
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Karen's Sketch Card and Ally Pally Bargains

Karen's sketch 'tag' card 

Karen's Ally Pally shopping

My Ally Pally shopping

Good Morning Ladies,

I won't have anyone having their card missed out when they have gone to the trouble of making one!  So here we have Karen's lovely Christmas card.
The paper gives that blue icy cold feel that goes so well with the snowflake.
I can see the tag hidden away and the Happy Christmas fits the design perfectly,
Thank you Karen, so pleased your card got seen after all Karen xxx

You did well at Ally Pally Karen, you got some of Sue's Word dies which are useful for both sexes, I see you got some of the Gilded Polishes too, I loved the look of those and they looked so easy to blend too, can't wait to see you use them!! 
Don't be tempted to put to much in that die storage folder, they start to rip at the hole punches after a while and come loose!

I only bought a few bits really, some card, some paints, some MDF, a few bits and pieces to finish off a card too. Some 'mod poge' and a few free bits!!

Short and sweet today,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Good to know you arrived home safely Janet, I've put the coffee on and some scones in the oven as you will need a wee rest this morning after your journey.
    Karen , your card is gorgeous so crisp and clean looking, I agree with Sandra in regard to the folders, they are about as much use as a chocolate tea pot, I much prefer the art boxes which really hold loads of dies securely and are reasonable to buy and refills are available ( I'm not on commission lol! )
    I would love to know how you like the gilded polishes?
    Both you and Sandra did well at Ally Pally!
    I loved watching Leoni last night , her ideas looked really good and some great new little stamps and stencils, although I'll wait till I can buy them separately as I wouldn't get use out of the package, she was really on a high and a bit over excited to say the least, but she was fun.
    Hope you all enjoy your day, with love and hugs, Anne xoxo

    1. Sorry, meant to say hope you feel a lot better today Maria, and also to others feeling a bit down , extra hugs xoxo

    2. Hi Anne. The scones make the Cafe smell wonderful, thank you for doing that. The art boxes do look good. I think they are the ones Brenda Lello uses. Have a good day x

    3. Hi Anne, thanks I'm getting there :-)
      Hope you had a good time playing golf. I too saw Leonie, she do make me laugh. hugs xx

    4. Just have a look at the art boxes.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Karen-love the card, it's great. You got some lovely goodies at Ally Pally and so did Sandra.

    Hazel-I wish I'd known you were all meeting up at Carlisle as its no distance from me.

    I feel quite achey across my shoulders & my neck, not sleeping too well at the minute. We're due to have building work start on Monday & I think I'm getting stressed thinking about it. I've take quite a bit of time off work to supervise this which hasn't gone down too well with my boss and as we're have something major delivered at work next week I've now had to agree to going in 2 days next week & at least 1 the following week! Never a dull moment eh?!


    1. Morning Michele - you're not having a good time lately are you my Dear Friend. Perhaps as you say it's the thought of builders and work combined but I know you're a strong lady and will get through it. As you say there's 'never a dull' or surprising moment in life is there. Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Hope your building work goes well,take a deep breath & try not to get over stressed. Take care xx

    3. Hi Michele. Sorry to hear you are not sleeping well and getting all knotted up. Hopefully once you get the building work done you will be able relax, at least a little bit, and get some decent night's sleep. Sending hugs and a neck/back massage. Take care x

    4. You probably just stressed over the building work you having done ( what are they doing for you ? Me nosy, yes hihi) Oh a neck massage sound good Sue
      Take care Michele xx

    5. Hi Michelle
      Please make sure you take share of yourself.

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely Christmas card by Karen :-)
    Another fabulous selection of goodies from Ally Pally. My dies folder seems to be holding up ok, although I did back the flimsy magnetic sheets with some adhesive magnetic sheets which I already had, and I definitely won't get any more dies in it!
    Hope your aching neck and shoulders ease through the day Michele and everyone is keeping well.
    Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. It's a shame that these die holders aren't made stronger in the first place isn't it? Have a good day.Take care x

    2. Hi Sue. Yes, I was really surprised how flimsy the magnetic sheets were when I opened it up, and they are not very magnetic at all! At least they're to hand. Hope you're having a good day. Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Sonia
      I bought those die folders at AP last year I was disappointed with the magnetic inserts as dies kept falling I sold mine on EBay & got the tonic ones they are brilliant & the magnetic sheets are double sided & dies stay put. Sorry for the negativity just my opinion.
      Hope your having a good day hug's Lynda xx

    4. As you know I have some of these too and have backed them up with card. Sonia, can you now have dies on both sides ? it's not getting to heavy by doing that ? hugs xx

    5. Hi Lynda
      Lucky you being able to sell yours on eBay. I'm waiting for Sue to get me some board from the Range when she goes in to Swindon to back mine with.

