
Tuesday 29 March 2016

My first you tube challenge entry & Margaret's challenge card

My Decorated MDF Heart

Margaret's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I am so excited to be able to share with you my first ever entry to a YouTube channel challenge.  Since discovering Amanda's "scrimpy's Craft Boutique" fb group and falling in love with a!l of the gorgeous laces and trims, doilies and appliques I have been wanting to make more and more beautiful Lacey things
I then went over to Amanda's YouTube channel 'scrimping mommy' and saw the gorgeous things that Amanda had created, from that you discover more and more amazingly talented people, like Karen McClure who has recently joined us on the blog, she has some incredibly beautiful projects on her YouTube channel, another lady that I clicked on was a lovely lady called Annie, her youtube name is Rosieposie crafts, Annie was so thrilled to reach 400+ subscribers that she launched a challenge to celebrate, the winner receives a lovely project that Annie recently created, I thought I would take part as a way to get me inspired to get something created, so I took an MDF heart, (as the theme of the challenge is "a heart within a heart" I covered it with paper from a Hunkydory kit from Years ago, I then went around the edge of the heart with some gorgeous floral trim from 'Scrimpy's Craft Boutique', I attached it with hot glue, then topped each flower with a matching flat back pearl.  I then decided too make a Stick pin to hold a Rose quartz heart, to create the 'heart within the heart' I added some pearls to the stick pin too, I placed this onto the heart and made a little arrangement of pink roses to match the backing paper and then a butterfly from The same kit.  I added some matching seam binding to hang the heart and covered the hole with a small flower applique with a 
Piece of the trim I had used around the heart. I will add the link below so that you can see Annie opening my entry ... Mine is about 6th one down (has my name on it)

I didn't receive Margaret's entry for Sunday's blog so I have added today for you all to see, its fabulous Margaret, thank you for Sharing it with us xxx

Mum has improved a little today, she has eaten a little today and is managing to pull herself up the bed etc. She is waiting to be transferred to the Respiratory ward as every time they try and reduce her Oxygen her blood sats drop way too low so they have to put it up again.  Hopefully the Respiratory Consultant can investigate further and find a solution! Her temperature rose again last night so the infection is still in her system. 

Thank you all so much for your kind words of support, it so comforting to know
How much you all care. Xxx

I hope that Storm Katie didn't cause any of you too much damage.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    Sandra it's so good to know that Mum is a little improved and that she is drinking and has eaten a little. I know it's still a big worry about her oxygen sats but I'm sure that when they get her into Resp Ward they will be able to sort her out.
    I hope you managed to get some rest yesterday and that you had the family around you as you should have had on Sunday.

    Now SANDRA - your 'Heart within a Heart' is just a big WOW!!! It is just beautiful and so girly and I'm sure that most of us love a bit of lace and bling I know I do. Lace always manages to cheer me up and makes me feel special (now now Myra no comments please hehehe. By the way where are you you have been quiet and like when the Huggles are quiet I begin to suspect (I've got my tin hat on)my Dear Mad Hatter).
    I shall be having a look a little later on YouTube.

    MARAGRET - I love your Challenge Card from last week. Your colours are so gentle and beautiful. Definitely a lovely Challenge.

    It's a very dull and wet morning here in Marigny just like yesterday and so I think it will be a morning for me to try out a couple of thoughts for this week's Challenge.

    I see everything is set and ready to go in the Café so well done Dobbie you're working well. You never know you just might get the job full time while I'm over here.

    Hugs to everyone in need and of course plenty in the basket for all who come through the door.

    1. Hi Janet. I hope the weather brightens up for you, I will try and send some of our lovely sun over for you. Donnie is doing a great job in the Cafe. You have trained him very well : ) Take care x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-stunning crafty project. I can see you making lots more altered art.

    Margaret-beautiful card, really lovely.

    Goodness-we have torrential rain here as predicted. I hope it stops soon as I don't want to get drenched on my way into work. I know we have a very busy day today & I have an appointment with a Physiotherapist tonight at 5.30 to see if he can sort out the pain in my hip/knee.


