
Thursday 31 March 2016

Angela's Fantastic Folded Card Tutorial

 Angela's Folded Card

 Angel's Folded Card Open

 Angela's Folded Card Tutorial


Good Morning Ladies,

I loved the look of Angela's Folded card that she sent in for me to share with you on Mixed Craft Saturday,  so much in fact that I asked Angela if she could do a Tutorial, I couldn't believe it when I opened an email from her today and this fantastic Step by Step Tutorial was inside.

Angela I can't thank you enough for going to so much trouble to put together this amazing tutorial.
I am sure the ladies will do you proud and I will get them to send in their folded cards so that you can see how they got on.  Angela recommends making a paper template so that its easier to work out the folds etc,   I have made it a habit after Sue (mrsB) telling me she does it every time she constructs a
dimensional project and I have found that it really does make it easier and saves making a mistake when cutting your pretty patterned paper!

My Mum is coming home today, I think she has nagged them into letting her go, I am hoping that she does as she has been told once she gets home. This is where I struggle, I so wish I lived nearer to keep a closer eye on her, not that I could do much physically, she has enough people round her to keep an eye on her and they are all keeping me up to date.

Thank you for all your messages of love and support, you really have kept me going this past few days!

Keep your 'guilty secret purchases' coming in please, love seeing your bargains xx

Thanks again Angela, I really do appreciate your hard work xxxx

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Angela- I can't wait to try this fancy fold technique, thank you.

    Thanks for all the lovely comments on my card yesterday. I used a cd- Fabulous Shoes by Katy Sue which is brilliant, well worth buying. I bought two more sets of dies last night so will photograph them soon as they arrive & send Sandra the pics.

    Sandra-good news that your Mum is well enough to go home, lets hope she follows the instructions the hospital gave her.

    I'm feeling less than 100% as I think I'm coming down with a cold-just in time for the weekend, great!!


    1. Hi Michelle
      These bugs are doing the rounds on the blog aren't they. Take care.

    2. Hi MICHELE sorry your not feeling well. It seems like these bug's are a super strain of bug as they keep doing the rounds more than once.
      Take care hug's xxxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Oh Sandra so pleased to hear Mum is on her way home. I know we all nag when in hospital to go home but sometimes we want that too early. At least the hospital think that she is stable enough and she certainly must be a very strong lady to come to a stage where she can come home. I'm also so pleased that your siblings are keeping you informed.

    ANGELA - thank you so much for sending us the tutorial for your beautiful folded cards. I will be printing it off so I can keep it by me when trying to create one! I'll also do a plain paper try out first as I've wasted beautiful paper/card before when diving in feet first so thank you for that tip.

    We're having to pop up to Chateau Chinon again today to replenish stocks of water/juice and fresh veg so I'll not get any crafting done today as I'll be having to rest this afternoon after walking round etc. I'm still awaiting any news re an appointment for the hospital and will certainly be more than pleased when it arrives. Everything is more than an effort and I feel as though I'm having to drag extra weight besides my body around and getting comfortable to sit is impossible. Sorry for that moan. Moaning Minnie has now been put back in place.

    I've sent supplies of cakes etc along this morning to the café and of course they're all calorie free!!!! I'll be sending extra supplies for the week-end along with the usual pain au chocolate and pain au raisin and of course croissants. There will be home made cherry jam this week.

    Right off now I've just heard the car in the back lane so my breakfast has arrived. I'll look in later.
    Hugs are on their for everyone xxxx

    1. HibJanet
      Thanks for the cakes. Hope the huggles stay away from the chocolate ones. They go a bit mad if they gave chocolate. Take care and I hope the hospital appointment comes through soon.

