
Wednesday 6 April 2016

Matchbook style Stickpin Holder For Karen McClure's Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Something a little different today.
I was trying to think of something different to make for Karen McClures 500 + Subscribers Celebration Challenge, the theme of the challenge is 'Pass on the Love',
Karen has asked anyone that wants to take part to make a little some thing, it can be anything from a tag to a wall hanging, it doesn't matter how small, you just have to pass on the love to someone by way of sending them a gift.  You have to subscribe to Karens You Tube channel to take part.  (I am not saying you have to, just explaining the reason I made this gift), having set that Karen has some fantastic video tutorials, covering everything from altering paperclips to making cards and boxes.

I used my Bella Rose papers for this Matchbook, I added some lace from my stash, the little flower trim that my roses are on were in my DT Kit from Amanda at Scrimpys Craft Boutique, I also used a Martha Stewart Punch for the lace panel behind the Stickpins.  I finished the front with a pink ribbon bow topped with a tiny resin flower which was in a little bag of goodies as a thank you from Amanda with my last order.

I can do a tutorial for this Matchbook if any of you are interested, just let me know below.

I have got Pat & Sue coming over today, it seems like ages since we were all together.

Wendy L, Welcome to our little cafe/blog, its so lovely of you to stop by, I hope to see you in again very soon, I will look out for you on Saturday xxx

Lynn Dalby, you are very welcome too, I am truly blessed with the loviest bunch of ladies here on my blog, who will make you most welcome, thank you for popping in.

Have a fab day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful project. It would make a lovely gift.

    I haven't slept much last night as my leg was quite painful so I kept tossing & turning.

    I started a card last night but it turned into a birthday card for a friend, no inspiration for the challenge card yet.

    Work was crazy busy , hopefully today won't be quite so bad as I have been leaving things to do "later" which just hasn't happened.


    1. Hi Michele, hope the leg has eased up. Nothing worse than not sleeping then having to get up for work.
      Are you affected by the doctors being on strike today?
      Take care. Val x

    2. Hi Michele, I hope you've managed to get through today and your legs don't play up to much, I hate it when I get leg pain in the night, it's so difficult to find an and easy position to sleep in. It really sounds as if you have got a very heavy workload, can you not delegate? Or is the whole department working flat out. LOL xx

    3. Sorry you are still suffering, hope you have an easier day today. Take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    At last we have woken up to no rain. YEHHHHHHHHHHHH although we do have some ground mist. The garden is back to normal and the water tubs have stopped overflowing so fingers crossed for today.

    SANDRA- love this beautiful idea and what a fantastic gift for a crafter. I wouldn't matter what craft be it paper, mixed or sewing those gorgeous stick pins will do the job. I love everything you have used. I hope you will not mind but I would love to have a go.

    MICHELE - hope work is a little slower today for you though I suppose that's asking a lot in your line of work.

    I got my Challenge Card done yesterday and had a little play with my glue gun. I bought it years ago and then when I tried to use it I suppose I was a little afraid of it as the glue is so hot and not only that it dries so quickly anyway I tried it out on some tiny pieces of hessian and bits out of my bit drawer. Everything seemed OK so next step is to try and make something using it - watch this space! I just may need Michele as she's our first aid person here in the café!

    The builder came and looked at the waste water system yesterday morning and will be coming back when the ground has dried out so it can be fixed. The problem has been caused by someone further down the road from us who has been using some of his land to get rid of his rubble and so he has changed the water course the result being that the bottom of our garden and drive now floods when we get excessive rain.

    Have a good day everyone. I'm off now to have my breakfast. I see Marigny Dobbie has been busy dusting and sweeping. Is that because the Huggles got into the biscuits again last night and had a midnight feast?

    Hugs are on their way and plenty for all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. So glad youve finally got dry weather. Its good that the builder will be able to fx the water problem. I think all your rain has wandered down to us now.Never mind it saves me watering the garden I suppose.
      Enjoy your day. Val x

    2. Hello Janet, I hope the builders will be able to fix the water problem. Pleased you're having a brighter day, we started off with rain but now the Sun is shining not sure if it will last though. LOL xx

    3. Sorry you have had flodding in your garden hope builder sorts it soon. Sun shining at moment but we have had rain as well, proper April showers.xx

  3. Good Morning Sandra,and Friends, dull here but rain is expected soon, shame after such a lovely day yesterday. Hope it's not too bad as my Son and his family have gone to Dorset for a week, Oscar wants too find a dinosaur ( he's 5 ).

