
Friday 25 March 2016

Something Special for you today x

 Karen's Stunning Bow Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I am so excited to share Karen's absolutely stunning Bow Shaped card with you all today, it is so pretty !  Karen has made this card for her DT project for Shabby is Chic Boutique on fb. The card is for her Mum who is celebrating her 60th Birthday next month, your mum is going to love it Karen.
Now Karen is going to do a Video on you tube later today showing us how she made this amazing card, I believe it is from a printable template. Below I will leave a link to Karen's blog where she explains how she did it too.

 Karen's Bow Card

Karen I really wanted something special to share with my friends today and this is just the perfect Card, thank you so much for allowing me to share your project, it is also a great way of showing how laces and trims can be crossed over into card making, thanks again Karen xxxx

Now I am curious to know whether you all have different ways or family traditions that you take part in for celebrating Easter ??

After our recent worries and concerns we will be really celebrating with a family meal on Sunday. Xx

I look forward to reading all about your weekend

Sandra xx

Karen's Bow card Tutorial


  1. Morning Everyoe

    KAREN - what can I say STUNNING! WOW! FANTASTIC! I know your Mum is just going to be over the moon with such a beautiful card and one which will go into her memory box.
    I for one will be looking out for your video later today.

    Well true to tradition it doesn't seem to matter where you are in the world when it's a bank holiday week-end the weather is just the same. We have had sunny beautiful mornings all week and yes we get up to dull, drab and it's raining. We also cannot get to market this morning as I'm expecting a parcel to be delivered and of course I don't know what hours just that it will be delivered today. So Friday pastries will be put forward to Saturday pastries and we can celebrate putting the clocks forward with beautiful treats.

    We don't have any family tradition re this time of year but of course I always make sure that all the children get their Easter Eggs (yes that means it doesn't matter what age they are so Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren and of course I have an extra one this year as it's Gracie-Leigh's first Easter. Not that she will know but she has an Egg and as she cannot eat it she has a new dress).
    At the moment I'm not sure what I'll be doing today. I have a couple of man cards to do and hopefully inspiration will come knocking on the door.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're doing.

    There will be extra Pastries tomorrow in the café and perhaps an Easter Egg Hunt for the Huggles or indeed for anyone who wants to take part.

    Hugs are on their way. xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet x it was lovely to make x and I know she will love it x Thank you for your kind comment x Lots of Love and Hugs Karen xxx

    2. Easter egg hunts are so much fun Janet. We always did that when the grandchildren were smaller.

  2. Morning Everyone x Thank you Sandra for posting my bowcard and featuring it on your blog hunni x I appreciate it x I adored making it but it was time consumming but so worth it and yes my mums will love it x here is my project share video x

    Easter Traditions I was brought up RC and both my kids have been raised RC so easter is a big thing in my family. We all go over to mum and dads on Easter Sunday and they take all the kids to church and then after mass they come home and we roll our boiled eggs (yuk I not like eggs) down a wee slope in dads backdoor neighbours must think we are all mad, 14/15 of us all lined up at the top of the slope to roll our eggs but it is fun, then while we are eating our lunch my niece and my eldest son hide small plastic eggs for the kids to find (in the garden if it is dry or in the house if it isnt) and the winner gets a prize although for the past 9yrs it has been a tie :) then the kids can eat one egg and at night we phone in a takeaway (mums used to cook a roast dinner for us all but she is getting older now and it is too much work to cook for everyone) then home about 9pm to veg out infront of the TV, Easter Monday we go out for a drive either down the coast line or through to the funfair in motherwell x the kids love it there x Anyway x Speak to you all soon x Love and hugs Karen xxx

    1. Hi Karian, beautiful card. Just watched your tutorial. Really good. I could listen to you for hours - just love your accent. Is the picture of your mum when she was young? X

  3. Morning Ladies

    Karen-WOW, what a stunning card. I'm sure your Mum will love it.

    Lovely sunny day here although the forecast is for it to change this evening. We don't have any traditions for Easter-it's just wonderful to have 4 days off work. Sometimes hubby plays in the Easter golf competition but not this year. He might play tomorrow morning. We have my in laws coming for lunch-have a bag of crafty goodies for my M in L which will clear some space in my craft room. We're off out to a "Easter disco" tomorrow night at the golf club, wasn't looking forward to it as I've been suffering with sciatica in my right hip/knee but today is the first day in a while I'm not in too much pain. Still won't be disco dancing tomorrow night-ha ha!!

    Hope everyone has a lovely Easter & don't eat too much chocolate!


