
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Anne's Tag & Abi's card

Anne's Tag & Card 

Anne's 'Altered' Tag

 Abi's Card For friend
Actual Instagram image

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday Weekend, I don't know where ours went, it just flew!! We went down to the May Fair, the weather wasn't the best which I always think is so sad when people go to so much trouble to arrange these events and organise things like the Dog Show etc only to have it ruined by the Great British Bank Holiday Weather!!! I was looking forward to seeing our "Granddog" take part in the various categories of the Dog show, it would have been hilarious, he usually wins on cuteness!! 

I feel so privileged to be able to share with you Anne's first ever attempt at 'mixed media' or Altered Art' !!  Anne, I cannot believe that this is your first attempt!!, I can see that you have added texture to the background by using a mask and what looks like texture paste, they really do add colour and dimension as well as giving texture, I love the colours you have used too, blending them to cover the tag so perfectly, then picking a ribbon to add that picks out one of the colours perfectly.  The little touch of lace and the die cut doily behind your gorgeous Julie Nutall Stamped Doll really adds the perfect finishing touch, giving yet more texture and I love how you have taken your design 'over the edge' of the tag. I hope you go on to make many more Mixed Media projects Anne as you are naturally talented, I am sure it will be very well received by Amber, who will hang it in her room with pride! Thank you so much for allowing me to share your first ever project xxx

Abi, your card for your friend is just a genius idea, after all what teenage girl doesn't use Instagram these days!!  You have made a perfect replica of the Instagram logo for your card design which just shows amazing talent, you should be very proud of yourself!! I have added the actual Instagram logo so that anyone looking in can see how accurate your card is.  For those of you that are wondering what Instagram is ....
"Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever" 
There, you have learnt something new today, every day's a school day !!!
Thank you so much Abi, for letting me share your card today xxx

Sue I hope you have a fun week away with Chris, RJ, Gemma and Christopher, it sounds like it will be a few days of rest and relaxation, enjoy, you need to take it easy, you are getting old now you know !!! Lol xx

Pat, I hope you can get Doreen seen today some time as her legs sound a little worrying to me, yes you expect swelling in the newly operated leg but not the other one, does she not still have her compression stockings on?? It isn't right that you and Pete are taking full responsibility for her care, its not fair on you, plus I know that you aged going to be busy with trips for most of May and are worried about her coping!  Make sure you go in with her and have your say! X

Sonia, so glad you finished your parents Album at last, I hope you have taken lots of photos, I would love to feature it for 'mixed craft Saturday' if you don't mind xx

Brenda, hopefully a quieter day for you, until there is all the unpacking to do that is !!
Please take it easy my lovely, I don't think you have sat and relaxed all week! Xxx

It was lovely to receive some of your challenge photos yesterday, both for this weeks Sketch and the "old die challenge" thank you xx

I hope that you all have a good day !

Love and hugs



  1. Good morning Sandra, lovely day .

    Firstly can I take this opportunity to say THANK YOU FOR MY LOVELY FLOWERS, THEY WERE IN A CUP AND SAUCER WHICH WAS SO APPROPRIATE,sorry this has taken me a awhile to do, also thanks for the cards and hugs they me so much to me. Still have to type this through tears.

    Onto today's crafts, Anne your tag is fab , I'm sure it will be a great decoration.
    Abi your card is pure genius, thank Sandra for the info on Instagram.

    Cleaner comming today so will have to have a quick tidy, so that she can get straight on.
    Will pop in later for a bite. Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I so glad you love the flowers. Sandra made a great choice.

    2. Hi Lilian , hope you have a good day.take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Anne-beautiful tag, love the lady on it.

    Abi-brilliant card, perfect for so many people I know. I might just borrow this design if that's OK?

    Didn't make it as far as the beach yesterday-just did a short walk then did a few hours gardening. It brightened up so much in the afternoon that we just in tee shirts (plus trousers-ha ha).

    I've taken today off as a treat-once I've let the bathroom fitter in I'm going to read until the post office is open as hubby needs his passport application sending off. Then I think I'll pop to the garden centre that happens to have the craft shop in it. I'll see if any bargains jump out at me then I plan to sit and watch all the John Lockwood craft programmes I'm recording on Hochanda.
    I've actually made my challenge card but have an idea for a second one-may try that out tonight as hubby is away again.


    1. Hi Michelle
      I hope you have a lovely time at the Garden Centre with its Craft shop. It's funny how things jump into our baskets isn't it.

    2. Oh I wonder what bargain you found this time, You always so good at finding them xx

    3. Hi Michele hope you're enjoying your day off.
      Would love to know what you've bought in the garden centre and the craft shop.
      Love Val x

  3. Morning Everyone

    ANNE- a beautiful TAG and I can see it hung on that wall/door for a very long time and cherished forever.
    I love how you have mixed all the textures and colours.
    ABI- what a fantastic idea for a card and very accurate too. Well done.
    MICHELE- have a good day bargain hunting and I hope you're successful.

