
Thursday 14 April 2016

This Week's Guilty Secrets

 Lilian's New Goodies

 Brenda L Ally Pally Haul 

 Lynda's 1st Ally Pally Haul

 Lynda's 2nd Ally Pally haul

 Pat's Set Craft goodies from last week

 Pats Ally Pally Haul

Pats 2nd lot of Ally pally goodies

 Margaret's Ally Pally Haul

 Maria's Ally Pally Haul

Sue's Ally Pally Haul

Good Morning ladies,

Well as you can see everyone did really well with their craft shopping this week, boosted of course buy our visit to Ally Pally on Saturday, we all had such a good time, the only thing I missed was seeing Sue W crafting, as every time we went to see her she was away filming for Hochanda live !  
I am not sure who is the biggest spender this week, its a close one between Brenda and Lynda !! Brenda managed to get some of the Chameleon Pens, they look easy vto use but i'm not sure they are, I have been fooled before !!! Haha 

Today Sue and I sat down to play with our colour cloud inks, very mixed results, it seems to depend on what card you use, some that I used just absorbed the ink and made what i thought was a 'pretty pink' into a bit of an odd colour, Brenda do you have the pink ???
 Sue then went on to play with her new Groovi plate, along with Pat, both learning from each other, Pat, I must say you make me cry with laughter sometimes !!

Angela, I am so pleased you are on the mend, enjoy your weekend away! Will you have finished your medication?? I hope so, so that you  an relax and have a Gin or two xxx

Lilian, if you are looking in, I hope you are feeling better in yourself, sending hugs xxx

Janet, I have to ask in case Jim has forgotten.....have you booked the ferry and hotel, or are you left to swim after your purchases in the Scrimpy's sale last night!!? X

Paul and I are going to have a lazy day today, I am a little worried as the symptoms of my UTI haven't gone, so I may need some more antibiotics, I am sure I usually have 5 days not just three! Fingers crossed it improves.

Have a lovely day ladies x
Love and hugs


  1. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    I've been looking forward to today to see what the AP visit produced. I'm not disappointed. What a wonderful lot of stash. Will have to pop back later for a proper look as its an early start for me yet again this week. What is standing out in the photios are a lot of SuecWilson dies. Wonderul.
    I'm off to buy a new sunbed. I bought a cver last week but the bed is plastic and has gone brittle with so much sun and finalyy collapsed yesterday. Think I'll buy a metal one next.
    SANDRA sorry you're still feeling rough. Hope you and Paul have a lovely lazy day.
    See you later. Love Val x

    1. Hope you weren't on the sunbed Val.

    2. When I read this the first time I thought you meant a 'sun bed' for tanning! I was thinking why does she need a sunbed when she lives in Spain ?!!
      Then it clicked, you mean a bed to lay on in the garden!! Haha
      Metal one is probably better in the long run !
      Have a lovely day xxxxx

    3. Fortunately Pat I was only sitting sideways on it at the time so apart from a bruise on my bum I'm ok. Could have been a lot. worse. My SIL thought it was hysterical and asked for an action replay so he could video it. I've just bought a very sturdy metal one so hopefully it will last longer than a year this time. X

  2. Morning Everyone
    What can I say! I'm lost for words at all the purchases this week. It's a good job AP only happens twice a year having seen all the gorgeous things you all came home with. I cannot wait to see some of the results.

    LILIAN - I hope you're managing OK my Dear Friend and that everything is going as smooth as it can. My heart and prayers are with you all.

    SANDRA - What a night!! I stopped and turned my laptop off at half time or I would have spent much more. I just cannot wait now until they all arrive. Everything looked so beautiful and YES I'd booked the Ferry and Hotel before!! The funny thing was that Jim will be paying for my lace purchases and I found out that the bank has sent me a new card and as I haven't activated it (the card being in the UK) they cancelled my existing card the day before yesterday! Apparently you cannot have two active current account cards.

    We have a very dull and misty start to the day here so I'm hoping that the sun will shine a little later.

