
Tuesday 5 April 2016

Something special from Maria

Good Morning Ladies,

Now today is a special day because I don't often get to share Maria's work, so when I do get the chance I grab it with both hands.  You can see why, Maria goes to so much trouble for every card she makes, look at the stamped detail on the front of this magnificent Gatefold card, those butterflies are all so perfectly positioned, fluttering around those perfectly stamped flowers.
Then when you open the card look how stunning the inside is, that darling little hedgehog, expertly decoupaged with his beautiful roses.
A perfect Anniversary Card , thank you so much for sharing your stunning card
With all of us.  (By the way I hope it was the challenge that encouraged you to make a Gatefold card) xxx

I had a busy day in the craft room yesterday, playing with a few ideas for tutorials, a nice crafter's gift idea is one of them, so watch this space.
I did remember to tidy everything away again afterwards, I am trying to keep it
Tidy as it took me so long to sort.

Have a great day everyone,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    MARIA - WOW such a beautiful gatefold card in every way and just when we've finished admiring the outside and we open it up oh what a cute hedgepig and so beautifully done. I cannot see anyone not liking this gift.
    Now as you're our star for today I'll tell you where the key to the cupboard is - if you look under the coffee pot there you will see the key just waiting for you. I hope you didn't mind me teasing you yesterday. Hugs for you my dear Friend.

    Well we still have rain and yes it's still tippling down so much so that we now have a garden that's flooded and h
    alf of the front drive out through the gates and across the road into the watermeadow which this morning is completely flooded along with the dykes and the lavoir at the bottom of the back lane.
    We also have a floating yes floating water filter in the middle of the drive as well. We had this new system put in at the beginning of this year as a result of new laws re waste water. So it'a a phone call to the builder who put the system in asking for a visit to see what can be done. If it's not one thing then it's another.

    On a much nicer note my package arrived yesterday from Amanda (Scrimpy Mommy) and it's just beautiful so I cannot wait to get started on it but first I have to do this week's Challenge. Just cannot not fail to do that.

    Off now to put the stew pot on (rabbit) for tonight and then I don't have to think too much about it.

    Hugs to all of you under the weather.
    Sheila - I hope you're OK and enjoyed your week-end away.
    Norah - what are you up to - I hope you're just busy and not unwell.
    Diane - I'm missing you. Where have you got to.
    Saba - I hope you're managing OK. I don't know whether you're in the UK or at home.
    Myra - My Dear Mad Hatter I'm missing you too. Hope you're OK.

    Breakfast is calling. xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra
      Lovely sunny day today, but I'm not to sure how long that's going to last. Sorry Janet.
      Maria what a stunning card you've made. I wonder what stamp you used on the front. Love the hedgehog inside as well. Look forward to seeing your tidy craft room tomorrow Sandra. Hope to see more pictures of Matts lambs as well. Publish says google account today, so yesterday must have been a blip.

    2. Sorry you've had the rain Janet, I do hope it clears up soon. Haven't had rabbit for years. We used to live when I was a very young girl in the middle of nowhere, so always ate rabbit.

    3. Thank you Janet and also for telling me where the key is as yesterday was a bit tricky having to open the cupboard with a hairpin tihi The Huggles loved seeing me struggle and could't stop laughing, they should have the Tena's on !
      Sorry but never eat Rabbit again, had it in France ones nooooo!
      Sending you some sunshine, it must get there soon

    4. Hi Janet. When it rains our side of the Channel is certainly rains hard. Do hope your builder sorts out the problem soon.
      I must admit I've never eaten rabbit. I think I was put off cos as a child there was a terrible outbreak of Mixametosis whilst I was on holday in Anglesey and seeing the poor bunnies in such an awful state just put me off eating them. Its supposed to tasteca lot like chicken I believe.
      Do hope the sun shines soon for you. Love Val x

    5. Hi JANET
      We had lovely sunshine this morning put washing on line,went out for walk with dogs just got to park & heavens opened so much for my washing being dry. My parcel also turned up yesterday from Amanda Scrimpy's sooooo beautiful it's going to be hard useing it haha.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maria-WOW, beautiful card. I don't think I've made a gatefold card, too difficult!

    Well-we have a very wet & windy day here. The sky looks awful so I'm guessing it's going to keep raining.

    Watch two programmes last night & saw one of the hedgehogs at their food dishes. Very relaxing night, think I'll be in my craft room tonight thinking about the challenge card.


