
Monday 28 March 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Card

This weeks Sketch Card

Good Morning Ladies,

This weeks sketch is another simple one for you, one that can be made from your 'bit box' or made using off cuts of ribbon as I have done.

I am going to apologise about my sketch card this week, we got in from Colchester at about 7pm after 3 1/2 hours or so journey home.  I just a shower and bed, but I didnt want to leave  you without your Sketch challenge, so knocked my card together super fast (as you can tell), I will and making something a little more 'inspirational' later in the week. 

I do hope that you all had a lovely Easter Sunday yesterday, not too much chocolate I hope.!

That's all I can manage for today, I will be back amongst you all and on form tomorrow.

Love and hugs

Sandra xxx


  1. Good morning Everyone
    Sandra now apologies needed whatsoever!

    I hope that you being back at home means that Mum is doing quite well and that she is being looked after properly.
    All you have to do today is REST!!

    Your Challenge Sketch looks challenging but will put my little grey cell to work and see what I can come up with. Bunting is definitely out of my comfort zone but that's what it's all about.

    We are having very traditional Bank Holiday weather. Started raining last evening and it's still at it. So it will be crafting in the kitchen for me today.

    I understand that the Huggles had a real Fuggle with all the Easter Eggs they found in the Hunt yesterday so I hope that Dobbie has cleared away all the packaging and cleaned off all the choc fingerprints which I can just imagine are everywhere!!

    Well now have have 'Sumer Time' ha we can look forward to lighter evenings and hopefully some warmer weather so we can make good use of the longer days.

    I'll call in later to see what's happening with everyone.
    Have a good day whatever you're all up to.
    Hugs are on their way to all in need and I've left instructions for the basket by the door to be filled too.

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Like Lilian I was surprised to see the challenge sketch today after all that the weekend has thrown at you.I hope you arent in too much pain today my lovely, and that news about your Mum is positive. I can't believe you managed to make a card last night when you got home after such a stressful time! There is nothing for you to apologise for, it is a lovely clean and simple card, suitable for anyone. I will have to put my thinking cap on for a Christmas version! Sending you love and very gentle hugs xx
      We are having a really rough day weather wise, very strong winds with rain but with some bouts of sunshine too so a real mixed bag. If you have to go put please take care everyone.
      Lynda, I'm glad you had a lovely time with your family and had some cuddles from your gorgeous Harry and they weren't too painfull : )
      Maria, I hope your cupboards arent completely bare after the boys visit, Im sure you dont want to have to go shopping today in this awful weather, if you do please take care x
      Pat, I hope the decorating is going well, don't go doing too much though please, we don't want your hips giving you pain x
      Janet, Dobbie has cleaned up really well,bless him, it is spotless in here. There are going to be some very tired Huggles today after the fun they had yesterday : )
      Lillian, I'm glad you have escaped with no damage. It's sad to see more flooding isn't it, those poor people.
      I am hoping to get a couple of cards made today as we are having a lazy day. Well that's the plan at the moment but plans can change quickly in our house so will wait and see.
      Sending hugs to all with extras for anyone in need. Take care xx

    2. We actually got some washing dried today, but it was a bit changeable later on xx

    3. Hello Sue yes we had a lovely day with Darren Sam & Harry girls were out.He was just giving me kisses so ribs & blobs ok HiHi. I have some lovely pictures that Harry took I wanted to take some of him but he wanted the Camara but he's no David Baily so I have some lovely pics of curtains carpet tv his foot the wall he did manage one of me & Terry on a angle..
      Love him. Xxx

    4. Should be boobs not blobs HAHA

    5. I think that after feeding three babies that blobs is a better name than boobs, for mine anyway :)
      ha ha. I can just see your lovely Harry with your camera. Phoebe loved to have a go with mine but she was surprisinly good at getting some good shots, but when Paige still struggles, you are lucky to have a head on her pics, bless her : )

  2. Hi Sandra, was surprised to see your challenge card this morning after the weekend you've had, do so hope your Mum is on the mend. Please take it easy today, don't worry about us ,we're happy to chat to one another.

    Well what a night weather wise, no damage here luckily and we still have power, but listening to the news quite a lot of trees down and yet more places flooded, poor things. Hope you're all ok.
    At the moment it's dry but not sure how long that will last, hoping to get my new iIkea storage in place, put most of it together yesterday, just have to move all the stuff out !!!!!! When it's all in place if it looks ok will send a picture.
    Have lovely bank holiday everyone, take care if you are going out, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi LILIAN
      I'm sure your new storage units will look great,you will be busy moving everything out & reorganising your Stash xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I think everyone will be surprised that you had the energy to post anything today never mind making a challenge card. I hope you manage to get some rest today.

    I have the ironing to look forward to this morning, luckily there's not too much. Other than that I plan to escape to my craft room-3 days off and I haven't really been in there.


