
Thursday 7 April 2016

Pat's Rococo Panel card

Good Morning Lovely Ladies,

Today's card has been designed and created by our Pat, she has used the Creative Expressions Rococo Die to create a beautiful, intricate lacey panel, which Pat then added to a matt of pretty blue card.
The sentiment has been added a Spellbinders Floral Oval Frame that works perfectly in the centre of this card.
Pat you have lined those dies up with amazing precision,Sue and I where both blown away. Thank you so much for sharing your card, like Maria we dont see enough of your cards either! Xx

Now ladies can I have you guilty secret photos please, Pat that includes you,Sue maybe yours will come in time too!

Hope everyone is well we are missing some of our little family, hope all is OK.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a stunning card. I love it.

    Slept better last night but my leg is still uncomfortable to painful. I think I'll ring the GP surgery up to see if there's been any cancellations.

    It's an awful day weather wise here-wet & very windy. If only I wasn't going to work, I could spend the day in my craft room!


    1. Do hope you manage to get a cancellation. Its disgracful having to wait for so long. Val x

    2. Hi Michelle
      I hope you managed to get into the Drs. Ours is a 3 week wait if you want to see your own Dr. They do release appointments first thing in the morning. However, you bed to go down as soon as they open as you can't get through on the phone. Hope your legs feeling better soon.

    3. Hi Michele sorry your leg is still painful I know how painful sciatica is I have had it a few times the last one was awful a real double whammy of pain Dr gave me three different painkillers to take all at once.i felt like a druggie HiHi. Hope you get an appointment sooner. Hug's xx

    4. Hi Michele. I hope you have managed to get an earlier appointment. Our doctors used to share a building with another doctors and "one of the other doctors receptionists used to tell people to go to A & E if they felt they couldn't wait to be seen by a doctor! I'm sure you can imagine what would happen to A & E if everyone did that ( enough impatient people do it already don't they) Sending healing hugs x

    5. Hi Michele,
      I hope you got to see a Dr. today. Please take care hope it improves soon. Love Margaret xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Pat - WOW what a beautiful card you have given us and a lesson to be learned which says if you have a beautiful background then there isn't any need for anything else other than a sentiment. I also love your colours but any shade of blue is a winner with me. Thank you so much for letting Sandra share your gorgeous card.

    So the Three Graces had a very productive crafting day and also putting the world to rights.

    I sent my Challenge card and Guilty Secret to Sandra yesterday so I can now have a play with my beautiful lace though probably by the end of the day I'll be tearing my hair out as things haven't gone as I want the to. Nevermind I need a hair cut anyway.

    Michele - I hope you managed to get a little sleep last night.
    Val - your lunch yesterday sounded wonderful - I wouldn't have managed half of the menu you had but then a good meal isn't just the food is it it's the company round the table and the place your in.

    We have a dull morning but finger crossed that it will turn out like yesterday - we had some sunshine and I managed to sit in the veranda in the sunshine

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm glad the weather cheered up for you yesterday, it's raining here at the moment. 3 birthday cards haven't been delivered after I've posted them in the box by us.

  3. Hello it's me again. Don't know what happened there but I hadn't touched pubish!! Anyway I'm off before anything else happens. Have a good day and hugs are on their way for everyone including absent Friends. xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and Friends, rainy and windy her today.
    Pat love your card, glad you all had a good day yesterday.

    Am waiting for one more delivery , and then I will send my guilty buys to Sandra.
    Had a play with some new texture paste and new stencils last night, but not much else.
    Have a good day all, Michele hope you get to Dr soon.
    Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Look forward to seeing what you've made with the paste and stencils.

