
Sunday 27 March 2016

Sketch Challenge Card

 My Challenge Card

The Sketch

 Brenda H Challenge Card

 Hazels Challenge Card

 Janet's Challenge card

 Jean's Challenge Card

 Karen M Challenge card

 karen M 2nd Challenge card

 Lilian's Challenge Card

 Lynda's Challenge card

 Maria's Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge Card

Sue's Challenge Card

Val's challenge card

Cheryl's challenge card

Good Morning ladies,

Another wonderful display of challenge cards, covering everything from pesky man cards to Christmas !!!

Thank you all for taking part, you know how much I appreciate it.

If I don't get to do a Sketch challenge for tomorrow it will be Tuesday as we have had to make an emergency dash to Colchester as my mum is very poorly.

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - just take care on your journey my Dear Friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you all today and as always.

  2. Good morning again everyone - I don't know what happened there but no one can control these horrible cyberspace gremlins.
    Anyway What a beautiful array of art we have on the display board this morning. Each and everyone a delight to look at and so different yet again. I have already seen one or two ideas I would like to take into my 'ideas box' and I'm sure I shall find plenty more when I look again later.

    We have a very dull and rainy start to the day here in Marigny and I suppose I could say it's the usual weather for week-end holidays

    We were going to have a good walk around the garden this morning and decide what we want to do this year but it will have to change before we can do that. We haven't been round at all this time as the decorating got in the way but as Jim says 'the weeds will still be there in the flower boarders just waiting'.

    I hope the Huggles have a lovely Easter Egg Hunt this Afternoon and find all the eggs Marigny Dobbie has hidden.
    Our pastries last evening were delightful.
    We had Easter themed petite gateau - they were in the shape of birds nests (one coffee flavoures and one chocolate) the bottom was a piece of sponge cake with a wedge of flavoured cream sat on top and then a thin layer of sponge before piped choc made to look like the nest itself. Inside the nest were tiny sugared eggs with a tiny bird sat on the edge of the nest.
    I have to say they were delicious!!!
    Have to leave you now as breakfast has arrived and the bread will still be warm.

    Have a lovely Easter Sunday everyone whatever you're planning to do.

    Hugs for all in need and many more for all who pop in today. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you who have special memories of loved ones no longer with us.

    1. Hi Janet, your card is so pretty, love the colours you have used. Your Easter nest cakes sound delicious, your descriptions always make my mouth water : ) Jim is right sadly, the weeds will still be there in the garden won't they! Have a good day. X

    2. Hi Janet, hope you and Jim have had a nice Easter Sunday. Agree with Sue your card is lovely and those cakes sound yummy, especially the one with coffee xx

  3. Sandra sorry to hear your mum is poorly, take care of yourself too. Thinking of you and your family…
    Well done to everyone, your cards are amazing
    Have a lovely Easter British Summer Time is here.
    hugs Jean

    1. Hi Jean. I love it when we put the clocks forward, more day light for us : ). I hope you have a lovely Easter day. X

    2. Hi Jean, hope you all have had a nice day and that Nic have had fun, take care xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and everyone and a happy Eastter to all.

    SANDRA. Hope you find your mum improved. My thoughts and prayers are with you today.

    JANET. I'm going to have to come for a visit. Those pastries sound so delicious.

    Just love all todays cards and what a wonderful selection. Some great ideas that I'll just have to use.

    Have a lovely Easter day everyone whether youre rolling eggs, eating yummy Sunday lunches or just chillin like me.
    Take care.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val. Please can I come with you to visit Janet and Jim. Janet's descriptions are great aren't they. We are having a lazy day too. Enjoy yourself cuddling up with your lovely furry family : ) x

    2. Hi Val can I come with Sue to visit Janet Jim & have a lovely pastries Enjoy your lazy day with your fur babies.Hug's xx

    3. Hi Sue and Lynda, Just name the day. Been sitting out this afternoon with Gracie on my knee of course. Being a Spanish dog she loves the sun as much as me. Enjoy your Easter Sunday. Val x

    4. Hi Val, hope you have had a love day with all the four paws. If you all going can I come too ? xx

    5. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could come and sit with you in the sun Val, who knows, maybe one day.
      Of course you can come with us Maria dear friend, the more the merrier : ) x

  5. Good morning Sandra and Ladies x What a beautiful assortment of cards all so pretty x Sending lots of healing wishes to your wee mum Sandra x Wishing everyone a HOPPY Easter x Love and hugs Karen xxx

    1. Hi Karen. I hope you have a lovely Easter day. Take care x

    2. Hi Karian, hope you all had a nice day,nice cards x

  6. Good morning Sandra and Ladies x What a beautiful assortment of cards all so pretty x Sending lots of healing wishes to your wee mum Sandra x Wishing everyone a HOPPY Easter x Love and hugs Karen xxx

  7. Hello All, Happy Easter,

    Sandra I hope you find your Mum has improved by the time you arrive, thoughts and loving prayers comming your way.