    Sandra what a cleaver lady you are, very pretty, would love to have a go , but no promises it would be anything like as good as yours. I was watching the video of covering a box and I noticed that the glue gun she was using had a very fine nozzle, do you know which make it is?
    A very big welcome to the new ladies, you will love it here.
    Finished all my ironing last night, so should be able to have a go at the challenge card tonight.
    Have a good day all, Michele hope the leg soon feels better.
    Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, I hope your son and his family have good weather in Dorset. And hope even more that Oscar finds his dinosaur. I am sure he will be delighted with any treasures he discovers. Take care LOL xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    SANDRA What a lovely matchbook. So pretty. Love the paper and the pretty flowers and the beautiful stick pins. Would love to see how youve made it but not promising I would or could be able to.
    Well its rain, rain, rain here since last night. I know its needed here but I wish it would stick to raining during the night. I have one very miserable little dog here yet again.
    I'm out for lunch today to a very lovely restaurant. Will let you know later what I had to eat.
    Have a goodcday everyone.
    Take care.
    Love Val x

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Oh I love this little matchbook gift Sandra, and your stick pins are beautiful :-) A tutorial would be great. Must have a look at Karen's channel - sounds like my sort of thing.
    Welcome to the new ladies to the blog. Hope all are well and have a great day. Have fun Sandra with Pat and Sue.
    Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful matchbook and stick pins. The gorgeous Bella Rose paper is perfect for this isn't it. I would like to see a tutorial please. See you in a while, it feels like so long since we were all together doesn't it.
    Welcome to Wendy L and Lynn D. It's lovely to see you in this wonderful friendly supportive Cafe. I hope you enjoy all of the fabulous cakes etc. and remember that they are all calorie free : ) Hope to see you again very soon.
    Michele, I hope your leg isn't too painful today, sorry to hear it kept you awake last night. I hope you can catch up with some of those "later" jobs too.
    Janet, what a nuisance that your garden gets flooded because of someone else. Hope it can be sorted soon.
    Lilian, it's sounds like we are going to have a similar day weather wise up here in Oxfordshire. Enjoy your crafting time tonight.
    Val, sorry you've got the rain now. Im like you in that I wish it would only rain at night too. Enjoy your meal, I'm looking forward to hearing what you had : )
    Sonia, our Crafty meetings are always over so quickly, the time just flies, but we do have fun and put the world to rights too. Have a good day.
    Only 3 sleeps now Maria : ) Have a good day.
    Lynn, I hope you are still taking it easy, no hoovering please.
    I haven't packed my craft bags yet so must get on. I'm sending hugs to all of you and extras for those in need. Take care xx

  7. Fantastic stickpins and holder Sandra super pretty ... hope you have fun crafting today hugs x Amanda

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    A lovely little gift for us today, it could be used for any crafter.
    Welcome to the new ladies, hope you drop in again for a laugh and chat.
    Have a nice day with Pat and Sue today Sandra.
    Housework calls, take care everyone, xxx

  9. Hello Maria. Call the huggles out of hiding and I bet you'd soon find that die!.lol Are there leaf stamps all over the table tops in the cafe? Good hunting. xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely Stick pin box very pretty. Thank you for showing us. Enjoy your day crafting with Pat & Sue.
    I have just had my new Hotpoint tumble dryer fitted, mine was one of the recall ones but as it was more than a year old I had choice either wait for engineer to adapt it, which they estimated would be NOVEMBER or for £59.00 I could have a brand new 8kg, mine was 6.5kg, delivered fitted & old one taken away! There really was no choice you get 12 months guarantee again as well. I am one happy bunny now just got to find out what all buttons etc do.
    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely stick pin holder, thank you for sharing with us. Have fun with Pat & Sue
    Welcome to Wendy L & Lyn hope you join us & enjoy the company of the lovely ladies who use the cafe.
    Just had my new Hotpoint tumble dryer delivered, mine was one of the recall ones. I had choice as it was over a year old, it was 2, I could wait for engineer to fit adaption which was forecast in NOVEMBER or I could have an 8kg, mine was 6kg, brand new one for £59.00. They delivered,fitted & took old one away! Plus I get 12mth guarantee again. As you can imagine I am one happy bunny just have to sort what all buttons do.
    Must get on & finish cross stitch to post to Canada.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. WOW Margaret. Your new tumble dryer sounds a real bargain. I love to finish off the towels in the dryer after theyve dried outside. It makes them so soft. Hope you figure out the buttons ha ha.
      Love Val x

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I hope our 'Three Graces' have a very productive day. Looking forward to seeing all of you on Saturday.

