
Monday 11 April 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

 My Challenge Card

This weeks Sketch 

Good Morning My lovelies,

I thought I would challenge you all to make a 'Tag' card this week, they aren't to difficult really, the 'pocket' for the tag is just like another layer on your card but just with glue applied to the bottom and two sides (leaving the top free to slide your tag in), you can decorate as you please, I kept it super simple this week, mainly because my body wasn't as enthusiastic as my mind!!  purely as a result of all the fun I had on Saturday.
But you can get the idea, I will have a prettier one to share with you tomorrow!  You can keep it as simple as you like though, I am just looking forward to seeing what you all come up with.

I hope that all of you ladies that were suffering yesterday as a result of Ally Pally are feeling a little better today.  I wish we didn't have to wait six months for the next one,
I would love to meet up like that every month, we never seem to have enough time when we are at Ally Pally, especially this time as it was so busy with Hochanda being there. I have never seen the queue to get in so long!  

We went over to see Matt and his new born lambs yesterday, oh my, they were so cute, one had only just been born! The ones that were born a week ago were running and jumping around in the field, I could watch them all day, it doesn't matter how you are feeling they will make you smile.  I am so proud of Matt he has achieved so much, you could see the joy it bought him to show us round the barn with all the sheep pens he had built etc. A perfect end to the weekend.

I hope that you all have a good day xxx

Love & Hugs



  1. Hi Sandra and all,
    I do hope all the aches and pains from Saturdays outing have disappeared today and just left the happy memories.
    Just love todays sketch Sandra. Very unusual for me as I've never made a pocket card before. I might get some Christmas stash out.
    An early start for me today as Lynn is dropping me off in the next village on the way to work. I'm going to have some coffee and toast at a cafe, visit the bank and then have a look at the new small shopping arcade that has opened.
    Must take Gracie out first though.
    Seeing those beautiful lambs must be so lovely Sandra. Makes mecsmile just to think about them.
    enjoy your day ladies. Will call in later.

    1. Hi Val enjoy your coffee & then looking round the new shopping arcade
      Have fun Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Have a nice day Val and enjoy the new shops xx

    3. Hi Val. I hope you had a nice day and the new shopping arcade has some good shops x

  2. Morning Everyone
    A good Challenge Card this week Sandra and I shall be doing my best to do it justice.

    As you say there is nothing better than seeing new born animals running and jumping around without a care in the world. It always makes you smile and be happy and to see Matt in his own environment happy and proud is just something you cannot buy. You have every right to be proud parents.

    We we have a great differene this morning in the weather. We had the most gorgeousw day we could have and this morning we're back to dull, grey and rain. So it's an indoor day and I haven't a clue what will be happening. Not a lot as my body is telling me that yesterday was a little too much and that it needs a day to settle.

    I see Dobbie has done his best and everything looks nice and sparkly clean to start the week. Your provisions have also arrived and are in the cupboard and Maria knows where the key is. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MAKING HER 'MISTRESS OF THE KEYS'?

    Well it's getting darker as I'm typing perhaps I've got the day the wrong way round!lol.

    Hoping all your aches and pains which arrived back from AP with you have returned to AP and that you have a good day. Hugs are on their way.

    1. oh Janet, with my memory I don't think me being the Mistress of the keys will be too good ,it be more like 'Where did I put the keys' ? hihi Dobbie do have done a fabulous job as always. Any huggles around? Their owner has been very quiet, hope she is ok. Have s nice day xxx

    2. Hi Janet. Sorry to hear that the weather has changed back to grey and dreary again today. I hope you are feeling better this evening x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & an interesting challenge for us this week. Like Val, I'm thinking Christmas.

    I had a lovely crafty weekend, made a few cards. I really need to have a tidy up in the craft room as you can hardly see the floor! I tend to keep the door closed as hubby has to go past it to his office. That way he doesn't see what's new-ha ha!!

    A couple of items ordered yesterday so once they arrive I'll send some photos in.

    Right-best get ready for work. Everyone seems to be in a state of panic as we're expecting the CQC tomorrow for 4 days -the hospital is, not just Pharmacy!