    What a lovely lot of cards, love all the different ways of doing one sketch, love some of the dies that I have not seen before.

    Wet and windy here,much worse to come, always happens when the daffodils are blooming.
    Have a lovely Easter Day all, first day in years that O/H is not playing for church this morning. Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. We are having the same awful weather up here in Oxfordshire, it's always sad to see the beautiful blossom being blown off of the trees isn't it. Have a lovey relaxing Easter day : ) x

    2. Oh Lilian we have the same weather here too in Bucks. with cold wind still managed a walk in between the showers. Hope you have a nice day together with OH xx

  8. Morning friends,
    We arrived last night, it was quite a shock to see how poorly Mum is, she has lost a lot of weight, she has pneumonia started by a chest infection.
    We are off back tyo hospital now.
    Call in later

    1. My love and hugs to you all my lovely xxxx

    2. Gentle hugs are on there way Sandra. I do hope you find your mum much improved.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra I hope you find your mum has had a good night and the medication is helping. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. XXX

    I love all of the challenge cards, each one is brilliant.

    I'll pop back in later, but now It time to Get ready for church.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. Your card is gorgeous, it is so pretty : ) wishing you a lovely Easter day. Take care x

    2. Thank you Sue, BUT it's Brenda Hopkins (aka LITTLELAMB) card not mine. My card is on the work area in my craft room - another PHD !
      Will try to finish it this afternoon. xxx

    3. Hi Brenda, hope you all had a nice day and it was pretty in church this morning,hugs xx

    4. Sorry Brenda, didnt have my glasses on! I know your card will be gorgeous anyway : ) x

  10. Happy Easter Sunday everyone,

    Sandra, love & prayers your Mum makes speedy recovery.

    Beautiful array of challenge cards again, ladies.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, what a beautiful card, I love the tag you have used. Wishing you a Happy Easter day. Take care x

    2. Hi Cheryl, hope you had a nice day with the family.
      Take care xx

  11. Morning Ladies

    Lovely collection of challenge cards, why didn't I think of making a Christmas card?! That would make things so much easier in December.

    The meal & Easter disco at the golf club was good fun, I had taken plenty of painkillers so I got up in the dance floor-I'm certainly paying the price today! We have a sunny but very windy morning here but we have very heavy rain forecast so I think I'll settle down in my craft room later.

    Sandra-hope your Mum's health improves and you're able to return home without worrying too much.


    1. Hi Michele. Your card is lovely, so bright and cheerful : ) I decided to use the challenge each week to make a Christmas card as I am determined not to be rushing them again at the last minute this year! Also by following the different sketch each week means I am making a wide variety of card layouts, and also seeing what you all do gives me so much inspiration. It's a win win for me : ) I hope you aren't in too much pain after last night, but if you're like me it's more bearable after having a good time, rather than being in pain for no reason, I hope you understand what I mean! Gentle hugs are on their way x

    2. Hi Michelle
      I'm glad you were able to enjoy the disco, even though you are having to pay for it today. Gentle hugs are on the way.

    3. Hi Michele, glad you had a good evening but sorry to see you been in pain today. Hope you were able to take it easy and rested today, gentle hugs xx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a lovely array of cards we have today, they are gorgeous, sorry I didn't manage to do mine this week, I have been really busy with one thing and another.
    I hope your mum is better, once the antibiotics kick in, they will help.
    Meantime take care everyone, don't eat too many Easter eggs!!����

    1. Hi Jess. Sorry you didn't get time to make a challenge card this week, sometimes the week just disappears doesn't it. Happy Easter x

    2. Hi Jess, hope you day have been nice and that you didn't eat too many chock. eggs tihi hug xx

  13. Good Easter Sunday Sandra & ladies
    Sandra I pray your mums had a good night & the medication is helping.My thoughts & prayers are with you my lovely & your family Hug's xx
    What a lovely collection of cards this morning each & everyone is Gorgeous & all different so well done everyone x
    We have mixed weather today one minute it's raining next the sun is out.
    Hope you all have a lovely Easter Sunday what ever your up too
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. Wishing you and Terry a Happy Easter. Enjoy your family time, I hope all the hugs you will be getting aren't too painful though. Take care x

    2. Thank you Sue
      My son has just called & said did we want to go over for dinner weill silly question when we can see Harry YAAAY .
      Wishing you & your family a happy Esters Sundy. Xxxx

    3. Hi Lynda, hope you day been good and that you now have some wonderful cuddles with Harry (you lucky girl) Gentle hugs xx

  14. SANDRA I hope mum is OK and hope she'll be on the mend My thoughts are with you at this anxious time Please don't stress about the blog
    LADIES Your cards are tremendous I did have a go but I decided to "keep" it for my own blog - a bit selfish of me I know but I never seem to have enough time these days to fit everything in Sparks are flying off the knitting needles at the mo
    Enjoy the rest of Easter
    MARIA Forgive me for not emailing you As you know I am rubbish at looking at my emails etc Will be in touch soon Bear with me xx
    Lots of love to you all ladies xx