    1. Hi Michelle
      Sorry to hear your been suffering with sciatica, I hope it clears up soon. At least you get to have some days off work to recharge your batteries. Enjoy the disco even if you can't dance.

    2. Hi Michel.
      Oh how painful. I think the only thing to do is put your feet. Glad you've got 4 days off to relax. Have a good Easter. X

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Karen, what a stunning bow card, I have not seen a card like this before, it is beautiful. Your Mum will treasure it. I will have to have a look at your video to see just how you made it. Thank you for sharing it : )
    Janet, I hope your parcel arrived nice and early so that you can get out and about. I'm looking forward to the wonderful pastries : )
    Sandra, the only tradition that we have is eating our first traditional hotcross buns today and over this weekend, not at any other time of year. We get the children and grandchildren a small Easter egg and a book.
    Have a wonderful time with the family my lovely, you can really enjoy it now can't you : )
    I'm at Mum and Pops today, and then we have Paige for a sleepover tonight so a good day for me : )
    Sending healing hugs to all of you that are not well, the different bugs and falls etc. are still causing problems arent they. I hope you feel better very soon.
    Sending hugs to everyone else, and I hope you all have a lovely day, we havea beautiful blue sky, at the moment, it'd not meant to last though, but then it's normally not good on a bank holiday weekend is it! Take care xx

  5. Beautiful card will be treasured I'm positive.
    Easter, Good Friday, always fish, tonight salmon, cod and prawn in a white wine sauce topped with watercress mash, friends joining us. Sunday always roast lamb. Looking forward to watching the boat race, hope the weather picks up.
    Easter Greetings to all.

    1. Hi Angela
      Your dinner tonight sounds yummy. Not that Pete would eat it, but I would.

  6. A Blessed Good Friday and Easter to everyone. We have had the most glorious sunshine since sun-up and I hope it continues.
    Oh My Word Karen, what a stunner of a card! Your Mum will be absolutely over the moon when she receives this card. Words fail me to describe it.
    Today is tidy-up the craft room, somehow I have ended up with boxes stored on the floor, so I am going through every box, see what's in it and see I can incorporate items if other half empty boxes. And if I no longer need some items, they too will go out but to the school and Brownie's Group for their crafting days.
    Joseph is coming this afternoon and we will tackle his homework together. He has slowly been slipping behind and is struggling especially with his maths. He misses Pete so much as they spent quite a while together with Pete explaining and helping him to do it. Let's hope I can get him interested again. I'm really concerned as he is going to 'big' school in September and his teachers haven't realized how far behind he was getting. That's the trouble with the larger classes now and incoming children not being able to speak English! Extra resources are being given to them and the rest are left o their own devices. Fiona was very vocal to Joseph's teachers about his problem so hopefully now they ARE aware, they will give him the extra help.

    Time to whet my whistle and get a wiggle on. The quicker it is done, the quicker I can play with my gorgeous laces I bought from Scrimpy's.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope that Joseph now gets the help he needs. That's the problem as you say with larger classes. We have a few children who can't speak English in our classes, and it makes it very difficult. Olivia is way behind with her reading. Didn't get the extra help she needed until she went into year two. She's Dyslexic and the teachers son was as well. She gpthen got special help. However, now she's in the big school, because of cuts, that's now been withdrawn. How on earth she's going to manage with exams I dread to think. She can read the questions but is very very slow so won't complete the tests in time.

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies, Karen your bow card is amazing, will watch your tutorial later,
    Today we are off to cover our wee craft shop, don't think we will be that busy with it being the Easter weekend, have a lovely time whatever you are doing, take care, Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Karian what a stunning memento card to make for your Mum. I'll pop over to have a look how it's made, not that I could attempt such a wonderful work of art. We've bought eggs for the grandchildren but that's it, oh nearly forgot we treated ourselves to an egg as well. Amber makes hers last forever. Although she will share, but not usually with her sisters. She'll always give her Nanny and Grampy a piece of egg. Looks like we will start painting the Hall, stairs and landing this weekend. Or then again if it's nice we might not.
    Gentle hugs for those that are still unwell.

  9. I have added KARENS BOW CARD TUTORIAL LINK at bottom of my post xx

  10. Morning Sandra and one and all.
    KARIAN. WOW is the first word that comes to mind followed by sensational. I'm sure your mum will be overjoyed with it. I'll pop over and have a look how its made. Its Lynns birthday next month and if I think I'm good enough I'll have a go at making it for her.
    Its lovely to read everyones plans for the weekend. With Spain being a very religious country its a very somber day today. A lot of processions but none near me. I dont have and plans actually apart from cleaning up after the painter. Yes HAZEL he finally finished about 6 last night.
    Whwn I lived in the UK and my husband was alive, Easter was the start of the caravan season. We had ours parked inPembroke in south Wales. An amazingly beautiful part of the country. It took us hours to to there from the Wirral but it was well worth it. I have lovely happy memories, mostly of dodging the rain, or running across a wet field to the one outside toilet. It was the days before caravans had toilets of course. During the night we used a bucket. I'm more into a bit of comfort now but when youre youngish its all an adventure. Happy days.