    1. Good luck with CQC We 're expecting them to do an unannounced visit sometime soon So like you the big chiefs are running around like beardless chickens Me as a lowly admin clerk wish they were like this all of the time making sure all is in place for the patients

    2. Glad you had a lovely crafting weekend. Me too, although not everything went according to plan! I too need a tidy up, it's amazing how much mess can be made - my floor is covered in gilding flakes, glitter and tiny die cut fallouts, lol.
      Good luck at work this week.
      Hugs xxx

    3. Good you had a nice weekend Michele and your leg feels better. Take care at work xx

    4. Hi Michele, you sound as though youre feeling better - so glad.
      Hope everything got organised today for the big bosses visit

    5. Good luck Michelle with that. Isn't it funny how they all run around making everything is ok before they arrive.

    6. Hi Michele. It sounds like you are feeling a little better, thank goodness. I bet it's been chaotic at work, funny how the big bosses suddenly jump to life before these visits isn't it! I hope you were able to get your work done. Good luck at the docs x

    7. Hi Michele. It sounds like you are feeling a little better, thank goodness. I bet it's been chaotic at work, funny how the big bosses suddenly jump to life before these visits isn't it! I hope you were able to get your work done. Good luck at the docs x

  4. Did I pop in yesterday? My mind is in such a whirl after a very exciting week end I enjoyed meeting all of you lovely ladies (you truly are) I hope I wasn't monopolising you SANDRA. Yesterday ai was taken back into London - there's me I never go into London! We went to National Portrait Gallery to see an exhibition Vogue 100 which I'd been promising myself for ages At lunch to celebrate our Ruby Anniversary my husband presented me with a ticket to a Salsa event As I slowly unfolded the piece of paper I then found out this event is in New York! I am such a lucky lady - getting teary now - to have a fantastic family and you lot as friends
    Today's sketch is lovely I will put my thinking cap on Events may take over though we'll have to see

    1. Margaret Palmer11 April 2016 at 08:21

      Karen how lovely foe you. Hope you have news

    2. Oh Karen what a lovely surprise! What a lovely husband you have, congratulations on 40 Happy Years!!
      It was such a pleasure to meet you finally, I could have sat and chatted with you for hours, you would have never guessed it was our first meeting!
      Enjoy the rest of your day, with the exciting things you have to look forward to, I bet you feel like you are walking on air!!
      Any signs of little one yet ??
      Love and hugs

    3. Sounds fantastic Karen - what a lovely surprise to be going to New York. I hope you and your Husband enjoyed your special Anniversay - congratulations :-)
      Hugs xx

    4. Woo hoo w hat a lovely present, New York. Congratulations on the event.

    5. Hi Karen, what a lovely thoughtful husband you have, this is going to be such a memorable year for you. All you need is for your first grandchild to arrive and not keep you all waiting - fingers crossed it will happen soon. xxx

    6. Karen, what a wonderful and a lovely surprise.
      Hope you had a great day. We are all waiting now for the news of tiny fingers and toes :-)hugs xxx

    7. Karen what can I say. Your husband is just wonderful or as Jim would say 'it's husbands like that that get us a bad name'lol. Any news? Hugs xxxx

    8. Hi Karen, what a lovely husband and a lovely surprise. Happy Anniversary for yesterday. Hope you had a wonderful time.
      Hope your new grandchild arrives safely and

    9. Hi Karen
      What a fantastic husband to Spring a lovely surprise like that. New York no less, how jealous am I. Happy Anniversary to you both. Hope your new grandchild arrives soon.

    10. Congratulations to you and your other half Karen on your Ruby Wedding Anniversary ! and Wow! What a surprise and fantastic way to celebrate it, lucky you, I hope you both have a wonderful time and bring back lots of lovely memories!
      Also I look forward to hearing about the safe arrival of your new grandchild , Anne xoxo

    11. Hi Karen. Belated Congratulations for yesterday. I'm glad you had a lovely time. What a wonderful present from your hubby, but after meeting you on Saturday you are certainly worth it. Like Sandra, I could have sat and chatted to you all afternoon. I'm thinking of you, jumping every time the phone rings in case it's THE call! When we were waiting for both of our boys babies to arrive, if they rang us I got them to say as soon as I picked up the phone "no news yet". I do hope you get that call very soon, both for you and also the Mum to be, I'm sure we can remember what those last week's were like! Take care x

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Great card and sketch challenge today - fingers crossed I'll get a card made! Hoping to finish off the last of my cards to make for Mum and Dads Golden Wedding today, then really need to concentrate on the memory album - just under a month to go and still lots of things to do to make it extra special for them. Eeek where does the time go?!
    I hope everyone had a good day yesterday and those recovering from Ally Pally had a restful day and are enjoying your new goodies :-)
    Glad you had a nice day Sandra, visiting your son and seeing the lambs. It must be a lovely feeling seeing all that your son has accomplished:-) My brother used to work on a farm, and I remember fondly in the spring when we used to visit and see the little lambs :-)
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, hope you have a good day and some crafting made. What a lovely idea to make your parents a memory album, they sure will live it xxx

