
Monday 4 April 2016

Monday Sketch challenge

 My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you find this sketch not too much of a challenge, I think it is good to be pushed out of your comfort zone a little bit, without feeling daunted.  I have really enjoyed  the challenges.
If you don't have a heart die or topper you can change the shape. I have left the card without a sentiment so that I can use it for any occasion, I think I could cover anything from 'thank you' to 'Happy Anniversary' , I am really looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

I have received my Design Team Kit from Amanda, it is so gorgeous, I will photograph and let you see what I got, my mind is racing!!

We have only got 5 more sleeps until Ally Pally, I am so looking forward to meeting up with everyone that is going. It seems like forever since we all got together, my only concern is that it will be super busy because of Hochanda being there! Fingers crossed there will still be a table that we can sit at together for lunch.

Have a lovely day everyone,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone - I will not say 'good' as once again we have rain and very grey skies but perhaps it will get better as the day goes on.

    Love today's sketch Sandra and your card is an inspiration. (sorry I'm now laughing as I just finished typing inspiration a cow bellowed very loudly in the field at the side of us.)

    I shall be putting my little grey cell to work to try and create!

    I'm also very envious Sandra that you have your kit from Amanda as I'm still waiting for the postie to deliver my purchases. Fingers crossed it will be today.

    I can feel the excitement building here in Marigny from all of you lucky ladies who are going to Ally Pally at the week-end. I do hope you can all meet up for lunch. The café will be very bare without you all.

    I have sent supplies for the week with Dobbie and asked him to lock the cupboard after he has filled it as the cakes/biscuits seemed to go very quickly last week. I think that one or two of the Huggles have worked out how to open that cupboard without a key. I know they are clever little Huggles as they have shown us so many tricks over the last year.

    OK off now to have my breakfast. Hugs have been despatched in every direction hoping that they catch everyone in need. xxxx

    1. Good morning my dear Friend,
      Weather is quite the contrast to last summers drought, hopefully it will fill all of your water butts etc ready for summer, its a shame for people who have driven over to France for Easter holidays though.
      Janet I so wish you were able to join us on Saturday, I am determined to meet you this year my lovely.
      Margaret will be in café on Saturday, as she can't make Ally Pally this time. Its sad as this would have been her first Ally Pally as a card maker! But I'm sure that the two of you along with our Northern lasses will have fun!
      I hope your parcel arrives soon from Amanda, I think I ordered mine a little before you, you will love everything inside, remember to photograph it when you open it, I am excited to see what Amanda has put together for you!!
      I will catch up with you later,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Janet, hope your day is fine even if the weather seem to have other ideas. Is it anything you are missing that we could get for you from Ally Pally ?
      Take care xxx

    3. Hi Janet
      It's raining here now, I hope yours clears up soon.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Love your card Sandra, will have to experiment in the craft room for this one. I do have an idea in my head but it may not quite work!

    My bold isn't too bad this morning which is lucky as we have a busy day at work then I have a few things to post straight after work. I think I'll be glad to sit down tonight. We stand up all day at work, apart from our breaks so it gets quite tiring.

    Janet-I'll be keeping you company at the weekend as no Ally Pally for me. I'd love to go but it's too far to manage in one day.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Glad to read that your cold is slowly getting better,there is nothing more tiring than that heavy congested feeling, that worsens if you put your head down! It must feel so much better to be able to move your head freely!
      I bet your days can drag when all you want to do is sit down! Is it a cost thing or health and safety?
      Either way your legs must be so achy at the end of the day!
      Sending hugs your way
      Sandra xxxx

    2. morning Michele or it will be evening probably by the time you manage to get back here after a full day of work and then jobs to do after. We will have to find something nice for Sat/Sun here in the Café as we won't be in London. I'll try and find something yummy. Hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Michele, glaf youre feeling a bit better today. I'm sure standing up a lot cant be helping your sciatica and I bet you just flop at the end of the day.
      Take care.
      Val x

    4. Hi Michele, glad you are getting better. I used to have a standing job for the hospital and they kindly gave us some clogs with special sole so our legs wouldn't get too tired, they were great. Wish I had a pair now standing in the kitchen crafting.
      Take care xxx

    5. Sorry to hear you still have your cold Michelle. Are you able to do your job still if you have a cold?.

    6. Seems like your a winner on Julia's blog so congratulations.

    7. Thanks for all your comments. I'm feeling much better but unfortunately hubby isn't! If anyone has any sort of infection they can't go in the Aseptic Unit (potential contamination for the chemotherapy etc). Luckily (?) as I'm "management " I rarely go in the unit so I can carry on working. There's a new housing estate being built near to the hospital & they've just put up temporary traffic lights today-total gridlock outside the hospital. I was stuck there for over 15 minutes but made it to the Post Office OK. I was very glad to sit down tonight. I'll try & tackle the challenge card tomorrow evening.


