
Monday 18 April 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

 Good Morning Ladies,

Here is this weeks Sketch, I am sorry I chopped the bottom off the sketch, but you get the idea.
Now I promise I will do a 'pretty' card sometime today but I knew i wasn't going to get two cards made yesterday and Lucy had asked me to make a card for her friend Ed from Orchestra, hence the music theme background!  So I thought I would kill two birds with one stone.

The longest part of the process for me is choosing the sketch, this week being even harder as i wanted a sketch that would be easy to give you all an easier week and that would work with making Ed's birthday card,I lost a good two hours while choosing.   I also like to consider all of your needs etc whilst choosing, for instance I wanted to do a round card one week but not everyone has round dies! I also like to think about both Beth & Ciara, knowing that they like to have a go I try to do a really simple one like this weeks that you could manage without dies if necessary.

Oh a quick tip, if you don't have a fork tail flag die, you could use a corner of a square die or punch to nip out the forked part.

Janet, I hope you have a smooth crossing and a safe journey home xxx

Have a great day ladies,

Love and hugs
Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely card & a great sketch. Hopefully I won't spend 6 days dithering, wondering what to make!

    Goodness-the weekend went quickly. My boss is off today (crossword card & book folding one) so that'll make today go quickly as I'll need to keep a check on the 2 pharmacists covering. Tonight is TV night-I only watch 2 programmes with hubby but it's nicer& relaxing.

    His brother rang yesterday to inform us they'd booked their flights & arrive here on 10th June. They've booked a holiday rental house in Southport for the first week then they might head up to the Lake District then Scotland. I need to see if I can book a few days off work the first week they're here.


    1. Morning Michele,
      What programmes do you watch together? Monday night in our house is Walking Dead night, not for I might add !! I don't do fighting and violence!! But Paul and the girls are huge fans!
      I hope your day goes Super Fast !!
      I agree by the way, the weekend just disappeared!!
      Is it easy to get leave at work? Paul's new job is a bit of a nightmare!!
      Catch up later,

    2. The week end just zoomed past Monday night is Salsa night for us and it's the guys birthday so must finish his card

    3. Up unti tonight when they have put on two episodes of Masterchef, there's nothing on on a Monday that I watch. Perhaps I'm missing something good.I'd love to know what youvwatch Michele.
      Yes, the weekend has gone fast but I think this year has. We're halfway through April already. Wow.
      Val x

    4. Hi Michele, hope you get some time off when the family is over. Have a good day at work. xxx

    5. We record Law & Order SVU on Sky (Sunday night 10pm) and watch it tonight. We started watching it a few years ago when we were in Florida so I was thrilled when I found it I here. We've been watching the series onThe London Underground (9-20pm tonight)-most interesting. Not everyone's choice of viewing but it suits us. Hubby will spend most evenings in front of the TV but I don't watch anything else. I've recorded Sue's programmes from last week which I'll watch tomorrow on fast forward as hubby is playing a golf match straight from work.


    6. Hi Michele
      We watch the Marcel sereal tonight it's the third one but it's very good.Anna Frail is main caricature.
      Hope you get your time off work when your family is over,is it hard asking for time off. Enjoy your evening Hug'sLynda xx

  2. Good Morning Ladies,
    I spent yesterday afternoon baking as I knew Marigny Robbie had learnt his little break.
    There are some scotch pancakes, with some syrup, a nice pot of creamy porridge for breakfast. Some Danish Pastries and fresh scones for elevenses, leekn and potato soup and fresh bread for lunch and Coffee and walnut cake for afternoon tea.Enjoy xxx

    1. Well, there goes the diet Sandra! But all sounds delicious and everything I like. Thank you.
      val x

    2. I'm with Val but it does look very tempting, just the one want do any harm ey ? :-)

  3. Morning all I love sketch day even if I don't always make one It makes me think I never use ribbon so this will be a real challenge for me Great tip for making the tails SANDRA I'll definitely be using that
    Hope everyone is OK. LiILLIAN I am thinking of you and family Take care Off to work now As I'm early I'm hoping to leave early (fat chance)

    1. Hi Karen, you are probably back home now with any chance so hope the job was alright. Hope Charlotte is doing ok, nearly a week overdue..... xxx

  4. Good morning all, back home after a lovely weekend in Devon. Sunshine all the time. Saturday saw us on Exeter Quay sitting outside the Customs and Excise
    House with a Devon cream tea. This week is manic for me, ending up,on Friday morning going to Bath for three days to be with two grandchildren whilst their parents go,to Nottingham with the eldest whose is doing rowing trials. Will be checking in to see what you are all creating but no ME time this week. X

    1. Glad you had a nice time in Devon. I love Bath, have fun with the grandchildren but do try to get some Me time xx

    2. Hi Angela
      That sounds like heaven in Devon with a cream tea. Enjoy your time in Bath with the grandchildren have fun. As MARIA said try & get some me time.xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all,
    Just love todays challenge sketch and your lovely card Sandra. Really great for a musician. I haven't got a die but thatsa great idea.