    2. Hi JANET hope you got all your veg water & juice & all put away.
      Have a nice nap this afternoon. Take care Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday. Just one of those days which started off badly and carried on that way all day. Still todays a new day and a new start.
    So pleased Sandra that your mum is well enough to return home. It must be a weight off your mind.
    ANGELA thank you so much for these detailed instructions on how to make this pretty card. They turn out so unusual and lovely when they're decorated.
    MICHELE shuch a lovely card yesterday. I bet your friend really loved it. Do hope youre not coming down with a cold. Dose yourself with vitamin c today and try and ward it off. Hope you feel better as the day goes on.
    I'm off to the garden centre later. I had a beautiful purple Bourganvilia climbing over the arch on the front gate. Sadly it died over the winter and the arch looks so bare so I'll try and buy a fast growing one to cover it up quickly.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Take care.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val
      hope you managed to find another Bourganvilla plant for the arch & enjoyed walking round the garden centre.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra , good to hear your mum might be back home again soon.
    Angela , great instructions for your circle card , I would love to try it when I get the chance, thank you.
    Almost finished the ironing but did fold everything I could get away with lol!
    I managed to get out into the garden as the weather was beautiful and it was crying out for attention, I really enjoyed that so maybe between meeting friends for coffee and visiting a sick friend this afternoon I might manage to get another wee bit done.
    Family arrive for 10 days , tonight , so a busy time ahead.
    Janet, I like the sound of those cakes, hope you manage to get all your shopping done and stored away ( I hate that bit) .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Ann
      Can I send my ironing over please. Perhaps not if your having visitors.

    2. Hi ANNE hope you have a lovely time with your family for the next Ten days. You will need another holiday after they have gone home hihi. If you can't do Pat's ironing perhaps you could do mine instead :0)) Hug's Lynda xxx

    3. Hi Lynda , thanks , we will have a lovely time but as you say we will be needing another holiday when they go, I really don't mind ironing as long as it's not a huge pile , often its the thought of it makes you feel tired.xo

  5. I think I'm with MICHELE today I don't feel great and soused to be going to dentist tomorrow
    Glad mum is on the mend SANDRA She'll probably feel more comfortable in her own place which always helps
    Thank you ANGELA for the tutorial I will have a go one day I'm promising myself a day to try stuff like PATRICIA'S shoe, altered art, mica etc etc
    Take care ladies x

    1. Hi Karen sorry your not feeling well either these bugs seem to like the cafe' ladies. Like you I want to try some altered art .
      Hug's xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Angela- thank you for sending in this tutorial for the folded circle card. It will go in my place for 'to do makes' the place getting quite busy but I will make some one day, that's a promise.
    Michele and Karenlotte- hope you not getting to bad but haven't it been a tough winter with all these viruses and bugs around. Wish you both better. Karenlotty- I got the e-mail,thanks.
    Janet- hope your shopping trip goes fine. Thank you for all the goodies that arrived here. Marigny Dobbie have been very busy unloading it all but I think the Huggles got away with a few things because it is a crumble track going from one of the cupboards and under one of the tables so unless we got mice I believe they had a packet of Pain au chocolate and we all know how they get after having some chocolate so watch out !
    Val- have a nice day going to the garden centre. The Bougainvillea is nearly a must to have when living in Spain, I love them.
    Hoping to get some time in the garden too Anne as the winter and storms have made it look a bit sad. Can't cut the grass yet as it is way to wet but can do the borders hopefully and get rid of some weeds.
    Seeing a friend later and hope we get to a garden centre too (Frost) only one little problem, she is driving an old MG so not easy to get in or out tihi
    Hope to make the challenge card too, got a bit lost because the idea I had didn't work out so have to do something else.
    Have a nice day everyone ! Love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria have nice time with your friend & walking round the garden centre,You made me smile about getting in & out of your friends MG not easy doing it lady like is it HIHI. Big Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely tutorial today Angela. I'll be talking to Sandra, re doing a paper template as per usual. I do like to give mt Grandchildren different types of cards.
    I'm glad they're letting your Mum home Sand a, but I do hope she does as the hospital says.
    Took Doreen to the hospital for 7.00 this morning, which meant we had to get up at 5.00. The hospital will be organising community care for her as the surgeon recommended. Her op wasn't until this afternoon so we came home. Will ring to see what ward she's on later and go up to visit her.

    1. Hi Pat,o
      Hope Doreenn's op goes well. Thinking of you all.
      Love Margaret xx

    2. Hi Pat,
      I never understand why you have to be at the hospital at 7am when your operation is scheduled for the afternoon.crazy. Hope Doreen's operation goes well Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Pat & Lynda,
      They have you in early in case there are 'no-shows', which means you can be 'bumped' up the queue. My BC ops were always first thing because of the agoraphobia and I met other ladies who were 'bumped up' in recovery. x

  8. Hello Sandra,
    So pleased to read that mum has been allowed to go home, although in itself that is another worry, but you can keep an eye on her via the telephone, just encourage her to drink and do what the hospital told her. LOL How is the craft room coming along, have you made any wonderful discoveries, like things you may have forgotten?

