
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Cards from Jess and Michele today !

 Jess's Anniversary Card

 Michele's Crossword Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I am treating you to two card designers today, we have some lovely cards from both Jess and Michele.

Jess's Anniversary cards are first up, they are both amazing, The first card Jess has used the Creative Expressions 'Lyra' die from their Gemini Die range.  
The second card Jess had used the 'Tethered Heart' Striplet die, also from Creative Expressions, both of these dies were designed by the Amazing Sue Wilson.
I love what you have done with both cards Jess, the flowers and flourish die work so well with the Lyra die and the pearls and beautiful blue ribbon give the perfect finishing touch to the Striplet Card.
Thank you so very much for sending your cards in for me to share.

Michele designed the card for her boss, what I want to know is... where is the clue for 4 Down ? there must be a word that fits in there! I love the design of this card Michele and how easy it is to personalise. Michele also gave her boss a Tutorial DVD for Book Folding, something I haven't tried although I love the look of some of the things that I have seen.

Sue and I are off to Pat's today, which I am looking forward to, my only concern this week is that I can't go to the loo at Pat's as it's upstairs, (i can't get upstairs), on an ordinary day I just manage but having this infection might make it a little tricky, I will wait and see how I feel in the morning, fingers crossed plans will remain the same.

Angela, I hope your mouth is feeling better, hopefully it will heal quickly and you'll be back on the Gin soon, you could use it as medicinal mouthwash in the meantime! xxx

Lilian our thoughts are with you at this difficult time, we will be here to support you when you are strong enough to come in, gentle hugs on their way to you xxxx

I hope every one has an enjoyable day.

Can I have all purchases in for tomorrow please ladies, we have some lovely things to show this week.

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Everyoner
    JESS - two delicious and beautiful cards this morning. I love both of them. You have used two of my favourite Gemini die and have shown them to perfection in every way.
    MICHELE - A wonderful card for any crossword fan. I love the way you have used the grids. I'm sure your boss loved it and her gift too. I love the sculptures made from altering books. Hope you had a successful visit to the Drs last evening.

    LILIAN - I hope things are OK. My thoughts and heart is with you Dear Friend.

    We managed to get to see Sylvie yesterday morning and left her with her goodies and card for Saturday.
    When we arrived back a car followed up the back lane and parked just below our house. Jim asked the young lady if he could help as the lane is a dead end just above us and no other house beyond.
    It turns out that she was waiting for an Insurance Assessor to look next door. We of course gave her a cup of coffee etc.
    When they had finished and within a conversation she asked Jim if he would be interested in buying next door! The house was sold 6/7yrs ago and the lady who bought it only lived in it for 9months and was then taken into care and so it's been empty since then. It's too late for us now to buy an additional house but it would be lovely if it was sold as it's now getting to need quite some work doing on it and of course the garden looks like a fairy tale secret garden. Just watch this space.

    I've just looked up and looked through the window to see a red squirrel sat half way up the bird table post handing onto a peanut feeder having his breakfast. The table is just across the garden path so very close to the house. A beautiful start to the day.

    Everything is ready in the Café for all to pop in. All provisions have arrived and the coffee pot and kettle are on.

    I might just try to get another CC done today we'll see what happens when I get my stuff out.
    Hugs are ready and waiting. xxxx

  2. It's me again.
    SANDRA - I forgot to see how much I love your new heading for the blog. Beautiful colours and very chic. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. You lucky thing, getting to see red squirrels out of your window! I could watch their antics all day. I think they are wonderful creatures but have only seen them on Brownsea Island in Dorset where they will come and sit very close to you when you are eating, waiting for crumbs : ) It's such a shame that that is one of only three places here in the UK that they have survived.
      What good news about the house next door, shame you can't buy it, but at least you will get new neighbours. I hope Dobbie wasn't too shocked yesterday on arrival at the Cafe, just wanted to give him a bit of a rest : )
      Have a good day. Take care x

    2. Hi Janet. How lovely to see a red squirrel today. I 've never seen one in real life only the grey ones which I know are classed as vermin but still cute.
      I had a thought that maybe we could all club together and buy the house next door to you. A wonderful place to meet and just think of all those beautiful cakes we could buy. Worth thinking about eh?
      Hope the sun is shinibg for you today.
      Love Val x

    3. Oh Val, what a wonderful idea, not sure Jim would agree though as it wouldn't be quiet and peaceful with us lot around, would it : ) x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Jess-both your cards are stunning, really beautiful.

    The card I made for my boss was a practice at stamping really, it seemed to work out ok so I used it for her birthday card. I bought her a starter kit & Dvd on book folding-it's her birthday on Saturday so i'll let you know what she thought of her gift!

