
Thursday 24 March 2016

Guilty Secrets, this weeks fab purchases !!

 Brenda's Purchases

 Lilian's New stamping tool

 Myra's New Die

 Myra's beautiful Gift bag

Myra's purchases

I couldn't Resist more of Amanda's laces !

Some gorgeous Resin Frames & embellishments

 Michele's first bargain

Another bargain for Michele

More of Michele's to good to miss deals

Michele's last bargain of the week 

Good Morning Ladies,

It's that time of the week again, where we get a sneak peek at what each other has been buying.

Brenda's shopping came from Hochanda, from when Crafters Companion had their launch day on the new channel.  That Big Score board is really good so useful for making larger boxes and projects, having the DVD is really handy as it helps you through a few projects giving you the confidence to go on and create your own,  the Stick It sheets are supposed to be really good too,
I have seen them demonstrated on Hochanda and it looks like you can use them for everything from adding gilding flakes to die cutting it and using it to add sentiments etc to projects.  They are super thin and easy to die cut, yet the adhesive is quite strong. I am really looking forward the projects you make with these new toys.  Thank you so much for taking part Brenda xxxx

Lilian has managed to get herself one of the much sought after Misti stamping tools, it is supposed to make Stamping easier, I have seen it on You tube, it looks quite good, I can't wait to hear your verdict Lilian, thank you so much for sharing your new purchase with us xxxx

Myra has bagged a bargain with her Grime Boss wipes, 2 packs of 60 wipes for £12.99, when usually the cost is around £5.99 for a pack of 30 !! Great Buy !!
Myra also got the Tonic Kensington bag die, and you can see how fabulous it looks when cut and assembled.  It is 4 inchs long by 3 1/2 inches high or 5 inches including the handles.
it would be perfect for a gift cards, treat bags and party favors.
Myra has also bought some Stick and stay, for those intricate die cuts and some of the Brand New
Cosmic Shimmer Metallic Gilding Paints, I hadn't seen them before and they look brilliant. I can wait to see them used on a project Myra, thank you for taking the time to send your photos in xxxx

My purchases (i just couldn't resist)) !  Some more of Amanda's beautiful laces and trims, they are gorgeous and such top quality,

The resin frames and metallic corners etc are really light son can be used on cards as well as other MDF projects. They smell lush too as some of them have Gilding Wax on them!

Michele has sent me some photos of her bargains of the week,
Those tree dies will be great for backgrounds etc, what a deal for an A4 embossing folder !! The cogs embossing folder will be the perfect match for your last bargain, the clock faces and cogs are fabulous, you even have the hands!! You can pay a fortune for them as embellishments !
The other die set looks really good too, little cameos etc! Well done Michele,
You really did bag yourself some bargains!! Thank you so much for sharing xxxx

I am so grateful for you all for taking part in the different challenges and features I post on here.
Thank you all for your love and ongoing support!
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    What a great selection of goodies- I really love seeing what everyone buys.

    Yesterday was exceptionally busy at work & todolooks like it will be the same. We're going out for Fish & Chips for tea tonight, my friend (crazy, cluttered house one) wants to call with our Easter Eggs and I need to ring my Dad-not sure there's enough hours left but heh Ho!


    1. Hi Michelle
      Please don't rush around to much as you'll wear yourself out. Hope you enjoy your fish and chips.

    2. Hope your day is not to bad, enjoy the dinner and say hi to your dad. Take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I'm late today but just had to make one very important stop before landing here (via cyberspace of course).
    What a fantastic haul this week. I'm really envious of you all as being here in Marigny is one of the downsides in crafting terms. No Craft Shops and the post takes forever!!

    I'll be back later to comment on individual buys but I see that Marigny Dobbie has done well again and everything looks bright and sparkly this morning. I only hope that it's polish he's used and not someone's sparkly crafting glue!! Oh what horrible results we would have though of course if it were on chairs then no-one would be able to leave and we could all have one BIG PARTY!!
    Oh I just might change my mind now and hope it's glue hehehe.

    Hugs are on their way to all in need and plenty for the basket. Have a good day and I'll see you all later.