    Sandra your matchbook style stickpin holder is really beautiful. And wouldn't love this it really is gorgeous. A tutorial would be brilliant, and of course it doesn't have to be used for stickpins, it would be a beautiful way to present any small gift, it could even be used to hold a voucher or money. The possibilities go on and on.

    The day is started off very wet, but now we have beautiful sunshine, now I dare I peg those towels out ???

    Looking forward Ally Pally on Saturday, I know the Three Garces and Paul will be there also Maria, Lynda, and Brenda H (Littlelamb) have I missed anyone? If you are going it would be lovely to meet up - just to say HELLOOOOOOOOOOO.

    Hope everyone has a good day, sending Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Oops - and WHO wouldn't love this, it really is gorgeous xx

  12. Sorry for repeating myself, went to check names of new ladies & thought it had disappeared!! Reminder to self check before publish!xx

  13. Good luck with the cleaning. Hope you find your die & leaf stamp. Don't forget your cross stitch to give to Sue for me.
    Don't go doing too much want you fit for Sat. Take care love Margaret xx

  14. Hi everyone.
    Hope Sandra , Pat and Sue had a lovely time crafting and chatting today.
    Had a lovely lunch. It started with a very large mixed salad placed in the middle of the table with crusty bread and Ali Oli whilst we were choosing our meal. I started off with Pork Koftas with a chunky apple sauce. The koftas tasted heavily of cumin and were so tasty. For my main course I had Beef Goulash with creamy mash and the veg were Cauli, carrots and cabbage. I did struggle to finish it and brought some meat home for the furries as a treat. We asked for a break before desert and there was a heck of a selection. I chose hot cherries with Cassis liquer and ice ream and yes it was as delicious as it sounds. I had 2 diet cokes with it and it was €43 for the 3 of us. We'll definitely go again. Just having a quiet sit down for an hour and then its Gracie walking time. The rain has stopped yeh.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Val x

    1. Hi Val
      Your meal sounds delicious, I can't believe the value, Where was the restaurant? I only ask as paul's parents are flying to Alicante today to stay with Paul's uncle who lives at Murcia, they always eat out and struggle to find places at times but this place sounds perfect.
      No cooking for you tonight then, you can craft instead!!!
      Glad the weather brightened up for you, we have had bright sunshine and very heavy hailstone showers too, Paul has got soaked through twice today!!
      Have a lovely evening,
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Afternoon Ladies

    The doctors strike doesn't affect the chemotherapy service as its all run by Consultants who are not on strike. The rest of the hospital is showing signs of the strain. Due to our elderly population, we have a huge problem with bed blocking-we're nearly always on "red alert " meaning no beds & potentially telling ambulances to divert.
    My leg has been so uncomfortable today that I rang the GP surgery for an appointment--no luck if I want one late in the day or evening surgery in the next few weeks. Managed to book one for 8.30am next Tuesday which isn't really convenient but Heh Ho!!

    Work was chaotic today so no chance of any catching up, ah well-there's always tomorrow.


    1. Michele that is disgusting service, you clearly need seeing before next flipping Tuesday, do they not have emergency appointments? I know the pain you are in and it doesnt matter what you do you cant get comfortable, sleeping is difficult too!!
      I don't knoiw how you manage a whole day on your feet
      My lovely, try and take it easy!
      You say about bed blocking, here they can't wait to chuckbyoubout of the door!!
      Pat had a phone call today to say that Doreen (the Lady that her and Pete have been caring for)'is being sent home today, now she had her surgery last Thursday, she is needing the other hip replaced asap too, so has no 'good leg' to depend on, she is going home to be on her own totally, she has an outside toilet and some tricky steps to navigate, her stairs are very narrow and very steep, so she won't be able to manage those either!! Its a bloody disgrace, I am sure Pat and Pete are as worried as I am about her welfare, it makes me so cross, she was supposed to be going to a convalescence unit, to recover enough to go back and have the other hip done, why this hasn't happened I don't know, but it should nt be left to Pat and Pete to taken on all her care needs!
      Working in the NHS must be equally frustrating!
      Please take it easy Michele, sending gentle hugs,

  16. Hello All, just a warning for you all, my beloved husband has just been conned on the phone from someone purporting to be from the council valuation office telling him we were in a too high of tax band and said we would be due a refund, but the administration charge was £65, and they needed his bank card details, well he wasn't thinking and gave it too a very nice sounded lady !!!!!
    Now she must have been good as my O/H is usually on the ball, luckily I caught the end of the call and as he was telling me alarm bells rang in my head, so we phoned the bank and managed to get cards blocked before any money was taken.
    Such a shame that there are so many people out there trying to con you out of your money, and they seem to target pensioners.

