
Wednesday 4 May 2016

Baby Card & Box

The Card Box

The Card

Close up of Bow and Stickpins

Good Morning Ladies,

A bit of a change to our week this week, Sue is away in the Forest Of Dean and Pat has managed to get a cancellation appointment with her hip surgeon, so no meet up this week!  Wow we will have so much more to talk about next week!!! 

Now onto today's card, I was asked to make a card by a colleague of Becca's to give her daughter abs Son in Law, thanking them for the gift of a Granddaughter.  A wonderful gesture, but I have never come across such a card before.  
So I decided to just go with the New Baby Girl card, with a bit of added lace and a thank you sentiment.  
Thankfully, the Lady loved it !

I found a lovely Scrapbooking shop nearby (well 30 miles away), thankfully they stocked Bazzill card so I could stock up on baby pink card, you just can't buy a particular colour of card online.  Having said that now I know the names of the colours I like buying online will be easier.  It is can lovely shop though, A Maze of Memories is the name, but sadly they don't sell online, shame as they stock just about every brand of stamp and die. 
I got the card, I needed, made an easel card using an 8 x 8 base card, matted it with baby pink card, added a strip of Lace which I had woven some baby pink ribbon through across both the top and bottom panels of the card, I printed the babies birth details and die cut it with a heart die, I then added a layer of pink lace and added it to the middle of the top panel.  I then printed out the 'thank you' message and die cut with a Spellbinders squared die, I trimmed it with pearls and backed it with lace to match the heart, added it to the bottom to create the stopper for the easel card.
I added a couple of bows, some flowers and a couple of stick pins to finish the card.
I then made a box and decorated it to match the card.

What do you think?

Please don't forget to send me....….....

Your guilty secret purchases for this week....

Your 'old die' mini challenge card 

Also anything you may have for mixed craft Saturdays.

I am so grateful for all of your input, its what makes my blog so special xx

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-fantastic card & box, really gorgeous. No wonder the proud grandparents loved it.

    Well ladies-we have a bath fitted (no plumbing) and half the bathroom is tiled, rest of the tiles going up today. Not sure what next-either the toilet & washbasin being fitted or removing the tiles from the walk in shower cubicle.
    I did manage to get a bargain at the craft shop yesterday-two packs of card blanks and a Sue Wilson die. Photo of the die sent to Sandra!

    Am back in work today-let's hope I'm not greeted by too much mess or too many problems. At least I only have 3 days to get through.


    1. Hi Michelle
      Sounds like your bathroom is coming on a treat, and let's hope that there's not to much chaos when you go into work.

    2. Hi Michele, your bathroom is reall starting to take shape now. Hoe not too many probs at work today. Love Val x

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Wow Sandra , what a stunning creation and I'm sure it will be treasured! I wouldn't have known where to start with a request like that, I love all the lace trimming and details you have printed out in the soft pink.
    Pat I will put photos on when I get my puppy, quite excited about it but nervous too as I've never had a dog before, it's a very small white dog , really just a white ball of fur .
    Look forward to seeing your bargain Michele , your bathroom seems to be making good progress.
    Still wet and windy here so will get more crafting done today.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Oh Anhe your dog sounds adorable. Karen my stepdaughter has three dogs, as well as horses, cats, gerbils,rabbits and god knows what else. She has 25 in all. Oh nearly forgot the chickens, 4 children and Keith. He's mire trouble that the rest of them mind. Take care.

    2. Hi Anne. Maltese Terriers are so cute. Very fluffy little dogs. Looking forward to seeing photos.
      Love Valx

    3. Pat, I don't know how your daughter manages that amount of animals and a husband it would do me in Ha ha !
      Val , it will be a while yet as the puppies are not due till the end of May and then I won't get my puppy until it is 10 weeks old , so still a long wait.xo

    4. Hi Anne, looking forward to seeing pictures of this beautiful little puppy. The area you live in will be wonderful for him, you can have some really beautiful and adventurous walks. xx

    5. He sound adorable. I love puppy's, who doesn't.
      My sister( I'm sure you know) is breeding Finish Lapdogs and they are absolutely gorgeous xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- What a gorgeous card/box. I tend not to use pink in my cards but this one definitely calls out for that beautiful soft colour. Your box i gorgeous too and what a keepsake to treasure!! Shame that craft shop doesn't sell on line. Like you I don't have a dedicated craft shop near and so nearly all my crafting goodies come via cyberspace.