    6. Hi. Think I may look at the Tonic ones for next time. They sound a lot better, thanks Lynda.
      Yes Maria, I have got dies on both sides and it is very heavy! Would probably drop it if I took it out with me lol, so it just stays in my craft area :-)
      Hugs xxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    Lovely tag card Karen. Such a pretty colour and great idea to start on Christmas cards early.
    Great lot of goodies showing today. Love the word stamps.
    Glad you had a good crossing Janet and hope you had a good sleep last night.
    So sorry you're not so well Maria. Lets hope the doctor can sort you out today.
    Hazel so happy that Stan came through his operation ok.I'm sure he'll feel better when he's back home in familiar surroundings.
    Feeling really rough today. Not slept yet again. I'm weaning myself off very strong pain killers and its not makking me feel good. I'm aching in places I've nevver ached before. It's Tai Chi morning ( ont giggle Sandra) but dont know whether I'll be going although it really makes me feel good in my mind. I'LL SEE HOW i feel after.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. morning Val - sorry to see you're not too well. Coming off strong pain killers is never easy but as you say if you stay focused on the positive it's worth it. Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Val
      Sorry your suffering this morning Do you think going to Tai Chi wold help you streching your aches & pains. Tak caire xxxx

    3. Hi Val. Sorry that you are not sleeping well, withdrawal from meds is hard isn't it. I find it amazing how our bodies try and make you take the med again by hurting in different places, causing the sleeplessness etc. You have my sympathy, but hopefully you will soon be free of all these symptoms. If you did go to Tai Chi no doubt you will be feeling better mentally, which is half the battle. Sending healing hugs x

    4. Thank you ladies for your kindthoughts. I did go to Tai Chi and yes it has done me good. I'm going to have some lunch and go to bed for a couple of hours.
      Will pop in later val x

    5. Val hope your sleep helps, coming off strong pain killers is not good as I know only too well, hope you feel better

    6. Hi Val, glad you feeling a bit better after your tai chi. Be careful just if you been on your painkillers a long time to come off them. Stay safe. I'm seeing Dracula on Thursday, have to wait and see, hugs xx

    7. Hope the sleep helps and that Tai Chi did.

  5. Morning ladies,

    Good haul of necessities Sandra from Ally Pally.

    Beautiful card Karen, so crisp and clear. Just looked at all the post from yesterday, gorgeous cards ladies. So many different takes on the challenge sketch, we really are a talented bunch aren't we?
    I really don't know why I don't make more blue cards, I have some papers and cardstock but tend to go for a neutral base then add the colour, I think it could be that I don't tend to see many blue flowers, perhaps that is the reason?
    Our walk yesterday became a wandering drive around, up and over the Quantocks looking for this little village layby which was the meet up point. Finally got there after some rather hair-raising narrow farm lanes. (Never again am I going to ask directions of the AA route finder) Good job there was hardly any traffic travelling in the opposite direction. Beautiful views and places I have never seen before, and how long have I lived in my little corner of Somerset? Since 1967. It's true what 'they' say, we travel the world yet don't seem to find out the beauty in where we live, well yesterday I found some of it and I was well chuffed. Little villages and hamlets tucked out of the sight of prying eyes, gorgeous wee churches and village halls, pretty gardens and old stone built thatched houses. A little time warp is out there on them there hills.

    Our walk took us along one of the Forestry trails. Bit of a steep incline til we got onto flatter tracks where we saw brilliant white wood anemones, their little flowers held aloft looking like spikey snowballs, wild garlic and ferns galore alongside the normal bracken. Deer spoors were found by Rosie by one muddy puddle.
    Afterwards, we spent a leisurely time at Monkton Elms, near Taunton, garden centre where we had coffe & tea to start with, a short wander around then partook of a sumptuously tasty lunch. An hour or so later after putting the world to rights we finally left for home.

