
Sunday 17 April 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

 My Sketch Challenge Card

 The Sketch

My 2nd Challenge card

 Anne's Challenge Card

 Cheryl's Challenge Card

 Hazel's Challenge Card

 Janet's Challenge Card

 Lynda's Challenge Card

Maria's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge card

 Val's Challenge card

Karen M's Challenge Card

Me, Marie, Sue, Pat, Lynda, & Brenda

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that all of you ladies are well and have not suffered too much with the quick change in weather, Matt was worrying about the new lambs as he had let them out in the field this week, 
he didn't want the snow settling on their backs and getting them cold, but thank goodness it didn't 
hang around for long. He only has one more Ewe to give birth and they are all done.

Now onto this weeks challenge cards, I just love how you all come up with such different designs,
some of you think that you are really going to struggle but end up making the most amazing cards 
each week.  

Anne, I love how you have bought fabric into your card, the glasses poking out of the pocket was 
a genius touch, any young girl would think this card was super cool.  Thank you Anne xxx

Cheryl, a lovely 'Steampunk' design card for your Dear Friend Brian, he will love it, Thank you xxx

Hazel, a fabulous Christmas card, this is actually a good way to build up your Christmas card box,
you would have a good 30 or more cards by December ! thanks for taking part xxx

Janet, TWO, gorgeous tag cards from you this week, 2 beautiful designs, I love the lacy pocket on the first card and that background image on the second card is stunning, in french too, oo la la, Merci xxx

Lynda, I cannot believe that you actually CUT into some of your 'Scrimpy's Lace Closet' Laces, but oh boy it was worth it, a stunning card. Thank you for taking part xxx

Maria, I love your Christmas card, so pretty and those tiny Hedgehogs marching along with their gifts are just adorable, you have some amazingly cute images in your stash, thank you for taking part xxx

Michele,  another fab Christmas card, love the detail in that bauble, is it a die? did you make the Card candi in the corners with your own die too? My trouble with things like that is remembering to use them! I know you have had 'one of those weeks' so I really do appreciate you taking part xxx

Val, WOW, what a beautiful card, I love that paper you have used, that pocket you have made is just perfect and so is your tag, I am loving that butterfly die, is it a Memory Box die, if not tell me please as I 'NEED' one!  thank you so much for taking part xxx

Karen M, I absolutely love your card, it looks like you have used the Floral Muse paper pad, I love how you have added what looks like corrugated Kraft card, it looks amazing as contrast, adding the bakers twine works well too, sometimes ribbon is a little too much on some cards, adding the bakers twine gives a great finishing touch.  Thank you Karen for taking part xxx

I hope I have included everyone's cards,  I had a bit of trouble uploading but I think they are all there.  Let me know if not and I can add it in.

Thank you all once again for taking the time to take part, I really do appreciate it xxx

I'll be glad when these bloomin antibiotics are gone, I have never had an antibiotic that has made me
feel so unwell, hoping to pop out today but not unless I start feeling a little better.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning everyone
    A very quick note this morning as we're off to Calais and then sailing tomorrow for the UK.
    Again what a FANTASTIC DISPLAY of truly beautiful cards with so many variations and wonderful ideas. I think I just may be stealing a few if I'm allowed. Please!

    Sandra - I hope you get out today which means that you're feeling somewhat better.

    LILIAN -stay strong Dear Friend. It will be a difficult week but we're all here for you if needed.

    Marigny Dobbie has done his stint now until June when he'll be back in full force.

    Can someone please open up tomorrow morning please. I'm hoping I can get reception at the hotel and on the ferry but who knows!

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs for all of you and I'll see you in the Café on Tuesday morning from Sheffield.

    1. Wishing you both a safe and trouble free journey home Janet. One of us will open up tomorrow so don't worry about that. Please say a big thank you to Marigny Dobbie for all of his hard work, I hope he enjoys his break until June : ) Take care x

    2. Wishing you both a safe journey home. I hop Marigny Dobbie enjoys his break.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Sorry I haven't been in, had no internet. Seems ok at the moment so a quick hi and to say what wonderful tag cards you have all made this week. As usual they are inspiring, sorry but I haven't had time to do any crafting since Wednesday. Must get Paige's card done today!
    Lilian, you are in my thoughts, I'm glad you are spending the weekend with family. Hugs on their way x
    Sandra, you poor thing being on those antibiotics, they may sort out one problem but causeclots of others. I hope you start to feel better really quickly once you finish them. Sending you big hugs my lovely. Great to hear that Matt only has one more ewe to go now, say hi to him for me. I'm sure his lambs will be fine, like all babies they are usually much stronger than we think, that won't stop him worrying though, as any farmer does about his animals.
    We certainly had a bit of every weather yesterday didn't we! I hope you are all keeping well and those suffering are starting to feel better. Sending hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
    Will cross my fingers now and press publish!