    MICHELE- have a good day in work and fingers crossed everything is OK when you get there. Your bathroom sounds as though it's well on the way to blossoming.
    ANNE- what a beautiful addition to your family. A puppy -much hard work and patience needed but ohhhhh the benefits and results are more than worth it. I cannot wait for a picture.
    VAL- Good luck with the dentist this morning. Hope it's the last time for quite a while.
    MARIA- you had me confused yesterday (OK I know that's easy to do lol)as I didn't know who 'Anonymous' was until I saw your name at the bottom of your post. Are you 'undercover' at the moment or have you got yourself a new job with MI5? lol.
    BRENDA- Please have a quiet day today. Both you and John really need one after moving your Sister into her new apartment. It's stressful enough when it's you moving but when it's someone else.........

    Well I managed to get some pics to Sandra yesterday so that's another tick on my list for this week.
    I'm not sure what's on the agenda for today. At the moment we have sunshine and clear blue skies so I'm hoping it stays that way.

    KEYS - have been found!!! in the crockery cupboard hidden right at the back and under an overturned cup. Now who could climb up there and then reach that far back? I had to get Marigny Dobbi over for an afternoon and set him on the search. He also found a stash of Jelly Babies and Dolly Mixtures!! Can you believe it!!!!

    All's up and running in the cafe just waiting for today's callers. Hugs are in their basket so please help yourselves. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Give Marigny Dobbi a big hug from ne for finding the keys. It's not me who hid them as I'm only just over 5 ft. So couldn't reach that far back. I suppose I could have stood on a chair your thinking, but, I can't climb on a chair with my hips I'm afraid. Tried awhile back to get on one but my leg gave way and landed flat on my back on a bed thank goodness.

    2. So glad the keys have been found Janet. Jelly babies and Dolly Mixtures oh boy. I'd just love some of those.
      Love Val x

    3. Hi Janet, really pleased you found those keys, shame the jelly babies and dolly mixtures of gone missing, there my favourites I prefer them to chocolate, my family do you think I'm a bit odd, as they are all chocoholics xxx

  4. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning creation you've made. I'm so glad the lady liked it. Like Anne I wouldn't have known either where to start either. I have enough trouble printing off something as it is. Our word doesn't seem to work properly. Computer says we don't have it then I fiddle around and it pops up. Amy my eldest helped me last year to do a 60th birthday sentiment. You had to wrap it around so you would be able to move it where you wanted it. Well I carefully wrote all the instructions down then couldn't follow my own instructions. So I just use the one I had and change the words, ( that's if I remember which frequently I don't. ). I usually stamp something inside. Spent most of yesterday trying to get something sorted for Doreen. We go away next weekend and apart from a few days at home will be away. London first until the 19th. On the 20th we'll go to Harwich for the burying of Toms ashes. Stay a few days then off to Liverpool. So on Thursday I'll take her home for her to be assessed as to whether she can go home or whatever. Her home really isn't a safe environment. It hasn't been decorated since according to Doreen the 1940's and it's the same furniture as well. Very small rooms with lots a heavy furniture and no heating as such. Only a small electric heating that's portable. It's like stepping back to the dark ages.
    Hugs to all in need of one today. Washing is a top and tail in the kitchen sink as they have no hot water only a geyser over the kitchen sink.

    1. Morning Pat,
      I save all that trouble with Word by using a programme called Card Factory Explosion V10 from a company called Nova Development. I bought V5 from C&C many years ago and swear by it. You can print off ready made cards, inserts, banners, certificates et al etc. I wouldn't be without this programme at all. It saves all the guesswork of inserts trying to fit onto your word page. They even have blanks and all sorts of sized and card shapes. Look online for them. xxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      Well, the verdict from the hospital re my hip is that I need another operation. I can if I choose go on Mr Taylor's or the shortest. They use choose and book, so I'll have a look and see whose the shortest. Mr Taylor has an outstanding reputation so his list is quite long. So I'll see how long when I get the info.

    3. Thanks Cheryl
      I'll write that down and have a look at it.

  5. I was confused when I read my post. I'd be dangerous if I had a brain ladies. It's Doreen who washes in the kitchen sink not me I hasten to add. I don't smell honestly.

    1. Glad you explained that Pat as I did wonder. You sound as gifted as me in the computer department. Lynn write lots of instructions down but they never seem to work for me. I have to read my notes every week to send Sandra the cc. Technology has passed me by sadly. I bet you're so lookibg forward to going away after the stressful time you're having. Hope soething is sorted out soon for Doreen. Love Val x

  6. just amazing work sandra.x.

