
Sunday 10 April 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

The Sketch

My Challenge card

Janet's Challenge Card

Cheryl's Challenge card

Lynda's Challenge Card

 Maria's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge card

 Val's Challenge Card

 sue's 1st Challenge Card

 Sue's 2nd Challenge Card

 Hazel's Challenge Card

 Anne's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Jess's Challenge Card

Karen McClures challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

What a day we had yesterday, some fabulous crafts on display, some lovely things to buy too, I think this year there were more different die companies available than ever before, some fantastic stamps too, it's so inspirational to be able to watch so many craft experts using there products too!

But best of all was meeting up with the most amazing ladies anyone could wish to meet.....I met Karen (lotty) for the first time, what a beautiful warm and friendly lady, we got talking straight away like we had known each other for years, I definitely want to meet up again soon!  Brenda was there too and Brenda (littlelamb) also, with her beautiful granddaughter Scarlett, what a polite young lady, a real pleasure to meet. Lynda & Terry were there too, Terry was as hilarious as always, he even tried to steal my wheels !! Lol 
Our Maria joined us too, it was so lovely to catch up, Maria tried very to keep us in order, I'm not sure she managed though!! 
Sue and Pat were as always great company, we laughed all the way home.!

Another gorgeous range of cards this week, you never cease to amaze me Ladies, your cards are all so gorgeous,  I can't manage to go through card individually this week as I am exhausted after spending so many hours at Ally pally!!

I am just going to say that each and everyone of your cards are beautiful,
Each bone different, Anne I love your "Loch ness monster'' card, its just so funny, yet so funny.  So many of you have used a beautiful heart die cut on
Your cards,  some real pretty hearts !!

I will be busy planning tomorrows card sketch all day today, 

Have fun whatever you are up to today,
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    Well each Sunday Morning gets better and better and just keeps on going.
    What a fantastic display on the board this morning and just the most wonderful way to start the day.

    I love each and everyone of this week's cards and yes again each one different in every way. Looking forward to seeing what you bring us tomorrow Sandra.

    It sounds as though you all had a wonderful time at AP and this week's Guilty Secrets should be pages and pages long!!!!!!
    Did Paul need a trailer on the back of the car?

    We have a misty start here in marigny but the sun has risen and so hopefully it will be clear soon so that we can get out into the garden and do the necessary as we are at the beginning of our LAST WEEK here and as yet have not stepped out into the garden at all. Though I do have to say Jim has been busy as he painted the bedroom, painted the bottom half of the veranda (indoors), put me two more shelves up at the side of my crafting cupboard and then finished off by fitting two new wall lights at the side of the bed.

    Now as you're all back and settled in where you all belong I'll give you the run down on this week's pastries.

    JIM - decided that he would have the Lemon cake which I had last week and he agreed that it was just the item to finish off his meal.

    I had the most gorgeous Strawberry cake ever. It was made up of a layer of beautifully moist sponge with a layer of the lightest Vanilla Mousse on top continuing with a dense layer of Strawberry Mousse which had slivers of dark choc in it and on top of that another layer of the beautiful Vanille Mousse topped with a Strawberry Glaze and half a Strawberry as the finishing touch. Hmmmmmmm
    words fail.......

    As I've said we are starting our last week for this time and I just cannot believe that we have been here for a month!! Now you all know what it's going to be like:- have you booked the ferry and hotel? I wonder how many times I'm going to be asked hmmm

    Thank you for the cakes Sandra they were delicious and I see that Dobbie has arrived with all the goodies for today. This week's home made jam is Fig so please let me know what you think.

    Hugs has been despatched so please take them when they arrive. xxxx

    1. Gosh Janet it only seems like yesterday you were Booking the ferry etc., how time flies why you are having fun. Your pastries sound absolutely gorgeous!