    1. Thank you, it thanks to Sandra I did a gatefold card :-) xxx

    2. Hi Michele, hope your cold is a lot better. Fancy you meeting Wendys sister. The largest craft venue I've ever been to was HSNW in Port Sunlight on the Wirral. There were some big names there, Barbara Gray, LOTV to name but 2. It wasnt on the same scale as Ally Pally of course. Sadly the large shows seem to be more South of the country which are more difficult to travel to. One of these days eh.
      Hope work went ok today and you got a chance to sit down.Val x

    3. Hi MICHELE
      Hope your feeling better today & work went smoothly.
      Hope you manage getting into your craft room tonight have fun.xx

  3. Hi Sue and everyone. Wow, Maria your card is beautiful. I love the stamped flowers and the little hedgehog inside is so sweet :-)
    Back to work this morning, but should be finished by lunchtime. Hoping to get some more crafting done this afternoon. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia. have a good day at work and crafting this pm. xxx

    2. Hi Sonia hope you got into your craft room & managed to do lots of crafting xx

  4. Margaret Palmer5 April 2016 at 08:27

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra thank you for showing us Maria's card it is beautiful she is one talented lady, we need to see more of her work. I wonder what you are hoing to come up with next, you are full of bright
    Weather not too bad a moment so just taking Star out before it rains again.
    Hope all who are missing are well higs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

    1. Thank you Margaret. Hope you had a nice walk with Star. hugs xxx

    2. Hi MARGARET
      Did you manage taking star out before it rained. How's Hubbie doing can he get out of bed now & walk. Did he not have plaster cast on.?
      Hug's for you both xxx

    3. Hi Lynda,
      Yes it has been a little vely day today, even managed an hour or so in garden. Alan can get about for 15 mins every hour from tomorrow,no he did not have plaster just thick dressing, he has stitches out on Thursday thank goodness they are really pulling now. Thank you for your kind thoughts. Hope you have got rid of your bruises now. Take care love Margaret xx

    4. Should read really lovely day!

  5. Good Morning, all, Lovely weather here, towels out next load nearly ready.

    Maria your card is fabulous, love that you have that sweet image inside.

    Sandra have a lovely play day , looking forward to what you come up with for us.
    Thank you for giving us so much of your time.

    Well must away sewing machine shouting to me.
    See you later, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope you well. Thank you. Have a nice day xxx

  6. Sorry Sandra
    I forgot to go to the end and looked at Janet's comment before I pressed publish again, so my comment is there.grrrrr

    1. Lol Pat you do make me laugh. Thank you. Will have a look for the stamp. You have a good day xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and all.
    How weird it is to see you own work on show :-) Thank you for liking my card for OH. Yes Sandra it was thanks to you I made a gatefold card but I think hedgie took up some space to couldn't shut the door hihi. Also found that I used this hedgehog on an earlier card for him, bog ooops ! hihi
    Out for a walk, OH is impatient so must go. I'm not even dressed yet,another oops hihi see you later ! Have a nice day whatever you are up too. love and hugs Maria xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    MARIA What a beautiful card both inside and out. Just love the leaf edging on the front and the lovely hedgehog.How long have you been together on this Anniversary?
    Just got back from Tai Chi so feeling quite relaxed. After my shower this morning I was putting some dry skin cream on my legs. Did one leg then started on the other when I knew by the smell something was wrong. I'd rubbed myself with Deep Heat cream. So I've had 2 showers this morning ha ha.
    Had terrific rain here during the night but its sunny again today although the wind is a bit chilly..
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing.
    Love Val x

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Maria what a beautiful card, love those cute butterflies, your attention to detail is brilliant even to adding the gorgeous hedgehog inside. This card would certainly bring a smile to anyone's face, it is gorgeous, thank you so much for sharing it.

    Started to leave a message about 10 minutes ago, looked up to see the DPD a van reversing up the drive, it's my parcel from 'Every item costs a pound' thought I'd have it sent here, rather than wait till we get home. I'm impressed with the delivery because I had received a text about 9 o'clock to say it would be here between 10:51 and 11:51 - it actually arrived at 10:55 if that's what I call a good service. I've opened my box and am very pleased with the contents. Okay couple of items cost more than a pound, one of them being some Stainless steel cutters (pastry) the label says £14.99 I paid £4.00. I will take a picture of them and send it to Sandra as my guilty secrets. Thank you Sandra for telling us about this company.

    Well the sun is shining and one load of washing on the line another one almost finished so hopefully will get everything dry and ironed.

    Have a good day everyone, sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. Looking forward to seeing what your parcel contained. Never heard of 'every item cost a pound' must look them up. It sounds like pretty good service from them.
      Its really satisfying watching washing blowing on the line isnt it?Hope you get it all dried. Val x

    2. Hi Val,
      Every craft show I have ever been too has had a stall from 'Every Item is £1' Most of the items are £1 which is why there is such a queue to get near their stall, Obviously selling on the Internet and P&P costs, their prices must have to reflect the charge. x

    3. Hi Brenda
      look forward seeing your guilty secrets bargains I'm off to look at the everthing a pound website.Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Afternoon ladies,

    Absolutely fabulous day here in sunny Somerset. I did one hour in the front garden this morning and have just finished my hour pruning shrubs near Pete's decking. A very wise old gardener told me once, an hour a day keeps the garden tidy and I must say he is positively perfectly correct. Hot and bothered now so cooling off before I have an early shower.