    By then it was teatime and I was so tired, I promptly fell asleep after then decided to go to bed where I had the soundest sleep since my cold began.
    Today I'm taking my friend Peter to lunch for his birthday at Sanders, a Wyevale G&LC near Burnham on Sea. He usually buys his spring hanging baskets, plants etc. As he doesn't drive it's a pleasure to take him where he doesn't get to. He's an old school gentleman and I love him to bits.

    Right, a wiggle on I must get, see you all soon.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl - sounds as though yesterday was just 'what the Dr prescribed' for you and a good night's sleep never hurts anyone.
      Have a really good day today. We holidayed in Burnham when the children were little and loved it. Hugs my Dear Friend. xxxx

    2. Hi Cheryl. How good to hear that you had a good nights sleep after a lovely time discovering some wonderful sights and scenes. See, getting lost has its advantages, if you had used the AA route finder (it is good isn't it) you may have missed some of these lovely places : ) Have a great time time today helping your friend celebrate his birthday. Take care x

    3. Hello Cheryl
      Your day yesterday sounded lovely.The way you described every detail I felt like I was there with you glad you had a lovely day. Pluss a good nights sleep. Have a lovely time today celebrating your friends birthday. Hug's my friend xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl, what wonderful surprises you find just around the corner we live. Your day sound lovely. Hope you had a nice time at the garden centre xxx


    5. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. Your walk sounds fantastic and I hope you enjoyed the garden centre. Take care my friend..

  6. Morning Everyone
    Thank you Anne for opening up this morning. Everything looks lovely and it's wonderful to be back in the Cafe on UK ground.
    We had a good journey over the two days but as normal now we're shattered and although I had a really good night's sleep I'm still not upright!.

    I came back to a pile of mail including my new bank card and so I'm not Mrs Owing anymore having paid my debts and to one or two surprises but there again I suppose I should know at my age that there's always something round the corner and in many shapes and sizes.

    KAREN - I love your Tag Card and you have just tagged my thoughts re (I'm not going to say the word) C Cards. Your purchases look very interesting and look forward to seeing some results.
    SANDRA - I hope you're meds have sorted you out and that you're health is improving.

    I've left hugs in the basket by the door so please help yourselves.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Belated welcome home. I'm glad that you had a good journey, it is tiring travelling though isn't it so I hope you are going to have an easy day or two, especially as you have paid your dues : ) Take care x

    2. Hi Janet
      welcome home glad yourney was good although very tiring. Take it easy for the next few days JANET Glad your not Mrs Owing any more HeHe. Hug's xx

    3. Welcome home Janet
      glad your journey was good but yes like the others say ,do take some days rest before anything else
      Take care xx

    4. Do take care Janet, and take your time settling back into your routine. I wonder if your card was on your footstep. I won't be posting any cards in our usual postbox as as far as I know two more cards have gone missing. If Anne's card didn't arrive then that makes four. I'm off to complain.

  7. Ooh SANDRA Thank you for showing my card and ALLY PALLY bits I've taken note of your comments ref folders I back the magnetic sheets with thick card and/or the die packaging I intend to move some of my dies onto the newbies which I have in photo pages in an A4 folder That has become too heavy to lift! With "arther" visiting I need folders that are easy to lift
    As I don't sell my cards I have done a couple if sketches for C That's the occasion I make the most Thank you for your lovely comments ladies I'd never done a tag card in a pocket before Will make more especially if ai have to do the ultimate sin and buy gift cards/vouchers
    Glad you're back safely JANET must go still in pj's and need to get to work

    1. Hi Karen. Your card is wonderful. the blues are perfect with the pretty Snowflake. Thank you for sharing it with us. As you know I am using the CC each week to make at least one Christmas card, it's the only way to stop me rushing at the last minute which usually happens. Seeing you and others doing them too just gives me lots more ideas and inspiration : ) I hope you weren't late for work this morning, are you going to be able to leave at any time if you get THE call? Have a good day. Take care x

    2. Hi Karen, oh your tag c. card is beautiful. Love the colours and the snow flake. Hope your day at work was fine. Any News ? xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Karen, I love your tag Christmas card, the colour, the paper it's just great. Nice to see your Ally Pally goodies. I was thinking the other day we hadn't seen Sandra's goodies, thank you for sharing.