    Love your tutorial today Angela, What a good idea to make a template will be trying this out when get home, I am also still thinking about my Challenge card Ciara made hers, she was funny though, she didn't want to write a sentiment on the little tag because she wasn't sure yet who she was going to send it to, so it's left it blank until needed. She even said she might keep it for herself!

    We will be going home this evening, more than likely when daughter gets her work schedule we will be back next week. Today she has driven up to Halifax left home about 5.30am. SIL didn't get home from work, driving his Black Cab around London until 2.30am. Talk about ships that pass in the night!

    Will try to catch up with you all later, hope everyone has a good day, the sun is shining beautifully here, I've got a white wash all blowing in the breeze so hopefully after lunch for that ironed.

    Take care, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi BRENDA will be nice for you to get home,
      it's always nice getting back isn't it.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear Mum will be going home,hope she continues to improve.XXX
    Angela thank you for the future tutorial, will have a try when I have time to spare. Thank you for the time you put into it.xx
    Must get on as Mark is here it means I can go to embroidery this afternoon, be nice to see the ladies for a chat & maybe some cross stitching.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi MARGARET enjoy your embroidery class & Chatting too your friends
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    So glad your mum is getting home, she has made a remarkable recovery, I hope she continues to do as she is told, I know from experience that not everyone does that after a hospital stay.
    Quite a nice day here but still a bit cold, been food shopping, now need to tackle the ironing from yesterday, no rest for the wicked as they say.
    Angela, your tutorial looks good, well done.
    Off to get the iron out, take care everyone, xxx

  11. Hello JESS everyone seems to be ironing today but nobody wants to do mine
    So would you like doing it for me :9)) Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hello Sandra '& ladies
    So pleased your mum can go home just hope she dose what the doctor has told her. How's your craft room coming on Sandra are you sorry now you started it :0)) Seems to take ages doesn't it but you will love it when it's finished.
    I went to the Hospital this morning for eye clinic right day today after going yesterday.just have to wait now for appointment for follow up too see doctor..
    Then onto Tesco's. ANGELA thank you for your tutorial today so kind of you I will have a go at it but first have to get challenge card done.
    I have commented on way down so will go & start the challenge card now . I will pop back later
    Hug's Lynda xxx

  13. Afternoon LADIES,

    Lovely clear instructions for your gorgeous folded fan cards Angela, might try some tomorrow when Tiegan turns up.
    Finally got my phone back this morning. Went into Carphone Warehouse and was told 'Max would be dealing with me today'. He is the Branch Manager and listened to what I had to say. He took on board that they could have dealt more sympathetically with me the day before. Unfortunately, when I enquired 'were my numbers on the new phone?' his face sank and he said I should have taken out the memory card before I brought the phone in. My response was, 'If the phone wouldn't work, how was I to know that they were on the internal memory card? And why wasn't that card taken out with my sim card when I took the phone into their shop and handed back to me???
    So saga will continue for some time. I have lost precious photos of Milly-May and other family. I am certainly now very much looking forward to answering this Customer Service Feedback survey.

    Tea is calling me, will be back later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. And my gorgeous laces from Scrimpy's Craft Boutique, courtesy of the lovely Amanda Charlesworth, came just over an hour ago. Bliss, will be sorting through and using on my multi-media projects. xxx

  14. Very cute. A great tutorial, Thank you.

  15. Oh when is Google going to stop signing me out? I wrote a long comment went to press publish and it disappeared.
    Sandra, Iike Jess I am so pleased your mum has made a remarkable quick recovery! Her meds have worked wonders!!! I hope she eats and drinks properly now after this.
    Cheryl, sorry you have list so much from your phone! These folk don't stop to think of backing things up.
    Right not going to risk writing any more incase I can't publish. Xxx

  16. Hi All, it's been a lovely sunny day here, not that I've seen much, busy working as usual.
    Sandra so glad Mum is out of hospital, hope recovery goes well at home.
    Angela brilliant template for the lovely little circle card.
    Looking forward to seeing Sue Wilson on Hochanda, not seen her for ages.
    Going to find something for tea, so I'll say buy for now.
    Hugs Lilian
