
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought I would make you an alternative 'tag Card' just to give you a little more
It also gave me the chance to use some of my lovely laces that I have bought from

scrimpy's Lace Closet   (contact Amanda Charles worth on fb )

The papers I have used are the Trimcraft 'Sweet Paris' collection that I got in that bargain pack from the Range, 8 x 8 pad, embossing folder, die set, hat pins and  vintage buttons! All for £9.99 .
I teamed it with some Kraft card and some flowers from my stash.
I made a tag using  a piece of the Sweet Paris paper which I adhered to some card for strength. I then added some leftover bits of lace and trim and a few pearls, the 'paris' die cut is part of the colkection, it fits nicely into the pocket and give some interest to the card.

Now I am so excited to be able to share with you my DT kit from Scrimpy's Lace Closet (Amanda)

My DT kit from Amanda (Scrimpy's Lace Closet)

I am quite excited to get started, I have never really 'altered' anything, so deciding what to do with the Suitcase will be a fun challenge.   I don't think I will have any problem using the laces though! They are all so beautiful and top quality as is always the case with Amanda's products. 

How are you all finding the challenge? I am looking forward to seeing your designs.

Have a fabulous day everyone,
Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Wow, what a gorgeous tag card you have for us today, it us beautiful, I love all of the beautiful laces and flowers. Sorry, I forgot to mention yesterday's great challenge tag card, which is perfect for the non flowery ladies etc. and for many occasions.
    This weeks challenge will be my first card using a tag, several of you other ladies said the same so it will be interesting to see what we all come up with. Having two such different examples from you Sandra really shows how a sketch can be used, thank you : )
    I have been awake for quite a while so have already sorted the Cafe to give Janets Dobby a surprise when he arrives with the yummy goodies, he will be able to sit and have a rest instead of having to rush around opening up for a change.
    Sandra, your first DT package is gorgeous, SP many beautiful laces and that sweet little suitcase, I can't wait to see how it looks after you have cast your magic spell over it. It will be definately be beautiful, that much I know : )
    Well, I m off to make another fresh cup of tea, I am hoping to make a start on my challenge card later on after doing some ironing and housework. I will also be having a play with the Colour Clouds and Mini Smoothies that I got on Saturday. I will let you know how I get on with them.
    Michele, good luck at the docs.
    Hugs are on their way to everyone with extras for those in need. Have a good day
    Take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a surprise Dobbie got this morning, so much so that he sent me a message saything that someone had broken in and instead of taking things away they had brought things in and everything was ready to go! His thanks are bounteous.

    SANDRA - Oh how I love your Tag Card this morning. Funnily enough I looked at that paper pack the other day and decided that I had enough to paper the house with but having seen some used I think I just may be changing my mind!! Oh and it wasn't of course as good a buy as yours.
    You have certainly put everything to good use and of course your lace bits are just heaven.
    I did my CC yesterday but if I've time this week I just might do another.

    We had the most difficult day -weather wise- yesterday. So dark in the morning I thought I'd got the day the wrong way round; then bright spells with sunshine; followed by rain and black clouds all with low temps and then after tea the sun came out and everything looked lovely that was after I'd lit the log burner just after lunch! This morning we have sunshine with the blackest of cloud over the back garden so I just cannot say what will happen today.

    We have to go and see Daniel and Sylvie to deliver Sylvie's birthday card and take them their Easter Chocs which I forgot to give them the last time we saw them.
    We then this afternoon have to go to the Marie to see the Mayor about our next door neighbour's roof which has been damaged -tiles have been blown off leaving timbers exposed. The problem is that the lady is in permanent residential health care and no-one visits the house so no-one will know and it's very close to our roof. If the displaced tiles slip or more damage is caused we could have our veranda roof damaged. Wish us luck as it's one of those times when we wish we were fluent with technical words in the language.

    MICHELE - wishing you luck with your Drs appointment tonight. I hope they can do something for you.

    Hugs should have arrived so please help yourselves.

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope you managed to sort something out regarding your neighbours roof.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Another lovely card Sandra. Might try the challenge card tonight- no time last night as Dad phoned 3 times, emails from brother in law (USA)about their visit in June and we had 2 programmes to watch. I hope tonight is an as chaotic. Work probably will be but that's "normal "!!


    1. Good luck with Gp today my lovely!
      Sounds like you had a frustrating evening !!
      Sandra xx

    2. Hope your appointment went well with your Dr Michelle.

    3. Hi Michele I hope your appointment went well with doctor.
      Good luck with the challenge card,& you have a less stressful eavening. Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow I love your shabby chic card today, it's stunning. You've certainly put to good use your bargain buy from the range :-) A gorgeous selection of goodies too from Scimpy's - love the butterflies. Can't wait to see what you create with it all.
    Hope all are well and have a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  5. SANDRA love the card, haven't mastered the 'shabby chic' look yet but will keep trying as its one of my favourites. Have discovered that The Range branch is relatively close to me, about 12 miles away, must get there soon.
    Have a face like one half of a chipmunk, not a pretty sight, but thankful to the
    doc at St Peters who did a splendid extraction job on me yesterday. Can't blow my nose for two weeks, due to sinus membrane being fragile, oh well can manage that. Not so happy that the painkillers quote 'no alcohol' . Best ditch them ASAP.