    I have to start the packing and sorting and putting the washer on today so I can then get the house cleaned before we leave on Sunday. So no crafting for me.

    I see Dobbie has done everything I asked and the Café is looking nice and fresh with little posies on the table and nice clean gingham cloths.
    Hugs are on their way so please make full use of them.
    SANDRA - I've fingers crossed that you're OK and not in need of further meds. Have a good day with Paul.

    1. It seem like yesterday when you told us you were going to Marigny and now you coming back already.
      Will you meet up with the newcomer to the family ? She must have grown a bit since. Hope the day stays dry for you. Love the new gingham table cloth xx

    2. Hello Maria - yes we will be visiting grandchildren/great grandchildren. I had a message this morning from Pippa to say that Gracie-Leigh had her four month assessment (where has the last four months gone) yesterday and she now weighs 13lb 8oz, is forward for her age and is 63cm long. From pics she and her sister has grown since we last saw them on Feb 14th. xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-what an amazing selection of crafting goodies. I love seeing what everyone has bought, my goodies haven't arrived yet so hopefully I'll be able to share a photo next week. Still no inspiration for the challenge card & no time tonight as its Tesco shopping night then phone call to my Dad.


    1. Hi Michele, you still suffering with your hip?
      Ooh what have you ordered ??? Looking toward to seeing what you have bought!!
      Hopefully shopping will go smoothly and as you have spoken to your in last couple of days the phone call will be brief!!
      How was attic Sale?

    2. My hip is a lot less painful luckily . I ordered 3 Sue Wilson dies-2 from the new release and 1 from the last one.

      Shopping took forever & am only just on the phone to Dad. No doubt it won't be a quick call-never is!

      The Attic Sale was very slow-took a massive £8 which was the cost of the table. On the plus side, the organiser asked me to consider supplying the charity shop with some cards-Get Well, Sympathy, Thank You & Blank ones. They don't sell them for a great price so that's something I'll need to consider!


  4. Wowser What a lot of fantastic goodies I did send my photo in so did I send it to wrong email....
    I was tempted by the Chameleon pens and loved being able to have a go with them I do not own one alcohol marker so...maybe next time Cathy did let slip that more colours are coming out and there'll be 50
    Hope infection goes quickly SANDRA
    JANET I like your style!
    MICHELE Hope CQC is going OK

    1. I will go back and check Karen, sorry my lovely!
      I was going to ask how you got on with the Chameleon pens when you went to do your 'make and take", did you find them easy enough? Brenda L did it to i think and enjoyed using them, so much in fact that you can see them in Brenda's photo above !
      I hope that all goes well with the Midwife, fingers crossed she will get things moving!!
      Have a lovely day
      Sandra xx

  5. Good Morning from a very sunny part of Somerset.

    At last my cold symptoms seem to have eased off, I feel so much brighter than I have all week. Extra ((((hugs)))) for everyone still suffering from their ailments.

    My goodness me, what stupendous hauls from AP this year. I am still being good re purchases except for my laces and trimmings. I have so many ideas for my Christmas presents this year and I will have to get startd soon so they will all be ready on time as well as the Church Fete items.

    I'll pop in later to see what everyone has been up to.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad your feeling better today.