  5. Hello I have been popping in, just not had time to stay and have a coffee
    The makes have been gorgeous Your stick pin idea was brill SANDRA and PAT's card is tremendous I don't know if I'd have the skill or patience MARIA's make earlier was lovely To make a gatefold and line up that stamping was very skillful
    Must dash I need to get to work

    1. Thank you. you know I love your cards you make, they are all stunning. Have a good day at work xxx

    2. Thanks Karen, however, no lining up needed as such, just slotting it in and cutting on each end.

  6. Super card Pat, especially like the centre sentiment. Another item for my
    "must have" wish list.

    1. It is a lovely die I think it was one if Pat's cards that made me buy it

  7. Hi everone.
    What a beautiful card you have made PAT. So perfect the way youve lined up the die and just love the colour blue youve used. Something else for me to try.
    such a lovely sunny day here but I MUST do some housework today. I've been putting it off all week. Perhaps I can use up some of the calories I ate yesterday. Ha ha. I think I'd have to run a marathon to do that.
    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you're up to.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val. I'm glad that you had a lovely meal yesterday, it made my mouth water hearing about it. I hope you have got a little bit of house work done, then you can craft and not feel guilty : ) x

  8. Good morning Ladies,
    Absolutely love your card Pat , it really show less is more for impact, it really shows off the die to perfection ( can't see the joins lol! ) and the colour combination is stunning!
    Also loved Maria's card , as you know I love stamping , so that made it even more special and I'm sure the recipient loved it too.
    Great idea from Sandra yesterday , my stick pins are just lying in a clump , but I'm sure if I had some as pretty as this I'd want to protect them in this way.
    We still have our daughter and family here so I'm not getting much time to myself to craft or relax but things will be back to normal on Sunday, meanwhile we are enjoying the children and having fun.
    It's our oldest granddaughters 13 th birthday on Saturday so although I have the focal point made I need to get her card put together, does anyone have a good verse for someone becoming a teenager?
    Janet , I hope it's stopped raining in Maringy and the sun starts to shine soon, I look forward to popping into the cafe for coffee and cake soon.
    Michele hope you are feeling a bit better today.
    Lots of friends missing , hope you pop back soon , we miss you .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Thank you, Have a lovely time with your Family.
      Hope you are ok after playing golf xxx

    2. No joins Anne, you just cut one along the edge then turn the card round and slot the die in along that edge using the last cut to slot the die into. I'm not much good at explaining I'm afraid.
      Hope the golf went went.

    3. If you google teenager birthday quotes you'll find a whole host of sites I'm not at laptop at mo so can't remember name of one I have used What about a line from a favourite song...

    4. Sorry to say the golf was rubbish but it was a lovely walk and the lunch was good lol!

  9. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Pat, I think your card is beautiful, love the shades of blue you have chosen. This design would work so I well in many colours, but I also think blue would be my first choice. Thank you for sharing your inspiring design. (I have just added that background die to my wish list)

    So pleased you girls had a lovely day yesterday. Sandra I did send you my guilty secrets picture, although it was very late last night, I had it in my head you needed it for this morning.

    Well children starting to move so will get a wiggle on, we are going home later, so will be sleeping in our own bed tonight, tand taking things easy tomorrow - saving my energy for Ally Pally on Saturday. Two more sleeps Maria. 😃

    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Yes, two more sleeps Brenda until we be poor again
      (in our purse) but so well worth it when meeting up with so many good friends forever ! xxx

    2. I agree with you Maria : ) x

    3. Hi Brenda,
      How nice it is to sleep in our own bed isn't it. I hope you get a chance to relax tomorrow. It's a shame I am missing seeing you all on Sat but needs must. Perhaps you can keep an eye on Sue spending my money!! Hope you have a lovely day love

  10. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Wow Pat, your card is gorgeous and I love the colour !
    Will have to pick your brain how you have managed to put the Rococo together so precise :-) Hope you and Pete have a good day and no rushing around.
    Michele- hope you get to see a doctor this morning, feel for you to be in pain. Take care,
    Janet- wish you and Jim another nice day. We are with rain again today, very dull in Bucks.
    Oh Val- take your time with the housework, I don't think I even could walk a Marathon after yesterdays assault course and my arms don't want to rise up hihi but Lynda- I will be fit and ready for Saturday, might have to sit down a bit more that's all. Don't want to be in the way for Hochanda filming.
    Must go SIL and her hubby will be here in a minute so must put the face on but hope to see you later tonight. Have a goood day everyone whatever you do !
    Saba, Myra, Maureen, Hazel and anyone else missing , hope you are ok and will come back Love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Hope you have had a lovely day with your visitors. Please relax tomorrow so you are fit for Sat. Will be thinking of you all. Love Margaret xxx

