
Friday 1 April 2016

This Week's Guilty Secrets

Janet's new goodies

 Margaret's Bargain purchase

Jean's fabulous new goodies

Cheryl's Gorgeous Lace Kit from Amanda (Scrimpy's Craft Boutique)

My Bargain Floral Pavilion pad, Doilies & Charms

Good Morning Ladies,

I just can't believe what a blur this week has been, a week today is when my Mum collapsed and was taken to hospital, I am so relieved that she is back home now and on the mend.  I think that being away visiting mum last weekend and then catching up this week is the reason that I thought today was Thursday!! 

Now onto this weeks craft goodie purchases.......

Janet has got some beautiful 'shabby chic' floral paper pads, I got that 'floral muse' pad too and its beautiful, I mazy need to look out that other pad, where did you get out from Janet??  The MDF  tags, frame and little hearts came from Fernli Designs,
Which is a lovely local business in Swindon, their prices are amazing and their MDF storage puts together like a dream!! Thank you so much for sharing your news goodies with us Janet, I am excited to see your lace kit when it arrives too xx

Margaret got a great deal when she got hold of her Crafter's Companion Ultimate pro,
I know you will get a lot of use out of it, it is my 'go to' for boxes and envelopes,
Thank you Margaret for sharing your bargain (I will left Margaret tell you how much of a bargain it was ) xxx

Jean has treated herself ton some new Dreamees Stamps, Archival ink pads and a Spellbinder's  Card Creator die, your cards are always amazing Jean, I can't wait to see what you create with your new products, I would love to hear what the 'Dreamees' stamps are like as I like quite a few of their designs but have no idea how good they are to stamp with.  Thank you so much Jean for sharing your buys xxx

Cheryl asked Amanda to make her a kit up so that she could make some more of her gorgeous 'Rings' like the one she made recently for a family wedding, I sent Amanda a photo so that she could get an idea of what Cheryl needed and she made up the gorgeous kit you see above, there are some stunning laces and trims in there, you lucky lady, I am so looking forward to seeing your finished designs xxx

My purchases were complete bargains, those Gorgeous Trimcraft 12 x12 paper pads 'Floral Pavillion' were two for £7.50 on 'Every crafts a pound' the doilies are 50p and the scissor charms were £2 I think, you do need to spend over £20 to order but it isn't too hard, the delivery seems expensive at £4.95 but its 24 hr delivery and it doesn't matter how big your order is, so worth a look I feel. 

I hope you have a great day, there is still time to share your purchases, 

Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn't leave a comment yesterday, I was in the Cafe reading Angela's great tutorial for her beautiful folded cards when I got called away and I completely forgot to go back in and leave a comment! Thank you Angela.I will be having a go, using cheap paper first of course. As Sandra told you I always do that as it really does save an awful lot of lovely card or papers, and also time as you will already know what you are doing : )
    Sandra, the week has flown by hasn't it, I so glad that your Mum is on the mend now, let's hope she remembers to drink enough now, but I'm sure your sister will be keeping a beady eye on that : ) I hope your craft room spring clean is coming along well my lovely x
    Pat,I hope you and Pete are OK and you haven't tired yourself out with the decorating. I also hope that Doreen's hip op went well yesterday. See you next week x
    On to this weeks Guilty Secrets. What a lot of lovely goodies.
    Janet, the papers look so pretty and I hope we get to see what you do with the MDF shapes, please.
    Mum, I know you haven't much time at the moment to play with your ultimate pro but at least you have finally got it! Love you x
    Jean, you will be busy with this lovely selection. Please share the cards that you make with it all.
    Cheryl, I can't wait to see your finished rings that you make with these gorgeous laces. How will you decide which to use first, they are all so pretty.
    Sandra, that pad was such a bargain, and it has so many beautiful papers in it, I love the embelisents and doilies too. I have often looked at that website but haven't ordered because of the postage seeming high but now I will look again as they often have some great bargains.
    I have a day at home today so will be finishing my challenge card. I hope everyone is having their share of this wonderful sunny spring weather. Lynda and all that are not feeling so good, please take care.
    Lynda, I'm glad to hear that Terry has banned you from hoovering, and that you able to get to Ally Pally. Looking forward to seeing you there.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I will making 2x weddings rings, 2x Christmas ring and 2 each of Baby Girl & Boy rings for my stall at our Church fete alongside some mixed media projects. I did so well with the candles for Cardiomyopathy funding last year and each year I like to do something different. Which is why I believe I make so much as all the other stalls, apart from 1-2 from other crafters, sell the same stuff. Not even the WI use their many varied skills to stock a stall. I think that could be the reason why our foot fall numbers seem to drop down each year. x

    2. P.S. Many of the smaller laces will be used to make the flowers. I've already got a head on doing them. x

  2. Morning Everyone
    We are very very wet and damp here in Marigny this morning. We had an 'all Mother of a thunderstorm' last night and it's still drizzling but I'm pleased that some of you are having some lovely sunshine and can get into the gardens.