    Misty start to the day but it looks like it's going to be a lovely day-weather wise at least! Let see what fun & games we have today at work. I'll be trying to avoid the CQC inspectors , the Chief Pharmacist has an interview with them tomorrow morning so they'll probably be in the department after that, they're almost certain to visit us in the Aseptic Unit as they should want to know what progress we've made with electronic chemotherapy prescriptions.

    Best go & dry my hair before work.


    1. Hi Michele. Sorry you didn't get some better news from the docs last night. Glad you're not feeling quite so bad now though.
      I hope you manage to avoid the inspectors, for today at least. Take care x

    2. Hi Michele, sorry your visit to the docs wasn't that successful but glad youre starting to feel better.
      Just love todays card. The stamp in brilliant. Do you know the make. Definitely an asset for men cards. My daughter Lynn does book folding although I have tried but my eyes arent good enough to see the measuring. Really good results though. I'm sure the birthday girl will love her present and her card of course.
      Try not to work too hard. Val x

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Beautiful cards from Jess and Michele :-) The Gemini dies from Sue Wilson are growing on me, and Jess's card has made lovely use of it, and I love the striplet card too!
    Fabulous card from Michele, love the crossword - can see that being very useful for lots of occasions. Thanks for sharing - it's so lovely to see what everyone creates :-)
    I hope you have a lovely day Sandra with Sue and Pat, and also that you're feeling better soon.
    Hoping Angela is not in too much pain today - get well soon.
    Sending hugs and thoughts to Lilian at this sad time.
    Hoping everyone else is well, and have a lovely day all.
    Hugs xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Jess, two beautiful cards. I love both of them. I have never used turquoise on a card, it's one of my favourite colours but don't have any of that coloured card. After seeing yours I will have to remedy that. Thank you for sharing your lovely cards. Take care x

  6. Morning Sandra and everyone popping in today.

    Jess- love your cards ! They are both so beautiful, both the Lyra and the striplet are some lovely dies. What have you used for colour cards ?
    Michele- fun card for your boss and for anyone like doing cross words. Love to hear what she thought about her book folding DVD, something I haven't tried.
    Exciting news Janet about the house next door luckily she wasn't a stalker for Jim hihi
    Sandra - hope you have a nice time with Sue and Pat today and want need the lolo to much, bless you.
    Taking OH for a walk later with a happy ending (coffee & Cake):-) as it is his he will get something sweet.
    My thought are with you Lilian, take care x
    Have a nice day everyone whatever you are up to,
    love and hugs Maria xxxxx

    1. Hi Maria. It's good to see you in the Cafe, I hope that means you are feeling much better now. Please pass on my happy birthday wishes to Rich, have a lovely day. X

    2. Hi Maria. Hope you're feeling much better today. Enjoy your coffee and cake and wish your OH a very happy birthday.
      Love Val x

    3. Hello MARIA glad your feeling better today. Wish Ric a very happy birthday 🎉& you both enjoy your coffee ☕️☕️ & cake 🎂🍰🍩 enjoy the rest of you day.
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Ooops, I was a bit quick to publish wasn't I!
    Michele, I love your crossword card, and the way you have personalised it for your boss. ( Book folding is ony "must try very soon" list. That is a stamp I must think about getting as it is suitable for the men too. Thank you for sharing x
    Sandra, sorry I didn't say how much I love your new heading. It is so pretty with that gorgeous heart that you made.
    I will be over beween 11-11.30 as usual. I hope you are feeling better today, I'm sure Pat won't mind coming to yours if needs be. The last thing you need at the moment is to be having to "hang on". By the way,xas you know, I am a sad puppy sometimes and just had to look up to see if there were any words that fit in 4 down on Michele's card. One is comeuppance and the other is absorptance, no, I didn't know what it meant either, neither are suitable words for a birthday card really are they: )
    Maria, so sorry to hear that you are not well dear friend. No trying to do anything until you feel much better please. I hope you get better very soon. Sending special healing hugs x
    Angela, I'm glad to hear that your mother is feeling a bit better, I think Sandra's idea of using gin as a mouth wash is a good one : )
    Lilian, you are my thoughts, sending my condolences, and gentle hugs x
    It is a beautiful day here, I must get the washing out, fingers crossed it stays nice. I hope you all have a good day. Hugs to you all with extras for all in need xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Comeuppance means someone has been caught out and fallen from grace.
      Absorbance means to soak up as in liquids or be very interested in what you are doing. You knew all that really, didn't you?
      Good words xxx

    2. Hi Sue, well if you're sad I am too as I was planning to look up fitting words as well ha ha.Enjoy your time crafting with Sandra and Pat.
      Love Val x