    Well I managed to get my 'altered box' finished and filled!!! I also added another card set for K&N next week as I'd already done all the sets needed but a new lady appeared last week. I only hope she comes again as it means I'll have wasted card blank, embossed card, die cuts and ribbon.
    Today's programme is my Challenge Cards for this week and then getting them sent off to Sandra.

    We have a bright and sunny start but it's quite windy and the central heating is still on so it cannot be so warm outside.

    Everything is set for the day here in the Cafe and I still haven't found the cupboard keys. Any ideas anyone?
    Hugs are in the basket just waiting to be used.

    1. Do you think the huggles are playing tricks again. They've been missing for a few days now. Maria did you perhaps put them away somewhere?.

    2. I'll have a look in the dishwasher, have you looked in the fridge ? oh you laugh but weirder things have happened hihi xx

    3. II have a drawer full of old keys here, I'll look through and see if they've fallen into there by mistake. Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful tag by Anne. Love the colours and texture to it.
    Abi's card is fabulous - love the idea.
    Will gladly send you photos of the album Sandra :-) I will take photos this afternoon after work, and also of my old die challenge card which I finished yesterday. Hope to start this weeks sketch challenge card later too :-)
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs to all xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne your tag is gorgeous, I love things like this but haven't tried anything yet
    Abi what a brilliant idea for your friend, she will love it.
    Have to go running out of power, have a lovely day everyone, take care xxx

    1. It's funny Jess as I seem to carry on doing things on my IPad and am always surprised when low battery comes up.

  6. Good Morning Sandra and all.
    WOW Anne your tag is beautiful. YOu can see the texture on it.
    Just love your card Abi, its very realistic.
    Sandra thanks for explaining Instagram. I've honestly never heard of it. I'm so out of tough ha ha. Sorry the May Fair wasn'nt as good becauseof the rain. As you say so much work goes into organising an event like that. All they need is the weather and sadly you can't order it.
    Thecsun won over the craft room yesterday so it's a whole afternoon up there today. As well as the two cards for this weeks challenges I have a long list to make for the shop so a busy afternoon.
    I had hoped yesterday was my last visit to the dreaded dentist but she wants me back again tomorrow. Goodness knows what the bill will be for all this but it will be worth it to be able to smile without putting my hand in front of my mouth.
    Enjoy your day ladies.
    Bye for now.
    Love Val x

    1. Wow Val your brave going to the dentist without our ladies holding your hand. Or was it the sun the real attraction for coming over. As you say it cost mega bucks for tooth work. I don't like having my photo taken. Not to sure if it's my teeth that need replacing or my face.

    2. Hi Val, we come with you again tomorrow, no worries. Dentist do take a lot for their services, don't they.
      Spoke to a couple this morning who just moving back from Portugal this week, they said the summer's were to hot for them ?? I wouldn't mind to have some right now xx

    3. Hi Pat and Maria. Lynn came to the dentist yesterday but I'd love your helping hands tomorrow, hopefully this will be it.
      A lot of people here go back to the UK for July and August as they think its too hot here but I love it. Hate the winter here, I can't stand being cold. Think it's my old bones.
      Pat I hate having my photo taken as well. I'm so not photogenic.
      Love Val x

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really enjoyed making it, it was fun to try something different, I had used the Julie Nuttal stamp to make a few cards ( colouring it in ) but decided to paper piece it which was even easier and quite effective, also I enjoyed using other mediums , might just have whetted my appetite lol!
    I was amazed at Abi's card, I didn't know what Instagram was Doh! I think her friend will love it, Abi is very good at art but doesn't really do a lot of card making , she's more into drawing etc.i did show her Sandra's daughter's drawings and she was really impressed and loved them.
    Sonia , well done in finishing the album I'm sure your parents will get many happy hours of pleasure from it, a wonderful thoughtful gift, I look forward to seeing the photos.
    How is the bathroom coming along Michele? Enjoy the garden centre , one of my favourite places to visit, we have Howdens in Inverness which also has a craft section but the prices are really high.
    Janet , I'm amazed at all the different crafts you do ,you seem to manage more hours into your day than anyone else and they all look wonderful !
    Well, no golf this morning as it's still wet and windy up here so thank goodness I have other hobbies to enjoy.
    Sandra , I have never had a dog but my SIL 's dog is due to have pups on the 28th May ( Maltese terrier) and we are going to have one ( all being well) so it's quite exciting!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      I must admit I'd never heard of a Maltese Terrier, I'd love to see a photo when you get the puppy. Hope your weather brightens up soon.

    2. Hi Anne, love your tag and all the different textures you have used for making it. Also love the colour and the paper piercing for her dress.
      Abi have made a great take on the Instagram. well done her. I too love to see the puppies when they are here and the little one you will have, boy or girl ? xx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone,

    Anne, I love your tag the colours are so pretty.
    Abi, your card is brilliant what an inspiring idea. Will file this idea for future reference.
    Home today, I'm pleased to say, but I am about to go out for lunch with some work colleagues well we are all lretired now! it's always fun meeting up with them,so a much more relaxing day.

