
Saturday 26 March 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

 Janet's Pretty Easter Tree

 Michele's Easter Egg Box

 Michele's Easter Egg box front

 Angela's Folded Card

 More views of Angela's folded card

 Angela's folded card open

Another View of Angela's folded card

Angela's ''Ladies that craft''

Pat's Brother In Law Bryan's Dinosaur

Good Morning Ladies,

It's so lovely to be able to bring you another Mixed Craft Saturday!!

First up today we have Janet's beautiful Easter Tree, Janet received all the 'ingredients' from Jim's Nephew and family in Holland.  It has turned out so pretty Janet, all of the eggs are so beautifully decorated.I love the little bunnies around the vase too.  Thank you Janet for sending us your fab photo. xxxx

Michele has created this fabulous Easter Egg box, a great idea to give a personally decorated box to your loved ones and a perfect way to present the eggs that you can buy without tons of plastic and cardboard, Michele found this idea on a blog called 'Stamping for Pleasure', sounds like it might be worth a look. Thank you Michele xxxx

Angela got together with her crafting group and together they made Folded cards, how amazing are they, so neatly folded and when you open them up WOW, the cards are made from to circles of card cut from two A4 sheets, so not too expensive to make but they look very 'High End' !!
Angela has shared a photograph of her ''Ladies that Craft'' group, it looks like you have a lot of fun whilst you are crafting! Thank you so much for sharing your card and friends with us Angela, I feel you could be asked for a little tutorial ! xxxx

Now last but not least and something a little different to what we normally see, we have a photo of Pat's Brother in Law Bryan with the Dinosaur puzzle that he has made using a Scroll saw, what a fantastic achievement, Bryan is clearly very skilled at woodwork, I am amazed at how balanced it must be to stand so proud on those two narrow feet.  I am so pleased that you shared this photo with us Pat, it must have taken Bryan ages to create this work of art, but worth every moment!
Thanks Pat and Bryan xxxx

That's all for now ladies, we have had a traumatic week at our house and just as I got to relax a little yesterday and earlier today it all came to a crashing halt, I had a phone call from my youngest sister to say that she found my Mum collapsed on the bathroom floor at 6 am, she got her back to bed and checked her over, later that morning while my brother was with her she fell again, he carried her to bed to rest and she slept, this afternoon they called an ambulance as she could no longer stand, she has had blood tests and xrays tonight and she has a Nasty infection and pneumonia on one lung, she also has low sodium and very low blood pressure, so she is staying in hospital overnight and will be examined again tomorrow.  It's so frustrating being so far away at times like this, heartbreaking in fact.  Hopefully the IV antibiotics and fluids will help her overnight.

I hope you all have a great day,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx

Please make sure you get your challenge card in ladies xxx

Craftasmic craft shop


  1. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    so sorry to hear abour your mum Sandra. It must be very worrying for you. She is in the best place and getting the best possible treatment I'm sure. Its sad for you not being near to her but I'm sure she knows and you know you're with her in spirit. I hope she had a good night and is starting ti improve today.

    JANET What a lovely idea. Think I may pinch that for next year.
    MICHELE Just love your box. What a difference it makes to just an ordinary egg.
    ANGELA Your folded card is so special and loooks so impressive. Your crafting ladies look as though you're having such a good time.
    BRYAN'S dinosaur is amazing. What a lot of work has gone into it.

    well typical toda I could have had a lie in and I'm wide awake at the crack of dawn and raring to go. Gracies still fast asleep in bed. Shes a late riser but I bet if I said 'walk' shed be up and about in a second.
    I'm going out for an Indian meal this lunchtime. I just love Indian food. After a Sunday lunch ts my favourite meal.
    Sorry Sandra I forget to send my card in. I'll do it as soon as I find the instructions on how to that Lynn has written out for me ha ha.
    Have a good Saturday everyboday. Hope all those not feeling too good are recovering nicely.
    Love Val x

  2. Morning everyone
    What a mixture of delight for today's mixed craft.

    But first Sandra What horrible news after as you say a very traumatic week in the Ridley Household. At least your Mum is in the right place and is having 24hr care. I cannot say I know how you feel as I always had Mum on my doorstep but I do know that as they worry about us we in our turn worry about them. I'm sure you will have better news later today my Dear Friend.

    MICHELE - what a wonderful idea for single Easter Eggs and yes a fantastic way to not have to get rid of all that plastic and cardboard the commercials use. I will be having a look at that site.

    ANGELA - beautiful shaped cards and very pretty insides too. A tutorial would be more than welcome so we could have a go at making one of these. Angela your crafting ladies look so comfy but are they always so neat and tidy whilst crafting? I cannot see any bits of paper etc anywhere.

