
Saturday 2 April 2016

Every Day's a school day!!

Folded Star Card Tutorial

 Take a piece of card 30 x 30 cm, measure  halfway
And draw a small vertical Line

 Draw a line from each of bottom corners to the 
Point at which they meet on the vertical line at top

 Now cut along these lines, you should be left 
With a triangle, measure fifteen cm down each 
Side and mark the spot.

 Join these marks up, giving you another triangle.
Score along these lines

 With point of triangle at top measure down
5cm from last mark, do this on all sides
Draw lines from each point to next point and
Then score along this new line.

 Score these lines the opposite side to last ones.
(So first folks is valley and second fold is mountain)
So the points of triangles are pointing outwards
See diagram below.

Now comes the tricky bit ...
Burnish all of you creases well then lay the first piece
Down onto the base, followed by the next and then 

 The last side, the tricky bit to get right is folding the card 

Make sure each side has one end under and one 
One end on top of adjoining side 

As you can see here each side has one corner under the 
Next side, giving you the fabulous 
Star shape

It should look like two triangles, one on top of the other,
Now you can decorate as you please, I used double sided
Decorative card for mine, giving a pretty look inside and
Out, but you could use plain card and cut little decorative paper 
Pieces same as each panel and sticking them where you need them

I finished my card with a lot of pretty things, pearl strings 
And some flowers and leaves, you could use buttons or anything
You please, the inside could take a small piece of chocolate or even a 
Piece of jewellery 😋!

I hope you wil be able to follow my instructions OK, I am really 
Excited to see your designs xxxx

Football for us this morning, oh and fantastic news
The First of my Son's lambs were born last night
One Black and one white !!!

Have a great weekend ladies,
Don't forget your challenge cards!!!

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - thank you for the turorial on your star card. I shall be having a go at it but I cannot guarantee that it will turn out as beautiful as yours. Love all your colours and adornments you have used. I'll let you know how I get on.

    MATT - that's it now!!! no sleep for quite a while until all lambs are born and out in the field. I know just how much hard work it is at this time of year. I shall be trying to talk to Christina this afternoon. I say trying as at the moment it's difficult getting hold of her for the very same reason. It's Lambing Time.

    So please can I make a plea on behalf of all the farmers who have sheep and lambs out in the fields that all walkers be more aware and careful than usual. I know everyone here will be but there are always some of the general public who couldn't care less.

    It's dull here this morning and no sign of sunshine. That may be a good thing today as Jim has decided that the bottom half of the Veranda needs painting and that's his job for today so as it gets very warm in there when the sun is out I need it to be cool or the job will not get done.

    I see everything is set for the day in the Café and that no complaints are up on the board. Have a good day everyone. Hugs are on their way to all in need and of course there's extra in the basket for all who walk in.

    1. Hope the painting gets done Janet. Petes going to do the porch, we've already done the hall stairs and landing. However, while the subs shining he's on the garden.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-beautiful star card. I might have a practice at this but it won't be today, am full of cold & don't feel I like doing very much. I need to pop into Southport for a few essentials then will be straight home-get s cuppa & watch the Sue Wilson programmes I've recorded before meeting a friend at 2.30 for tea and a chat. I'll be driving tithe cafe even though it isn't far as a) it's raining and b) my leg is still painful, although nowhere near as bad as last week.


    1. Hi Michele, so sorry youre not feeling so good with a dratted cold. A dose od Sue this afternoon will cheer you up I'm sure as will a chat with a friend. Sad also that your sciatica is still bothering you but glad its feeling easier.
      Take care.
      Love Val x

    2. Sorry you still feel poorly, a lazy weekend sôunds in order, please take care love Margaret xx

    3. Sorry your still feeling poorly Michelle. I assume your recording Sue's programmes on sky or free sat.

  3. Love the star card, so versatile, used as invitations very unusual.
    Beautiful sunshine here in Hampshire so today the garden beckons.