    Janet, pleased you're back safe and sound take it easy over the next couple of days. LOL

    Sorry to dash, off to get my blood tested (INR) Will be back later, have a good day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope your blood test went well, or as well as having someone stick a needle in you can be! : ) I hope you are not as busy as you have been lately. Take care x

    2. Hope your day was good Brenda and Dracula got enough :-) many hugs xxx

  9. Morning Samdra and ladies,
    Karen love your Christmas card, very frosty. Ladies you did well at APAdding to your stash.
    Off for my mammogram soon, then meering Hazel, Patricia and Norah for our drive to Carlisle, it will be lovely meeting up again.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

  10. Good morning SANDRA & all in today.
    We have lovely sun again today.not up to much today. OH finishing the back garden off then the front neads doing .i have done some ironing then yes craft room is calling. Karen your card is lovely,& you got some nice goodies at AP.
    MARIA hope doctors goes well for you & you get help.& a posible hospital visit.Take care my friend.xxxx hug's.

    1. Hi Lynda. I hope you're not over doing things, please take it steady as we don't want you poorly again. It's hard though after feeling rough for so long as soon as you start to feel better you want to do everything that has been left while you were ill don't you. Have a good time in the craft room, now that is relaxing so can never do too much can you. Except if like me, Sandra, Mum etc who find that we don't sit down much when crafting. Are you the same or do you sit downost of the time? Whichever, please enjoy it. Take care x

    2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Thank you for sharing Karen's lovely card, those blues work so well with the pretty Snowflake, more inspiration for me, thank you x
      Sandra, I hope you are managing to get to play with some of the goodies from Ally Pally. How is your DT case going? I looking forward to seeing it tomorrow x
      Maria, I hope the docs visit went well and that you are being referred for more help x
      Lilian, you are my thoughts during this sad time x
      Mum, I hope you are not too tired with all of the appointments etc. that you and Pop have this week. Love you x

    3. Oops, published a bit too soon!
      I will be starting my CC after doing the ironing today, hopefully.
      Sending my love and hugs to all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    4. Thanks Sue
      I'm ok although I don't seem to have the energy I used to have,doing everything in one go anymore so just pace myself now.That virus has a lot to answer for. Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Hi Sue, tried to send you an email today to thank you for my card , unfortunately it bounced back, not sure if trouble my end or yours will try again in the morning

  11. Margaret Palmer19 April 2016 at 12:30

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing Karen's card & borh of your goodies, hope you enjoy using
    Karen your card is lovely love the colour & design. Mo news yet? xxx
    Janet good to have you on home soil rest up for a couple of
    Lilian my thoughts are with you hugs on
    Maria hope you got on well at Dr'
    Brenda snap I had a fasting blood test this morning hopefully that is it for another
    Cheryl sounds as if you had a lovely mystery tour, the West Country is beautiful, course I could be biased as I am Wiltshire born & bred!! Enjoy your meal with your friend xxx.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope the blood test went well, and the results will be okay.
      My blood test was just drip out the finger. Was trying to think of the comedian who did the sketch about the blood test. His name will just willnot come to mind. bet it will after I have logged off! xx

    2. Tony Hancock is the name! A very funny man shame they are not like that

    3. Of course! I could see his face, but the name wouldn't come.
      Thank you, LOL

    4. Hi Brenda. Glad the test went well. You made me smile remembering the blood doner sketch on Hancocks Half Hour. As Margaret said, a really funny man and a great duo with Syd James.
      Take care val x

  12. Thank you all re the comments about my card I'll let you know re polishes My first attempts weren't as easy as John made them look at AP! Bu I'm getting there
    I am lucky enough to only work part time and my hours are fairly flexible As much as I'm passionate about the NHS and what it can stand for IF I get the call I will be off! They'd be fine about it anyway
    I hope you got on OK at GP's MARIA
    Who was it having a mammogram.... Painful but required
    Hope everyone is OK Again I've got to the bottom of the list and thought I must reply to this and mention that and have totally forgotten who's who and what's what

  13. PS going to watch Sue's video - who'd have thought it'd be of the Perspective die I bought at AP
    I have been promised a magnetic wall in my craft room to store my dies Ha ha ! Is that a flying pig....