    2. Glad you feeling better Cheryl, just take it easy over the weekend xx

    3. Thank you ladies for your good wishes. I think I spoke too soon, symptoms back and feel like a nap is in order. x

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What a wonderful array of goodies we have this week. Please spare a tjought for my lovely Mum, she has seem a photo of her goodies but wont get her fingers onto it all until tomorrow when I take it to her, only one more sleep Mum xx
    It is always interesting to see what everyone has bought. As Sandra said we had a play with our Colour Clouds inks and if you use the right type of card/paper they work beautifully, blending (using the latex Smoothies) so easily, if you use the wrong card /paper then it is a whole new story. Now we have to work out which of our card/ papers will work with them!!! I chose to get the mini smoothies and find them so easy and comfy to use, Sandra used the larger ones and found that using my mini ones made her fingers ache, so if at all possible try before you buy ladies. (They do work really well with Memento ink pads too, haven't tried any other brands yet). Watch this space for more info, and if anyone else can tell us which card/paper works well please let us know : )
    Sandra, I hope you get your lazy day with Paul, it does sound like you need some more antibiotics though, doesn't it. Hope you get them without too much fuss from your GP.
    Cheryl, sorry to hear you are full of cold, fingers crossed its a quick one, lots of hot tea and rest for you I hope.
    Maria, it sounds like you and Rich had a lovely day.
    Angela, I hope you are feeling better each day and that you have a lovely weekend with friends.
    I hope I haven't missed anyone who is not well today.
    Lilian, you are my thoughts at this sad time.
    Must try and get this weeks cc done today and then it's Beavers this evening.
    Sending hugs to all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, yes thankfully my tummy had settled and Rick and I had a nice day. He didn't want any fuss so just a normal day really but it helped with the sun shining and me being nice :-)
      I'm using my baby smoothies on normal/water coloured card with the Tim Holtz colour pads and that works ok. Only me who are bit heavy handed xxx

    2. Indigo Blu has a card/paper especially for blending and stamping. I bought some 2 years ago at a small workshop I attended and I must admit, I can't find it! I put it away so I would use it for those purposes only. Hey ho, the pack will probably appear like magic now that I have mentioned it. x

  7. Good morning, I had problems again yesterday with Google I will see how today goes.
    Now ladies instead of spending all this money on these crafting goods I think the money would be better spent buying the house next to Janet and using it as the retreat venue!!! Janet! Is it big enough to hold a few crafters for a retreat??? Oh just think of the fun, we could all travel over together to do it up, of course it would be set up for crafting, I am sure a few of these Yuk things in the garden to sleep everyone would be fine! A big kitchen table to eat round and bobs your uncle we be all set. Now whose husbands are handy at DIY ??? If folk on Homes under the Hammer can do properties up for next to nothing I am sure between us we could do it. I think from looking at all the goodies you ladies bought a good kitchen cooker could be bought, and if we went second hand I bet we could get a few more things. Then it would be " The retreat". Ok Janet and Jim might decide it was time to retreat that's back to England!!! That's ok we know theirs is in good order so we could buy that too! What do you think? Remember when everyone was going to descend on Janet at one point, oh we did have a good laugh!
    Jess I loved your cards, you used favourite dues of mine, you just can't go wrong.
    Michele, great card for crossword lovers.
    Just awaiting grandsons arriving, we will be going out with the dogs for a good walk, apart from that they can amuse themselves while I get on. I have things to get on with. Right I better get a move on. xxx

    1. I'm in Hazel, top idea !! Sounds like heaven!!!
      We could use all of our stash items to decorate too !! We could have "the Periwinkle room" like they have in these NTrust houses!!
      On a serious note I did ask Paul if we could move to Marigny as I knew the neighbours were OK !!
      I am so pleased to see you in today, you were one of my very first followers and it would break my heart to loose you too !! But I do understand that things move on!
      But will say seeing your name bought a huge smile to my face!
      How you getting on the 'granny duties' ? Are your school children on a break at the moment?
      Did you say you wouldn't see Beth and Anna this week?
      Hope your internet keeps allowing you to post
      Sandra xxx

    2. Sandra. Yes you would know the neighbours, on the down size Janet knows what trouble these followers can be, with red bloomers and hot air balloons??? Yes granny duties today through to Monday night. Had Anna out on a girly day on Tuesday, not having them now today as dad has taken the day off. I am looking forward to my break next week. xxx

    3. Val and I said the same thing about the house next to Janet hihi We would have so much fun making it up and as you know my kitchen will be free soon and all the white goods. Only one thing, I Do Not do Spiders in any form or shape !
      Have a nice day Hazel xxx

    4. Oh ladies you have just put the biggest smile on my face for today. I love love love the idea of buying next door -there is also a very large barn which has been used as a two car garage on our border too- what a craft retreat that would make!!!! At least I could then get to meet you all properly instead of via cyberspace. I'm impatiently waiting to do just that so get your pennies saved!! Hugs xxxx

    5. Janet, they will all including yourself need to not buy a thing, we could paper the walls with all the papers we don't like any more! Jim will have to find out how much it's going for! The barn sounds great, daughters MIL has a big barn by her house I always see it being converted to a living room at the end that looks over the river bifolding doors of course, at the other end a kitchen dinner! Never thought of a craft area. I see Jess is going to take some white goods on the hot air balloon. Yes a retreat by you would be fab., we might have to dream a bit longer!!!