    1. Welcome Helen come & join the mad house but I can vouch for the fact they are an amazing loving & caring set of friends.xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all. Beautiful creation today Sandra. Definitely beyond my capabilities.
    Well that was definitely the last visit to the dentist. I think sh's as glad to see the back of me as I am of her. The Spanish do not seem to be a sympathetic race and the fact that I wont sit in the dentists chair only the dining room type chair seems to upset her and when I cried before she even touched me this morning, well it completely floored her and she couldn't get me out the door quick enough. Not before I'd handed over a large amount of cash of course. Hopefully we'll never see each other again. I'm home now trying to calm down. I wish I drank as I think a large whisky would do me the world of good.
    Anyway I'm off to play cribbage later. Take my mind off it.
    Have a great day ladies.
    Love Val x

    1. Morning Val - I'm so pleased that you don't have to go back to the Dentist. I'm exactly like you - absolutely petrified and it doesn't matter how kind the dentist is I cannot change.
      Have a good afternoon playing cribbage in the sun. Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Val, I really feel for you having this phobia about dentists, just remember you're not on your own. I can recall being in hospital and one of the ladies on the ward had to have her pre-op. She had a phobia about needles, this poor lady ended up sitting on the pillows hugging her knees. The nurses were so patient with her and she did get the injection she needed. Afterwards she apologised to the rest of us, which really wasn't necessary. I certainly felt sorry for that lady. Take it it's all over now. XXX ⭐️That's a star for being a brave girl. X

    3. Thank you ladies for your kind words. Had a great game of crib and won for the second week running so this morning a bit of a dream now thank goodness. Xxx

    4. Hi Val
      I'm glad you've finished with the dentist now. How lovely that you won at crib. At least it took your mind of your not very sympathetic dentist.

    5. I'm glad for you that the dentist visits for now is over. I don't like the dentist either and do shake and sometimes cry just for a check-up encase something else needed done so I really felt for you. Great you once again won the cribbage and had some fun, hugs xxx

  8. Beautiful SANDRA I am a pink girl myself and keep telling myself that I need to do more vibrant primary colours! Not sure if I have said before but our Dutch friends always congratulate US on the birth date of our daughter and it is something I have perpetuated when friends have become grandparents with a card for them as well as the new baby's parents. Funny now but those babies are now having babies of their own.

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a creation you have shown us today, it will be well treasured I'm sure.
    It is still really cold here today although for once it is not raining, so will get on with my challenge card and hopefully get some photos sent to you for mixed craft and guilty secrets. Have a lovely day everyone, take care, xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, I love your beautiful card and box, it's stunning.
    Just back from work so hoping to start my weekly challenge card - unfortunately didn't get aroun to it yesterday!
    Anyway hope everyone is having a good day and keeping well.
    Hugs to all xxx

  11. Well it's now afternoon, so
    Good afternoon Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card and box Sandra, pretty in pink.

    Spent some time this morning in the garden, a shaded area which suited me fine. I took a quick peek at my outside thermometer and in the ambient shade it was 67 degrees. Far too hot for me to stay out any longer, following the BC treatments I still have to fully cover up with long sleeves and my chest area for another two summers yet. Small price to pay for continuing good health.
    Yesterday morning the other half of the decking was washed & rinsed. Didn't take long for it to dry so both coats of the decking protector were applied. This morning it looks so lovely now.
    Now for a start on the borders, slowly doing them but have decided to do this early morning and evening when it is not so hot.
    Off for lunch now, then a start on my Fernli products. Yes, I have succumbed to buying more craft items. My saving up for my spends in America is fast falling out of the hemisphere.
    Note to self, DON'T buy anything else girl.
    Oh but I really NEED them. No you don't, Yes I do!
    I certainly hope when I finished altering them, I will sell most of them at our Church Fete for Pete's charity. Cardiomyopathy UK for whom I made the cup candles last year. I'm hoping I will exceed last year's amount of £115.00.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. My word Cheryl
      Your a workaholic. Enjoy sitting in the shade while you can. Your slowly depleting your spending pit on craft goodies. I see your other self is trying to make you be good. Mind you look at the lovely goodies you showed me ie the paper pads from the Range that you bought to the retreat.