    Hope you're having a good crossing Janet.

    Hazel, do hope its good news at the vets today for Stan.

    I'm having a day of dog nothing after all that ironing yesterday. Bought a new hoover so I'll have to try it out and then its craft room time yeh.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valbx

    1. Hope you and your little four paws having a good day
      Val, take care xxx

    2. Hi Val
      Hope you had a good crafty day. How was your new Hoover are you pleased wit it .
      Hug's Lynda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Great sketch again this week and a fabulous card :-) Hopefully I will find the time to take part! Got some good photos yesterday for the album so hoping to get a lot of that done this week.
    Hope you're starting to feel better Sandra.
    Safe journey home Janet.
    Hope everyone has a good day and sending hugs to all xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    A lovely challenge card to try this week, hopefully will manage to get one done.
    I've got a busy week ahead, so much to catch up on, and appointments to keep.
    Have a lovely day everyone, and dont eat all the cakes, oh I forgot, they are calories free!!
    Safe journey home Janet. Lilian thinking of you this week. xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I'm not sure what just happened, I had almost completed quite a long message and touched the iPad screen because I wanted to scroll back up the message, when all the words turned to Gobley Gook for want of a better expression. Most peculiar. So I will start again..........

    Sandra I like this weeks challenge card don't think this one will be too difficult even for my poor brain, and of course we can dress it up or dress it down as it is our choice. Yes I think I can cope. Love the card you made for Ed. I'm sure he will be thrilled to bits to have his own personalised card.

    Janet hope you're crossing is nice and calm, and you don't hit too many traffic queues on the return journey. XX

    Karen, hope your nerves are holding out, keep calm, lots of deep breathing for you as well as Charlotte. I'm sure she's getting fed up with hanging about now, but this baby will come when it's ready. LOL

    Sandra the menu sounds lovely today, I enjoyed the porridge, had maple syrup with mine. I'm going to have a Latte in a minute with delicious scone (and butter) the soup for lunch iis one of my favourites. Is this cafe just great everyone. XX

    Missing a few of our friends SHEILA and NORAH t hope you are both well, sending love and gentle hugs to you both. XX

    Right I can see my coffee is ready and that scone looks so yummy. I'll go and sit by the window if anyone cares to join me you are more than welcome.
    Wishing everybody a good day, take care, love Brenda XXX

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry HAZEL, forgot to say - hope the vet has better news about Stan today. LOL

    3. Hi Brenda, did you see my comment from last night/ this morning ? I did wave like a woman gone mad hihi hugs,xxx

  9. Good morning. Wee up date on Stan. He is doing ok, he is moving about ( no using the his bad leg) still on strong painkillers, his eye is looking a lot better, they will see if he gets his op today, it depends on what else comes in today, another days rest will not do him any harm. Will not be able to do the card till Friday or Saturday, I am over looking after boys today. Last day of their holiday ( in service day other wise an etra day off after all that they have had). I am off on a wee Meet up with the Patricia, Jess and Norah. We are meeting up at Carlisle with Maureen, Margaret corgi owner, Myra, Barbara and Diane. Lots of excitement as you can imagine, a couple of hours driving but it will be worth it. Right away to get washing pegged out, I am still without my washing machine I was hoping the repair man would have been back from his holidays.
    Janet I hope you had a good trip home today.
    Lillian, thinking of you at this time.

    1. Glad little Stan is doing better Hazel, they do are a worry the pets as well sometimes. Have a lovely meet up with the girls. Hope you get your washing machine sorted soon, Take care xxx

    2. I wish I'd known you were all meeting up at Carlisle as its no distance for me. I'd love to have met you all.


  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra food in cafe is lovely today will enjoy the soup in a while. I hope to have a go at sketch card this afternoon, the music one is great, lovely for any musician. Hope you are feeling better
    Lilian thinking of you sending
    Janet hope you have a good journey
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, hope you have had a nice day. See my comment from yesterday. You are a Marvel ! xxx

    2. Maria I love the cross stitch, I can break it down into sections. Tea at the Ritz eh?? Take care love Margaret xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    A great challenge card this week, I'll see if I can have a go this week. Great tip with regards doing a fork tip. Wouldn't have thought of that. We always get great tips from the ladies on this blog. Hope your feeling a bit better today.
    Janet, I hope your crossing was ok.