    2. Hi Janet, your strawberry cake sounds delicious. I just love strawberries. I dont think I like fige but I'll certainly have a try. Thank you. Love Val x

    3. Hi Janet your pastry's sound so delicious hope you both enjoyed them. I can't believe it's already been a month where dose the time go. Enjoy the rest of your time there. Love Lynda xx

    4. Those cakes certainly sound yummy Janet, will you be making copies for the cafe lol! Anne xo

    5. Your pastries sound delicious. It doesn't seem a month ago that you were going does it. It's a shame you couldn't get out into the garden.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Once again, a fantastic collection of challenge cards. Sue-I love your Christmas card, I really must think about using Christmas images on the next few challenges.

    We have a frosty start to the morning but it looks like it's going to be a lovely sunny day. Hubby off out early to play a golf match. I have the usual chores to do then a birthday card to make.


    1. Have a good day Michele hope you get your card made
      Hug's xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and Ladies, couldn't say good morning as it's anything but, wind is howling around the house and it's raining and very cold.
    Love All the cards this , such a different display of ideas. I think the idea of making Christmas cards is a good idea too, but I know I will not do it , for some reason I dislike making them.

    Sad news is that my Sister who was doing so well in her new "home" has had a stroke yesterday, she is in intensive care, don't know how bad it was.

    Glad you all had a lovely day yesterday, watched Sue on the telly in the morning, looked as though it was very crowded. Lovely that you all managed to meet up.

    Woke this morning with very sore throat ! hope I'm not getting the terrible virus again, will take vit c and zink and hope that I can get over it quickly as daughter and husband are coming on Friday.

    Hope you're not all feeling too shattered after yesterday.
    Hugs for me and for you!!!!! Lilian

    1. Lilian ,so sorry to hear about your sister. Hope and wish she will get better, my thoughts are with you and hopefully you just got a tickly throat and not got the virus again. Sending you some sun xxx

    2. Oh lilian , I am so sorry to hear your sad news,
      I do hope your sister improves quickly, sending huge
      Love sandra xxxx

    3. Sorry to hear about your sister, sending get well wishes. Hope your sore throat doesn't develop into anything worse. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs xx

    4. Hi Lilian, so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope you get good news about her.
      Really hope the vitamin c works and it doesnt devope into a cold.
      Take care Love Val x

    5. LILIAN so sorry about your sister hoping she improves very soon.Hop your sore throat doesn't turn into the virus take care. Love Lynda xx

    6. Lilian hope you have better news on your sister soon & your sore throat does not develops more. Special hugs on way to

    7. Lillian so sorry to hear about your sister - hope you get better news - take care xx

    8. Poor you Lillian , I hope your throat has eased a bit and the news of your sister not as bad as you expect, sending hugs, Anne xo

    9. Hello Lillian - I'm so sorry about your Sister. You don't seem to take many steps forward at the moment my dear friend but I've every confidence that you will get good news later today. I'm carrying you with me today. Hugs xxxx

    10. Hi Lilian
      I'm sorry to hear that you've got a sore throat. I also hope you haven't git that dreaded virus coming bad. Sorry to hear about your sister, I do hope she improves soon.

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Oh I do love Sunday mornings to see all the different takes of the challenge you give us Sandra. This weeks cards are all fabulous, Anne- love the Lock Ness monster, Jesse's button heart and Val- the little puppy, so adorable. Well done to us all ! :-)
    Sorry girls I did not come in after being to AP yesterday but my stupid body decided to shut down when back home so just had to lay down. I had a good time but the best bit was having lunch together with you Sandra & Paul, Lynda & our lovely Terry :-), Brenda, Pat, Sue, Karenlotty, Littlelamb and Beautiful Scarlett, I'm amazed she managed going all day and then walk to the car park ! Think to be young again. Saw many of the people from Hochanda. Had a go at a Make and Take and bought a few things from my wishlist but it hardly made a dent this time. Will take a photo do and send to you later today.
    Have fun seeing the lambs and it seem to be a nice day, little frost on the ground this morning and the sun is up. Not much doing here today, just sit and drool thinking of the yummy pastries Janet and Jim had on Friday. Fig jam sound nice so will try some.
    If you can ,get out into the sunshine and feel the rays on your face and say , how good it is to be alive and then make a card this afternoon
    Love and many hugs ,Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. Sounds as though yu had a wonderul time. All that walking would have tired me out as well. A day of relaxation, well earned today. Love Val x