    1. Have a nice day and hope the sun is shining in Marigny. Dobbie is doing a marvellous job, you trained him well :-) xx

  3. good morning everyone
    such a lovely selection of goodies, really must have a look at the lace, seriously need some. also would love to see how the Misti works, i have the Fiskars stamp buddy which i find smashing.
    craft class today so an enjoyable few hours this afternoon.
    hope everyone is well, especially our friends who afe absent for one reason or another.
    have nearly finished the challenge card so will get a move on and get it sent in.
    hugs Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean. Just looked at the Fiskers Stamp Buddy you've mentioned. Looks really interesting and so much cheaper than the Misti. X

    2. Jean, hope you feeling better and can have some crafting done over the day, take care xx

    3. Hi Jean I have the Friskers stamp buddy I love it so much cheaper than the Misti which is about £50. Hope you enjoyed your craft class xx

  4. Good Morning All ,dull again but at least it's dry, going to get the shopping this morning while we can still get about, as our roads get so busy during the Easter break.
    Going to use that over used word WOW love all the goodies, I promised Myself no more craft shopping,but you ladies keep putting temptation in my way.
    Myra the hand bag looks fab , Brenda's score board looks good too, and as for your buy Sandra what can I say, have to have some. Think I will have to carry on working for a few more years, storage is my problem.
    Have a good day ladies. Lilian.

    1. It's temptations alright :-) I must last to the 9th or I will have less to spend but ooooh it's hard.
      Have a nice day Lilian xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    I missed Johns blog yesterday, but congratulations to Norah on her win. I hope you enjoy making your card.
    What a fabulous display of goodies on show today. Especially love Myra's bag. Will have to look out for that die at Ally Pally when we go next month. I do like your lacy bits Sandra, but as you know I don't really do frilly bits. Remember the trouble I had last week tying my bow for the challenge card. It's very easy to get tempted Lilian and I also have a problem with storage. Well, to tell the truth it's me not putting things away properly as well as storage. I've only just found my verses that I use on cards, and I hadn't been able to find those since Christmas.
    Hope Alan is feeling better Margaret.
    Hugs to all who are still feeling poorly.

    1. Did you put them in a safe place and then forgot ? tihi I do that all the time. Hope you and Pete are ok, hugs xx

      come on confess....where were they?

    3. I know where they were!! Where Pat put them !!! Ta da! Xxx
      Sorry Sandra! Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    First of all many thanks to those ladies kind Enough to comment on my fur family. Lovely to hear about your animals past and present.

    What a lovely lot of goodies on show today.
    LILIAN I have been seriosly looking at the MISTI. Really want one but dont know if its worth it. I'd love to know how you get on with it. They have the smaller one in stock at Craftsyoulove for 44.99. The larger one is on order for May. Is any one else tempted?
    SANDRA Just love all you lace. It does add a certain something to your cards.

    BRENDA. Just love all your Crafters Companion goodies.The board looks great for large boxes.

    MYRA. Just love the bag youve made. I have bought a similar die, not used it yet but I think the bag's smaller.

    MICHELE. Love everything you've got especially the clock embossing folder.

    Not much on today so I'm staying in my craft room. The painter is still beavering away so housework is out ha ha. Made my card last night for Sandra. Two people have sadly died in our village in the last couple of days and all the sympathy cards have been sold in Lyn's shop so making half a dozen is first onthe list.
    Hope everyone who's not feeling tip top today will soon be feeling ok and back to being fit and well.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Take care.
    Love Val x

    1. oh that sad Val, hope you are alright ?
      Love your pets and they love you. My sister breeding Finish Lappdogs so it always dog talk from her and we have always had some kind of pet and then I go and married someone who is allergic to everything :-) Take care xx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, just a quick hello just now as I'm off to cover my friends craft shop.
    Today's guilty secrets are gorgeous, enjoy your purchases ladies.
    Will pop back later, take care meantime, xxx

    1. Hope you have a good day in the shop and people buying something Jess, take care xx

  8. awwwww I'm drooling at all the goodies you ladies bought .... love the die that makes the little bag , i have made those by hand but a dies would be awesome !!! now where to put them all ?? ha ha ha... Have a fab day and thanks to Sandra again for a fab blog post xxx

    1. Have a nice day Amanda and happy crafting xx

  9. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    What A beautiful array of crafty secrets we've got this week.
    Sandra, I have to confess you missed one of my guilty secrets ............. It's the Square Accordion Card die, bottom left in the picture, I'm so looking forward to playing with this, but haven't got time today.

    Lillian, I looked at the Misti. I think it would be great if you are doing multiple invitations, please let us know how you get on with it.

    Michele, you really have a knack for finding the bargains, well done, I could be playing for hours with your booty.

    Myra, I love that bike die, and what a beautiful bag you have made. Love everything else you've purchased as well.

    Sandra, love the lace such beautiful colours, what are you going to do with a little frames they look great. I can see ours of distraction ahead - enjoy.

