to so much trouble each week is so very much appreciated.
I hope that you are building up a great stash of cards too.

Now onto our afternoon at the Card Class yesterday, Christina at 'Maze of Memories' is so lovely, a very patient and talented instructor, we shared the class with a lovely group of ladies, lots of fun and laughter, Sue and I got in a right mess too, but we enjoyes ourselves, learnt a bit more about Cosmic Shimmer Pixie Powders too!  Sue said that she enjoyed her birthday gift so that made my day too xx
Next month they are doing classes on the Gilding Polishes that Creative Expressions has just launched.

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Sue-hope you have a wonderful day today.

    Sandra-glad you enjoyed the class yesterday, looking forward to seeing what you make with this new technique.

    Great selection of cards for the challenge, all so different. Just realised I haven't added my trade mark Card Candi to my card, will have to change that!
    The forecast was for rain today & the Met Office was right for once. At least after my usual housework I won't feel guilty about retreating to my craft room. My head is buzzing with ideas for the midweek challenge which really shouldn't be difficult for me as I have many dies that a) haven't been used for months if not years and b) new dies that haven't ever been used!


  2. Since joining the blog I am in awe of the different concepts when it comes to the challenge cards. I must confess that I keep some photos to look back on and use when (often) my mind wanders around as to what to do. Thanks to all for beautiful ideas.

  3. Your cards this week are amazing and as SANDRA has said all very different with all occasions covered HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE Glad you enjoyed Sandra's pressie
    I wish I could get to the classes you're going to I'd love to play I bought some of the gilding polishes and whilst they are lovely I'm not brilliant I'm either too heavy handed or nothing..
    Off to the zoo today, after visiting Daughter and her little family, to visit my son's grave Afterall, he helped look after Charlotte and he needs to be thanked

    1. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your visit with your family. Your son would be over the moon with little Oscar wouldn't he. Hope it stays fine for your visit to the zoo as well.

  4. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE - have the best day hopefully surrounded by family and friends and doing just what you want to do. Hugs xx

    What a fantastic board faced me when I opened the door this morning. Not one in any way looking like another. Just beautiful and covering all gender, occasion and colours. All beautiful.

    I've an idea for mid week Challenge but will not be getting around to it today. I'm popping down to the Range to have a look/see what they may have in their craft section and then back to cook the usual Sunday Dinner -Roast Chicken this week.

    Looking forward to seeing what you have for us tomorrow Sandra and hoping it's not out of my comfort zone.hehehe.

    Everything's set for the day here in the cafe and just waiting for customers. I've despatched hugs to everyone with extras for those in need in the hope that they help. xxxx

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Happy Birthday Sue! Sounds like you had a fun time yesterday, you are so lucky to be able to go to classes like that ( I'm green with envy lol! )
    I love a Sunday morning to see what everyone has produced, I am never dissappointed, what a great selection of cards and ideas and all so different!
    I had a busy but super day yesterday as it was Ladies Day at golf and we played in teams of three , I was captain of "The Happy Hookers" a name drawn out the hat and a golfing term with connotations! so we had fun with that , and the best part was our team won and the first prize for each of us was a £30. voucher from a local hotel ( our Ladies Captain got them to sponsor us, but had kept it a secret) so to say we were surprised is an understatement, we were gobsmacked as we usually get a pair of socks or similar ha ha !
    So today I need to do my hair colour ( desperately needing done) before I go and craft, I watched an Imaginations show when I came home and it was really good, I have bought some of their starlight paints but have yet to use them so maybe today's the day?
    Hope you all have a lovely day doing whatever you please, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      Love the name of your team, the happy hookers. How lovely to win a voucher from your local hotel, what a lovely surprise.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Happy Birthday Sue - have a lovely day :-) xx
    Fantastic selection of challenge cards, all so beautiful. I love seeing what everyone has created :-)
    Glad you and Sue had a lovely time yesterday, sounds like lots of fun was had by all.
    Can't believe it's May already. A really busy month for me - starting with my Brothers birthday tomorrow and then my nieces birthday, and Mum and dad's anniversary next Saturday, so final preparations for that this week. Still haven't finished the album - had a major mind block, so decided to put it aside for a couple of days! Hopefully get it finished over the next two days.
    Well I hope everyone has a lovely day and are enjoying the bank holiday weekend.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Wow Sonia you are having a busy month this month. We have as well but ours will be holidays. A trip to London, a trip to Colchester to bury Petes friends ashes, so we'll stay a few days with his wife who has senile semantic. Then a trip up to Liverpool for a few days for Karen's partners brothers 50th birthday. We'll stay a few days up there as well. I want to see the statues at Crosby at least.