    2. Hi Maria so lovely seeing you yesterday & I think Terry was too He loved his cuddle's with you.HiHi.
      Sorry your suffering,have a good rest today. I was shattered when we got home. Take care my friend Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Maria so pleased you had a lovely day yesterday, I hear you had a job keeping them all under control.
      Hope you are taking it quiet today. Love Margaret xxx

    4. Hello Maria - so pleased you had a good day yesterday and hoping that today your body is feeling better. Don't forget you have to treat it nice or it will get the better of you lol. We managed to get into the garden and have had the most gorgeous day of SUNSHINE AND WARMTH OUTSIDE!!!! Well I managed this morning and cut a few rose trees but Jim bless him did all the rest this afternoon. I didn't manage to get any crafting done this afternoon just had to sit having taken extra pain killers but it was well worth it this morning.
      Hugs xxxx

    5. Hi Maria
      Lovely to see you yesterday, but I'm sorry to hear you are shattered today. Mind you I think we all were.

  5. Message to Pat. Not sure if you still looking for Happy Birthday die but 'Art of Craft' have a few and you only need to spend £ 10 to get free delivery xxx

    1. Thanks Maria, but I did manage to find a small happy birthday, right at the end of the show when I was looking for something else. Always the way inst it. But at least I won't gave to keep borrowing Sandra's.

  6. So glad you all enjoyed the Ally Pally . Isn't it wonderful how many different ideas surface regarding the challenge card. Will be using some of the layouts
    myself. St Peters Hospital, Chertsey tomorrow, back upper tooth, roots connected to my sinus hence hospital visit. I am a glass half full person but wish I hadn't Googled the proceedure. Hey ho......

    1. Hi Angela oooo hope your hospital vist tomorrow isn't too painful sounds horrible hope they are putting you to sleep first. Not always a good thing to google is it. Take care
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Angela wishing you all the best for tomorrow, sounds nasty, will be thinking of

    3. All the best for tomorrow Angela. Google can get a curse sometimes.

    4. Angela, bless you. All the best for tomorrow, if it was me they had to knock me out first. No more Googling xx

  7. Morning all, what a gorgeous display of cards we have today, everyone, is so different, love the Christmas one and the Nessie one, so funny.
    How nice that you met up yesterday, I did watch the show and kept looking to see if I could spot any of you, but as I was watching on my I pad it didn't work, the screen is too small.
    Looking forward to all your guilty secrets ladies, take care xxx

    1. Hi Jess
      Lovely that you watched the show yesterday. I saw Brenda Lello in the audience watching, while I was peeking round the corner.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone. What a beautiful selection of cards again from the challenge. Love them all, so different and unique. So sorry I didn't manage to take part this week, been busy with other crafting projects!
    Sounds like you all had a fabulous day at Ally Pally - I really must find a way of getting there one time.
    Hope everyone is well and has a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and ladies. Well I bet there were some tired ladies last night after a marathon at Ally Pally. It sounds wonderful and all meeting up sounds lovely. Looking forward to seeing what lovely goodies youve all bought.
    What an amazing selection of cards today. Every one different yet fitting the challenge card. I just love Sundays.
    Not a lot happening here today. The sun is shing so I'm going to sit out and listen to the Archers on my tablet. Isnt technology wonderful.
    Enjoy you day everyone.
    Take care Love Val x

    1. Hi Val hope you enjoyed listening to the Archers I didn't know they were still going.sounds like you had a very relaxing day.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    What a beautiful selection of cars you have this week Sandra, the challenge certainly works and brings out the best from all of the ladies. Sorry I didn't get a card to you, hopefully I will be able to this week.

    Hope everyone got home safely from Ally Pally and has had a good nights sleep, it was a brilliant day The highlight being - meeting up with so many of you ladies from the blog. XX I did see SW show on Hochanda. She was with Leoni who was lovely on and off screen very down to earth young lady.

