
Friday 22 April 2016

A little bit of Guilty Secret Confessions for Friday

Good Morning ladies,

I hope that you are all ok, all of you that have been to visit the 'Vampire' have recovered from the experience.  What a coincidence that so many of you had it the same week.

I cannot believe that Friday is upon us once again, this week has just flown, not sure if it's because Paul has been home, or that I haven't been on top form, I am feeling better, my antibiotics are all finished. Paul is back at work today, so I will be in the craft room, I am going to use the die cuts I made the other day with Pat's new Stitched Frame Lattice die, I am trying to decide whether or not I would use it enough.  Mainly because when I go through my die folder I hardly use the Californian collection that I bought or some of the dies that at the time I thought I couldn't live without !!
Maybe we should have a mini challenge next week to use a die that you haven't used for 3 months or more, what do you think???

Now onto this week's purchases.....

Pat has bought two new additions to her 'Groovi Plate' collection, both of them are Christmas themed I believe, although you could use elements from both for any card.  I was amazed at how fab the images looked when I was watching Pat colour some of her images on Wednesday.  Pat has also bought the new Stitched Lattice Frame die set from the 'Shadowbox' range of dies by Creative Expressions, I cut some of them out on Wednesday and will be having a play today, first impressions are very good, its a lovely die.  Thanks Pat for taking part today xxxx

Michele has bought the ''Techno Gadgets'' die set from Robert Addams 'All Occasion Dies'
it looks like it will be an amazing die set for Teenagers and boys in general, with Ipods and Game Console Handsets and Headphones, most of which my two teenagers have in their hands on a daily basis, I think that this die will be invaluable for making cards to sell at your Attic sale Michele, as that is a tricky age to make cards for, a very wise buy! Thank you for taking part Michele xxxx

Val, our 'shopper of the week'  I think!!  What a incredible Haul, It looks like you bought the die that Michele won yesterday, is it the Bruges Die from the Belgian Collection, I see you got the Shadow Box die too, I love the Bicycle Die, I can just picture a card with lots of flowers flowing from the basket!!  I can't quite see what the other dies are, they look like pretty corner dies, from Joanna Sheen,  You got some of the essential adhesives too, two of the best glues out there!  Thank you so much for sharing your purchases with us Val xxxx

Thank you ladies for taking the time to take part once again, this blog just wouldn't work without all of you participating each day. So thank you for your loyalty and support, you have no idea what a difference you all make to my life, making it a much brighter place, heartfelt thanks to all of you xxx

Have a fun day, oh and if any of you have any crafty things that you have made or want to show off, please send me a photo for Mixed Craft Saturday.

Love and Hugs to all of you,


  1. Hi Sandra,

    Sorry to hear you and hubby have both been ill but glad you are now bth on the mend. some great purchases the Ladies have made, love those groovy Christmas plates, I love parchment but I have not got back into yet, just dont have the time otherwise I would be purchasing a groovy plate as I think its a wonderful idea Barb has come up with.
    Have a great day crafting

    Love & Hugs to everyone at the cafe

    Jacquie J xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Great collection of purchases. I'm hoping my Techno dies will be quite useful.
    Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday on my cards-the images are pre coloured & I just layered them with one of the co-ordinating background papers.

    Disappointing news at work-my new machine isn't being delivered next Thursday & will hopefully be ready for the 5th so I'm not sure what time to take off etc. Think I'll take Monday off, see what I feel about the bathroom fitters then decide, maybe take Friday off so I can check what they've done & make sure the house is secure!
    Lots of the-organising to do at work today due to the change in plans and planning around the bank holiday Monday to ensure we have everyone's treatment covered. I hope the sunny weather continues as we need to do lots more work in the garden.