    2. Thank you Maria :-) So busy crafting this morning I'm now only just sitting down for my lunch! Time flies when you're having fun :-)
      Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Sonia. I hope you have managed to get some of the memory album done today. Yes, the time does fly by doesn't it x

  6. Good morning everyone,
    A really different challenge for us this week, will need to get my thinking cap on.
    Just reading your comments it seems you all had a lovely time meeting up at AP, it is really too far from here to be there, but I watched the shows.
    Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing your guilty secrets ladies!!,
    Congratulations on your Ruby Wedding Karen, what a lovely surprise����
    Take care have a lovely day xxx

    1. Hi Jess, hope you well and getting some spring in your area. It's a shame it is so far for you to come down to London, Ally Pally is a very beautiful building to have a craft exhibition in and even with so many people walking through the door I never felt it being overcrowded like I feel it at the NEC. Have a good day xxx

    2. Hi Jess
      As Maria said its a Shane that Ally Pally is so far away from you, and it is a beautiful building. The grounds look gorgeous as well.

    3. Hi Jess. I agree with Maria and Pat that it's a shame you can't make it to Ally Pally as it would be lovely to meet again x

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    The sun is shining I hope it isn't as cold as yesterday even with the sun out it was only 7 deg & so cold. Today's challenge card looks interesting thank you Sandra. Your card is lovely. I didn't get a chance yesterday to put my AP goodies away so that's on the agenda today finding homes for them I did manage to take picture of them & will send too SANDRA today. I didn't think I bought much,but I did buy quite a lot.😄 oooo. Considering my friend saying she wasn't buying much as she had got so much from C&C & Hochanda over the last two weeks,well she got loads of things.
    Well washing has just finished so got to put it on the line & another one in machine. So must get on will pop in later. Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Hope you found a home for all your "little" buy's hihi Thinking of getting a shopping trolley for next time because cards etc. do get pretty heavy walking around with but quite tight in some areas to go through so might run over everyone's feet :-)
      Hope your B-g B----ed B--bie's are getting better every day, hugs xxx

    2. Hi Lynda. It was so lovely to see you and Terry on Saturday, it's just a shame we don't get longer to chat though isnt it. And as always your lovely Terry had us all in stitches, especially with his suggestion that Sandra sit on his lap in her wheel chair, glad I didn't have a mouth full of tea at the time as Sandra and Karen would have been drenched : ) x

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    This weeks challenge is very interesting, can't recollect making a card like this so thinking cap is on, Hopefully I Can Give It a Go in the Next Couple of Days.

    What a lovely treat for you yesterday seeing Matts baby lambs, I'm sure he's very proud of them, and both must very proud of him, it takes hard work and dedication well done Matt.

    We are off to London to meet my sister, she's flat hunting and wants our input, this could be a very interesting afternoon.

    Will pop back in later, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Happy flat hunting with your sister Brenda
      Hope your feet are up to it after Ally Pally.

  9. Hi Brenda
    I wish you luck finding a nice flat for your sister. Hope you don't walk your feet off lol.& your sister finds a property she loves.
    Hug's for you all xxxx

    1. Hi Brenda, happy flat hunting. Can't be an easy thing to do in London. make sure you got plenty of coffee breaks, hug xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Think I have recovered from Saturdays outing. Had a really nice day yesterday meeting up with a friend for a coffee sitting in the sunshine. nothing like our coffee shop but good enough hihi
    oh Sandra to see the little lambs must have been a wonderful sight and especially the week old ones jumping and running around every where. Hope no one will be abandon and needing bottle feeding. Well done to Matt for doing such a lovely job.
    Hmmm this card challenge will be a challenge but like everyone else I will have to put the thinking cap on. Funny enough I'm thinking maybe a x-mas card too, we will see. Today it's a grey day but had to go to the post office to send my parents Anniversary card (£ 2.45!) so a good Hour and half walk there and back. Washing to hang but still indoors so no peg hunting yet hihi and then I hope to finish my OH b.card wish is on Wednesday.
    Hope you all having a nice day whatever you are doing and take care, love and hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Sounds like a busy day Maria. Would love to see you OH birthday card when youve finished it. Xxx

    2. Hi Maria. It was so lovely to see you on Saturday. I wish we could spend all day chatting, it is always so good spending time with you. Please can we see Rich's card when you have finished it? Glad to hear you are feeling better today x

  11. Hi everyone. Enjoyed my outing but a bit disappointed with the new shopping area. There was a clothes shop but the clothes were for skinny young things. A jewelers but all the price tags had beenturned upside down -always a sign that I cant afford it ha ha. The precinct is only quite new and still has a few empty plots. Wouldnt it be wonderful if a craft shop opened? Cantt imagine it somehow.