    1. Bless you Angela, it must be painful! I'm pretty sure that after a few days the alcohol and painkillers will do the same job pretty much!! Hahaha
      Do you bring wine etc back from Spain ??
      Sandra xx

    2. Angela hope your face feels better soon. Ditching painkillers sounds a great idea!xxx

    3. Always, Baron de Ley for Trevor and Rose' for me plus a few bottles of gin, not all for me you understand 😌 Ha ha I just have a lot of friends!! That's my story anyway!! 24 hours on and feeling up to making a couple of flowers very therapeutic xx

    4. Hi Angela I hope your face gets better each day keep taking the tablets. Lot's of crafting neaded very therapeutic.
      Hug's xxx

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Beautiful card Sandra ! I love all your DTGoodies and look forward to seeing what you make with them, that was a super buy from the range ( I love a bargain)!
    Well it's a lovely morning for 9 holes of golf and we have a 9 hole medal tomorrow night, which suits me better than 18 , not nearly so tiring.
    Might manage a go at the cc this afternoon.
    Hope your Drs app. goes well Michele.
    Also good luck Janet with your problem today.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi ANNE hope you enjoyed your golf today. & have a good day golfing tomorrow too. Xx

  7. Good Morning Ladies,

    Well! WOW! Sandra!
    Such an amazing tag card, your choice of colours all blend in so well together. And what a super buy that was from the Range.

    Back from our short trip up to Staffordshire for the wedding feast of Anna & Andy. I managed to stay awake until our taxi arrived to take us back to niece's home hehe Actually I was still dancing at 11.45pm! Don't know where I found the energy from to do all that. Even the Ooops! Outside your Head, rowboat on the floor! Thighs ached just a tad the next day, I can't even remember he last time I did that wiggle, must have been on our Wedding Evening.
    The sun is shining so brightly, our walk yesterday got us drenched as the light drizzle turned into a downpour. Came home wet and exhausted, quick change then off to our local for lunch.
    Craftrrom time today, I have a couple of birthday cards, this week's challenge and some ribbon flowers to do for my rings. I have been following some sites on Kanzashi flowered head bands and hair accessories so will be giving these a go today. Might even find time to do a bit more in the garden, depends on whether it dries up a bit more later on.

    Love & hugs to one and all.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      So lovely to read that you had such a good time at Ann & Andy's wedding, I can just picture sat on the floor, dancing, they had some funny ideas back then, but its always those classics that gets everyone up and dancing!
      I love those Kanzashi flowers too, I can imagine I would end up with burnt fingers though, I will find a image to share with all of you so you can see what we are talking about.
      The flowers that Amanda makes would look pretty too!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you had a lovely time at the wedding. I used to love the rowing song many moons ago. Not to sure I could get up off the floor now.

    3. Hello Cheryl - pleased to hear you had such a good time and I would have loved to see you doing 'the row boat' the last time I saw anyone doing that was at my eldest Daughter's wedding and it was my 8month pregnant younger Daughter in the middle of the line with everyone taking bets that her little one would be born either that night or the next day. Pippa was born exactly one month to the date later. Happy Days xxxx

  8. Good morning everyone, Sandra your card is lovely, good luck with your DT project.
    It is so cold here,today, it is like a winters day, Im off to the hairdressers so will catch up,later, take care everyone xxx

    1. Thanks Jess, enjoy your pamper time, a hair cut can really lift your spirits I think!
      Its quite chilly here too! Hopefully sun will show its face and warm everything up!
      Sandra xxx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    well youve certainly raised the bar for this weeks cc Sandra. What a stunnung card. Just love the lace and the placement of the flowers is stunning. So love all your Scrimpy goodies. Those butterflies are so beautiful.
    must dash, off to Tai Chi and I'm runnig late.
    Hope everything goes well at the docs Michele.
    Will call in later.
    Love Val x

    1. Thanks Val, I hope you feel fit and relaxed after your Tai Chi, I don't think I could do it without giggling, I tried yoga once, many years ago, I have a funny sense of humour I think,I just couldn't help myself, the only thing that hurt was my sides from laughing so much!!
      Sandra xxxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    WOW Sandra what a stunning card, it made me think Victorian style, it's really is very beautiful. I almost feel it should be framed and displayed for everyone to see. It will be interesting to see what you do to that little suitcase, you have so mant pieces of lace and trimmings to use, The ones with the fringe on make me think where on earth would you put those, ( but as I explained, I haven't gotten into altered art…....... Yet) so I'm really interested to see what you make, I hope you are allowed to share the results with us. I'm sure it's going to look stunning anyway.