  3. Thank goodness. I'm off to see what went on yesterday now. Will pop back in a while x

  4. It's me again after a quick look at yesterday's blog.
    Janet just had to say how gorgeous your heart and card are, and how kind of you sending it to Sandra. A wonderful RAK. Sandra, I can imagine the smile on your face on opeming this package. I bet there were some happy tears too.
    Hazel, so sorry to hear about Stan. At least he's in the right place, I hope his op goes well tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Yet another wonderful selection of cards today. I have to say, I really struggled with this one & ended up with my very simple card. I now wish I'd stamped or embossed the tag. I may have another try at this to add to my Christmas card box.

    We walked down to the village yesterday for Fish & Chips-eat in. Food was lovely but the service was about slow. They were quite busy & I think it had taken them by surprise.

    Other than the usual housework today, nothing much planned so maybe some time to relax in my craft room. Although i should go up to the greenhouse & have a sort out while it's sunny. Bought my veg plants yesterday-2 different cherry tomatoes, 2 peppers, a mini cucumber & a chill plant. It's not a huge greenhouse so that's enough especially with the little spare time I have.


    1. Pete got all his pots ready in the greenhouse as well Michelle. Two tomato plants already in pots from his friend. Hope my cucumber seeds grow this year,

  6. Fantastic assortment of cards Hope the antibiotics do the trick and you hope to get out today SANDRA
    The cafe looks lovely in this sunshine but it is cold outside Need to make a card this morning Off out dancing this afternoon

  7. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Sorry you're still not feeling so good. Do hope you feel well enough to go out today. Just love the photo of AP. I can now put a face to a name.

    I don't knoe why but I really struggled with an idea for this weeks card. Now when I love at all these wonderful ideas I'mbwondering why I didn't think of
    them. Really fantastic selection ladies - well done.

    JANET hope everything goes well and you have a safe and uneventful trip back to the UK.

    HAZEL hope Stan had a good night and hes more comfy today.

    MICHELE just love that you're growing veg. I had a grrenhouse back in The Wirral and loved growing veg and flowers. Its so satisfying see ing the little plants grow and develop buds. It tastes so much better as well doesn't it?

    Off to visit a friend today whos not feeling so well then a mound of ironing. I washed all my summery clothes this week and the ironing basket is overflowing

    Have a great day everyone.
    Love Val x.

  8. Sorry SANDRA meant to say the die is Butterfly Flourish from Joanna Sheen. I have a lot of her lovely dies as she doesnt charge to send to Spain and she has a lot of beautiful dies especially borders. Val x

  9. Good morning Sandra and all popping in.
    Another Sunday with some fabulous cards on show, thank you Sandra for doing the sketches for us they do help me at least to make one card a week :-) Love the jeans pocket card, the butterfly's,(just watch Lynda, she tend to take them tihi) the x-mas ones, I love them all !
    Thanks also to Terry for being our photographer,
    good job :-)
    Hope your meds. help soon and Matt's new lambs will be ok outside in the funny weather we are having lately.
    Janet- have a good trip back to the UK, see you soon.
    Sue- hope you are alright and your mum loved her 'stuff' from AP. Have a nice Sunday.
    Brenda- any news about the flat hunting in London for your sister ? Hope you and John is fine and have a nice day. Beautiful blue sky and sunshine woke me early this morning with the birds singing their hearts out at 6am.
    Frost on the grass but so nice after yesterday's so a nice walk is on the agenda a bit later on. I wish you all a good day ! Lilian- you are in my thoughts.
    Love and many hugs to everyone, Maria Xxxx

    1. Thanks Maria, I am fine and Mum liked all of her goodies. She just needs to have some spare time to have a play! Mum also loves your cross stitch and will be working on that each evening. I hope you have a lovely walk in this beautiful weather. Take care x

    2. Thanks Maria, I am fine and Mum liked all of her goodies. She just needs to have some spare time to have a play! Mum also loves your cross stitch and will be working on that each evening. I hope you have a lovely walk in this beautiful weather. Take care x

  10. A very sunny morning from Somerset everyone,

    What a change from yesterday's grey, cloudy, coldness.
    This bug is still lingering, can't quite shake it off, just when I think I'm improving, bang! the next day tells me different.

    What a gorgeous sight to greet my tired eyes this morning. A plethora of amazing cards and the beaming happy smiles from beautiful friendly ladies I met last year on the Retreat. It is so lovely to put voices to faces, Lynda and I have spoken a few times now by phone.
    Found a missing notelet book this morning, now I can get on and download the Phototsuite recommended by the Phtotgraphy club I joined last month. Our subject this month is WORK, not going out for the last week I missed the opportunity to pop up the road and take photos of our long awaited Flood Prevention Scheme being started. My subject is going to be on my craft station, so a lot of goodies will be on show.

    Head's banging again, tme for some painkillers so I'll opo in later to see how you all are.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I do hope you start feeling better soon. Good luck with the photography.