  3. Hello Sandra and Friends, wet and cold here again.
    Love your card Sandra, did you cut the hessian with a die, or did you use scissors? The challenge looks good, will try and do better this week. ( hands feeling better today )
    Michele is a winner of the giveaway card on Julia's blog, well done.
    Well busy day here cleaner this morning , then O/H off to London for a meeting, going by train and staying overnight with our daughter.
    Will try and pop by later, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      I used Sue Wilson's recent heart die, Hessian die cuts really well, I pulled as few bits off the sides of the heart to make it look more 'tattered' .
      Hope your weather brightens, we are forecast thunder storms today!! (The bonus of Paul working in planning ) they get weather reports..
      Do yuou tidy up before cleaner arrives??

    2. Hi Lilian, hope you have a nice day and the cleaner do a good job. Wonder if she could do mine next :-)
      Wish you sunshine tomorrow xxx

    3. Thanks for the weather forecast Sandra. Not to keen on thunder.

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love your card Sandra, and this weeks sketch. Hopefully I will get round to having a go. Lots to catch up on, now that I am feeling much better - although still quite tired :-( Back to work tomorrow, but will be taking it easy - I don't want this virus to come back.
    Hope everyone is well. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      So pleased that you are on the mend, it's so much harder to sleep when you are bunged up, which results in you feeling like a zombie !! Hopefully you will sleep so much better after a couple of decent nights sleep!!
      Are you coming to Ally Pally?? Or is it too far?
      I would love the chance to meet up with you this time.
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sonia, so glad you are feeling more like yourself but this virus that have gone around do takes it's time. Look after yourself xxx

    3. Thank you Sandra and Maria :-) Have been busy this morning catching up with some crafting - first time in a couple of weeks I have actually felt like doing any. Unfortunately I won't be going to Ally Pally, Sandra. Hope that one day I will get there, but don't fancy travelling into London (I know I'd get lost) and there never seem to be any coach trips from this area going there :-( I may have to twist my Husbands arm and see if he would take me one time! Hugs xxx

    4. Take care Sonis. This virus sure is leaving its mark throughout the blog,

    5. Glad to hear you are feeling better Sonia : ) x

  5. Hello all I wrote a long post yesterday and you've guessed it disappeared into oblivion Yesterday's cards were lovely, all so very different I can't remember what I said to repeat So just take care all Am hoping to come to AP on Sat Can't wait to meet you all Busy week so may not be able to do sketch

    1. Hi Karen,
      So frustrating when you type along post and it disappears, I do wonder where all of these messages end up!!
      I am so looking forward to meeting you on Sat, been wanting to meet up with you for a long time,
      Will you arrive with Maria?

    2. Oh Karen , how annoying is that when the comments flying off into the ether. You can come to Ally Pally, no baby yet ? :-) Is your friend coming with you ?
      Sandra ,Karen and I are around an hour from each-other so we will get to London on our own accord.
      Rick is taking me down for 10am. xxx

  6. Good looking card Sandra, very fond of the colours used.
    Looked into the logistics of getting to the Ally Pally but
    just a step to far for me, too many changes by train, stations
    etc. Look forward to hearing how you all get on and purchases
    and ideas bought home.

    1. That's a shame, would have loved to meet you. One day.... Happy crafting day xxx

  7. Good Morning Ladies,

    Lovely card and challenge sketch for this week Sandra. Love the hessian heart, is this type of card what they call the 'grunge look'? I've often heard that expression but not a clue as to what it means.
    Not such a bright start today, hopefully it will clear a bit before our walk. Today will be along our bypass, over to Taunton for lunch at the Harvester then 3 pm appointment for Rosie at Musgrove park Hospital.
    Yesterday we went there for her MRI scan, arrived early at the X-ray department 8.50am, receptionist said to wait, she would ring the mobile MRI scanner Unit and then show us where to go. As we had already passed the Unit in the car park, that was bit of a daft thing to say to us. At 9.15 I asked Rosie what was her appointment time again, at which point the young girl looked up and realised we were still there. We were then asked to sit and wait in the main corridor until someone came to collect her. Half an hour passed in the cold (the chairs were by automatic doors that kept opening and not closing) before I went across to the Unit, knocked on the door and said (in my politest Sunday voice) that 'her appointment was for 9.05am and how much longer did we have to wait?' The technician got very flustered and said they didn't even know we were there, they assumed Rosie hadn't turned up because the receptionist hadn't rung through or booked her in! I then asked again, oh so politely, 'why somebody hadn't thought to come and check? and because of that, we now incurred additional parking costs.' (As you all know, these parking companies charge hand over fist swingeing prices) We were only around the corner. It also turned out that the gentleman? whose appointment was after Rosie's didn't bother waiting and went straight to the Unit, knocked on the door, claimed he could not understand what they were saying and so they saw him first. NHS due care and diligence at Musgrove is fast becoming a joke. I shall be complaining this morning after asking to speak to a Xray Dept. supervisor. None was there yesterday. And we have to go back again today for the follow up for last week's emergency appointment, let's hope the AMU are on the ball today.
    We called into Monkton Elms garden centre on the way back for a well- earned cup of tea and coffee. We spent the next half hour discussing the murals (depicting country life) and chilling out.