    Will look in later hope you'll have a lovely day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Enjoy your lunch Brenda, hopefully not many boxes now to move for your sister.

    2. Hi Brenda, hope the move to the flat for your sister has gone alright and like Pat saying ,not too many more boxes to move. Hope you had a lovely lunch with your friends xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad to hear you got to go to the May Day fair, even though the weather wasn't very good yesterday.
    Anne, wow I love your altered art tag and I bet Amber uses it.
    Also I love Abi's card that she made. I think I've just about heard of Instagram, but I've learnt something today, after school this time not during. What attention to detail Abi, I'd love to know how it was done, but I'd probably not be able to do it myself.
    So I explained what was going on or not as the case may be with Doreen to the Drs receptionist this morning. Dr bright has just rung and I explained again. He said the hospital ought to be told this was a very bad discharge, I said I'd already told them that and a shrug of the shoulders was the reply. I've complained to PALS as per the suggestion by not to sure if it was Karenlotty or Michelle. So the Dr was ringing something called SPAR to see what they suggest. Watch this space.

    1. Hi Pat, really hope this saga for Doreen will be sorted asap and for you and Pete. I know you are happy to help out but you must think about yourself too. Waiting to hear what happens next, hugs xx

    2. Oh Pat, how awful. Poor Doreen is so lucky to have you to look after her welfare. I cant't understand how they could ever let her out of hospital in such a state. Really hope that you get the help you deserve.
      Love Val x

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you managed to get to the fair shame about the weather. It is such a shame for the organisers but then we are in England!!xxxx
    Anne your tag is lovely, well done. Abi that is a lovely card, great idea, & yes I have learnt something
    Pat I hope you get some joy from the Dr. it should not be you looking after her. Take
    Played boule this morning, good to get back to near normal, Alan is able to walk the dog again which pleases them both.
    Must go & cut the lawn again while it's dry.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope you had fun at the Boule this morning. No creaking knees on you :-) I am so thankful you took the cross stitch off my hands, just don't feel it have to be made as soon as so if you have other works that need doing first then do them. What's another ten years :-) xx

    2. Hi Margaret. Lucky you playing boule. I just love the game and played all the time when I lived in my last house. So glad Alan is feeling better and able to walk your dog again.
      Enjoy your time in the garden.
      Love Val x

    3. Val was that in Spain or here? Some of our group played in Spain last year. A group of us are going to Chinon in France for 6 days in June, should be fun, I love the game.
      Good luck at dentist. Love Margaret xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in today. A mug of hot tea ,third bag please, I'm so cold once again and we had such a nice walk first thing over to Ikea in the sunshine for some breakfast but back home and taken in the washing from yesterday which was now dry and ironed some shirts the rain is back. Have planned to have some play for cc and old die card but now sat down and blogging , face booking etc. so will have a lookie later today. Not cooking dinner tonight so that's nice and hope to get out of it tomorrow as well because we are going to Toby's for a late lunch with SIL and her husband who are coming up for the day. Hope you are ok Lynda, so nice to get some extra cuddles from Harry :-). Michele- have you dared looking in to the bathroom yet ? Our kitchen is planned to start on the 23:de, oh how much fun being without it for nearly five weeks hihi Salad days ahead.
    Karen- hope all well with our little Oscar and Charlotte is fine. My cuddle Oscar will be looking after him but do think we need you Norah to come back soon and give us some huggles in the basket as they getting a bit sparse.
    Have a good day, love and hugs to all, Maria xxxx

  12. Hello everyone,
    Back home again, had a really lovely lunch with friends, it was like a magic pick me up tonic, sort of like Duracell - I now feel energised!!!!!
    We have no more boxes to move, everything is at the new apartment, its central London. Part of a converted building which has been split into apartments. Anywhere else in the country you would call it a flat and be charged half the rent! My sister reminds me of Micheles messy friend. She is so disorganised, yet works like a Trojan for the parish, keeping things in order. When we arrived last week we had a few boxes with us to pack things into, but couldn't take that many as we were on public transport (week days you have to pay congestion charge, and finding parking space is a nightmare, so it's easier and less stressful to take the train) My dear sister said I have some carrier bags and black sacks, that we can use !!!!!!! She really has not got a clue. Nothing had been sorted out. I think you get the picture, I won't bore you with the rest!
    John has been an absolute treasure, and sorted out lots of things her, yesterday we gave the place a thorough clean before we left. So now it's up to her, her new place only has one bedroom, so no spare bedroom to throw stuff into, she really has to do some serious decluttering, we will go up at the end of the week or early next week, I just know they'll still be bags and boxes sitting around waiting to be sorted.

    Sorry for going on, sometimes I think it's a good job we are not all alike, but it can also be very frustrating.

    Take care everyone, lots of love, Brenda XXX