    1. Hi Michele. Good luck with the Physio tonight. I hope you managed to get into work without getting too wet! Take care x

    2. Hi Michele. Hope you get on ok with the Physio.
      Try and keep dry.

    3. Hi Michelle
      Hope all went well with the physio

    4. Hi MICHELE hope the Physio helped with your pain I your hip.
      Hope you kept dry & wasn't al soggy when you got to work.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Congratulations on your first You Tube entry, and what a first! This heart is gorgeous, so beautiful, I love it Sandra. Your take on the heart within a heart is great, the stick pin with the heart is perfect. What is that butterfly made of, it looks so real! I will go and have a look after commenting here.
    It's good to hear that your Mum is a bit better. Hopefully the Resp. team will be able to pin point just what is wrong. I'm sending you love and lots of gentle hugs. You are in my thoughts my lovely xx
    Mum, love your challenge card. I hope you get the time to have a go at this weeks. Love you xx
    The weather did change here a lot yesterday didn't it. We had a lot of wind, (no rude comments please : )) but the sun came out too.I hope you all escaped damage free. It is beautiful here, blue sky and sunny. I wonder how long it will last?
    Lynda, I relied on yesterday's comments and I hope you have less pain each day.
    I didnt get to craft yesterxay so must get on with it today.
    Sending hugs to all with extras for those in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue thanks my pain is a lot better but then I forget & do somthing like this morning I started hoovering which wasn't good as stated acheing, Terry told me off told me to sit down,
      Take care love Lynda xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone popping in to the cafe' today.

    Do come over the threshold and sit down for a minute and have a chat and a tea/ coffee and some calorie free cakes.

    Glad you joined the team Sandra, your Heart is Gorgeous. Good use of the trims and laces and your flowers again are stunning. You must spend a lot on buying the flowers etc but way worth it :-)
    Wishes for your mum's recovery and that she will be back home soon.
    Margaret- lovely card ! Love the colours together. Where do the text come from ? I like it.
    Didn't sleep much last night so feeling a bit zombie like this morning. Read back on last nights comments. Lynda- you were up late. Glad you had so many cuddles ( I need one) Awful weather yesterday but now it's blue sky and sunshine outside. Hope it stays all day but want put any money on it.
    Good luck Michele for this afternoon, hope they can help you.
    Oh Val, I want to see that film now too.:-) Hope you hot flushes have gone down a bit by now do because they are a hell to have sometimes.
    Janet- hope the weather gets better for you soon so you can make it beautiful in your gardens again. Her it is too wet still to do much but think I will tidy up around the patio area if only it stays dry today. Little outing too is planned, only waiting for the OH to wake up, still snoring away upstairs :-)
    Have a nice day whatever you are up too today, love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maia. Hope you enjoy your outing. Would love to know where you go.x

    2. Thanks Maria, the text was with some already printed ones that Sue gave me, I thought it abit different.
      Hope you have a better night tonight.
      Hugs on way
      Love Margaret xxx

    3. Hi Maria, I know I was late night I couldn't sleep left droopy was acheing couldn't get comfortable so got up Dis you get to go on yor outing & did OH get up in time to go out,
      Hug's Lynda xxxxxxxxx did you get my Email?

  5. Morning Sandra,

    Beautiful heart Sandra, I wish you luck in the challenge, but your link does not take me to 'Annie opening your entry'. The first page had over 1,000 entries and 'do you mean this', clicked on the second option and came up with another results page of 1,100 entries.

    I'll on Annie's you tube page to watch it.
    Wet today with some outbursts of sun then more rain.