  12. Good afternoon Ladies, I'm a bit later in commenting today as I was busy preparing beds etc.for visitors arriving on Wednesday before I went off to the Pilates class followed by coffee and chat, then a bit shopping and lunch.
    Tomorrow it's golf ( and the forecast is good) so I thought I'd better get organised today as I need to do some baking etc.
    Love the sound of all the cafe goodies Sandra , you have been busy , you must be feeling lots better , which is good!
    Good to hear little Stan is recovering, I hope all the girls enjoy a good meet up and come back and tell us all about it, we do miss you all.
    By the way Sandra, I agree about that being a good tip, I'll try to remember it ,the challenge card is really good and I'm sure Ed will love his card it looks great!
    I'll go now and get on with more jobs.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Oh Anne, you made me dizzy here reading everything you are doing hihi hope you had some fun too xxx

    2. Hi Ann
      Enjoy your golf tomorrow is it a 9 or 18 hole.
      Good luck & take care Hug's xxx

  13. It's turned a bit cold here now, hope tomorrow is better, check up at Drs went ok, so glad, and tomorrow is mammogram day, hate it, but it is a necessary evil. Then off to meet Hazel, Patricia and Norah for a wee jolly down to Carlise to meet up with Maureen, Myra, Barbara, Margaret and Diane, really looking forward to meeting everyone again after Birmingham. Have you arranged anything yet for people down your way Sandra?

  14. Hi Sandra and all,
    hope your day have been good.
    Hopefully your meds. have now kicked in and you soon getting better. Matt got his last little lamb born or are they always in pairs ?
    This CC looks good and I hope to make one asap. your card is great and perfect for anyone into music etc.
    Good luck with the Mammogram tomorrow Jess, not so fun but so important for us girls. Have a fun meet up, don't forget the necessities !
    Had a horrid night but had company with son who suddenly been told his working from 8 pm to 8 am so he was sitting up with me to about 5 am this morning. All morning I haven't done any more then put the washing machine on and got that hanged, still indoors, and then I have been sitting here looking at Pinterest, youtube, cleared some e-mails etc. Seeing doc. tomorrow so see what she say, so fed up .Sorry to moan everyone.
    Time to peel the spuds. Have a good evening all.
    Sending special hugs to you Lilian.
    Love and hugs ,Maria xxx

    1. Maria, hope your doctor can get your problems sorted, maybe suggest she could get you referred to a consultant. You really seem to have been suffering for such a long time. LOL
      Jess, good luck with the mammogram tomorrow. I know it's horrible but it's usually over very quickly. XX
      Jess and Hazel, gosh what a long way to go, are you meeting up for lunch? Hope you all have a good time, say hi to the others, tell them they missed on the blog. XX

    2. Maria sorry you are still having problems, I endorse what Brenda says ask for a referral & maybe an exclusion diet maybe certain food disagreesxwith you. Sue did this & is now soo much better. Take care, you feel free to moan as much as you want that is what we are here for. Sending special hugs to you love Margaret xxx

    3. We are staying in a hotel for a couple of days it's to far to do it in a day! Those daft days have gone. Out for dinner tomorrow night where we will meet Margaret Corgi owner. Norah and Margaret have to meet the others.

  15. Good evening. Just to let you know that Stan had his op and has come out of it ok. He is spaced out on pain killers. All going well he will be home tomorrow night. X

  16. Evening Everyone
    Very quickly to let you know we're back home safe and sound. Tired and and an early night is called for.
    Hazel pleased to see Stan is doing so well.
    Hugs for everyone and I'll see you all tomorrow.

  17. Hi Janet
    Glad you had a good journey & home safe & sound.have a good night's sleep. I don't think you will need any rocking. Take it easy tomorroe Janet
    Hug's Lynda xx

  18. MARIA I have only just seen the comment you left yesterday, sorry I didn't wave back!!!!!! Sleep well xx

  19. Hello SANDRA & all in today
    I was up early this morning did hoovering
    Went round my friends this morning she sorted her SW die's out & she had six duplicated dies so she gave them to me pluss lots of Guilding wax cosmic
    shimmer sparckle chalk paints so was a good visit.
    SANDRA the Challenge card looks good this week. Your card is lovely I'm sure Ed will love it .Hope your feeling better now.
    MARIA I hope you can get some answers at doctors tomorrow see if she can reefer you to hospital you can't keep going on like this &staying up till silly
    o clock. Look after yourself my friend xx
    Well my friends OH has just made my tea so I'm going To drink it.
    See you tomorrow love Lynda xx