    1. Hope you machine turns up soon Michelke, and the fitters don't make to much mess.

  3. Morning Everyone
    PAT - love the look of your boards. I love to see parchment and I did try it once but I just could not get it to work and my fingers rebelled so now I look and admire and yes envy too.
    VAL - I take it that your haul is from JS and what a fantastic haul. Cannot wait to see your creations.
    MICHELE - I just know you'll be making full use of your new die as having seen some of your fantastic cards I'm really looking forward to seeing some results.

    Well after my visit to the Vampire yesterday my cold came out in full. Just like a force 10gale. I managed to get through 2 large size boxes of tissues before tea time and so started on my third!! Needless to say I did nothing other than sneeze and wipe my nose.
    At the moment I'm managing to sit here without a tissue in my hand or under my nose and deciding whether to risk letting my hairdresser come this morning as she should. I'm desperate for my hair cutting and I know I'll feel better but I really don't want to pass germs around.

    I'll also try and catch up on yesterday's comments later.

    SANDRA - I'd love a challenge to use a die I haven't used for yonks. I sorted all my dies out earlier this year into 'those I use now' and 'those that haven't been used for more than a year' so it would be interesting to re-visit the old ones.

    The Cafe is open for business and all's set out just waiting for you all to come in and sit down. Sorry French Pastries are off the menu today!!
    Hugs to all of you xxxx

    1. Thanks for setting everything up again this morning Janet. I also have dies that I haven't used for ages.

  4. Hi Sandra and all visiting the cafe' today.
    My world so much more lovely dies ,groovi plates etc.
    Can't wait to see what's be made.
    Wish you better Janet ! Just take it easy for a few days.
    Lilian , you and the family are in my thoughts.Take care.
    Nurse managed to get two tubes of my blood yesterday,yay.
    She took the needle out and nothing, not one more drop so no plaster needed tihi.
    Off out to the kitchen showroom so must jump in the shower and have something quick, HE will leave nine on the dot so I wish you all a good day and I'll see you sometime this afternoon hopefully.
    love and hugs to you all ,Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope you find a new kitchen soon that's to your liking. My friend had her kitchen redone ( nothing wrong with her old one I might add ). Along with that she bought a lime green toaster and kettle costing over £150.00 each which were just for show. More money than sense comes to mind.

  5. Hi MARIA I hope you were ready at 9 o clock hihi.glad the vampire nurse managed to get some blood. Hope you find the perfect kitchen today.Have a good day Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all,
    what a lovely lot of goodies today.Love the Grrovy plates. My die is the same as the one Michele won. I tried it out yesterday and its so pretty.
    Paul decided to go to Jersey so flew out about 1 this morning. There was
    supposed to be a 5 hour stopover to Jersey at Gatwick but there has been a delay and we havent heard that hes got there yet. He'll be exhausted, poor man.
    My doctor yesterday said my BP is very high so hes monitoring it and I have to have another blood tesr to check other things aas I told him I'm not sleeping. My appointment isnt until 4th May!!!
    Its craft club today and Wendy's back from UK. Sadly I can only stay a while but long enough to see Wendys goodies from AP. I have packed my craft bag and I'm ready to go.
    I'll catch up with everyone later.
    Love Val x

    heard yet that he has got there

    1. Hi Val
      I do hope Paul arrives soon in Jersey. Sounds a nightmare to get to from where you are.

  7. Hello Sandra &all
    A bit dull today & windy. Wow some very good buys this morning
    Pat I love the Stitched frame it's on my must have list. Also like the groovi plates
    Look good too.
    MICHELE your crafty haul looks good enjoy playing with them
    Val wow you did get some good craft assortments you will enjoy Useing all of them.. Not upto much today probably go for a walk at the market at Ramsgate then take dogs up the park.& after lunch I might go in cfraft room & put all the goodies I got from mt friend away, I did send SANDRA a picture of it.
    But now I'm going to have my shower so will see you later.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Morning ladies,
    I did my shopping yesterday after the photography club.
    Right now I am still in my pj's having a quiet couple of hours to myself, then on with housework and then afternoon crafting.