    Just found lots of veg in my fridge ( I get carried away at the Sunday Market and always buy too much) so I'm going to make a nice veg soup for my tea.

    Have a good evening everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hope you enjoy your soup Val. I also wish we had a craft shop around here. I'm hoping to get up to Warrington at the end of May, so I hoping I'll find a few up there.

    2. Sorry to hear that so far the new arcade hasn't got any shops for you. I bet your soup was yummy x

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra will have to think about the challenge again this week, I don't seem to get much time at the moment. Sounds as if Matt's lambs are doing
    I have book club tonight but before we both have check up at Dr's so will take Star out in a few minutes otherwise I can see will run out of time. It has at last stopped raining as well.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Mum. I hope the check ups went well for you both. Speak again tomorrow. Love you xx

  13. Hello All - still no news on the baby front You're right SANDRA I am still walking on air - even work didn't wind me up today Leave booked - my boss had already been primed by my daughter!
    I could have easily spent Saturday afternoon chatting to you too SANDRA AND LADIES Roll on next time Right need to get to the shops now

  14. Hi Sandra
    Well, as you know it's raining cats and dogs here. It was lovely meeting up with all the ladies on the blog on Saturday. Like the look of the Sketch Challengt card this week. We've just come back from seeing to Doreen and she goes in again a week Thursday to have her other hop done. She's doing really well seeing as she's 85. Glad you got to see Matts lambs at the weekend. A lot of hard work for him at the moment.

    1. Hi Pat. It was lovely spending the day with you on Saturday. We are so lucky meeting every week aren't we. It's good to hear that Doreen is doing on, bless her, and that she hasn't long to wait to get her other hip replaced. Hopefully she will get a bed somewhere afterwards to recover properly this time. Take care, see you Weds x

  15. Good afternoon Ladies, I'm just home after a lovely day at Torridon, we had baked potatoes with coronation chicken, prawns with mango and lots of different salads followed by home made hazelnut meringue filled with fresh cream, plain individual meringues , lemon drizzle cake , fruit cake and chocolate half dipped shortbread biscuits, I am so stuffed but it was truly delicious, and I got quite a bit of knitting done!
    Sandra I love the look of this week's challenge card, I haven't made one like this before although I have used pockets on scrapbook pages, Matts lambs sound lovely , all you need now is to hear the cuckoo and we will know Spring has truly arrived, hope you feel more energetic today and have recovered from Saturday.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. WOW Anne your lunch sounds divine. Is it somewhere you have been before?
      Each of those puddings sounds so yummy, I feel hungry now!
      Sandra xxx

    2. It's the once a month craft day at Torridon and some ladies make the lunch just for the pleasure of it and set the tables and wash up.!

  16. Hi everyone, arrived home about 6pm and yes I'm shattered, might have found a flat for my sister, The church she works in is close to Holborn Tube station so something close by was the preferred location. Everything is so expensive, anyway we did a bit of negotiating, so now we are waiting to see if the offer is acceptable.
    Must get the dinner on. Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. I bet you are exhausted, its hard work, house hunting, I am pleased you found something, fingers crossed that they except your offer! Xx

  17. I am a little concerned that Lilian has not been in today,
    I really hope all is well with her Sister.
    I have had phone consultation with GP this afternoon as I have another UTI, I knew I had it coming yesterday but just thought I felt rough from being out on Saturday. Luckily the prescribed me some antibiotics over the phone! I hope the hurry up and work as I am really suffering !
    Hugs to all
    Sandra xxx

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. My comment yesterday obviously didn't appear, I must admit I didn't check it, so will repeat that the challenge cards were all wonderful, lots of great inspiration again : )
      I have commented on the way dpwn tonight but as you say Sandra I hope that Lilian is OK and that her sister is recovering from her stroke. Fingers crossed Lilian is just busy with her hoods.
      Sandra, I sorry to hear you have another UTI, at least you have got antibiotics quickly, and I know you will be drinking lots of cranberry juice. I hope it clears up very quickly and you feel better tomorrow my lovely.
      I had a wonderful day at Ally Pally, spending both mine and Mums money was very easy! I have sent pics of all of the goodies to Sandra and Mum already.
      I had a migraine earlier and the joints are bad so have had a day in bed, feeling a little better now though. Sending hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care x