    My purchases as you see finally arrived. I can second Sandra's recommendation on Fernli - they have a fantastic site even if you're not into MDF etc. and their postage isn't too bad too.
    Now my papers were from Ebay - Floral Muse from 'Tanglerug(2122) for £4.99 for 48 sheets and the Lemon Craft House of Roses from a seller 'Handmade_by_monia) this too was £4.99 but only has 6 sheets in the pack.

    MARGARET - you will love your pro. Jim bought one for me as a Christmas present some years ago and I wouldn't be without it especially for boxes and envelopes.
    CHERYL - having just seen your beautiful haul from Amanda I am now even more impatient for mine to arrive. I cannot wait to see another of your wreaths Cheryl.
    SANDRA - love the look of that pad and what a bargain. I will be having a pop into that site and see what they have.

    To all under the weather and feeling poorly please take care of yourselves. I cannot believe that it's nearly time for Ally Pally again or that we are now a quarter into the new year. Where is the time going!!

    Even though it's not too good outside we're venturing into Corbigny this morning as we missed last week. It really doesn't seem like a Friday here if we don't go to market. Silly isn't it. I'll be reporting on cakes tomorrow morning.

    I'm so pleased to hear that Marigny Dobbie is behaving himself and doing all that he should. Have any more of the pain au choc disappeared? I can just see the Huggle forming up like a team four either side of a pain au choc and running off with it into a corner where they can all sit around and eat to their little heart's content.

    Off to have my breakfast now. Hugs should have arrived at their destinations. I hope they are doing their job.

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of goodies on display. It's so nice to see what everyone chooses to buy.

    I now have a streaming cold, spent last night in the spare bed so I didn't disturb hubby. I had a horrendous nose bleed yesterday morning at work-15 minutes before it stopped, then I had another one last night. I think an early night tonight would be a good idea!


    1. Oh poor you Michele,
      I can sympathise with the nose bleeds, going through puberty I literally had one after another. and it's always a cold that brings them on now. Maybe we blow our noses too hard to get rid of the gunk? x

    2. Hi Michele,
      I feel for you I have always suffered from nosebleeds not quite as much as I used to, thank goodness. Hope you feel better soon. Take care love Margaret xx.

  4. Hello Sandra And Friends, very dull here today and very cold outside ( am still in bed , hip bad in night !!!! )
    Super lot of play things today, love all the papers, and the lace looks lovely, have not done my challenge card yet may be able to do it tonight. Found a template for a pop up box so thought I might give that a try as have not done one yet.

    Have some Lime green hoods to do today, they have a 90cm zip so a bit of a pain to do, only 10 so not too bad.

    I'll pop in later to have a see what you're all up to .

    Michele hope you will soon feel better, simpathise with you over nose bleed , used to have them in my younger days.

    Hugs to all, Lilian

  5. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    A bit of a dismal day so far, yesterday was one of our best sunny days this year. I even turned off the central heating all day, the sun was extremely hot pouring through the windows and my washing was dry in no time.

    Some beautiful craft treasures on show, I'm 100% sure you will all enjoy playing with them and we shall see the finished results here in the café.

    Right ladies, could you please give me an idea on how much to charge for the lacey rings? I keep an item list of what I use regarding the ribbon & laces but have no ideas what to ask for the finished products. I've only ever given them as gifts to my family and I haven't seen any in this area to get a price. If I made one for you, what would think would be a reasonable price?
    I'm looking forward to your answers.

    More craft room tidying, it's surprising how so little is in some boxes and how much in others. Combining certain items is making more room and less boxes on my shelves and making craft boxes for charity is using items I no longer need or use.

    Kettle's calling me and it could be crumpet time too.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, you might ask "how long is a piece of string" generally at our WI craft meeting we go up and down the money ladder constantly questioning our pricing. If you saw my tissue boxes recently, we have
      them on sale for £3.00 without tissues. Depending on the decoration we sell handmade cards starting at £2.00. Having seen some of the cards showcased on this blog I wouldn't let any of them go under four pounds.

  6. Cheryl, I can't really help you where the pricing of your beautiful rings! We had the same dilemma with our pendants! In the end we like you worked out the cost of what it cost us to make and we first went for 100% on top, now it wasn't much but folk were saying " oh that's a lot!" Or " I could get something like that from Primark!" Oh yes and every one and their auntie will have the exact same! We ended up just asking what we do, we don't make much, but enough as you know we still can buy the goodies for the tea trolley! It's so difficult. Look forward to seeing your new makes. Thank you for your lovely comment on my cards on my blog. Xxx