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone. What a lovely display of cards this morning. Great to see some Christmas cards making their way in too. I was just thinking to myself the other day that I will probably make a start on mine after I've finished everything for Mum and Dads anniversary! Am off to my brothers this afternoon to get some family photos for the memory album. Hoping to get that finished in the next week.
    I hope you feel well enough to get out today Sandra. The weather is lovely here today and I hope it is where you are too :-)
    Hope all are well, and have a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Forgot to say, what a lovely photo of you all :-) xx

  12. Good morning Ladies,
    What a wonderful selection of cards full of different ideas and embellishments!
    Thanks Sandra for challenge card Mondays, I think it gets the old brain working on new designs we wouldn't otherwise think to do, I really enjoy it, hope you are better today and Matt's last lamb arrives safely to milder weather.
    Didn't get to golf yesterday due to horrible weather but I did give the kitchen it's Spring clean, so feel happy that job is done , arms and hands sore now though but onwards and upwards they'll be better soon.
    Weather still horrible here so hopefully I'll get some crafting done.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Sorry, I meant to say what a great photo ! You all look so happy , I wonder why ? Ha ha.

  13. Morning ladies, a lovely display of tag cards today, sorry I didn't get one done this time, tomorrow is another day
    Off to scrapbooking now, will pop back later.
    Lovely photo of everyone, take care, Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely lot of cards again, so many different ideas, sorry I just ran out of time. Pleased you feel slightly better & Matt's lambs are doing
    Lovely sunny day but still chilly I hope to sit & do some cross stitch while I have the chance, we seem to have different appointments most days next week.
    Hazel hope Stan had a good night.xx
    Lilian thinking of you sending
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

  15. Sorry meant to say lovely to see photo of you all at Ally Pally, thanks Terry.xx

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop

    I love opening of the blog on Sundays and seeing how your weekly sketch has been interpreted ( sorry I didn't join in, I think my brain is in lockdown) Ladies I think your cards are absolutely stunning, and so inspiring. They are all fantastic.

    Hope Matt's last baby arrives soon, how many has he got altogether now?

    Lillian sending love and prayers. xx

    Hazel, hope Stan continues to improve. xx

    1. GRrrrrrr I pressed publish and I hadn't finished. Think my brain has escaped from my head.!!!

      Janet hope you have a good journey through to Calais, and a good nights rest ready for the next leg of your journey. xx

      Take care everyone,
      love and loads of hugs for anyone who needs them, Brenda xxx

  17. Hi Sandra
    I wonder why the Dr changed your antibiotics. Just another prescription for the same ones would have done surely.
    Wow, ladies what a super collection of cards you've done for the challenge day. Love them all, it looks like Sue has started a trend making Christmas cards in advance. Such a good idea.

  18. Sorry Hazel forgot to say I hope Stan starts to improves soon.

  19. Hello Sandra & everyone
    We have had lovely sun today but very chilly I got my washing dry. Terry has been out the back gardening most of the day so I have escaped in my craft room peace & quite lovely. I have had a bit of a tidy & done some cutting out, I have done quite a bit of finishing touches embellishment's so I have a selection now all ready to use when needed.
    Sandra I hope your beginning to feel better my lovely. Did you manage to get out today.
    Janet hope you have a safe journey home where has that month gone. Hazel hope Stan is starting to improve.
    Wow some gorgeous cards on display today they are all lovely. Now Maria what DO you mean me stealing butterfly's AS IF HAHA. Hope your ok did you try the triple flip yet. I'm off round my friend's tomorrow she has been sorting her mound of dies & come across duplicates so she is giving them to me, also other craft goodies she doesn't want. She gave me two sets of new Spectrum noir sparkle pens last week, they are lovely.
    I think she would have won the most guilty spend at AP you would have a fit.
    I'm off now to diss up dinner hope to pop back later.
    love Lynda xx

  20. Hello, just popped in quickly to see what you all been up to today and hope you all have a good night sleep.
    Sorry Lynda but you are our first butterfly pincher when you can hihi. Naaa have not done much crafting but promise to make some stamping tomorrow so I can send you the stamps back. The other things will be at a later date but you wait, you hopefully will see them on Sandra's blog one day....
    Hazel - hope little Stan is doing ok and tomorrow goes well.
    Littlelamb - just saw you bought the poppy flower die by Sue from AP, please, do tell how they come out when you used it one day.Has Scarlett had fun with the things she bought ?
    Margaret - you did get some lovely items back by Sue, hope you get some time for you soon to have a play. Please there is no rush what so ever with the cross stitch so do not feel you have to make it straight away or anything. I'm just so glad someone understand how to make it up because I couldn't. Tea at the Ritz for you in a couple of years when it might be finished tihi,hugs
    Have been watching some repeats on Hochanda channel on my lappi and managed to find the one with Sue and Leonie. Did you see I waved back like a crazy woman Brenda ? hihi
    You look lovely on Tv.
    Sorry but have had three days with my tummy but think this time it is a bug but uj what cramps and, well that's enough of that. Bed is calling my name so will give it a go or I am soon sitting here again. Hope for another nice day later as we had a nice walk yesterday in-between my visits to the...shush, good night all xxxx
