
Saturday 30 April 2016

Mixed Crafts Saturday

Lynda's First MDF project

Margaret's Canada Cross Stitch

Janet's Paris Cross Stitch

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it's Saturday once again so that must mean ''Mixed Craft'' day!

Lynda,  I have to say that you would never guess that this was your first 'Altered' MDF project, you have done an amazing job, I love the paper you have used for the heart and the lace you have used around the edge of the heart looks beautiful, the Applique Flower you have added with a pearl centre is the perfect finishing touch, thank you for allowing me to share your first project xxx

Now we have a mini 'World Tour' in Cross Stitch...........

Margaret, I absolutely love your 'Canada' Cross Stitch Sampler, I can see it has all of the things that come to mind when you think about Canada, every little detail is just so perfect, I love the snow capped Rockies and the moose and beaver, its just amazing, thank you so much for allowing to share it xxx

Janet now whisks us off to Paris, wow Janet the amount of detail that you have managed to get into the Eiffel tower is just amazing, those beautiful little girls are so detailed too, you can see all of the creases in their dresses, almost giving movement to the picture, If I remember correctly you gave this as a gift, what an amazing thing to give, so much of your time has gone into creating it, I am sure it has pride of place in their home, thank you for sharing your project Janet xxx

An exciting day for me today, I get to spend the afternoon with Sue, we are going to a Card Class that is featuring the new Cosmic Shimmer Pixie Powders, after the mess we made with them at Pat's on Wednesday I think we both need all of the help we can get!!  Its my birthday treat for Sue, but its just as much of a treat for me!

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Enjoy your afternoon, Pixie paints remind me of junior school, powder paints, great fun xxxxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I must apologise for not commenting yesterday, I got totally sidetracked by Sandra telling me about her fantastic birthday gift to me of a Pixie Powder class, and boy, do I need one as my first attempts were a disaster! Thank you again my lovely for such a thoughtful gift, see you about midday : )) x
    Karen/ Nanny, congratulations on the safe arrival of Oscar, what a gorgeous little bundle of joy. I hope your daughter and Oscar are both doing well. And I know you and hubby will be loving all of the cuddles with your beautiful grandson, enjoy every one : ) x
    There were lots of lovely goodies and equipment bought this week, I bought the same ruler, stamp and Mum and I shared a bag of buttons and metal embellishments, stamp was a pound and the others were 50p each, they were the last ones in the odds box. I always have a look in there as you never know what you are going to find : )
    Lynda, what a wonderful heart in those gorgeous purple and cream colours, always a favourite of mine. I can't believe it is your first attempt. I am really looking forward to seeing more, please : ) x
    Mum, this is a lovely cross stitch, I know you loved doing it as it was given by a very dear cousin, Gail, who lives in Canada. Every time you look at it you think of her, don't you : ) love you xx
    Janet, what a beautiful cross stitch, so much detail, especially in the girls dresses. I bet this took you a good while to do, didn't it? x
    Pat, I am disgusted with the hospital for discharging Doreen, knowing her situation, at least you and Pete have a conscience, the hospital certainly don't do they! What would have happened if you weren't able to her I wonder. Please try and grab some rest when you can. I suppose in one way it is easier to have Doreen at your home rather than you keep having to go to hers! Take care my lovely friend x
    Well, I had better get on as I have a card to do before Sandra and I go to our class later on, a whole day crafting, just what I love : ). Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for those in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue, hope you & Sandra have a lovely productive afternoon, please try not to get in a pickle with it!!
      Love Mum xxx

    2. Hi Sue
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my MDF heart. I painted with chalk paint after Useing gesso Then just stamped the birds & Butterflys. Then glued the lace around edge.. Haha I didn't know.Sandrai was going to put it on the blog just wanted her opinion.
      Enjoy your pixie powder class.
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-wonderful project, hard to believe it's your first one.

    Margaret-another fantastic cross stitch picture.

    Janet-brilliant cross stitch picture, so lifelike.

    Sandra-I meant to mention the mini challenge yesterday, I think it's a great idea as I have quite s few dies that have never been used. I only realised just how many when I was sorting them all out this week. I shall attempt some more cards this weekend. I've taken Tuesday off to make an extra long weekend then I'm going back into work on Wednesday and leaving the bathroom fitter to it. My new machine won't be delivered next week at work, after much discussion on Thursday the rep from the company said there was too much additional work required (wiring for CCTV etc) so someone else needs to come out to visit us and check some details. Much better to be totally prepared than rush into this. We had done very good news about another project at work-we've been waiting years for a refurbishment on the outside area of the Aseptic Unit and the "powers that be" have finally said YES!!! My boss & I were giddy with excitement , it will mean lots of mess and chaos as we still have to provide the same service to all our patients whenever we have work done but we have to close the unit. It will all be worth it as we totally outgrown the space we have.
    The CQC inspectors decided to turn up again yesterday to the hospital on an unannounced visit so there were lots of people panicking!
    Today looks like it's much nicer weather wise, all I have on my plans is the hairdressers at 11amso will get crafting after that.


