
Wednesday 30 March 2016

Michele's pretty Glam Card !!

Good Morning Ladies,

Michele had a good weekend of crafting and managed to get a few cards made, she sent me some photos of her work and I thought I would show this amazing card that she made for a friend at work that is quite glamorous.
It looks like Michele has used  'House Of Zandra' Decoupage for this card,
Both the super glam hat and the super high fashion dress look absolutely fabulous and have been decoupaged fantastically!!
I love the shaped mat you have used and the flat backed gems finish the card perfectly.
I am sure that your friend will absolutely love this card Michele, thank you son much for sending the photo in for me to share with everyone xxxx

I have had a very busy day today, I decided on Friday to give my craft room a good tidy, so I had pulled out cupboards and piled things all over the floor to sort out, then we got the call about Mum, so I just ended up leaving everything where it was, so when we got back Sunday night I walked into the craft room to make the challenge card and couldn't see my work space let alone get to it!!
So I made the challenge card on the dining table with a few bits that I could lay my hands on easily!!
So yesterday I thought I had better get in there and give it a good sort and reorganise, I am hoping to start videoing some tutorials so I need a good sized space with decent light, so clearing off my desk was a major priority, I have a set of drawers beside my desk that were full of reels of wire for jewellery making, I must have every coloured wire in every gauge several times over, these have all been sorted and put in a storage box, freeing the drawers for more 'everyday' craft items, like tools, adhesives etc, then I must get in control of my many bit boxes, it is ridiculous the amount of card I have that may have one 1 die cut out of them, they are too good to through away but I have loads and loads, I may just cut them down into pieces that I can use to mat and layer as I am more likely to use them.
I also have all of my new lace and trims, appliques and doilies to find homes for too,
But as I am planning to use those with the MDF shapes I have bought recently I need those quite handy too!   See I am getting more organised just by writing this down!!

I will photograph my space when it is finished, I am quite enjoying doing it as it is keeping my mind from worrying about Mum too.
She is making good progress, she had the last IV antibiotic dose yesterday and so starts on tablets today, they were also trying to wean her off the oxygen for longer and longer periods of time yesterday and the physio had her up and out not bed!
So all steps in the right direction, My sister Emily said she was so pleased to see mum sat reading her book when she walked in yesterday, a true sign that she is recovering, she has been to dizzy to read up till now.  I have asked my sister to go and buy mum a sports type water bottle to have at home, that way she can have a better idea of what she is drinking, dehydration was one of her symptoms when she collapsed on Friday, I think if we can encourage her to drink the two litres that was recommended to her yesterday she will feel much better.  They also said it helps prevent the build up of bugs and germs in her body!  The other reason I believe she was dehydrated is that she is a little bit lazy and eats mainly ready prepared meals, she will add extra veg, but I never thought I would see the day my mum was buying ready made Mash!
My sister is going to cook for her a bit more to make sure she is getting a better balanced diet.
Thank you for all of your love and support over the past few days, it has been a huge comfort xxxx

Now I hope you have all bagged some crafty bank holiday bargains, ready to photograph for this weeks feature, I love seeing what you have all been shopping for!
Also its a great way of sharing all the best deals to be had out there, I am wanting to buy some Colour Cloud inks so I would really appreciate any information on deals for those.

Have a lovely day my lovely friends,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Everyone
    Yes we have rain again this morning. The sunshine has deserted us for the time being and everything is dull and grey but at least being here is peaceful and I feel I can slow down and rest a little more than when in the UK.

    SANDRA - I'm so pleased to here that Mum is coming on and that she is going in the right direction. At least if she is reading then she must be feeling better.

    MICHELE - I love love your Glam Card. I would love to receive one like this. It would definitely give me a boost as I love hats of any description and although I couldn't possibly get into a dress like that it doesn't stop me from wishing. lol. I hope your friends loves her card as much as I do.

    I managed to do a Challenge Card yesterday morning but am definitely not happy with it. As I said when I saw the Challenge me and bunting do not go but I'm determined to have another go today and see what happens.

    Sandra - you saying you are sorting out your craft room and organising things has reminded me that I said I would take a pic of my craft storage here in Marigny so I'll try and do that today. I've taken pics of my buys which have at last arrived so hopefully I can send them all at one go.