    Cuppa is calling me, see you all later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl
      You have my heart felt sympathies re yesterday and having to hang around waiting in hospitals. I wouldn't want to add up all the hours I've spent over the years waiting when having an appointment. Hope today is far better for both of you. I bet that cuppa was absolute nectar yesterday afternoon. Have a good walk and lunch today. Hugs my dear Friend xxxx

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      That sounds like a nightmare visit to the hospital. Theres nothing worse than just sitting in a waiting room and no one seems to be bothered. Just hope today goes easier for you.
      Enjoy you walk and lunch.
      Love Val x

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      I am so sorry you had such a frustrating visit to the hospital yesterday. We had a similar experience at Royal Berks Hospital, Reading, a scan at 1.15 then pre-admission at 1.45 in a completely different part of the hospital. We were still waiting for scan at 2.00pm, not at all bothered we had now missed our next appointment, consequently we had to wait in pre-admission until they could fit us in. Hope you have better luck today. Enjoy your walk hope you don't get wet, it's raining here again.
      Take care xx

    4. Hi Cheryl, what a frustrating day for you both. Hope today goes ok and no more hanging around.
      Take care xxx

    5. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like a nightmare to he. Kind you the same thing happened to us. Pete had two appointments. The MRI people called him in. 1 minute later the CT people called him. I said he was having his MRI done. They said ok, so we sat and waited and waited, an hour later we asked if he had been missed. They said oh we did realise get was out. Crazy .

    6. Cheryl. Sorry to hear you and Rosie had such a lot of being messed around yesterday. It seems to be the same in most hospitals. Makes you realise where so much time and money goes! I hope you both got on much better today x

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Your card looks good today, will have to get my thinking cap on to come up with something for the challenge.
    It is a really miserable day here so dark and wet, where is our Spring time weather.
    Housework beckons, washing will have to be tumbled dried today, kitchen will look like a Chinese laundry, for most of the day.
    Janet thanks for locking the cake store, I think these huggles will need to go an diet soon.
    Take care whatever you all get up to, xxx

    1. Hi Jess, hope your day is going alright. pity it's still so wet to have to hang the washing indoors. At the same time no problems with the pegs unless you are using them indoors too :-) xxx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Just love this sketch Sandra and the beautirul example you've made. Am looking forward to seeing your exciting Design Team kit and also what youre going to make with it.
    Its got to be a housework day today and I could write my name in the dust at the moment but I'm really not in the mood. Would prefer to sit in my craft room.
    I'm so envious of you ladies that are going to Ally Pally. We were talking at the Craft Club last Fridayvand a few of us are talking about going over for the next one. I've never been to a large Craft venue before so I do hope it come off. My friend Wendy ( Spanish Crafter) is going over this year. Shell be helping John
    out. How exciting.
    Well one more coffee I think and then I'll get out the hoover or maybe not!!!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val, did the hoover get any exercise or did the crafting win ? :-) Take care xxx

    2. Hello Val - PUT THE HOOVER AWAY crafting always wins. You know it makes sense!!!
      Hugs xxxx

    3. I'd love to go to one of the big shows. I met your friend Wendy's sister at a demonstration at Lady Green garden centre. It was Julia Watts doing the demo.


  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope to have a go at the challenge card probably later in week, have some cross stitch I must finish before Wed. to post to Canada. Like the look of the design Looking forward to seeing what you make with your Design Team goodies. I am sorry I will miss Ally Pally, Sue has instructions for what I need, I hope she gets some bargains with my
    Miserable weather here again, getting fed up with having to wear wellies to walk Star, it had just dried nicely then down came the rain again.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, I will miss you ! Hope pop is getting better and can stand up a bit more. hugs to you both xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Like you challenge card today. That's not saying I'm going to make one, hut I'll have a look to see what kind of shape I could use instead of a heart. I might have a heart stamp so I'll try and go through my stash.
    I hope that Mats lambs are doing well. Raining here as well know Janet. Wow, I've just looked and it says I can publish as patswitney rather than go to gmail first. What's happened I wonder.