  11. Absolutely stunning Pat x Thank you Sandra x for you constant inspirational posts x Lots of Love and Hugs Karen xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Well, I haven't been able to get into the Internet this morning as our new router keeps dropping out.
    Ladies the die I used on this card was the SW Octagan striplet die as I didn't have the Rococo die at the time.
    All I did Maria was to use a 7" mat and cut the first one out ( no embossing as it seems to not line up correctly when you emboss. Turn the card round 1 turn, slot the die in and cut again along the edge.Do that on all four sides. That will leave you a square in the middle. Not to sure if that makes sense Maria, but I'll explain again when I see you on Saturday.
    Hugs to all in need of one today.

    1. Hi Pat. It was lovely to spend time together yesterday, I hope
      Pete managed to get Doreen safely settled at home last night. I know I was worried about her, and so was Sandra, so I can't imagine how worried you and Pete must have been, and will be until she has recovered from her hip replacement! At least you will have a day out on Saturday : ) You know how much I live your card "in the flesh" it is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. See you on Saturday x

    2. Hi Pat,
      What a beautiful card my favourite colour as well, I love it. Thank youo for showing us.
      Sorry to hear they sent Doreen home it really makes you wonder how they think she will manage. I hope you are not taking it all on you need to look after yourself. Sorry I will not see you on Sat but hope you have a lovely day, will be thinking of you. Love Margaret xxx

  13. As this card is hard to explain how it's done. I could ask Sandra to do a tutorial if you want, the Rococo die won't make this design this way.

  14. Hi Sandra & ladies
    please forgive me for not saying your little box yesterday was so Gorgeous I loved it.Pat Wow your card is Gorgeous too. I love the colour card you have used blue is my favourite colour & the die is beautiful love everything about your card.will have to leave you for a moment as got to wash my high lite bleach off now. will be back in a moment Hug's Lynda xx

  15. Ooh hope the highlights are ok LYNDA just left work I should have finished 1pm I'll try and catch up later

  16. Hi everyone, Pat your card is lovely, just goes to show you don't need a lot to make a beautiful card, might just have to pinch this idea if that's ok?
    Been at my friends craft shop today covering as she takes her card class, had a good day, just bought a pack of cards and some glue, not so much a guilty secret more of a necessity.
    Need to go and sort out dinner, enjoy the rest of your day everyone, take care xx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I will say again how much I love Pat's card, and it's iny favourite blue : )
    Sandra, thanks for a lovely day yesterday. I do wish the time didn't fly by so quickly though. I have sent my Guilty Secret to you this week. I am trying to decide what to do for this weeks Challenge card so that I can send it to you either tonight or tomorrow, because I have a feeling that I will not be in any fit state on Sat evening when we get back from Ally Pally. Only 2 sleeps now : )
    Lilian, thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to warn us of the scam that your husband fell for. It just goes to show how these awful people can trick the most sensible people. Thank goodness you were able to put a stop on your account before they stole any money from you.
    That is part of what makes this blog so wonderful. We are all here for each other, in both good and bad times, and we get to see Sandra's and each others gorgeous crafts too. What a winner : )
    Sending hugs to you all with extras for those in need. Take care xx

  18. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you had a good day yesterday. Pat's card is beautiful I love everything about it, thank you for showing us.
    I hope to have a go at challenge card tomorrow. Hope you are having a quiet day tomorrow so you are fit for Sat. Have a lovely time will be thinking of you. Xxx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  19. Sorry I have been missing again. Has been a very busy weekend just haven't got round to reading my emails or anything. Lovely card today Pat. I did one a similar method as this with one of the other striplets. It makes I lovely card. I am waiting for that sentiment. So many people are using it. Well I an already in my PJ's so think I will go to bed. Hope it's a quiet day tomorrow with Saturday being busy. Still raining here.