    Today we are going to be busy we are picking Ciara up from school at 1.15 but first my OH doesn't do things by half! ........ We are going to the local tip to dump some rubbish. Then on to Asda. ( we will wash your hands before picking up any shopping) After that we going to the cemetery to tidy up my parents grave, by which time it will be time to pick up at school. Callum is going to a friends house, so we will only have one to look after. Teenager finishes at normal time, I'm sure she will be ringing for a lift up the hills

    I hope everyone has a good day, I will try and pop in again at some point.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Myra, SORRY I'm sure I put shoe die.
      Might have been my head telling me to get a move on and get on my bike ha ha xx

    2. Hi Brenda, looks like you have a full day ahead.
      Have a rest this evening if you can xx

    3. Hi BRENDA I hope you stopped to breathe wow what a busy day you have had. I hope you are now resting with your feet up.
      Take care hug's xxx

  10. It's me again, well I thought it would be less busy if I did my food shopping!!!!
    Couldn't even get in to Asda, so went on to Tesco, which I think is more expensive, set my mind to having a small turkey, as we don't have it at Christmas,but none available, so back to lamb as usual.
    Missed Michele's bargains earlier, they look great.
    O/H is gone to deliver my work 95 hoods plus 2 reveils,hope they are pleased.
    Looking forward to a few days break, see you later.
    Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, being new here do tell me what sort of hoods do you make?
      shopping sounds a nightmare. Have a relax and put your feet up this afternoon. X

    2. Hi Val, I make the hoods that bee keepers wear, they are bee proof, very technical make. I make them for a small company here in Cornwall, they are the best you can buy in the world, they export to lots of different countries.

    3. Wow Lilian, how impressive. I've seen people on the tele wearing them but never thought someone must make them and now I know a person that does. Thatsvsomething to tell my friends. Thankyou.
      lve Val x

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Wowser so many wonderful buy's I love them all. I can see many that I loved to own myself but must wait as going to AP and Julia doing a workshop soon so liked to go for that. OH birthday and other things so April going to be
    a busy month.
    Michele- you are amazing finding all these bargains. What store do you have with all these goodies from ?
    Sandra - love your fancy buys, so many nice frills. Must have a look at that site.
    Myra- your handbag is lovely, such a good die to have.
    Brenda- Have fun with all your goodies, do tell me how the square accordion die works and Lilian, love to hear the Misti works. Thinks that all of you this week, you tepteresses :-)
    Step-son here and we are going out soon into town. I will have to do quite a lot of cooking and Saturday we have a big dinner with Boiled beef, Horseradish sauce and Aunt Bessie's Yorkshire puddings hihi.
    If you are low I hope the day will get better and you come in and have a chat, it helps....
    Hope to see you later but must go now so wish you a good day. love and hugs Maria xxx

  12. Hello Ladies!
    Thank you Sandra for sharing another array of crafty guilty secrets!
    I couldn't resist the Grime Boss as they are really marvellous! They are gentle , yet remove the most stubborn things! My little bag die is so cute and the thing is it will be able to be used flat - I think - on a card front too! It has lots of fancy panels and even a buckle which I didn't use! Marisa Job made a lovely one with flowers on the front! The new little pots from Cosmic Shimmer are gorgeous! They each have their own sponge applicator ( for those who didn't see John demo them ! ) can't wait to try those.
    Michele you have found loads of bargains! Well done !
    Brenda - glad your package finally arrived and it looks really interesting!
    Sandra - your lace and little frames are really, really pretty! Can't wait to see what you make with those!
    Lilian , I have heard of this tool but have never actually seen it! Will be interested to hear how you get on with it!
    Well ladies it is raining here today - not heavily but I think it may be the first rain we have had this month so mustn't complain.
    If you are going away for Easter , safe travel and enjoy the weekend break.

  13. Well you can tell we are just about to have a bank holiday weekend as its very grey and raining!!
    I am having 5 minutes off from tidying my craftb room to read what you have all been up to, I am sat here eating Palma violets, yummy but I can't stop eating them!
    Brenda you will be meeting yourself coming back!
    I had planned on taking some crocheting up to the allotment, I could sit and do that while Paul does the hard labour, but the weather is so miserable! I did read somewhere that we were due to have grim weather for the next few months, even talk of snow in April, I hope not though as my son has a flock of ewes that are going start lambing in the next coup!e of weeks!!! They will have to be kept inside for a lot longer if the weather is bad, although you can buy little biodegradable rain coats for new born lambs!!
    Well coffee break over back to the mess that is my craft room !!