    2. Hi Pat. Sounds like you might need another holiday after just for a rest ;-) I hope the weather stays kind to you for all of your trips - they say it's meant to be getting warmer, so fingers crossed.
      May is a very busy month - at least one birthday every week and of course mum and dad's anniversary! Quieter in June, so will have chance to try out some new crafty ideas I've got going around in my head :-)
      Hugs xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer1 May 2016 at 08:59

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Happy Birthday Sue hope you have a lovely family day. It was sunny & alot warmer 50 years ago!!!lots of love Mum xxx
    Sandra so pleased you had a lovely time. Lovely aelection of cards again. Thank you for giving us the
    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE ! Have a wonderful day. Glad you had so much fun with the pixie powders.
    Good looking cards again this Sunday, love to see so many different takes on just the one sketch.
    Well done Ciara for making an entry,lovely card.
    Off out in a minute for Brunch and then some shopping for now this week we having another mouth to feed so I hope you all have a nice Sunday and enjoy the Roast Chicken Janet is serving up later :-) Love and hugs Maria xxxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE, I hope you have a lovely day, and your family spoil you. ENJOY your special

    I'm so pleased you had a lovely crafting day yesterday, what a lovely start to your Birthday weekend Sue.

    What a lot of different and really gorgeous cards you have today for this weeks challenge. I cannot take credit for carers card only credit I can't take credit for Ciara's. Card. My contribution was buying the goodies to make it. I bought them at Ally Pally.

    We are off up to London again today, a few more jobs to do. Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  10. Morning ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE, I wish for you to receive special birthday gifts of friendship, love, laughter and a large glass of wine xxx
    Another gorgeous array of challenge cards ladies, well done, unfortunately I didn't get mine finished in time.
    Spent all day in the garden yesterday, half decking has now been protected, other half to do tomorrow when Jamie comes out to move the parasol base. It is screwed to the decking and has triangle heavy metal weights attached which are too heavy for me to lift.
    The bottom garden path is almost cleared of all leaves, compost bins sorted, both lawns strimmed ready for mowing, and a big start made on the border where I shall be moving some bushes to leave a vacant border for Pete's memory tree, an Amelanchier which Jamie and I bought last autumn.

    Had quite a chuckle to myself regarding one of my neighbours whose garden borders onto the side of the bottom half of mine. My ash tree has overhanging branches into his garden and instead of lopping them off, he has left them. He took all day to move his shed 4ft to erect it right against his fence. To put the roof on, he moved the branches to one side and slowly screwed the roof back on, then left it as is. The branches now rest on top of his shed, which left me wondering when he will be around to complain that my tree branches are ruining his shed roof. This is the man who thought I was going to pay for the orignal fence because it had blown over in strong. winds. That was until I told him quite firmly that the fence was erected by his house builder and so therefore the fence belonged to him not me. He went off in a huff quite trucculently and replaced it. We shall see, this time though I have taken before and after photos with him in shot rebuilding the said shed.

    Look at the time, I must away to mow the laewns before we have the promised rain.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good on you Cheryl getting evidence of what he was doing. But my word don't wear yourself out by doing to much work at a time,

  11. Hello Sandra and Friends, normal bank holiday weather here, wet and cold, still have the heating on !!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Sue, glad you had a good day yesterday with Sandra, I've no idea what Pixie powders are so shall await your masterpieces.

    What a lovely lot of cards this week , it really takes you out of your comfort zone, waiting to see what we have tomorrow.