    3. Hi Cheryl. Of course I knew what those words meant hi hi : ) Actually I did know comeuppance as everyone does but absorptance was a new one for me, I guessed it was something like absorbance but it's a little more complicated for those of us that are scientifically challenged : )
      We do learn so much in this great Cafe don't we x

    4. Hi Val, glad I wasn't the only one
      : ) We had a lovely day, as usual, thank you. Between us we did card making, stamping, flower making and parchment crafting using the Groovi plate, so a real variety. If you havent already go and have a lool at Barbara Greys blog, you will see what the experts can do make using the Groovi plate : ) x

  8. JESS' and MICHELE's cards are beautiful I have Lyra die, the only Gemini die I have and love it because it creates a beautiful sweeping effect. I haven't got this particular Striplet but this range of dies are one of my favourites. Where's the sentiment die from JESS? What a great idea MICHELE your boss is obviously a crossword freak!
    I've sneaked in because I am working from home and got the tele on HOCHANDA have changed their postage arrangements Woo Hoo! Right, back to it

  9. Good morning Ladies,
    Thank you Sandra for letting us know the situation with Lillian.
    Lillian , I'm thinking of you and sending loving hugs and condolences to your family xo.
    Jess your cards are gorgeous, I love both of them but my favourite is the soft pearlized pink ? It is stunning with such pretty flowers.
    Michele , great card! I have a crossword stamp too , it is so useful I find for male cards also .
    Sandra I hope you enjoy your day and all goes well , also the new heading is very pretty.
    Well, it's walking day so I'd better go and get my sandwiches made for our picnic lunch, golf was good yesterday and I played quite well, but tired afterwards.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  10. Hi Sandra
    Well hopefully your coming over to me today, if your infection allows. I don't actually get these but Petes had a few, they're not very nice.
    Jess I love your Anniversary cards, I have the Lyra die but not the striplet.
    Michelle love the crossword card for your boss as well. I must look for this stamp as Petes a scrabble freak, along with Sue my SIL.
    Lilian p, my condolences to you and your family on the loss of your sister, gentle hugs on the way.
    Maria, hope your feeling better today and please wish Rick a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
    Angela I hope your not in to much pain today.
    Hugs to all in need of one today.

  11. Hell Sandra and ladies,
    It is wierd looking into the cafe and seeing your own creations, I enjoyed making them. The coloured card is from a pack of satin card, I think I got from C&C, the colours are gorgeous, and the sentiment die is a Cheery Lynn, you have to buy the Happy and Anniversary separate, but you get two sizes, the Happy comes in useful for birthdays as well.
    Lillian sending you lots of hugs, so sorry to hear about your sister.
    Better get a wiggle on, will pop back later, take care xxx

  12. Michele, sorry I forgot to say I like your crossword card, really good for a mans card as well.

    1. Just love both your cards Jess. Such beautiful dies youve used and both colours are so pretty.
      Love Val x

    2. Hi JESS both your cards are Gorgeous & the card is a lovely colour & love bot dies.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    My oh my, what delectable creations we have on offer today. The anniversary cards are quite sumptuous and Michele's crossword card would be enjoyed by all us crossword fanatics. Are your toppers from a CD/DVD Michele?

    Well, my good intentions yesterday came to nought. By elevenses I was sneezing, coughing, spluttering, eyes streaming and a thumping headache to boot. Finally got some lunch at 2.30 then spent rest of afternoon on settee feeling quite awful and sorry for myself but at least I slept a lot. I must have picked up someone's cold somewhere, I could well do without it, perhaps they would like it back? I can post it?
    Not too good this morning either, will be dosing up today with whatever is at hand. I certainly don't feel like going shopping. My cupboards, fridge and freezer are still full from my last monthly shop.

    Hugs my dear Lilian to you and your family on your sad loss. I have said a little prayer that the angels will wrap you in their wings and give you all some comfort and strength.
    Hugs to Maria, Michele, Sandra and Angela, I was so sorry to read you have not been too good yourselves. I hope today and the rest of the week will be kinder to you. And for everyone else who I have missed, hugs to you also. I couldn't read many of the comments made on the days I was away, my eyes just couldn't focus, hopefully once this headache has gone I can catch-up.

    Looking forward to Scrimpy's sale tonight, that's if I don't miss it by falling asleep! There are some lovely guipure laces that caught my eye an her little teaser posting on FB. I know what I can do with those, my mind is already spinning with ideas.

    Another dose of Vicks First Defence is on the cards now, I can hardly see to type with this banging headache back.