  8. Hi Sandra
    We had a lovely day yesterday didn't we. It's a shame I couldn't get my head around how the writing backwards went on the Groovie parchment. I thought you had to write it backwards, my how Sue and Sandra laughed. Even when I got my head around it I put Merry where the Xmas should go. Must put my thinking brain into gear when I do the writing, that's if I can find it.
    Sorry to hear your still under the weather Sandra, not to sure why you were only given 3 days as the norm according to Petes nurse is 5 days. I hope you and Paul have a lazy day today. We're off to take Doreen to lunch then to the Drs to have her clips removed.
    Thinking of you Lilian and gentle hugs on the way.
    You might be moving Janet if we all move in next door, or if you join us, we'll buy Jim some ear protectors to cut out the noise. I hope you have a good journey home.
    Maria what's in the bottles you bought please. What a great haul everyone bought, I'm still undecided about the colour cloud, seeing as the problem Sandra and Sue had.
    Hope you have a lovely walk with your grandsons Hazel.

    1. Oh Pat ,it is Paint I used at the make and take just didn't have any money left for the gilding wax or whatever we were using too hihi so will have to buy that next time unless Julia got some on Saturday.
      Watched on Hochanda yesterday about the Groovi, very nice and quick xxx

  9. Good morning everyone, well didn't you do well ladies at AP, such a varied lot of goodies. Looking forward to seeing all the things you do with them.
    Oh yes, I'm with Hazel on buying the house next to Janet's, just think what a great time we could have.
    Well food shopping for me today, so enjoy whatever you do and take care xxx

    1. Hi jess,
      Enjoy your food shopping, not my favourite chore!
      Mind youb since we had Aldi open in town we tend to go buy it as we need I rather than doing a big shop!
      Now then Jess, I have seen your decorating /makje over skills, so you are definitely on the Marigny renovation team !!!!
      Have a lovely day

  10. Oh Jess we will have to disgust this French retreat next week when we have our meet up! We are going away to replace our sofa and chair in here, we could take it over there! Oh I need to get a move on. Having no washing machine is a pain, Tammy will do some for me, it's not getting it done when you want. My repair man is on holiday till next week. 😫😫😫 xxx

    1. You don't realise how much you rely on it !!
      Thank goodness there's just you and Charlie, we had to be without ours for four days once and the laundry pile was ridiculous! Why o why the girls think they need to have jeans washed after one wear!!
      Hope repair !an will have you at top of his list !!
      Don't be rushing round too much,
      Sandra xxx

  11. Morning Ladies,
    Just back from Doctors and frustratingly I still have UTI, she dipped my sample and could tell straight away that infection was still there !! So she has prescribed an antibiotic called 'Nitrofurantion'. Which is a totally new one to me, Four a day for 7 days, so fingers crossed it will work without making me feel too yucky !!
    I will get Paul to get me some 'live' yoghurt today, as my mouth has gotten really sore, from antibiotics I think,
    Hope to get a bit of crafting done today but just laying down for half an our as I feel exhausted.
    I will pop in later,
    Sandra xxx

    1. Hi Sandra,

      I have to take this ABX for a chest infections plus steroids cos of the COPD. Very quick bug busting tablets. x