    Hope everyone is okay, sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your lovely comments about my card, I quite enjoyed making something different.
      I will of course share what I make with all of you x
      Any news from Estate Angents yet?
      Fingers crossed,
      Sandra xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Gorgeous card Sandra and it is lovely to see how you are using your new lace.
    Good luck Janet, hope for no more tiles to fall off. Enjoy you last week in Marigny
    Pat- hope everything will be ok for your friend and her next hip op.
    Anne- enjoy the golf, mind your back.
    Michele- good luck with the doctors. Angela- hope you be ok, ouch !
    Cheryl- sound like you had a lot of fun ! :-) Take care.
    Going to have a slow morning, feeling shaky and cold but then need some food shopping done this afternoon.
    Wish you better Sandra and Lilian, hope you are alright.
    Started this two hours ago so will just love you and leave you and wish you all a nice day whatever you are doing, Maria xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria, I seem to get these Uti's quite a lot, I think its a combination of not drinking enough on Saturday mixed in with the exhaustion my body felt after a busy weekend,
      I hope you start feeling better too!
      Iam worried about Lilian, its not like her to not pop in, I pray all is well with her sister xxx

    2. Maria I hope you feel better soon, take care love Margaret xxx

    3. Hi Maria
      Yes, Doreen's had confirmation of her second hip operation on the 21st April. I hope they put her into community care. I've just spent the afternoon running around trying to sort out Ellis's hearing aid. I asked the Drs for a letter saying he needs a home visit. Drs today said they needed a letter from the hearing people that he needs a new hearing aid. The Drs hopefully will write back confirming he needs a home visit. Why do the NHS make everything so complicated.

    4. Hi Maria
      Sorry your not feeling well today,I hope you feel better very soon my friend. It's not anything to do with all them cuddle's with Terry Saturday is it. 😘 HaHa. It was so nice meeting you & everyone Saturday Big Hug's Lynda xxx

  12. Firstly Sandra thank you so much for agreeing to be on my DT team for Scrimpy's Lace Closet . Im sure you will have great fun altering the suitcase and I look forward to what you create . Thank you ever so much for showcasing the items on your blog I really do appreciate it. if any ladies are interested in joining our closed members group they can message me directly on or to my Facebook page Amanda Charlesworth or indeed through Sandra herself . Absolutely beautiful card also Sandra I did try to get the sweet paris pack but seem to have missed out :( cry !! ha ha ha ha . Amanda

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a pretty card today & I am looking forward to see what you do with the lovely lace etc. Hope your meds kick in
    Lovely sunny day washing dried lovely, no ironing either as it was all dogs beds & covers & I have mowed the lawn. Soon be time to take Star out then get dinner never ends does it?
    Hugs on way to all who need them especially Lilian hope all is well with her, love Margaret xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    A very pretty card today. I hope the meds kick in soon. Do hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. Hugs to all who need one today.

  15. A quick hello, I have been told my password is ok so I am hoping so. I see you have made a new heading, I did think I was on the wrong blog. Sorry I haven't been around I am going to be away a bit so might not get in and I don't know if this Google will work without having to sign in every time. X

  16. Evening Ladies

    GP suggested to continue with painkillers & exercises. If problem continues or gets worse then go back-if only they realised how difficult it is to get an appointment. Busy day at work , temporary traffic lights near hospital causing chaos (second week of them being there) so was tired when I finally got home. Just taken my coat & shoes off when the doorbell rang-Dad! He left after 10 minutes luckily so I could actually sit down. Not sure I'm feeling up to starting the challenge card so will look through some craft magazines for inspiration.


    1. Oh Michele sorry you didn't realy get much help from the doctor
      I really sympathise as I'v suffered a few times & very

  17. good evening everyone
    So sorry Lillian to hear of your sisters' passing, please take care.
    I have a lot going on at home at present - we are all ok - so I may not be in for a while as I wont be coming onto the computer very much, If I do get the chance I will pop in - but take care everyone - will see you soon when things get back to normal.
    Hugs Jean xx

  18. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Ooo Sandra I thought I was on the wrong blog very nice header you are so clever changing things also well done on your DT logo .
    Your DT lace is gorgeous I love the butterfly one all so pretty.can't wait to see what you make with the little case. Your challenge card is gorgeous now it's more of a challenge.
    Haven't been up to much usual washing managed to hang it out hoovering exctra then went craft room made a birthday card then took picture of Ally Pally goodies & sent to Sandra I then put everything away. Tomorrow I won't be able to find anything hihi. Have ironing tomorrow the I will try Challenge card.& must try to sort Email out I get so many last week I cleared over 500 went on today & still have 2,500 I get so many from Pinterest & other craft sites.I'm going to unscrbe a lot of them.i think.
    Just got a cupper so will say good night & God bless.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

  19. Hello girls, only have a look in to see who has been in today. Nice to see you Lynn, hope you be back .Nice to see you back too Hazel, hope google want give you any more problems.
    A hug from anyone had been nice today, feeling so weak after a bout like this and no food or hardly any water have passed my lips today. I can hear you all saying I must have something, maybe a cup of tea before bed.
    Sorry the doctors couldn't do any else for you Michele, take it easy.
    Sending many hugs to Lilian, so sorry to hear about your sister. We'll be hear when you ready to come back.
    Good night and sleep well all xxx