    1. Oh how wonderful Sandra that you get to see new born lambs close up. When we where in W.ales a couple of weeks ago we saw vEry early lambs and they all had bright blue coats on. Youve now answered my question by saying they are biogradable raincoats. How cute.
      love Val x

  14. Well we almost achieved everything we set out to do, because the traffic was very heavy and Asda was so busy, I think a famine is imminent! We picked Ciara up from school and then a slight detour went to the cemetery in Wallington. By the time we got there the heavens opened, after about 20 minutes we said we will maybe go tomorrow or Saturday. It didn't make sense getting soaked to the skin. So we have Ciara at her home in Kenley, she is now chilling out in her Zebra onesie, as you do! I hope by the time we go home the traffic will have eased, it was a nightmare everywhere we went. xxx

    1. My goodness Brenda youre a busy lady. Hope you can take it easy later on.x

  15. Afternoon ladies,

    Well yet again another haul of craft goodies.
    My latest bargain was the Die'sire Embossalicious Clouds EF for the princely sum of £2.99 at the Range. Just what I need for my baby cards as I have some angels and storks toppers to use up.
    Had a lovely lunch out, meeting up with Ladies I used to work with 20-30 years ago. One of them brought some photos from the early 80's and my goodness, didn't we all look so young back then.

    My friend Rosie who had the fall in the Hospital car park the other week has rung to say the doctor thinks she has a blood clot in her leg and her first available appointment is on Bank Holiday Monday at 1.30pm so I will be her taxi driver taking her there. Good job I didn't have any other plans.
    Gosh, it is nearly 6 o'clock and I haven't even thought of what to have for tea. As dinner was quite substantial, I think a smoothie and some fruit will suffice. I cannot eat anything after 7 pm as I am bound to suffer from terribly from acid reflux if I do.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  16. Good evening, everyone! Been a busy day here. Tammy came over and helped me by doing the bottom kitchen cupboards! I can get down and do them, I just can't get back up without a lots of problems, she also did the top cupboards, I was getting her to do the top shelves only of these as I can manage the lower ones! No she would see to it all. So all done. Then I was on pick up! One little girls is so tired after a long busy week last week, then show jumping all Saturday and cross country Sunday. This week again has been busy. Tonight she just was all done in and just wanted to do nothing wasn't happy we had to go get big sister from school. I can see a very early bed tonight! The first night of nothing being on. She is off she'll and pony racing training for 3 days. Over the long weekend.
    I see lots of money has been spent on great craft stuff.
    Lilian, you have been busy! I hope you are having some time off over the holiday.
    Cheryl. Not good about your friend, we will hope they can get that blood clot sorted out.
    Val, is that your painter just about finished?
    Brenda, you are right no point of getting socked and catching a chill.
    Off now to put my feet up and do nothing. xxx

  17. Evening Ladies

    Goodness-what a busy day, we've just eaten our Fish & Chips at home as I was too tired to go out again.

    My first bargain was from my visit to the craft shop in Tarleton a few weeks ago (where I met Jean & Myra). The rest of my stash was from the craft shop inside a garden centre , they had a huge sale table as the whole garden centre has been refurbished & the craft shop has moved . Not sure it's a good move as its further away from the entrance & cafe.

    Right-time to phone my Dad, think I need a mug of tea + some chocolate first.


  18. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Fairly busy day first I went back to the doctors as I'm still in quite a lot of pain.
    She checked me over & said I have badly bruised my ribs as well & will take a long time for them to heal blood pressure was a bit high too she said probably due too the pain & not sleeping well. I hope it's a lot better for AP as I can't put my bra on at the moment. So I warn all you ladies going if you see this woman walking round with droopy bits swinging about it's me HAHA
    Wow what a great lot of goodies you have bought love your lace Sandra Myra your bag is Gorgeous looks a good size too.Brenda all your stash look great
    Lilian wow the Misti I saw that on a you tube video looked good but unfortunately out of my prise range. Michele your bargains look wonderful
    Well ladies enjoy your guilty buys.
    I have made the challenge card this afternoon sent it in too Sandra so that's out the way.i have one card to make tomorrow then it's play with my Spectrum noir sparkley pens Margaret ( friend ) gave me two new sets when I went round yesterday she had bought two sets then forgot & bought them again so she gave them to me Yaay
    Margaret hope Allen is doing ok & not in too much pain sending Hug's for you both.xxxx Val how's Gracey has it stopped raining,
    Well I'm off now for a cupper see you all tomorrow
    Hug's Lynda xx