    Sandra hope you don't mind me posting this, as it's not craft related, but if it stops anyone else from being caught thought it worthwhile.

    Have a good evening all. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      I don't mind at all, you can post about anything you like, people like this disgust me. Mainly because I know that if they rang my mum she would give her details too and probably not mentioned it to us until it was too late!
      There are so many different scams, there is one where they are pretending to be from BT about line rental, the annoying "windows" caller, so many that the elderly that aren't suspicious of anyone!
      Paul's father is very cautious but still managed to be conned, he gave his online sign in details, they accessed his email contact list, went back through his message to see how he signed his name, (his name is john but he uses his middle name which is Barrie with is not y)!! They got all those details and emailed all to say he had been mugged in Spain and needed money asap as they had taken his passport and everything! They chose a place that they visit often too, so at first the email was quite believable, we obviously knew they were home, but friends on their contact didn't !! He felt very foolish and itvtook a long time to rectify!
      Thank you so much for thinking of coming on to warn all okf us Lilian, take care, I hope yours gets sorted quickly too !!
      Love and hugs

  17. Hi everyone.
    SANDRA. The restaurant is called La Cosecha and its in a place called Benijofar which is near Quesada. Lynn says its about a half hour drive from Murcia. Its well worth a visit but a must to book as it was full to the brim.
    Ladies I'm horrified reading of the scams people are being taken in by. I was caught last year giving my details to ebay to update them. My English bank rang me next day to ask if I'd bought some computer equipment from America. Of course I hadnt so they cancelled my card and issued me with another. Like everyone else it just seemed an innocent thing to do at the time and thats what these people are banking on. I felt really stupid that I'd fallen for something so stupid but these horrible people are so clever. Thank you ladies for bringing these cases to our attention.
    Take care Val x

  18. Evening all,
    hope you all alright. Val had a nice day with some wonderful food, sure your little friends were happy you bringing some goodies back home Tihi.
    Seem like a few of us did housework today, mine ended up to a Spring clean with the duster going like the wind outside and Mr hoover going up and down everywhere with furniture moved out and back. I can just say that my arms are no longer mine and I walking like an injured hippo hihi. Don't worry ladies, I'll be fine by Saturday.
    Thank you Lilian for brining this scam to our attention.
    We have often calls people saying we have problems with our computer ,the Tv etc. I also often find e-mails in my spam that asking for money for one thing or other. It's scary how easy it is for them to set you up if you are not careful.
    Oh Margaret, I thought I was seeing double with my new glasses , glad it was just you Lol
    No luck with the dies or stamp, they have gone walkabout somewhere, sure find them one day.
    Tired tonight yay so will have an earl-ish night so I wish you all a good night and sleep well xxxx

  19. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Yes I know I'm late again someone keeps pinching my day, I don't seem like I have enough hours in the day any more. I honestly do not know how I managed when I was working full time. I have been makingmy challenge card have done three emails I have one more but wanted to say hi everyone.
    Welcome Wendy L & Lynn D you will love it here in the cafe' hope you both come back soon..MARIA you sound like super woman with all that cleaning & furnisher moving right not any more this week you have to be some ware on Saterday we don't want you getting House maid's knee now & can't walk round this mega craft event 😀.
    Well I'm off to bed I think have to be up early haveing hair cut & hi lights done. She is coming at 9 o'clock
    Good night God bless love Lynda xxxxx

  20. awww thank you sweetie for taking part x I just love being able to send out virtual love to all our friends it is just like sending a hug x So thank you for taking part and your wee match box is beautiful x Thank you for sharing x Lots of Love and Hugs Karen xxx

  21. awww thank you sweetie for taking part x I just love being able to send out virtual love to all our friends it is just like sending a hug x So thank you for taking part and your wee match box is beautiful x Thank you for sharing x Lots of Love and Hugs Karen xxx