    Lynn and Paul are on a diet so I'm not buying them eggs this year.. I'm hoping for a box of maltesers. I dont drink or smoke but my addiction is maltesers. Well a girl's got to have one vice hasn't she?

    Its craft club day today, yeh. Just love it. I finished off my card for Sandra so must send it later.

    My thoughts keep going to those poor people involved in the Belguim bombings. May they find some comfort and peace at this Eastertime.

    Have a good relaxing day everyone. I think I've just got time for a coffee and a hot cross bun before I go out.
    Take care
    Love Valx

    1. Mine is a very large Toblerone or nougat or fudge x

    2. Hi Cheryl, also sounds good to me but Lynn has just brough me Three boxes of Maltesers. That should do me for tonight hha ha.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Big WOW Karen your Bow card from mums birthday is absolutely stunning, you just know she's going to love it, and treasure it. Thank you for sharing it with us. Hope mum doesn't peep in on the blog. It would be awful to spoil the surprise!
    Not a lot happening here today, we are going to pop into Croydon, I want to go into M and S. Also my phone is due and upgrade, Will actually it was due last November I just haven't got around to it.
    When we come back I might retreat to my craft room.
    Have a good day, love Brenda xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and All,
    Absolutely lovely day here, after yesterdays rain.
    Karen what an amazing card for your Mum, so beautiful.
    Spending the day in the garden, not much else going on, we never go away at Easter the roads are so busy, so we stay home.
    Not allowed to buy chocolate for the grand children so they have money.
    Hope you all enjoy your Easter.
    Hugs Lilian

  13. Has everyone hibernated for emigrating where are you ladies?
    Mobile phone sorted, but not until this afternoon, it did take a time, think I have ended up with a good deal.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Me, I didn't get into my craft room. If I am going to join in this weeks challenge I will have to get a wiggle on tomorrow and sort something out...... Wish me luck PLEASE
    I will say night, night now and will pop into the café tomorrow. Sleep well xxx

  14. Good evening everyone
    Just a quick visit to wish everyone a very Happy and Peaceful Easter.
    I picked Nic up earlier today and she is home for the weekend, we have a family meal planned for tomorrow night for my grandsons birthday on Monday, so will be busy,
    I did post earlier but it must be spinning around in space somewhere,
    Please take care and hope everyone with nasty bugs are feeling a bit better - please no more falls.
    Will pop back when everything returns to normal,
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Hugs Jean xx

  15. Hi Sandra and anyone in tonight ? I think you are right Brenda that they might have all gone into hibernating,
    never seen it so quiet for a long time.
    Karian- love the Bow card for your mum, she will sure love it too. Have not had time to look at your tutorial but hope to have some time tomorrow.
    Easter egg hunts sound a lot of fun but not having any little ones we just enjoy some different meals and spend some time together. Sue- hope you had a nice day with Margaret and pop. Hope he is getting better and in not to much pain. Lynda- glad you saw the doctor, you must take it easy. No broken ribs ? Careful when cuddle Harry.
    Had a lazy meal last night, a take away. Not to spicy but my tummy went bad anyway so my day today have been a bit tough. Better now so managed some dinner but now it's gurgling like mad tihi. Stepson and partner have gone back to their hotel now but will be back again in the morning for breakfast etc.etc.
    Must be lovely to see all the little lambs now being born, hope all goes well for Matt.
    I wish you all a Happy Easter and a nice Saturday, hope to get in in the morning but.....I'll see you !
    Love and hugs to all , Maria xxx

  16. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Sorry so late been having internet trouble so hopefully get this post finished.
    Been a lovely day sun shine we took dogies up the park for a walk well Terry did I sat haveing a cup of tea in the cafe' while he walked them was quite warm.
    Been in craft room playing with my spectrum noir sparkle pens. When I went round my friends she gave me two new sets as she forgot she had them & bought them again she is always doing it still i get extra goodies hehe.
    MARIA yes where is everyone.
    Darren Sam & Harry are coming on Sunday or Monday & seeingLisa & Joseph on the 2nd so all good.
    Karen love your bow card I watched your tutorial well done.
    Im off to read comments now see you all tomorrow Hug's Lynda xx