    Musgrove let us down again yesterday in a major way but on the bright side, we arrived at X-ray half an hour early, complained to the Receptionist about Sunday's monumental cock-up and before we had even sat down in the second waiting room, a technician was calling Rosie's name. All well and good so far.
    We were then directed to the next department and had to wait 1 hour & twenty minutes to see a doctor for precisely FIVE MINUTES before being sent home. And to cap it all, the doctor told Rose she was fast tracked! Really ? A snail could have been quicker than him and why couldn't he have just sent the results to Rosie's doctor we do not know. Then because we had to park in Network Q's multi storey car park, we were walloped with a £6 charge as we had yet again gone over the limit by that 5 minutes. Outrageous!!!
    A strong letter of censure will be sent to the trustees who SOLD the rights and land to the hospital car parks to Network Q. How many back handers went on there I wonder?
    Soapbox is now stored in its usual corner ready for somebody else.
    Anyhows, crafting time after my shower methinks, must send Sandra the challenge card before we go off gallivanting to the wedding party this weekend.

    Oh Maria, Maria, a gorgeous gatefold gate card,flower. Mine does not turn out as neat and pretty as yours is today. I love the butterflies buzzing around the card front and the hedgehog? oh my, he is adorable.

    Good luck with your DT challenge Sandra, looking forward to the results. And how are the little mint sauces doing?

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

  11. MARIA Fabulous card I'm so glad you let Sandra show it
    SANDRA Can't wait to see what tutorials you bring us
    Sorry JANET but the thought of rabbit - nooooo!
    Was it BRENDA that said about Every Item is a Pound - sounds like a real bargain even at that price I must take a look
    VAL I bet you smelled lovely!
    Hair done - she comes to the house and Hoover decided to say "no" Had to get a damp dustpan brush to sweep up the hair

  12. Evening everyone, late for me today, this is the week I cover my friends craft shop, Tuesday and Thursday, got home cut out toppers for cards, and had dinner, just the cards to finish, then think about the challenge card.
    Maria your card is beautiful, the hedgehog is lovely, hope you had a happy anniversary.
    Off to clear up now, then back to cards, take care everyone xxx

  13. Hello Sandra& Ladies
    MARIA how lovely is your card it's brilliant your a very clever & a talented crafter so know more saying otherwise. Love the stamp you used round the front of the gate fold & my favourite butterflys. Hope OH loved it
    went for walk this afternoon with dogs + one extra dog who we are looking after
    & we all got drenched. Now OH is asleep Grrr Snoring GRRR.
    I'm going in craft room now & try & make the challenge card.
    See you later Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Maria, what a beautiful card, I can see how much time and effort has gone into it. I wish I could stamp and colour half as well as you can. I'm sure OH wasn't at all worried about you using the same stamp on a card for him, I bet he was delighted with it. Thank you for sharing it with us all, I would love to see more of your wonderful cards, please.
    Only 4 sleeps now, I'm going to miss Mum being with us but I will do my best to spend her money for her, haha : )
    Sandra, It's good to hear that your DT package has arrived, am looking forward to seeing tomorrow.
    Sorry to hear some of you have had rain, it's been lovely here, a great day for fishing, well watching the girls fishing. Both are very happy as several (small) fish were caught by both of them so they have gone home happy, a bit grubby and very tired, just as they should after a day out : )
    Sending hugs to all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue yes it's a shame your mum won't be coming Saturday but Dad comes first, But I could help you spend mums money too if you like HeHe. Hug's Lynda xx

  15. Hallo everyone. Thank you ladies for your nice words about my card for OH !
    Val, we have been married 23 years this year. Two more and I hope we go on a holiday that's on my wish/ bucket list.:-)
    Brenda, love to see your bargains. Had a look and hope to get some items from them on Saturday but will go just before closing or you can't get in.
    Sue, sound like the girls had a great time. Still can't believe you are a grandma, you don't look old enough :-)
    See you soon.
    Lynda, we also had a walk today in the sunshine (sorry you got drenched tihi) with a skinny latte at the end,mmm lovely.
    Karen, I too need a haircut. Did your hoover start up at all or is it a goner ? Hope you had a nice day.
    Jess, hope you had a good day in the craft shop. Would like to see it for real one day.
    Cheryl,oh you do have to get around a lot with poor Rosie. Hope she will be ok.
    Pat, hope you three Grace's have a nice ,long crafting session tomorrow. I wonder how you doing in learning doing Quilling Sandra ? I saw this lady and I think it was her daughter on Hochanda, they made it look so easy but when I'm trying to make some it goes all wrong hihi
    Have nearly finished this week challenge card,yay hihi I making it into my parents 40th that coming up and might use it for making some more. I like this sketch.
    Oh good nearly bed time, not...lately I have sat here to about 2am and woken up again around 6am when the birds start singing outside. they are pretty busy early morning. I wish you all a good night !
    ps. So wish our missing friends would pop in ,just to say Hi. We/ I miss you all xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thank you. That stamp is so pretty you could use it on the TFC would look nice. Can you remember what it is called & who makes it please.
      I'm having my hair done Thursday cut & high lights so will look like mutton dressed as Lamb HiHi look forward to seeing you.
      Hug's Lynda xxxx

    2. Thanks for saying I don't look old enough to have grandchildren, but I certainly feel very old after a day with them! : )) x

  16. ohhh wow what a beautiful card so pretty love the detail xx

  17. Hi Amanda your a night owl too xx