    Love & hugs to all.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl poor you, you sound so poorly.I think a lot of sleep and a few hot toddies are in order today. Do hope you improve soon.
      love Val x

  14. Hi Sandra and all. Love the new heading Sandra. The heart is so pretty.
    Had a really bad night. 5am came and I was still awake. Really dull headache at the moment which isnt goodcas I go to play cribbage later and it needs a lot of concentration. I've taken some pain killers so hopefully it will go soon. Mind you, I looked at Joanna Sheens shop about 4am and she has the new Sue Wilson dies on sale. Those of you who went to AP have probably seen them and bought them but they're new to me. Just had to order a couple.
    Enjoy your day day today today Sandra. Hope the meds are starting to work and youre feeling better today.
    LILIAN, I am so sorry to hear the sad news about your sister. My thoughts are with you.

    Wishibg everyone good wishes for today.
    Love Val x

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry this is just a quick look in, but I will be back later.

    Jess your cards are beautiful, I'm sure they will be much admired, I certainly would be very happy to display either of these on my mantle
    Michele, what a brilliant idea the card is for your boss. I think I might have to add this to my ideas book .... If you don't mind xxx

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  16. more stunning cards today they really are inspiring .... have a fab day crafting ladies and Sandra .... just don't drink anything and cross your legs ha ha ha ha xxx Amanda

  17. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you get to Pat's today & have a good day
    Lilian my thoughts & prayers are with you hugs on way.xx
    Jess love your cards they are lovely well done xxx
    Michele I love the crossword card such a great idea, thank you for showing us xxx
    Cheryl sorry you are feeling poorly hope you soon feel better, hugs on way xxx
    Maria hope you feel better wish OH happy birthday from
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  18. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you get to Pat's today & have a good day
    Lilian my thoughts & prayers are with you hugs on way.xx
    Jess love your cards they are lovely well done xxx
    Michele I love the crossword card such a great idea, thank you for showing us xxx
    Cheryl sorry you are feeling poorly hope you soon feel better, hugs on way xxx
    Maria hope you feel better wish OH happy birthday from
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  19. Hello Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA have you got your Tenna Ladies on haha sorry you have infection & hope it clears up soon my lovely. CHERYL I hope you feel better as well very soon take care.Dear lady. I have just come in my craft room to do the challenge card now SANDRA did that Gorgeous one yesterday I'm struggling a bit.oh well will do my best.We have had the most glorious sunny day didn't even have to put a coat on had a lovely walk on the beach from Broadstairs into Ramsgate had a cuppa there then walked back. Well will get a wiggle on with the CC or it won't get finished try & pop back later.have left comments on way down.
    Lilian so sorry for the loss of your dear sister my thoughts & Prayers are with you. Also wish you a speedy recovery take care Hug's Lynda xx

  20. Firstly sincere thoughts to Lilian.
    Second I am doing really well the sinus membrane was not breached so as long as I don't blow my nose or sneeze for two weeks it should heal without further intervention.
    Jess your cards are super but love the pinkie one best.
    Michelle what a great idea, will be keeping that in the 'try out box'
    We are off to Devon for a long weekend, nine old friends meeting for our yearly
    Get together, it would be nice if the weather behaves!?

  21. Evening all,
    OH saying thank you very much for all your wishes, even if he might think it's a bit weird to get greetings from some he never met tihi.
    The weather was stunning to about 3pm so we had a lovely walk for an hour before stopping for a coffee and he had the cake, wish looked very nice. Just had a very nice steak with some roasties and vegs. and later we are having a fruit salad. Football is on so that gave a some time to look in.
    So sorry you got a bad cold Cheryl. Wish you better asap.
    Angela- have a lovely time in Devon, just don't catch anything so you start sneezing.
    Hope you managed to get together girls and had a nice time crafting.
    Jess- the satin card look gorgeous, wonder if I should get some :-)
    Oh Val- what a fabulous idea to buy the house next door to Janet. Why didn't we think of that. Then we would have a base for us all to meet, drink, chat and crafting together, well it doesn't have to be in that order of course. Hope you feeling better !
    Anne- hope you had a nice walk too. Do you belong to a walking group ? They do them around here and it looks like fun but I think they might go a bit to fast.
    Karen- any news yet ? Charlotte- push, hihi
    Hope to do the cc tomorrow but as usual I keep changing my mind so nothing happened so far grrrr!
    Wish you all a good night xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, sounds like you both enjoyed a delicious meal, I take it you made it for the birthday boy! My husband prefers a meal at home rather than going out, but I make up for it when we go on holiday Ha ha!
      Yes. I belong to a walking group but as most of us are over seventy we don't do fast lol! great way to get some exercise and good chat at the same time.
      Anne xoxo

    2. Anne, my husbands exactly the same, every time we have a celebration its a take away and a bottle of wine!
      If he thinks that's how we are spending our silver anniversary he's in for a shock !!! Loll

    3. My thought exactly Sandra. OH has two years to save up for something special hihi What would you like to do on your 25th ? Hope you day was ok.
      The bedbugs are waiting, see you later xxx