    Catch up with you all later
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Love the heart and the simplicity of Margarets card (soft, suttle colours) x

  7. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    Beautiful heart Sandra Just love the lace and the flower arrandement. So feminine. Will pop over to Youtube for a peek.
    Love0ly card Margaret. Very pretty paprs youve used.
    So glad to here your mum has improved. Lets hope they move wards asap so
    she can get the best treatment.
    Maria. Like you I just couldnt sleep last night. Watched the clock get to 3 o clock then 4 o clock sobI put the tele on and watched the news until 7 then got up. So feeling a bit zombie like as well. Maybe I got overexcited seeing Superman without his top on ha ha or maybe it was the McDonalds meal. Cant really have 40 winks later as I'm going to get my nails done this afternoon. I'l just have to have an early night.
    Have a good day everyone. Hope the weather is kind to you wherever you are.
    Love Val x

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Margaret your challenge card looks good, very soft subtle colours.
    I'm liking your project heart Sandra, have fun with others that you do.
    Housework and ironing for me today, then some crafting, the weather doesn't look too promising, so a day at home I think, take care everyone, xxx

  9. Hi ladies,
    I have just updated link to rosieposie crafts as last one didn't work my entry is about 6th one down, (she is holding a pack of card candi) it has my name in title
    Sandra xxx

  10. Hi ladies,
    I have just updated link to rosieposie crafts as last one didn't work my entry is about 6th one down, (she is holding a pack of card candi) it has my name in title
    Sandra xxx

    1. Thank you, Sandra,

      I can now see it and the others, WOW, there are some very crafty ladies out there.
      Hope yo Mum continues to improve. Hugs to all xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    Your heart is very pretty.
    I hope you enjoy trying different things.
    Glad Mum is a little better.

  12. Sandra, so glad mum is feeling a little bit better. Your heart is pretty. Not writing much incase Google signs me out again. Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Glad to see your mum is feeling a little better - I hope she feels better still when they move her to the other ward.
    I have just been on Rosieposie on Utube and your heart is even more beautiful in real life -so to speak - you must be very proud of yourself - well done.
    Hugs to all in need of one
    Jean xx

  14. Hello Sandra,

    So pleased to hear your mum will be moved onto a ward where the respiratory consultants can keep an eye on her.

    WOW your little heart is gorgeous, you should be really proud of yourself. It is beautiful. AND another addition to your crafting talents. xx

    Must get a move on, I am being asked by Ciara can she make her challenge card. What an eager bever.

    Sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  15. Congratulations Sandra and also glad your mum is a bit better. Busy day again tomorrow. Well Katie did a lot of damage here. Half of our shopping precinct is out of action due to yesterday at 7.30am the scaffolding outside 5 shops which was 3 storeys high collapsed because of the wind and fell on to the entrance to Waitrose and a lot of other shops. A lot of damage and trees also down in the precinct. Shops still closed today so amongst others both Waitrose and Iceland are closed. Lidl open but a long detour to get to it as other end of the precinct and this is in the middle. A lot of heavy rain again today. Like your card Margaret. The colour is lovely.

  16. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra your heart is beautiful, you have so much talent, thank you for showing us. Pleased to hear about the slight improvement to your Mum, hope they get her treatment sorted
    Thank you all for the comments on my card, I have a new smart phone, & thought I had sent picture in an email on Sat. but obviously I didn't get it right.Should have asked 4 year old Paige to do it!!! The papers are from Anne Maria & the colours & designs are very delicate I love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  17. Evening All, Sandra glad to Mum is a little bit better.
    Your heart is a treat for sore eyes, so beautiful love the little flowers with the pearls, you really are talented.
    Margaret loved your card, did you print your sentiment? It's lovely.
    Have friends comming to craft tomorrow so should be lovely.
    Just noticed the time, sorry to be late.
    Hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian,
      The sentiment was on a sheet with others that Sue got, will check where she got

    2. MARGARET Sorry I didn't comment on you lovely card. For the short time you have been card making, the results you achieve are brilliant, your cards are outstanding. LOL xx

  18. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad to hear that your Mum us feeling not a little better today. I hope the consultant gets to the bottom of your mums respiratory problems. Love the challenge you've done, plus thank you for showing Margarets challenge card. Just got the internet back for the moment.

  19. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Not sure where my day has gone its flown by.
    SANDRA yor heart is gorgeous love everything about it.
    MARGARET Your.challeng card, It's lovely you get better each week.xx
    SANDRA hope your Mum is still improveing & well enough to go home.
    We i must go to bed now eyes keep shutting so good night God bless.
    Hug's Lynda xxxx