    Can someone please tell me what needs replacing in the cupboards in the Café as Dobbie Marigny seems to have lost his list while flying across the Channel and of course he cannot remember what was on it. I know stocks must be low after the Easter Hols and with our new visitors.

    Hugs to everyone in need and of course the usual are in the basket by the door for all who pops in. We seem to be missing more than one or two Friends lately. Where are you all? Now we have Summer Time on the clock I hope you're all coming out of hibernation.

    Off now as breakfast has arrived. I'll look in later.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad your Mum is improving. Can't wait to see pics of your re-organised craft room.

    My card was made using a House of Zandra decoupage printout , I used an Anne-Marie 7x7 pearlised card in a cream colour & added a few gemstones. Now I wish I'd added a backing paper but I was having trouble sitting comfortably so the cards I made were quick ones.

    The Physiotherapist said it is sciatica & most of my problems (headaches, stiff neck & shoulders) are from my bad posture. He made a few joints "click " and showed me how to improve my posture. I've to contact him on Friday & let him know how I am.

    So much for the weather forecast-we have a very odd coloured sky, very heavy rai/hailstones when the Met Office say it should be sunshine + clouds! Yesterday turned out strange at work-the hospital had s major bed crisis over Easter so we went in to find the Day ward full of in-patients so we weren't able to make many treatments. Guess today will be even busier.


    1. Another beautiful card from you Michele. Love the dress and hat pictures. xxx

    2. Stunningly gorgeous card Michele! I absolutely love it! Xo

    3. Beautifull card Michele,did your print come from a cd rom? Love House is Zandra prints.

    4. Gorgeous card MICHELE love it. Sorry you have sciatica that is so painful I have suffered with that a few times the last one was really painful take care.
      . Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning Sandra,

    So lovely to hear your Mum is a lot better than the weekend. Seems like they have got on top of the infection and she is turning the corner to a full recovery.

    Cloud inks, well what can I say? As you all know I do not do much stamping even though I have loads of different ink pads by various companies. Inking has not ever been one of my forte's. However, since I indulged myself in some just to have 'a look see', I can thoroughly recommend them. They are easy to use, the colours are fantastic and you get a large pot of ink. The egg blenders are so much kinder to my arthritic fingers and the added bonus is I can blend perfectly now. So go ahead and indulge yourself with some Sandra. One problem I have now is what do I do with all the inks I have? I cannot send them to anyone as they would probably leak all over the place. Any suggestions gratefully received.

    The sun is shining today and an early trip to town is on the cards. After a month my phone has now been returned for me to collect. A good look at Which? consumer's page has given me some rights information in regard to what is acceptable regarding a replacement should that be necessary.

    Onwards & upwards, hugs to all that need one today, tomorrow and whenever.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Good morning ladies!
    Well we have had a wonderful holiday but happy to be back home now, Sandra sorry to hear your mum has been ill but good to know she is now on the mend , a worrying time for you.
    I haven't had time to read through all that has been happening but I did check birthday messages , so thank you for all the kind wishes!
    Wow Ladies ! What a fantastic selection of beautiful cards were awaiting my return, I've been oohing and aahing over them they are FABULOUS, I have them displayed all over the dining room table , so they will stay there for a while to be admired by everyone, ( this birthday has lasted a long time , ha ha ) .
    I will thank you all individually when I get the chance xoxo.
    I haven't even been up to my craft room yet, I've been too busy doing loads of washing , now I've got all the ironing to get through, our daughter and family arrive up from Edinburgh on Thursday evening for 10 days , so I'm really under pressure!
    Anyone have a magic wand? Lol!
    Thanks again girls , feels good to be back in touch with you all xoxo.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Just popping in to say Hi. Still not over this horrible virus, feel better than I was but not 100% and no way ready to go back to work until next week at least. All this time off and I could've done so much crafting, but I just haven't felt upto it!
    Sorry to hear about your Mum Sandra, but sounds like she's is on the mend so that's good news.
    Hope every is keeping well, and sending hugs to all
    Sonia xxx