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Love the sketch Sandra and your card is lovely. Must get my thinking cap on, never know what you can find :-)
    Your weather rapport is also right , it's absolutely pelting down outside so I too had to hang the washing indoors. Spent an hour in the garden yesterday. Could't dig much just had to pull the weeds with my bare hands out of the over flooded borders. Had a few times when I nearly fell over into the mud but thankfully the fence was a good thing to hold on too. What a picture if I gone down Lol Shopping done and a present for a six year old bought from Hobby craft. If OH hadn't been with me I would have spent some time but no luck :-) Lunch and a cup of tea, have someone seen the key to the cupboard ?
    hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      my craft room won! The dust will stay another day.
      I get a list every week of the cards theyve sold in my daughters Supermarket. 15 this week, so I've made a start on them. Sadly mostly male ones I much prefer to make female ones but the sooner I get them made the sooner I can have a go at the challenge card.
      It must be awful trying to garden with the borders being flooded. Lets hope for some dry weather.
      Take care.
      Love Valx

    2. Hello Maria - I'm so pleased that you managed to stay upright in the flower borders. I know you look so much better than head first in the mud tehe.
      We've had to hide the key to the cupboard as the goodies seem to be flying away very quickly. Those Huggles must have worked how to open the doors. You will find the key behind where did I ask Marigny Dobbie to put it Hmm I wonder...........

  13. Lovely card Sandra.

    May see you at Ally Pally I will be with John somewhere probably. xxx

    1. Hi, lovely to see your name. You're just trying to make me jealous aren't you. Do hope you have time to shop. More things to borrow when you get back ha ha.
      Take care.
      Love Val x

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Love this weeks challenge, your beautiful sample card is so inspiring, although I haven't any hessian or jute, so thinking cap on what I could use.

    We are back at daughters house until Thursday evening. Ciara's came to us yesterday for a sleep over, so we were able to start the day at a steady pace, here now brother and sister were fine SIL was here until 10.30 we arrived soon after.

    How are Matts lambs? Has he any more due?

    Really looking forward to Ally Pally, Sorry you will not be able to go Margaret we will miss you. I must remember to pick up my shopping list when we get back home - but then I'm not likely to forget am I!

    I had better get a wiggle on, will try to look in later,
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  15. Good afternoon ladies,
    Sandra your card looks lovely and it is a really interesting challenge, hopefully I'll get a chance to take part this week.
    How I wish I could go to Ally Pally , it always sounds such a good show but like others it is just too far away.
    I can't believe Sheena is on Hochanda tonight, they really are leaving in their droves,I wonder why? I haven't joined yet as their prices seem quite steep but it does seem to be gaining in popularity.
    I would love to hear what others think?
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  16. Hi Anne, I'm thinking that the big companies must have invested in Hochanda, when they started they were advertising crowd funding, crafters companions, creative expression and clarity seem to be on a lot of times. Sheena comes under the crafters companion umbrella. Just my thoughts not read it anywhere.
    Having an early night as O/H is away tonight.
    See you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight.
    Had a busy day and have the girls here until 5ish tomorrow as they are desperate to go fishing again with Grandad so that is what will be happening tomorrow.
    Sandra, your challenge card is so pretty, I see you have used some of your beautiful laces on it too. I love it. I have a card to make which must go in the post on Wednesday, I wonder if I can use this weeks sketch as it's a silver wedding anniversary card......umm, will have to think about that.
    I must get sorted then some sleep, ready for tomorrows early start that Paige normally has, she is very quite though, will just look at books or Phoebe will read to her if she is also awake.
    Sending hugs to all with extras for those in need at the moment. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Hope you get your card made with the help of the sketch card.x
      Hope Paige & Phoebe have a good day with grandad fishing tomorrow are you going too Take care good night Sue sleep tight.xxxx

  18. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Lovely card SANDRA love the hessian heart. interesting challenge card I will defently give it a go SANDRA my lace came today from AMANDA'S Sale i love it.but mine didn't have a nice bow round it I will send you a photo for the guilty secrets day.Pleased you got your design bundle is it gorgeous. Do they tell you what you have too make? Enjoy it. I poped round my friends for a couple of hours this afternoon just took all theTodo die's I borrowed back & she did a lovely lunch of salad prawn cocktail & Ham it was delishous then triful Mmmm..
    We didn't do any crafting today as not enough time. She showed me the Metallic
    Guilding Polishes she has all the colours they are so very nice.
    Managed to do the ironing when I got home. Then started the dinner.Now I'm hear late again I will try & be earlier tomorrow HaHa.
    CHERYL what a long wait you had at the hospital sounds like there isn't any communication with reception & departments. I had appointment for my eyes last week normally wait over an hour but this time went straight in.All in all we were only 15min but cost £2 in the car park they have done away with first half hour free.Rant over.
    My evening cupper has just come in so will say good night God bless Sleep Well
    Hug's Lynda xxxx