    1. That is good news re the refurbishment We had CQC on unannounced visits Made me smile and a little cross that the mega bosses run around ensuring everything is in place when actually they should be ensuring that this happens ALL of the time

    2. Hi Michele,
      Thank you for your kind words. That is good news ref refurbishment & a new machine as well. Hope bathroom coming on OK, only 2 more weeks now! Love Margaret xxx

    3. Hi Michelle
      What great news that your being refurbished. No I won't change it as it sounded funny. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could be though. We could replace all the bits that were wearing out. Good also that the new machine will delivered later after much discussion.enjoy having your hair done and try not to worry to much when you go back to work on Wed,

    4. If only we could be "refurbished "!!! Sounded OK when I was typing, when you read what's on the screen it sounds odd.


    5. Thank you very much Michele for your kind comments on my MDF heart . I wish I could be refurbished to a size 12 haha. Xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    Ohhhhh Mixed Craft Saturday - I love to see what creations my Dear Friends have made and again the display board is not disappointing.

    LYNDA- I love your MDF altered Heart and no-one would guess that a)it's MDF under your beautiful papers, lace and gorgeous and b) it's your FIRST altered piece.
    Cannot wait to see more of your beautiful creations Please.

    MARGARET - another of your Masterpieces. So detailed in every way and I just know so lovingly done. You have certainly done Canada proud. Was it destined to go over the water to Canada Margaret? I love it.

    Yes Sandra you're correct this piece went off to France to Friends as their Christmas present this last Christmas. They loved it thank goodness. I have to say that I haven't done any cross stitch since finishing it.

    We have a bright morning. Dry and windy and I have to say it looks very cold out there but shopping has to be done so I'm off to Meadowhell this morning and we're meeting up with Jim's Niece. It's the first time we've seen them since getting back so the children will be hyper!!

    All's set for the day here in the Cafe. I'll look for some new sugar bowls this morning as one or two seem to have chips out of them. Now I wonder how that happened? Hmmmmmmmm.
    Hugs are in the basket by the door so please help yourselves as you come in. There's no charge for them.

    1. Hi Janet,
      Your Paris cross stitch is lovely, I love the shading & the girls, well done.
      My cousin from Canada gave me the pattern so this one is for me to keep, it was lovely to do as you could work on one subject at a time. Thank you for your comment.
      Take care love ve Margaret xxx.

  5. Morning ladies What a beautiful array of goodies on show LYNDA your heart is beautiful You'd never guess it was your first attempt
    I love your cross stitch project MARGARET and JANET The CANADA one reminds me of a Jo Verso sampler I haven't done any cross stitch for years I must have about 5 or 6 that need mounting and framing
    OH at work (he did spend the night at a mates after wetting the baby's head!) So I am going to craft all day - what a chore
    Will try and pop in later

    1. Margaret Palmer30 April 2016 at 17:57

      Hi Karen,
      I thought I replied this morning but seems to have disappeared!
      Thank you for your comment. Hope you are getting pmenty of cuddles & mother & bany are doing well. Love Margaret xxx.

  6. Sorry I forgot to ask after DOREEN It is awful she was sent home in this state Sounds to me that she should have had an OT assessment and a Care Package in place You need to nag nag and nag again to get things organised PAT and contact PALS to voice your complaints and concerns

    1. Hi Karen
      Thanks for the concern re Doreen. I've just given her a foot spa and dreamed her legs as she's starting to get a blisters. Hadn't heard of Pals but I'll certainly look them up and complain. Someone from the Red Cross is supposed to ring her at sometime to see if she needs help. But as you say this should all be put in place before she left hospital. She's really struggling, and funnily enough seems to be having more trouble with her left leg which she had 3 weeks ago.

    2. Every hospital has a complaints person, there's a set procedure they have to follow once they receive any complaints . Might be worth enquiring & filing a complaint.


  7. LYNDA for a first mdf project that looks a giant task, love it.
    MARGARET as the child of Canadien parents your cross stitch is extra special for me and you know how I feel about the work that goes into cross stitching, beautiful.
    JANET oooooh la la, something magical about the Eiffel tower, really nice colours.