    Been thinking about which dies to use for the midweek card, also need to make card for my daughters 50th birthday, so maybe I'll combine the two.

    Have a lovely day, hugs Lilian


  13. Hi Sandra will do post when get home AS phone as phone keeps going off & lost three love Lynda having lunch out xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra and ladies, This is the 4th attempt at trying t pst a comment today. I get as far as press Publsh and everything disappears.
    Hope you are having a wonderful day Sue . Happy 50th birthday. Enjoy your celebrations.
    So glad Sandra that you and Sue enjoyed your craft afternoon yesterday. You must let me knw if they're worth me buying.
    Great assortment of cc today ladies. Just love Ciaras and the gnomes are so cute.
    I'm keeping this short in case is vanishes again.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Val x

  15. Hi Sandra
    Can I first wish Sue a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I must say I didn't realise it was a big one Sue. Hence the number wasn't on your card.
    What some beautiful cards today ladies. As Sandra said a broad spectrum of objects on the cards. Love the gnomes, owls, cakes. Sheep,flowers and snowflakes. Once again it's lovely to see the card you and your Nan made Caira. Love the flowers and the picket fence on it, I'm glad you and Sue had a good time yesterday Sandra.
    I look forward to seeing your makes.

  16. Hi everyone. Great selection of challenge cards, everyone so different.
    Hope you had a lovely day on your birthday Sue.
    Off to think about dinner as we have been out all day, take care everyone, xxx

  17. Hello SANDRA & ladies
    Wow Gorgeous cards today everyone excellent. SANDRA I'm sorry I didn't get my CCards made for this week I'v had some quite down day's this week
    Finding it hard too walk as my feet have got very painful & I'm not able to walk as far as I used too. Arthurritritas in my hand neck & back also getting worse. It's all got on top of me.Had blood & pressure test test Friday the nurse said my blood pressure was quite high so she made me appoitment with doctor for next Week for her to check it again. Hope the appointment comes though soon for hospital.& see if I can get some answers.
    Had nice day yesterday as Darren Sam & Harry came down so that cheered me up we met them at Margate he is so funny loves motor bikes every we saw one he says BIKE BIKE MAN ON BIKE. He liked the roundabouts on the beach. We then went onto Broadstairs beach. They stayed for dinner & left about 10.30 i said they could stay but had to get back Darren wants to try & finish his bathroom off today. The he has got to start putting new kitchen in.Slow job for him as working 51/5 days a week.
    SANDRA I promise I will make my c c for next week & have a go at the old die card too. We had nice lunch today went to Tobby Carvery yummy.
    I did start commenting on way down on my phone but after three attempts & loosing them i gave up.
    Sue hope you had a lovely birthday & been spoilt rotten. Sorry sue didn't know it was a BIG birthday so not a number on your card..
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda, so sorry to hear your feet and walking around is so painful for you. Take it easy and I so hope the doctors can help you out. Sending you some special cuddles to make you feel some better xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Sorry for the very late comment, a very busy day with all of the children and grandchildren at different times, some still here but having a lovely time. Will be busy tomorrow morning as we are off for a few days with RJ, Gemma and Christopher junior and no pecking has been done!
    I want to say a great big thank you for all of the birthday greetings and for all of your wonderful cards, each and everyone a treasure. My birthday started with a lovelyvtime spent with yesterday with Sandra treating me to a great class. I can honestly say that one of my attempts with Pixie Powder went in the bin, even the tutor agreed that it was not possible to selvage it!!! I had a great thank you again my lovely : ))
    I'm sorry also for not having had time to read the comments but will catch up tomorrow.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. Sounds like you've had a lovely day :-) Enjoy the rest of your Birthday celebrations.
      Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Sue, glad you had a wonderful day with family.
      Pixie powders are pretty tricky to use hihi I had such a trouble with them so that one thing I want be buying but it was fun trying before buying, if you know what I mean. Sue W have Gilding flakes on her card today, that's another craft I'm hiding from hihi Enjoy your evening and many hugs xxx

    3. Good night everyone, Littlelamb where are you my night friend and Sheila, missing you xx