  7. Good morning, I see lots of money being spent on goodies again! I am not buying, my mind is made up to use up what I have, I have enough pads of card, it's just a case of going through them and using them up. I am doing the same with dies, getting the old ones out and enjoying playing with them again. Thinking out of the box on how you use them. Every time I look at a new die or a paper pad etc, I note down the cost and so far I have saved myself over £100 and that's in only a few weeks. When I sorted out my stock of things I couldn't believe how much I had forgotten I had. Cheryl is doing the same, I bet she has saved loads too? Go have a look at the stock you have! It's fun!!! Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Yes I have saved myself hundreds by not buying all of Sue's last three collections. I am finding beautiful Spellbinders dies that haven't seen the light of day for literally ages and I'm having more fun using them. The lace though has been my downfall but again buying from scrimpy's has saved me a fortune and her items are all so pretty that you don't see in the shops. I know I would pay more per metre in my local haberdashery shop so I am pleased with what I have purchased and they will soon be adorning my rings ready for sale. So no storing. simples! xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely range of goodies for us today, enjoy playing and creating with them ladies.
    I'm having a wee day off today from our shop, so need to get on and get things done.
    Take care everyone, Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and everyone. So good to hear your mum is well enough to go back home Sandra and hopefully it was just dehydration and nothing else.
    oooh look at all these goodies buy's :-) Some lovely papers, frilly items, MDF and Ultimate Pro. Looking forward to see what you all make.
    My list for Ally Pally have gone walk about so if someone sees one it might be mine. What if the Huggles got hold of it ! better write a new one.
    Michele- take it easy and wish you better.
    Pat- hope all went well for Doreen with her hip op. You take care.
    Janet- have a nice time at the market, enjoy the pastries.
    Had a nice time seeing my friend yesterday, glad I made you happy Lynda hihi I'm getting pretty good at getting in and out of her car but not lady like at all I must say. Had a walk in the afternoon and think I over did it some for I feeling quite shaky this morning and can't get going at all and we have an electrician coming around soon so must try to get a wiggle on like Diane used to say. Have a good day as possible everyone. Many hugs xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    What a lot of lovely goodies being shown I bought so much on my UK trip that I really dont need anything at the moment I WANT a lot but dont actually need anything so I'm sitting on my hand.
    Just off to craft class so I'll come back later and read all your comments.
    Bye for now.
    Love Val x

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a lovely display of guilty secrets, thank you ladies for sharing, I haven't had time this week to make any pursues with looking after the grandchildren, I might have to look at those lovely pad Sandra the patterns look really dainty just what I've been looking for. And I'm sure I would be spending £20 in no time, as you said it's not difficult.

    Janet, but beautiful pads you have, enjoy playing with the MDF. xx

    Margaret, enjoy your ultimate pro. we gave Ciara one as part of her Christmas present, I ended up ordering another one for myself! xx

    Jean, you have a lovely selection there, enjoy. As Sandra said let us know how you get on with the Dreamees stamps, they always seem very popular when I have seen them on TV. xx

    Cheryl, WOW, wow what a fantastic collection you have this week have fun hope we get to see the results. xx

    We are back at home again, so I might be able to do a little bit of crafting on my own, although it is really lovely doing things with Ciara, she is such a sponge for any information, she just soaks it up. My problem is what do I take next week for her try. (Inspire her)

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, love Brenda XXX

  12. hi sandra and ladies,just thought i'd stop by and say hello.happy crafting everyone.x.

    1. Hello Helen,
      Happy Crafting to you too sweetie, xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely lot of goodies on display today, love the papers you got. Thank you for showing
    My Ultimate Pro I got a good bargain, I have to admit thanks to Sue. By subscribing to Cardmaking & Papercraft for 3 months for £10.97 I received it as a free gift, good value or what? I have had a little play, it only arrived Sat. but know I will find it useful.
    Janet & Jean hope you enjoy your goodies & Cheryl I can tell you are going to enjoy your lovely lace.
    Time for lunch so must go & find something, washing blowing on line how lovely.
    Special hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Wow Margaret, that is a good price. On the first birthday of the craft shop at Monkton Elms, a lovely garden centre in Monkton Heathfield, our side of Taunton, I bought a couple of raffle tickets and won the second prize of the Ultimate Pro. I used it an awful lot to begin with then Pete started buying me SB collections of dies when I first joined C&C as a member. My friend took it over and I believe she still uses it a lot for the boxes and envelopes. x

    2. Great bargain for your Ultimate Pro. Really great for making boxes and also formaking bows.
      Have fun.
      Love Val x

  14. Lovely looking bargains ladies I must visit Amanda's page I do what I need to do Shut down laptop and then remember that I should have visited xyz I go shopping like this and forget to buy what I went into the shop for in the first place! I make a list and then forget to take it with me!

  15. Hi Sandra,

    So sorry to hear about your Mom but glad she is on the mend, a bit of a hectic week for you to say the least.

    Some great bargains you have all managed to pick up, enjoy and have fun.

    Love &hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  16. Like everyone's goodies. Have had a great day with my two granddaughters and my son. We met up at a NT place which is midway between the two of us. Has a lovely children's play area and Maze. Tears when it was time to go home as they didn't want to part. Might be able to meet up next week. Well having been more out than at home this week I must go and try to get something done. Not done anything about the challenge card yet.

  17. Hi all and a special Hello to Helen, hope to see you in soon again and nice to see you Jacquie, hope you are well and your back is better.
    Angela- do think you selling the tissue boxes you make to cheap because they are gorgeous. Cheryl, not an easy thing to add up for the rings but don't go to cheap either because with all that new frills they will be lovely. Ended up horizontal for most of the day and didn't made any crafting so now running behind and that's not good at all. Wish it was Thursday too still Sandra so I had more time for everything. Movie time so I wish you all a good night and don't let the bugs bite xxx