    1. Get well ((((hugs)))) coming your way Sonia. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Sansra, Im so glad tp hear that your Mum is on the mend. My Dad (Pop) didnt used to drink enough water so now he fills a 2 litre jug each morning so that he can see at a glance how much he has drink each day. Maybe your Mum could try that? What a shame that your craft room sping clean didn't go as planned but it sounds like you have been very busy. It will be worth it in the end. Take care x
    Michele, what a lovely card, a real beauty for any lady to receive : ) Sorry that it is uncomfy sitting for long but I hope the Physio work on your joints and the posture advice will help you. Take care x
    Anne, glad you had a lovely holiday. It sounds like you have hit the ground running though since returning home. Good luck with all of the laundry. Take care x
    Well, the weather is lovely at the moment so I hope to get some washing out today. I hope it is good for you all too. Another cardaking day today so must get on. Sending hugs to you all with extras for anyone in need. Take care xx

  7. Lynda, I hope your aches let you get a better night's sleep last night. Now come on, hoovering!!!!! Sorry it hurt when you tried to do it but please take it very easy until you are 100%. I know it is frustrating not being able to do much but we want you fighting fit for Ally Pally dont we. Take care x

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Michele your card is lovely, House of Zandra products are amazing,I love them.
    Anne lovely to have you back, enjoy your prolonged birthday, I kept my cards up for ages, couldn't bear to put them away, they were so beautiful.
    Janet the cafe needs a few scones and cakes (no calories please) that will do for now.
    Sandra , glad your mum is on the mend.
    The sun was shining earlier this morning, now it is clouding over, need to pop into town, have a lovely day everyone, take care, xxx

  9. I am so glad to hear that mum is on the mend. I think as we get older we all tend to drink less (unless it's alcoholic!) dehydration can cause all sorts of problems - confusion, infections etc. with my mum and now MIL, we filled a jug with water and then could gauge how much they had. I'M NO MEDIC AND CAN ONLY SUGGEST but as mum has lost weight and not eating brilliantly, is it worth asking about her having ENSURE it is not a meal replacement but as a SUPPLEMENT to her diet.
    MICHELLE I love your card. It is perfect as it is, I love how you've used different sized gems to "finish" it off
    I've done my challenge card - yay! but am struggling to download my piccies onto lap top I'll try again

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra so pleased to read of your mum's improvement, hopefully now everything is going in the right direction she will make a speedy recovery.
    Good luck sorting your craft room out its full good way to reminders of things for been put away and in my case sometimes forgotten. Have a good day LOL

    Michele, what a stunning card I'm sure your friend was delighted with it.

    So pleased you had a lovely holiday, sorry about the washing ironing it does tend to bring us back to reality doesn't it.!

    Well I hope everyone is haveing a good day , me I'm going out to lunch leaving John And the two younger children - I'm sure he won't be any trouble to them!!!!
    Teenager has gone out with her friends.

    Sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  11. lovely lovely card Sandra , sorry I haven't been commenting last few days but been a bit under the weather .... hurry and get that room sorted so we can all have a nosey ha ha ha xx Amanda

  12. Hello Sandra and all ladies !
    Nice to hear your mum is a bit happier and sitting up reading. Not always easy to drink if you not thirsty but so important, note to myself too.
    Love your card Michele, for me it is just right and like Karenlotty I like all the different sizes gems. Hope you friend liked it too.
    Sonia - wish you better but do take it easy. So many of us had this since Nov/Dec. time and it takes ages to shift. Sending you some healing hugs.
    Lynda - you too take it easy my friend,gentle hugs.
    Lovely to see you back home Anne. Hope you had a wonderful time and a lot warmer than us here.
    Littlelamb - hope you have a good day.
    Brenda - not sure if you are back from lunch yet but hopefully John not tied up to a chair or anything when you see him next :-)
    Cheryl - hope all works fine with your phone from now on.
    Did you manage to find the right insurance in the end for your upcoming holiday ?
    Our outing yesterday took us to Dobbie's garden centre, it was nice to see so many wonderful colours out. As guessed do the weather changed and we had torrential rain all night but I did sleep a bit sounder after 2am at least. This morning we walked over to Ikea and back after an hour or so, sun was out but now it's gone in again.
    Hoped to do some gardening but that will have to wait.
    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs Maria xxx