    BRYAN - you are a 'wonder' with that saw. Your model must have taken hours and hours first planning or do you have a plan to work from, then marking out/cutting must have to be so accurate and then fitting them all together.
    Pat you have a very talented Brother in Law.

    My goodies for the Easter Tree were a Bday Present this year as Sandra says from Jim's Nephew and Family in Hengelo Netherlands. They always have a tree at Easter and their youngest Zoe decided that Auntie Janet could make one and then she could compare it to hers!. Zoe is 8 and when they visit here in Marigny we always have one or two crafting days together.
    So I had to decorate all the eggs; find a couple of branches out of the garden and then make up the tree. I loved doing it and I got a 9 out of 10 from Zoe! I still prefer her tree.

    Well the post here is just like the UK - a parcel to be delivered but no time scale so no we didn't get to market and as a result we have to go to supermarket this morning.
    There will be pastries this evening

    Now Dobbie has his instructions re the Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow morning so don't forget when you pop in for your coffee and cakes that a little hunting is called for. For all Huggles who have been adopted out of the Café you're invited too but I do not want to see any fighting or cheating amongst any of you Huggles at all.

    Enjoy the start to the week-end everyone. Hugs are on their way with extra warmth attached for those who are sad at the moment.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Janet-love the Easter tree, really nice idea.

    Angela-WOW, love the folded card. If possible could we have a tutorial?

    Bryan-amazing Dinosaur, what patience you must have. It looks wonderful.

    My "Egg Thrones" we're so easy to make. I made 2 and decorated them it forgot to take photos. There's a tutorial on Stamping for Pleasure blog on the 20th March. You only need 2 pieces of card & as its for small eggs you could use some scraps up.

    Am off to the hairdressers this morning-weather forecast isn't good. It's quite windy here & they've predicted heavy rain.

    Sandra-sorry to hear about your Mum but she really is in the best place right now.


  4. Easter Greetings to you all. What a joy it is to have joined you "Cotswold Crafters" in the cafe!
    We haven't had an Easter tree for many years now but seeing Janet's creation has bought back memories when Lisajane (daughter) was at home, just lovely,
    firmly on my "to do list" for next year as are Michele's Easter egg box holder, what a great idea.
    Sandra, I will certainly send you an email with how "to do" the circle cards, you will probably have to tweak it for publication but knowing you that won't be a problem.
    Bet the dinosaur was challenging to put together, a lot of hours work there.
    So, wherever you are, whatever is before you, isn't it great to belong to a group
    sharing so much, thank you Sandra, a lot of work, but much appreciated.xx

  5. Morning Sandra and a Happy Easter to you all coming through the door today.
    Sorry Sandra to hear about your mamma, really hope all goes well. She is in the right place for help. I can understand how you feel not being near when things like this happening. Sending you some extra cuddles.
    Janet- love your Easter tree. Used to have pussy willow branches with eggs and feathers in colourful colours. Hard boiled eggs with faces and witches on their broom sticks hihi Watch out when they go over Marigny to go to the (blue mountains) the witches hills. Wonder if our Muriel is going this year ?
    Michele- perfect little box to present an egg(chocolate of course) :-)
    Angela- yes, we do need a tutorial for making these wonderful circle cards. They are Fab !
    Bryan- amazing dinosaur ! It must have taken a long time to finish it.
    Really nice to see another mixed Saturday, hope they will continue.
    They are all sleeping in so Breakfast here will be in stages. Going out to get some air with OH but it's not looking to nice out there, cold and windy again :-(
    Lynda- take it easy today so you are ready for the family the next two day's. Hope to be able to see you later ladies and gentlemen's :-)
    love and hugs to all, Maria Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sandra im so sorry to here about your mum as others have said she is in the best place. Hope she gets better soon.
    Wow lovely mixed crafts today.
    JANET your Easter tree is Gorgeous
    MICHELE your egg boxes are a great idea must try them next year.
    ANGELA what amazing cards so unusual I would love a tutorial.You all look like you have fun at your craft class.
    My goodness Bryan the dinosaur is a labour of love. Must have taken ages
    Thank you all for sharing all your crafts.
    OH has just surfiest hehe. After beautiful sunshine yesterday it's raining & windy think craft room for me.I have a few prodjects I want to have a go at. I fancy trying the shabby chic look thing will see how it turns out & might send it to Sandra fo show next Saturday. Haha probably end up in the bin !!.
    Well think I will have my shower now so will pop back later.
    Hug's Lynda xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra I was so sorry to read about your mum, as others have said she is in the best place and hopefully the hospital will sort her medication and she can return home soon. It's such a worry when you can't just pop around to see her, I'm sure your sister and brother will keep you posted, hopefully the next phone call will be to say she is being discharged. xx

    What a treat, mixed craft Saturday.
    Janet, Love the idea of your Easter tree, I'm sure you had fun decorating it.