    1. Hi Angela,
      What part of Canada did your parents come from? My cousin live in Kitchener about an hour from Toronto, I love it when I visit. Gail gave me the design when she was here last October there is one thing missing though there is no Mountie!! I am pleased you like it,thank you. Love Margaret xxx

    2. My family are all in the Toronto area x

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    I hope you and Sue have a lovely time at the workshop what a very thoughtful gift
    Linda love your MDF heart it's beautiful. xx
    Margaret what a beautiful gift your cross stitch is. Thank you for sharing.
    Janet your Eiffel tower brings back lovely memories of a short stay we had in Paris it's really gorgeous LOL.
    Sorry ladies dashing off to my sisters now, have a good day everyone.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Hope you gave managed to finish the packing for your sister. Thank you for your kind comment. Love Margaret xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Lynda - your MDF is a 5* work of art. Can't believe it is your first attempt, it is Beautiful !
    Margaret - Love your cross stitch ! So many things to look at in the picture.
    Janet - Love the Eiffel tower with the two girls,it must have taken you a long time to make. Wonderful !
    It looks like a nice day so far but after yesterday I guess anything can happen :-)
    Have a nice Saturday everyone, love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Thank you it was lovely to do because of all the different subjects. I am enjoying working on yours for the same reason. Love Margaret xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      Yes, as you say weather wise anything can happen. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Good morning Sandra and ladies. I love Saturdays seeing all the wonderful talents that you all have and which sadly I haven't. All I do is make cards and sew occasionally but you all seem to be multi talented. I'm very impressed.
    Lynda, what a lovely first attempt. Just love the paper yo've used and the frilly lace.
    Margaret, such a beautiful cross stitch. So much work but so worth it.
    Janet, what a pretty scene. I bet your friends were delighted with it.
    For the first day this week I'm not dashing about. A spot of housework then route some old dies out and have a go at the new cc.
    Have a wonderful day everyone whatever you're doing and Sandra an Sue have a wonderful time amongst the Pixie Dust.
    Love Val x

    1. Margaret Palmer30 April 2016 at 16:45

      Hi Val,
      This is third tome of teyong keep pressing wrong button!!
      Thank you for your kind comment, you never know what you can do until you try.
      Have fun going through your dies. Love Margaret xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love popping in to see what other crafts everyone does. Today's creations are beautiful. Lynda's heart is gorgeous and your first attempt aswell - fantastic :-) Janet and Margaret's cross stitch pictures are stunning, I admire the time you put into these - I tried doing cross stitch once and never did finish it (didn't have enough patience to complete!)
    Have a lovely afternoon Sandra and Sue at the card class, sure you'll have loads of fun :-)
    Hope everyone is keeping well and has a great day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      Thank you for your comments, when I first started I did wonder if I had the patience but I find it relaxing. Love Margaret

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you enjoy this afternoon, thank you for inviting me but for 2 hours just too far to travel, look forward to seeing your results. Thank you for showing my cross
    Lynda your heart is beautiful, doesn't look like a first attempt, looking forward to seeing
    Guess what it's raining again after a lovely sunny morning.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

  13. Hi Sandra
    I hope you have a lovely afternoon, I wasn't able to go at such short notice because we have Doreen staying with us and Pete was going out.
    Well Lynda I wouldn't have know this was your first venture into Altered Art. What a stunning creation you've made.
    Margaret, I love your Canadian cross stitch, what patience you must have.
    Janet I also love your Paris cross stitch. It reminded me of when myself and three friends went to Paris for a long weekend. I've been since but the traffic was bad even way back then.
    Hugs to you Lilian and anyone else whose feeling under the weather.

    1. Margaret Palmer30 April 2016 at 18:00

      Hi Pat,
      Thank you for your kind words. Hope you are coping ok. Love Margaret xxx

  14. Hello All, I'm sorry I thought I'd commented this morning, must have forgotten to press publish !!!!!!
    Tha Saturday crafts are lovely,
    Lynda your heart is stunning , love that paper.
    Margaret your cross is beautiful as is yours Janet, tried to do cross once but eye sight not up to doing such fine work.
    Had a phone call from my other sister today seemed very strange not to chat about my other sister.
    Have done my Monday challenge card, will now go and did out some of my old dies and see what I can concoct with those, I have plenty.
    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

    1. Margaret Palmer30 April 2016 at 18:03

      Hi Lilian,
      Thank you for your comment. It will be strange for some time for you. Take it easy love Margaret xxx.

  15. Hi everyone, I love all the alternative crafts on show today,
    Linda your heart is super, and Marbaret and Janet what,patience you have doing these lovely cross stitch pictures.
    I have been to our scrapbook crop today, and then went out for tea, so had a super day. I hope you and Sue had a lovely time at your card class.
    Have a lovely night everyone, take care, Jess xxx

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