  13. Thank you Maria,

    I didn't bring the new phone back with me, Carphone Warehouse people just didn't have a clue as to whether it was reconditioned, refurbished or a brand spanking new one. Even the letter that came with the phone didn't tell me anything other than 'they could not repair mine so have substituted a comparable or improved model'. I specifically asked the young man what kind it was and he don't know, he then asked the manger who said it might be a refurbished one but I was to ring the number provided in the letter to find out myself. Needless to say the phone is still in the shop and the young lady I spoke to from the Repair Centre told me it's history of which I am satisfied with and acceptable of and then said 'the shop's staff could have rung the number for me and told me in the shop!' On my way out the young girl also at the counter, called out 'Have a nice day', my response was 'well I haven't so far yet' Two trips now incurring parking fees and I still hadn't got my phone. Look out tomorrow Carphone Warehouse 'I will be back'
    So with advance warning that I will have to fill out a satisfaction survey sometime in the coming week, you can probably guess what I will have to say. Customer care/service and due diligence will not have a favourable marking. xxx

    1. Cheryl sorry you are still having a problem.
      Take care xxx.

    2. Oh Cheryl, that's ridicules how they treated you at the shop. Give them what for and I hope your BP want shoot up to the blue yonder's. Let us know how it goes xxx

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear Mum is improving. Please take care don't go mad in your craft room, look after
    Michele your card is beautiful, thank you for sharing. Hope you are not too
    Must go son just arrived from York's for a couple of days, be nice for Alan to have somebody else to talk to.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

  15. Hi All, had been two friends here to craft today, had a nice time , but not my day for card making most ended in the bin.
    Since I've put my new iIkea unit and all the craft stuff away I can't seem to find any thing , hey ho, better next time. If my friend stays in hospital will have to find something else with my cards.
    Had a bit of sunshine today, towels dryer really well

    Sandra glad Mum is a bit better, hope it continues.
    Waiting to see the new tidy craft room, not bought anything to show this week, but next week is a new month.
    Have a good evening everyone, those that are under the weather, hope you feel better soon, love and hugs Lilian

    1. Love to see what you bought for storage Lilian, my own craft room seem to be a long way away but a girl can always dream :-) xxx

  16. Lovely card Michelle. Had a good day in Salisbury although it was cold. Rain kept off though. Sandra just seen that HIxxysoft have Colour Cloud - buy 2 get 1 free. Should be a good deal.

  17. Hello Sandra & everyone
    A lovely day sunshine & quite warm even went out to my friends without a coat
    SANDRA pleased your mum is a lot better & improving. How's your craft room looking. I hope you have labeled everything so you don't forget where you have put things well if your like me,I'm always loosing things.
    ANNE glad you enjoyed your holiday back to reality washing & ironing hihi.
    Also that you had a lovely Birthday.
    SUE don't worry I will be at Ally Pally 😀Terry has band me from the Hoover but I'm aloud to make him a coffee so that's a good deal HAHA.Looking forward to seeing you mum & everyone on the 9th.take care xx

    1. Done it again published to soon.
      CHERYL sorry your still having trouble with your phone. Why is it that when you ask a question in a shop the staff never knows the answer, Do they not train thire staff.
      I have hospital tomorrow morning for checkup on eyes. The funny thing is I went today only to be told I was a little early HaHa.Another seiner moment. I'm off to bed now so good night God bless
      Hug's Lynda xx

  18. Margaret Palmer30 March 2016 at 23:02

    Lynda sorry I will not be at Ally Pally unfortunately. Alan will still only be allowed up 15mins in every hour then. It is too long a day to leave him plus the dog needs walking. Sue will have a shopping list for me though. Hope you get rid of your aches & pains soon.
    Take care gentle hugs on way love Margaret xx

  19. Oh sorry I won't see you MARGARET but of course Alan is more important.
    I hope Sue has enough room for all your craft stash in her trolly pluss her's too.hihi.take care give Alan a Hug & Hug's for you too
    Love Lynda xx