    1. Grrrrrrr, went to refresh Google because I had scrolled up the page and the comment box froze, and accidentally touched publish, oh what clumsy fingers I have.

      Michele, your Easter egg boxes are lovely, this would be a fun project to do with children.

      Angela, what a novel idea for the cards, you must have had great fun decorating these.

      Bryan, wow that dinosaur must have taken some time to put together. He is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing it with us.

      I had hoped to get out in the garden today to plant up some tabs, the forecast isn't good so I might just have to go to my retreat (The craft room)

      Whatever you doing I hope it's fun, sending love and crafty hugs, Brenda XXX

  8. Fantastic mixed crafts ... love the folded card !!! and the dinosaur wow that must have taken a while ..... Thinking of you Sandra hope your mum is ok hugs x Amanda

  9. Hello Sandra and Ladies, wet and windy here today.

    Sandra so sorry to hear your Mum is unwell, hope they get it sorted quickly and she is back home.

    Lovely mixed crafts today, Janet love your tree, Michele your boxes are great.
    Angela just love your cards, lots of places to decorate.
    Bryan you must have the patience of a saint, my grand son would love your dinosaur.
    Better go and see to dinner, chicken and salad so nice and easy.
    Hugs Lilian

  10. Just popped in quick google keeps asking me to sign in have done that so many times and it still doesn't always work. Been busy deep cleaning the house and now off to help grandson with his school project on the 1960's. He wants to know about my schooling, the music I listen too and how much wages I was paid when I was working.
    Janet this is the first year I haven't put up my Easter tree, just hidden time to go get willow branches, great other makes today as well. Xxx

  11. Good Evening My Dear Friends
    Have a good evening everyone xxxx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry to hear about your Mum hope you have had better news today. Thank you for giving us a mixed craft selection again lovely to see
    Janet your tree is lovely, something I have not seen before,
    thank you for showing us.xx
    Michele love the boxes what a good idea.xx
    Angela your folded cards are lovely, would love to see tutorial.xx
    Pat what can I say about Bryan's dinasor, what a lot of work & time it must have took. Thank you for showing.xx
    Sorry I have been missing for a couple of days but the days seem to disappear. Alan I am pleased to say is doing OK just has to be patient, not easy at times, can get up for 5 mins every hour for the next 2 weeks then 15 mins every hour the next 2 weeks, it's going to be a long haul. I find by the time I have walked the dog twice the day disappears. Thank you all for your thoughts.xx
    There were some lovely guilty buys this week well done to you all.xx
    Karen your card for Mum is lovely, so different I am sure she will treasure it.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight.
    Oh Sandra what a time of it you are having. I'm so sorry to hear of your Mums falls and illnesses. At least she is in the right place now, not that it helps you much as of course you wish you were there, but she will know you are thinking of her and your sister and brother will keep you posted. I will be thinking of you my lovely. You know where I am if you need me xx
    I'm sorry that I haven't been in earlier but had Paige overnight so was woken up with lovely cuddles then the words "Please will you play with me Granny?". Who could say no : ) She then got out some toy animals, cleared the coffee table and pulled it close to where I was sitting " because you are all stiff and sore when you wake up aren't you Granny so now you can reach!". We have spent most of the day playing and after taking her home I came back and fell asleep until just now when I finally got on here.l am so glad that I did. What a wonderful selection of mixed crafts.
    Janet, Michele, Angela and Bryan each one of your creations are lovely. A beautiful Easter tree, great simple Easter egg holders, beautiful unusual cards and a fabulous wooden dinosaur, arealixed bag today. Thank you all for sharing with us. (Pat, thank you for sharing Bryan's pic)
    Lynda, glad you went to docs,better to get these things checked, sorry you are still sore dear friend. Healing hugs for you x
    I hope that you are all having a good weekend, hugs to you all and those in need have extra hugs. Have a Happy Easter day. Take care xx

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Sandra
    Just a tad late today. Although i thought I'd already been on and commented. I'm so sorry to hear your mum is unwell and had to go to hospital. Hopefully you'll have better news tomorrow. Love the Easter tree Janet. They had a great one at the care home yesterday. We've been painting the hall stairs and landing today. The house is a mess at the moment. I do hope it's finished tomorrow as Bet and her daughter are coming on Monday. As Bet can't do strairs they're staying at the premier inn. Her nephew and family are coming over as well. Love the card Lilian and the photo of your crafting group.
    Bryan's made three of these Dinosaurs, plus boxes and tool boxes for his Grandsons. He was a woodwork teacher in Australia. As he now has Parkinson's it's quite challenging for him to do these things now. He cut the pieces on a scroll saw. No I'd never heard of that either. Sanded them partly with sanding tools and then finished them off by hand.

  16. Sorry Michelle
    Totally forgot to mention your Easter egg box. Such a lovely very idea.