  12. Oh Sandra you really have created a card that will be loved and treasured, it is so pretty and feminine, and the beautiful box makes it a real gift. Thank you for sharing it with us. xx
    Although you will not be seeing Sue and Pat this week I am sure you will fill the time with all your crafting projects. Also there is always another job to do. My goodness next week it will probably talk for England the three of you!
    We have a quiet day today and I'm just doing things around the house, things I haven't had chance to do lately. John Has popped to Asda, and will be going to a few other shops on the way. So today it really is a catch-up day. Tomorrow we have the school run, and Friday I will be going up to Loughborough with my sister for the funeral of a Sister from her order, she was also one of my teachers and a long time family friend. I think it was only last week I said life never gets boring once you retire. I certainly wouldn't have time to work now. Ha ha
    The weather here is absolutely gorgeous I have sheets and towels blowing on the washing line, in fact the bedding is dry, I could bring it in and iron it. I love it when you can get the washing out and Ironed in the same day.
    Right dear friends I will plod on, and pop in later to see what you've all been up to.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you have a nice relaxing day after you've finished your ironing.

    2. Hi Brenda, yes it is wonderful when the weather now at last getting better and you can hang the washing outside. It smell so differently. Hope your day was peaceful and nice. xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & box I love the pink, what a lovely idea. Thank you for
    Lovely sunny day today, warmer as well played boule this morning, just had a sit in garden for a while out again at 6.
    I am going to listen to our local dementia specialist give a talk, I knew him about 14 years ago when he treated Mum in law, a friends mother has just been diagnosed so thought I would go with her to see what has changed in last few years should be an interesting evening. You never know what is round the corner.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope the talk was interesting. It's good to keep the brain working but noticing already to forget a lot of things, which sometimes can be embarrassing. I blame it on the meds. Take care xxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Well, I wrote a comment about my hip. But forgot to press publish before I started to look at everyone else's comments. So it's now under Cheryl's reply to me about word. Told you I didn't have a brain. No I'm not going to sit on the naughty step again. Stuck to the stair last time I was put on it.

    1. Hi Pat, good news for a hip op or ? Hope it all goes right and they can help you. hugs to you and Pete xxx

  15. Afternoon Ladies

    Goodness me-work was crazy busy so no time to worry about the bathroom! All the tiling is done except for the walk in shower which we're still using. Hopefully he'll grout everywhere tomorrow then not sure if he'll fit the toilet & washbasin next or tackle the walk in shower. Only one more week of mess to go.

    Hubby coming home tonight & bringing in Fish + Chips for our tea...!! Although I'm not sure what time he'll get here. He set off at 5.45am yesterday to miss the worst of the traffic (driving to Welwyn Garden City) for a meeting only to be sent an email at 8.45 cancelling it!! He wasn't at all happy-don't think the people in the offices realise what time some people have to set off at. I'm just glad he's home tonight.


    1. Hi Michele, hope you both enjoyed the fish and chips. your poor husband, hope he is ok. These things happened a few times to my OH and he was not happy to have to drive hours back home again. Hope work is not so busy for you tomorrow xx

  16. Hi Sandra and all,
    only have to pop in quickly to say how much I love your box and card, gorgeous ! Glad they liked it.
    Having a busy day so haven't had time to read all the comments yet but will hopefully do later before bed.
    Hi to Helen ! welcome to the cafe' and us the crazy people from time to time hihi It's the best place to be !
    Hope you all had a wonderful day with sunshine, at last !
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  17. Hello All, sorry to be late, thought I'd done this earlier !!!!! Must be age. It's been a lovely day here, not that I've seen much , been finishing off my work.
    Sandra, super card and box, love the pink and lace , sure it will be treasured for a long while.
    Welcome Helen, hope to see you back soon, it's a great place to be.
    Tomorrow I go to see my friends for a craft day, so that will be nice, hope the traffic won't be too bad.
    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Lilian, have a lovely day tomorrow crafting away and then enjoy some of the sunshine and the warmer weather we will have over the weekend xx

  18. Hi Helen
    As Margaret said welcome to the mad house. But it's a lovely madhouse.

  19. Good evening SANDRA & everyone
    Very late sorry I have left a note for self leave comments in days go so fast.I have been having down days with arthritisis pains getting worse in hand's having a job crafting at the moment. & now finding walking a struggle with my feet hurting.Yesterday we went to Hern Bay for a walk & had some fish & chips sat on bench by the seafront. The a walk back to the car I was struggling. Got appointment for doctors tomorrow afternoon for blood test results to check what Athuritis I have. & a blood pressure check as nurse said last week it was quite high. I have now got a Hospital appointment for the Rumatoligy clinc but not till 27 th hoping they can help
    We had a lovely bank holiday Darren Sam & On the Sunday they come up too us lovely Harry cuddles. We went down the beach they had a small fair for the children Put HArry on but he didn't like it so at £2 a time they got a refund.on the Monday l Darren rang on Monday said he left his keys,so we took then over had
    More cuddles.
    Must go too bed now as I keep nodding.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