    Will hopefully look in later, sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda it was lovely meeting up with you again yesterday.
      Look forward seeing your craft goodies & you enjoy playing with them.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sounds as if you had a lovely day at Ally Pally, hope you are getting to rest today. Once again challenge cards are call so different, must admit I found this one more of a challenge, sorry for pun! never mind that is what it's all about. Look forward to this
    I am still waiting for Sue to tell me what she bought me, no doubt she is suffering today. Take your time
    Must get on have ironing to do first time for days washing is blowing on the line.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  12. Hello Sandra & all you ladies I had a lovely day yesterday especially meeting up for lunch with everyone & meeting Karenlotty for the first time she is lovely & all the the others Sandra Paul Sue Pat Brenda L Littlelamb & Scarlett Maria
    Such good friends. Boy was I shattered when I got home we had dinner Spag bowl so that was easy as meat sauce was already cooked ( I cpook it in bulk & freeze) so ready in no time. By 10 my eyes kept shutting so we had a early night. Not doing much today houswork & put craft stash away I will photograph them first & send to Sandra.
    Wow what an amazing array of challenge cards today They All Gorgeous well done. I love to see everyone take on the sketch thank you Sandra look forward tomorrow & see what you have for us this week.
    Well better have some lunch very late today.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Lovely to see you and Terry again yesterday Lynda. Make sure he looks after you with all those bruises. Terry did make us laugh yesterday didn't get. Can't you just imagine the sight of Sandra sitting on his lap in her chair, with poor Paul pushing. Or trying to push as the case may be.

    2. Hi Lynda, it was lovely to see you both again it's
      way to long in between. Hope you had a slow, relaxing day and not in to much pain.
      Oh that would have been a sight Pat Lol xxx

  13. Margaret Palmer10 April 2016 at 15:18

    Hi Lynda pleased to hear you enjoyed yesterday & got some goodies. Take it easy today love Margaret xx

    1. Thank you Margaret I had a lovely day & the hi light was meeting everyone for lunch. Also got some guilty secrets. I hope Sue got you some nice goodies too. Missed you yesterday..
      Love Lynda xx

  14. Good afternoon everyone - Well I must say the standard of cards on display today is so high - well done - they are all amazing.
    Its a beautiful day to day here, sun been shining since early - although there was a frost, got the bedding dry outside - just love that, - just looking at my calendar and I hope I haven't got it wrong but is it Margaret Bowes' birthday today - If it is Happy birthday Margaret.
    Hope everyone is recovering from AP and you all enjoyed yourselves.
    Take Care
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean,your right it is Margaret Bowes Birthday today.It is nice when we can get the washing out on the line,it smells so fresh I managed to get two washes dry today. Have a good day tomorrow.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hope you have a good day too Lynda xx

  15. Good afternoon Ladies, well our family have finally left, it's lovely having them but also wonderful to get the house back to ourselves, so we are now enjoying the peace and quiet for a wee while.
    The display of cards are all amazing! I love Val 's idea of filling the heart with buttons , looks so cute!
    Well I'm sure the Ally Pally visitors are all tired but happy with their meet up and purchases , so worth while and lots of good memories, will we see any photos of the girls as well as their goodies. I do hope so.
    It's Torridon day tomorrow , so a lovely day of having my coffee and lunch all made for us and I can just sit and craft ( haven't decided at what yet ) .
    The washing machine hasn't stopped today I dread to think about all the ironing but at least most of it we got out to dry.
    Looking forward to see what challenge Sandra has for us tomorrow!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hope you gave a lovely day tomorrow Anne.

    2. Have a good day tomorrow ANNE enjoy your lunch & crafting.xx

  16. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning array of cards today. I love them all but especially Anne's Loch Ness Monster card.
    Took Doreen to Yarnton for a hot chocolate for a little outing then on to see Ellis. She was upset as all he wanted to do was watch television, but had it so loud that conversation was impossible.

  17. Hello ladies just looked in to see what I have missed, we have had a great family day, I always feel so blessed to have such a lovely time when we are able to all be together.... YES I feel truly blessed.
    Good night everyone, love Brenda xxx