    1. Have a nice day gardening Angela. We seem to get a warm weekend (18 ?) xx

  4. Hi Everyone,
    Lovely star card Sandra. Will try it but dont think it will turn out as lovely as yours.
    How lovely that two lambs have been born on your sons farm. The beginning of a lot of hard work I'm sure.
    I'm going to plant my new bourgainvillia this morning then off to buy a new sunbed cover before a Chinese lunch. Its my daughters birthday this coming week so I'm going to have a go at making her card this afternoon. My mind is a blank at the moment so hoping for some inspiration.
    Have a good day eveyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val, you have a lovely day. What colour will you have on the Bougainvillea ? Hope the Mojo comes back for you, so annoying when it's hiding somewhere. Enjoy the lunch, mmmmm! xx

    2. Sounds like my kind of day, have a good one, xx

    3. Its a dark red plant as the owner of the garden centre said it was fast growing. Hadca lovely lunch. Sizzling duck in ginger and orange sauce - delicious. Lay out in the sun on my new sun bed cover this afternoon after sitting in the craft room for half an hour with a blank brain. Will try making the card tomorrow.
      Have a good evening all.
      Love Val x

  5. Morning Sandra and all ladies.
    Thank you for making this tutorial Sandra, I will have a go but first I must make the challenge card because I have failed terrible this week to make anything much in crafting section so hope today will be different. Also a walk with a coffee and no goodies as I'm trying to be good. How boring is that :-)
    Good luck to Matt and all the little lambs. Would love to have a photo of the new ones, they are so lovely. Nothing happened so far with the sheep in the field nearby but soon they will be here.
    Michele- you take it easy. Don't make it worse by going to far, the best is to rest. Wish you better.
    Janet- hope you have a good day and Jim get his painting finished. The sun is on it's way with some warmer days,yay !
    Ticket for Ally Pally on my fridge, 7 sleeps to go !!
    Have a good day as possible everyone and hope to see some of our missing friends back in here soon. You are very much missed. Love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Have a lovely day Maria, looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

  6. morning all. Your tutorial is fabulous and as ANGELA says would make a great invitation. Yes, I've added it to my "Must Try" list, I've just added JOHNNEXTDOOR's origami flower he has posted today! The list gets longer and longer! Roll on retirement, but then I think I'll have less time to "play"
    Hope to go shopping later as OH has the day off

    1. Hi Karen
      Since retiring I wonder how I found time to work.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe
    Sandra love the card maybe one day I will have a go, at the moment don' t get much time to play. At least you have a dry morning for football.xx
    Busy day so hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  8. Hello All, raining cats and dogs today and still very cold, heating on still.
    SANDRA the star looks really great, not sure I can do that at the moment as hands are not playing nice, will try and do challenge card but not sure if it will work.
    Lovely news about the new lambs, nothing more enchanting than tiny lambs, they are born a bit earlier here, also echo your views re walkers, farmers have terrible trouble with dogs attacking lambs, also badgers. Soap box put away.
    Michele hope you will soon feel better, take it easy , this bug seems to last forever if you take enough time,O/H now has bad chest infection after the bug, so has had to the dreaded antibiotics.
    Well I most go as I fiddled the day away yesterday, so lots to do today.
    Healing hugs for those that need them. Lilian

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Your tutorial looks good Sandra, but I'm afraid this type of card is not the kind of thing I would do, sorry ☹ You can't please everyone, can you?
    Today is a much better day here than yesterday, it never stopped raining all day, a bit of sunshine is peeing through now, maybe a wee tidy up in the garden is in order.
    It is lovely to see the little lambs jumping about their fields, a sure sign the weather is finally getting better, good luck to Mark with his lambing.
    Off to get a few jobs done, take care whatever you are up to today, xxx

  10. Afternoon Sandra,

    Glorious sunshine right now after a bit of a grey start, though looking at the weather report for our area it will doom & gloom for the next couple of days. A day of sunshine boosts my Vitamin D levels and I am so glad to be alive.
    Fantastic instructions for the star card, this might keep Tiegan & Joseph happy on 'messy day'.

    During my sorting out of craft items I have come across £ of the Glitter Girls embossing plates. Tiegan does not want them so if anyone can give them a good home, I am more than happy to send one/two/them to you.
    They are....Ultimate Board - featuring designs of the ornate window/gate, flowing frame, candlelight and baubles.
    Elegance & Beauty - Fan & Fantasy Butterfly.
    Embellisher - Heart, Oval, Diamond & Christmas Tree with 4 decorative lines.
    Nearly finished then shelves to do but first a cuppa is in order.