  4. I love to see what challenge you put before us, even though I might not do it immediately. No one would be put out if sometimes YOU feel what you present to us is simple. Simple for you but for us another brilliant idea to put in our stock box. I always preach to my family and friends " FAMILY COMES FIRST" and that my friend applies to you now. Hugs from us all, your extended family.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Do hope Sandra that you let Colchester feeling happier that you've seen your mum and also left her hopefully feeling better now her medication is kicking in.
    I'm amazed you had the energy to do anything last night let alone produce a lovely card for us to try this week. I've packed all my Christmas stash away cos its a great opportunity to start on making them early. Think I might have a route later and see what comes to hand.
    Watching the tele this morning Storm Katy seems to be creating havock. Do hope none of you lovely ladies arent affected too badly. Its obviously a staying in eating more eggs and crafting. Anyway keep safe everyone.
    We're off to the cinema today-a big treat over here as they only show the film in English once a week. We're going to see Batman vSuperman. I have a huge crush on Henry Cavell so I'm looking forward to drooling over him especially if he takes his top off phew!!!!
    Take care everyone. Have a peaceful Bank Holiday Monday.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val I hope you enjoyed the film we want to see that so let me know what it is like.please.xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you think it an easy challenge I am not so sure. I cannot believe you did it after the weekend you have had but please take it easy today just think of yourself. Hugs on way xxx
    The sun shining at moment after terrible night hope all are safe.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you think it an easy challenge I am not so sure. I cannot believe you did it after the weekend you have had but please take it easy today just think of yourself. Hugs on way xxx
    The sun shining at moment after terrible night hope all are safe.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  8. Hi Sandra, hope you are having a better day today, and your mum is on the mend.
    I will try and get a card done this week, I shouldn't have too many things to do this week, but you never know what might turn up.
    Take care everyone, xx

  9. Hi Sandra,
    I hope your mum is feeling a little better and you are a bit more settled about her.
    I hope you have a peaceful day and recharge your batteries, take care of yourself we don't want you ill too.
    Hugs to all needing them
    Jean xx

  10. I hope this means mum is doing Ok SANDRA
    Wasn't expecting to see a sketch and I think your card is brilliant You don't need to do a more inspired one Take a rest and as I said yesterday don't stress about the blog We understand. Put yourself and family first That's what's important at mo Take care xx

  11. Thank you all for your Wonderful messages of love and support, I was so worried that I would lose all of you while I was unable to blog properly!!!

    1. Sandra, remember family comes first, this family is always here for you.
      I think you do a marvellous job, writing the blog every day, and I for one would really miss you if you ever gave up.
      Special hugs for you and your family

    2. Yes Sandra as Lillian says we are not going anywhere. You see to your family we will keep ourselves entertained. I would miss you too.
      hugs Jean xx

    3. Yes SANDRA I'm with LILIAN & JEAN I'm NOT GOING ANYWHERE My lovely xxxx

    4. Im with the others. You won't get rid of me either my lovely xx

  12. Sandra you don't have to worry we are not going anywhere. Just take as much time as you need. Hugs on way love Margaret xx

  13. Hi Sandra and all,
    well this is a card maybe simple for some but to make it right I will still probably change it plenty of times :-) I too didn't think you would have the time or energy to make us a challenge so thank you. I hope everything will be ok and sending you all some special hugs.
    Sorry so late again but I have been out again half the day, yes we went shopping Sue (underground car parking at Sainsbury's here, that helped ) and again got a walk in between the gales, Katie is really doing her best. Hope you are all alright and haven't got any roof tiles missing or any trees blown over . The river Ouzel have risen quite a bit but hope it soon goes down.
    Have a nice time Val seeing the film, do tell if he takes his top off :-)
    Will really try to pop in earlier tomorrow to see you.
    have a good evening, love and hugs Maria Xxxx

  14. Hello Sandra,
    Sorry it's late! Bank Holiday weekends are busy, I guess for all of us.
    I do hope your Mum is a lot better and that you have recovered from the journey.
    Take care ! We will rise to the Challenge!

  15. Hi everyone. Good to hear from you Sandra. I'm pretty new here and plan to stay for a long time. I think its amazing that you have a blog every day anyway.
    Just got back from watching Batman V Superman. So enjoyed it just my type of fil and yes Maria I'm glad to say he did take his top off and I'm having a hot flush just thinking about it.
    Well we called at McDonalds on the way home (another treat) and I'm just about to eat my McNugget meal. Oh boy.
    see you tomorrow everyone.
    Good night.
    Love Val x

  16. Hello Sandra,

    I hope after seeing Mum you are more at ease, although it's always difficult when are loved ones have to be in hospital. You can be sure they will do everything to make her as comfortable as possible. LOL xx

    We are at daughters house again until Thursday, she has to be in Gurneys tomorrow morning for a meeting. SIL will be going out early with his Black Cab. Ciara has looked at this weeks challenge and she likes it, asking can she join in? I will email you so you can see what she made this afternoon.

    Sorry I'm so late signing in today, by the time we packed bags and loaded them into the into them Into the was time to get over here, we were told to be here for lunch. The day has just flown by.

    Sending gentle hugs, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Oops daughter has to be in ....... Guernsey OOPS

  17. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I was surprised didn't think I would see a challenge card this morning SANDRA
    After your long day yesterday & making a card when you got home Super woman but you should have rested . I hope your mum is on the mend & more comfortable sending her Hug's
    Off to bed now good night everyone xx