  14. Hi everyone
    I had a Email today saying I had a tax return of £238.44 & in order to receive it I had to open a government gateway account.otherwise I wouldn't receive the refund. I phoned the tax office & they said it was a scam as they just send a cheque if you have a refund due. Xx

    1. Hi Lynda, This one did the rounds a few years ago. Fortunately We knew it a scam as John had just completed my tax return, and had worked out what I was due back. Just be careful out there ladies there are some wicked people on the internet.
      Thanks for alerting everyone Lynda. xx

    2. Thanks Brenda I new it was just wasn't right shame though I could have done with £238 pounds.HaHa The tax man i spoked to gave me a Emai address to forward my Email on. Xxx

    3. You've really got to be on yor toes nowadays. What an awful scam. I wonder how many poor people fell for it. X

    4. Thanks for the alert Lynda, I hope your not working Terry to hard,

  15. Me again pressed to quick.
    SANDRA. Sorry I ment to say your AP spend was good you bought some nice things How are you now my lovely hope your feeling better today.
    I'm just going to start my challenge card. Would you like me to send you a picture of the things MARGARET my friend gave me yesterday.
    Did you see Leonie on Hochanda last night I thought she was good I think she's lovely. My friend bought both masks & stamps I did like them but no pennies.
    Right I'm going back in my craft room. See you later love Lynda xxxx

  16. Lovely stash Sandra, I see you visited Sue Wilsons stand, I, too got some of those organza flowers and gems. Gilding Polish s lovely and easy to use, will be on a creation on my blog this week, xxx

  17. Hi Sandra
    A bit late today have been running around as Doreen's op has been put forward to tomorrow. So an early night for me. I hope your feeling better.
    Angela I love your challenge card, and the goodies you bought from Ally Pally. Love your stash as well.
    I do hope the Dr has taken notice of you Maria and that they manage to get to the bottom of your problem.

  18. Meant to say loved your stash as well Sandra.

  19. Evening Sandra and everyone.
    Karen - lovely x-mas tag card, love the snowflake and the colour is good that you used. Great shopping at AP, enjoy playing with them.
    Sandra - your stash is also fab. so many goodies in so little time tihi roll on the next one !
    Started to comment on the way down but with the phone ringing, dinner to cook, etc I thought I come down here
    to write instead.
    Jess- hope all went alright today with the mammogram and you had a nice day after.
    Lynda - you take it easy my friend, so no exertions too soon you hear :-) Love your friend , have she got any more going tihi
    Margaret- hope you ok after your blood test this morning, they seem to want us all lately...
    Oh Brenda -I'm like you with nurse taking blood , just trickles if they can find a vein. Having some done on Thursday and check what food /drink that might be the culprit. Have had the gallbladder checked for stone, it was all fine. Had a lovely walk this morning for an hour and half, had a good day with sun shining in Bucks. Got home and could take it easy in the garden, still a lot to tidy up in the borders but that just have to wait until I got more energy.
    Nice to see you in the cafe' Wendy, do come again.
    Pat- Good luck tomorrow for Doreen's operation. Take care.
    Lilian- my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
    Wishing you all a good night, love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Oh Maria I'll be thinking of you Thusday as I'm having a blood test as well. Unlike you I have really good veins but can never look, as the sight of blood, especially mine ha ha, makes me feel ill. I could never be a nurse could I?. Glad you had a lovely sit in your garden this afternoon. The sun will do you good. Love Val x

  20. Good Evening All, well at last we have everything sorted , next Monday we say our final goodbyes to my sister, my daughter is comming down from London for the service but will have to go straight back.
    Karen your card is lovely, good idea to do your C cards.
    Love your shopping , looks like you have some lovely things to play with.
    Must admit I ordered Leonie's stamps, but there is a bit of a wait as they sold out twice over, didn't order the stencils as am going to try with the ones I have, bit of a treat to cheer me up.
    Still have a very bad throat , this virus is terrible seems to take ages to leave.
    Been a lovely day here managed to get two full loads of washing dry.
    Well O/H just making a cup of tea, so better go and drink it.
    Hope those of you who are not well will soon be on the road to recovery.
    Hugs Lilian

  21. Glad everything is sorted Lilian. Your virus sounds as though its lingering. Do so hope you feel better soon. Glad you got Leonies stamps - a lovely treat.
    take care. Love Val x

  22. Hi Lilian
    I'm glad that everything has now been sorted. We also got washing dry today but it's raining now. Hope the virus clears up soon. A lot of the ladies have had one and they've taken awhile to go. Gentle hugs on the way for you all.