    1. Hi Karen. Happy Easter to you, I hope you are relaxing with the knitting : ) Take care x

    2. Hihi you have a nice Easter and I know the little one soon here so I will Bear and beer it until we sees again. I really hope do that you will be with us just for a short while if you could at Ally Pally,hugs xx

  15. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra, I hope the meds are starting to work for your Mum so that she starts to improve. Sending you my love and hugs. You are in my thoughts my lovely xxxx
    Wishing everyone a Happy Easter

    1. Oops pressed publish too early!
      To all suffering I am sending healing hugs. Take care x

    2. Hi Sue, hope you had a nice Sunday and that you are alright. Loved hearing what Paige thought hihi
      Take care xx

  16. Margaret Palmer27 March 2016 at 13:56

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra my thoughts & prayers are with you all, hope the meds take effect soon. Take care love & hugs xx.
    What a lovely lot of cards, I did do my card but sent it late yesterday.
    Hope you are all having a lovely Easter, love & hugs to all who need them Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, glad things looking up for pop. Hope you all had a nice day xx

  17. Hi Sandra
    I'm sorry to hear that you mum is unwell. I hope that the meds kick in soon, and that she'll soon be on the mend.
    Ladies what a gorgeous array of cards today. I love them all. Didn't manage to get my card done this week. Myra, I'm sitting on the naughty step as I type this.
    Happy Easter to one and all. The ladies at the home who weren't or couldn't eat chocolate had Easter bunnies, and the rest had Easter eggs on Friday. They had a gentleman in singing as well for the entertainment. They had them on Friday as the ladies who organise the daily activities wouldn't be in until Tuesday.

    1. That's why I can't move At, you're sitting on me!!! Ha ha! I didn't get one done either. It's been a crazy week here! Some lovely cards today though . At least you did two last week!!
      Sandra, sorry to hear about your Mum and I hope you find her a little better today!
      Take care everyone. Xxxx

  18. At last I have got here, I haven't caught up with that hour difference yet! Plus had family pop in and a couple of very long phone calls. Charlies niece phoned which was lovely, as we haven't spoken to her for a while. My friend and Tammy's God mum phones every Sunday and we put the world to rights. She gave we an order for some more cards for her to have in so made a start, just as family arrived, moved things and didn't see the lid wasn't on my glue! Ahhhhh.
    Another great selection of cards today.
    Sandra, I hope your mum is responding to the meds, it will take 36 hours to see the difference in her. She is in the best place.
    I hope you have all had a lovely Easter Sunday. Xxx

  19. Just popped back in as I realised that I hadn't told you just how much I love all of the challenge cards. I'm sure I'm repeating myself but once again there are such a beautiful array of different styles, and so much inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
    Sandra, sending more healing hugs for your Mum and supportivr ones for you all. Take care xx

  20. Evening any late comers. Just got in from a lovely day at SIL's Knitting will be out soon after s nice cuppa.
    SANDRA AND FAMILY - hope mum is comfortable and on the mend xxx

  21. Hello Sandra & ladies. We have just got home from my son's. Same did a lovely roast lamb dinner with all the veg Yorkshire puddings it was lush. Couldn't believe how much Harry eats it was lovely seeing him eat all his veg & everything. Not like Alfie he doesn't get the chance to eat veg ext his mother just gives him junk food GRRR. Harry was lovely today I was trying to take his picture but he wanted to take some so had know chance I have pictures of the wall floor tv & his foot hihi had a lovely afternoon even got kisses & cuddle's.
    I had to watch my bruised ribs & boob though.
    Sandra hope your mum is doing better with the medications,your in my thoughts & prayers my lovely take care are you home,hope your journey wasn't too bad .
    As it's so very windy & heavy rain here..
    Have a good rest tomorrow Sandra.
    Wishing you all good night see you tomorrow Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Ooooh some lovely cuddles and wet kisses ,what better Easter Sunday could you have :-) You take care now xx

  22. Hi Sandra and all,
    sorry so late but have popped in from time to time. This morning didn't have any connection and then the boy's were leaving after lunch. Managed to have a walk in between the rain showers and sun, funny weather.
    This is a day of some lovely cards, love them all !
    Amazes me still how many styles out of one sketch. Sue you got the right idea do to make some into X-mas cards, for me everything is put away :-) didn't think I would need them out for another few month but might dig some sheets out.
    Pat- have you come off the naughty step yet or is Myra still sitting on you ? hihi Hope you both/ all had a good Sunday eating some nice chocolates :-) and lots of cuddles with the grand children.
    Hope to see you in the morning but picking up my new glasses and doing some shopping, gee it's never ends when the boy's been here the cupboards are once again bare.
    Sandra ,My thoughts are with you and the family and hoping that everything will be all right with you mum, sending many hugs to you all.
    Saba, Sheila, Diane, Maureen, Patricia and anyone not here with us right now ,I hope you are ok and will be back again. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx