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Sandra and all in today. A prawn sandwich and tea please Dobbie, as coffee seem to be one factor for my tummy problems but I do like a strong black :-)
    Wow, so many wonderful crafting things. We did well didn't we tihi but I think Margaret will be very surprise for her haul tomorrow. Have fun !
    Sorry your UTI still there but hope your new meds. will clear it up in the next few days.
    Angela- hope your mouth is getting better and not to sore.
    Sat here into early morning so Have had a lazy morning. Had a guy reg. the kitchen here and hope to go down and see their showroom again next week. Nothing sat in stone yet (is that the saying ?) Haven't got any mojo so no cc done, just have some ideas but nothing so far. Going for a walk to clear my pea brain might work....
    Take care all and sending special hugs to the ones who need one. love and hugs Maria Xxxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a haul we managed to pick up at AP. I'm sure Lynda is the winner as she has quite a few biggest item was the chameleon pens, most other items were £1. Or on offer.... Honestly!!!! Well the dies weren't on offer, but I still think Lynda is the winner xxx

    Sandra hope the new antibiotics help, its exhausting when these infections hang on. Thank goodness Paul was hoping to get to there today.

    Lillian sending you my love and prayers, hope you are alright, such a lot for you to cope with at the moment. LOL

    Janet good luck with all the packing. I've had a laugh thinking about Cotswold crafters buying the house next door. Poor Jim will be wanting to relocate just thinking about it. XXX

    I will try and catch up with you all later on to see what you been up to, mind you if it's anything like yesterday I did return in the evening started to put in a message and fell sleep. Love and big hugs for everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Oops - thank goodness Paul was HOME to get you there today xx

  15. Oh now we have a kitchen, and white goods too. I wonder how much the house is? Maria I think you are just going to have to go for the 4 week time to do your kitchen! I bet we crafters could do up the house quicker. Xxx

  16. Hello again Everyone - Jim has just asked has anyone got a very large marquee so that we could all sit inside to craft and then he wouldn't have to run around collecting paper etc which might have blown away if it was windy. I wonder if furniture could be fastened to the top of mobility scooters somehow and save on removal costs!
    Hugs to all xxxx

  17. We could use the hot air balloon again, yippee, it would take a few white goods.
    I will get my paint rollers out and see if B&Q have any deals on paint.
    Just think how much fun we could have, we would also be able to get some of Janets delicious pastries, mmmmmm

  18. Hello All, just popped in to say how much I appreciate all your kinds thoughts.
    My cold is this horrible virus that's doing the rounds.
    Getting things sorted for my Sisters goodbye, next week , spent a lot of times remembering the lovely times we had together.

    A lovely lot of goodies , on show today, would love to get to A/P one day.

    My daughter and S/L are comming to stay for the weekend, so that will be lovely.

    Hope everyone soon feels better. Hugs Lilian

    1. Lilian lovely to see you, sorry you have this virus that's the last thing you want at the moment. Pleased to hear you are remembering the good times. Enjoy your family visit. We are here for you whenever you feel up to popping in. Special hugs on the way love Margaret xx

  19. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry you are still suffering, hope new meds kick in
    What a lovely lot of goodies you all bought, as Sue said I am still waiting to see mine, hopefully tomorrow, how exciting like waiting for Christmas!!
    Love the idea of buying house next to Janet, well we can dream can't we?
    Had a busy day so feeling rather tired so bed will be calling soon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  20. Good evening SANDRA & ladies
    Wow amazing Ally Pally buys everyone has. Now Brender I think we are both winner's haha.. SANDRA im sorry your still suffering hope your new med's soon kick in. Hope you & paul had a good day together.
    Almost finished CC will finish tomorrow. Sorry I'm late I got all the ironing done.Then had a good clean up after all that We sat down at 230 had some lunch & both fell asleep for couple of hours shattered.
    CHERYL I'm sorry your still feeling unwell hope you feel better very soon my dear friend.Lilian sorry you have that horrible virus especially having cope with your sisters goodbuy arrangements next week my thoughts & prayers are with you. I'm pleased your daughter & SIL are staying with you.please take care of yourself love & Hug's Lynda xx
    I think I am going to have a early night as still tired think it's catching up on me over the last two months being ill ext. so will say good night. Love Lynda xx