    See you later,
    Love 7 hgs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. Still knitting! Good to hear that the lambs are beginning to arrive I agree about walkers and their families My son used to say the same at the zoo
    Reminds me of my dear old mum Her school was next to the village green and the farmer used to graze lambs there that weren't able to feed from mumDuring lambing they were allowed to take bottles of milk to school and help feed them

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I could swear I left a message this morning I just check the blog that it isn't
    there, who's to know where it could've ended up!
    Might have a try making this star card next week I'm looking for things to do with the grandchildren, it could be fun. Your tutorial is lovely and clear Sandra and your finish card is beautiful thank you for the inspiration.
    What excitement haveing baby lambs has Matt brought them home for you all to help him look after them?
    Well I managed my challenge card this week ( I'm usually struggling) and have sent it to you.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  13. Good afternoon Ladies.
    Well I played or maybe should say tried to play my first 18 holes of the season , I thoroughly enjoyed it as it has been a glorious day but the golf itself left a lot to be desired, I had a short rest then went out to the garden, I just came in a few moments ago as I am so sore and stiff I couldn't go on any longer, but I'm happy with what I managed.
    Our daughter and husband went kayaking this morning and have taken the children down to the beach this afternoon , so I'll need to get their fish and chips ready for about 7pm as they love home made chips ( they don't get them at home) .
    Sandra your star card tutorial looks great but I haven't even managed the challenge card this week so it will have to wait for a rainy day or when I get some time to myself, still haven't been in the craft room since I got home .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      In glad you enjoyed the golf. Pete plays very badly I must say with Craig. Just a mess about really you'd call it. But it keeps him out of mischief.

  14. I think this is brilliant, what a great idea. Thank you for the tutorial.

  15. Hi Sandra
    Once again a bit late hut it's been all go today. Visiting Ellis in the home and Doreen in hospital. That's in between Looking after all Karen's animals, 25 which includes 2 horses. Pete did all that I might add not me. They took the 3 dogs away with them. Pete doesn't do clearing up after dogs. Although one of the cats or more had been sick, so he had to clear that up. He was not amused. 1 of the cats has gone awol at the moment.
    Congratulations Matt on the birth of your first 2 lambs this season. Mint sauce at the ready. Sorry couldn't resist that Matt.
    Love the star card Sandra. It's even better in the flesh.

  16. Hi Ladies
    I've just been over the last few days comments and seen all your good wishes for Doreen. She's doing very well thank you. A bit hairy the first night as she was in so much pain. But that's all to do with the other hop as well.
    Mr Pandit her surgeon says if all goes well over the next few days he'll do the other hip as well. She's nit to sure about that, but we've told her she might as well get it all over in one hit. I'll pass on your good wishes.

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight.
    I am so glad that you have given us the tutorial for this card. Having seen it " in the flesh" it is actually really quite easy to make. You have decorated it so beautifully too. Thank you my lovely for another great tutorial. I will be having a go at it soon.
    Tell Matt that he has my congratulations on the safe arrival of his first lambs this year, please give him best wishes for the next few, sleepless, weeks. May all of the other lambs arrive safely.
    I hope the girls had a good match, hasn't it been wonderful weather for them, and lots of us too : )
    I sent you my challenge card late last night thinking it was the last day! At least it is done so not a bad thing really.
    I had a lovely few hours with Mum and Pop then home to celebrate Chris's birthday. We didn't do much, just relaxed with some of the family.
    Cheryl, I have read your comments from yesterday, sorry I am rubbish at pricing things, that is the hardest part I think. The only thing is not to under value your talent and time, as well as the actual material costs.
    Please will you show us all of the finished rings, before they get snapped up. Isn't it odd that other people don't sell something different instead of the same as most others. You have the right idea, good luck with the sale, don't think you will need it though : ) By the way I must apologise for not having sent you a copy of the poppies cross stitch. I have now remembered to get it back from Mum and I will copy it tomorrow and get it in the post for you.
    Michele, sorry you are still struggling, I hope you start to feel better very soon.
    Pat, I hope you're not too tired with all of the visiting etc. Glad to hear Doreen's op went well, like you said it will be good if they can do the other soon. Take care
    Maria, I hope you are feeling better again today, I hope you can get some fest to.orrow. We want you fit for next Saturday don't we : )
    For everyone not feeling so good sending healing hugs and to every one else hugs are on their way. Take care xx
    I must go and get ready for bed, I'm Sat here dozing off sobwill say good night every one.

  18. Oh that card is stunning and so different. Thank you very much for the tutorial, I will definately be making some of these.