    Lovely hauls ladies, the Groovi plates are gorgeous as are the dies and Val's stash.

    Onwards and upwards, good luck Maria with window shopping for your new kitchen.
    Hugs to all not feeling too good. I can sympathise Janet with your cold, mine last week was the worst ever but I do swear by Vicks First Defence. Even if your cold has started you can still use it as it helps clear your nose quite well.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I'm glad to hear your having a few hours in your PJs Cheryl, after your busy week.

    2. Hi Cheryl pleased your having a rest after your hectic week.
      Take car lovely lady. Hug's xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Back to the real world again after a great meet up with the others. Margaret Corgi owner was there to greet us in the afternoon ( ok I looked at this lady standing in front of me " think yes can I help" penny dropped it was the lovely Margaret - big hugs.( she travelled back and forwards for both days to spend time with us and go for meals at night) Myra was parking her car so out she came with Barbara more big hugs! What the folk in the car park thought! Who cares! Into the hotel then Maureen and an exhusted Diane arrived more hugs! So like the retreat. Margaret I think was brave having to meet all of us, Norah at least had meet Jess, Patricia and I a good few times. We started chatting that was it, up to rooms a quick shower and change and off for a lovely Chinese meal. Norah had her fantastic little collapsible buggy type scooter with her, fitted in the back of my vauxhall Mariva no problem even room for all our bags etc. I tell you was a brilliant thing, Norah was doing near enough wheelies in the car park, plus it meant she had it to make getting even to her room etc so easy for her. Well the only time we weren't chatting and laughing was I think when we were sleeping. Had a great day out at Gretna out let shopping centre, with everyone buying something. Norah gave us all dress envey ( stunning dress! Plus other items It's for her step daughters wedding in July) Diane it was bag envey with a " Harris Tweed week end bag for Emma". She had spared her mum for the couple of days. They have today and part of tomorrow before Emma is back to uni. Now it's a bit of a downer for me. I was slightly sore a stiff last night only from driving just over 3 hours, no trains thank goodness.
    I feel it must be like when you all Meet at Ally Pally! Loads of chatting and laughing.
    I see some more goodies have been bought.
    Val. What a nightmare for SIL. It's so sad he didn't make it! Even just for ten minutes.
    Maria, I was like that the other day giving blood not a drop on the dressing and a very small bruise on the back of my hand.
    Oh it's now afternoon. Been and order new washing machine the other has gone to White goods heaven! Not only it the main computer has gone too! Right I'd better get a wiggle on and run Hoover round, Sandra I will get CC made have thank you cards to make for hotel etc. Xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Being the obedient grandmother I popped out this morning to post the card Ciara had made for Sandra, so hopefully the post office will get it to you Sandra ASAP.
    Love all of your crafty buys ladies.
    Pat, I love your Stitched Lattice Frame die, I have my eye on that one, and your Groovi Plates are a brilliant addition to your collection. Oh how I wished we lived closer to you, it would be lovely to share our stash. xx
    Michele, that die looks so useful and great for teenagers or techno people in our life. xx
    Val, what a lots of goodies you have to play with I can see hours and hours of fun there. Sorry about your BP hope it improves soon, remember lots of calm thoughts and deep breathing - easier said than done! xx

    Take care everyone, must get on with my challenge card later, can't let my granddaughter and Sandra down now can I!

    Enjoy your afternoon ladies, love and hugs for everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes it would be lovely if we lived closer to you so we could share. I've quite a few Groovi plates now and a few borders.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Lovely to see the goodies that everyone has bought. I especially like the Techno dies that Michelle bought as they would work so well for men and especially teenagers. I must finish my Parchment pieces that I've done, mount them onto cards and send them in to Sandra.
    Hugs to all who need one today. Hope everyone's colds disappear soon.

    1. Hi Pat every time I see your die I want it more & more I see John L.has made a card using it.& it's GorgeousI.hope you & Pete are ok.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hello everyone, I'm having the day off from our craft shop today, It has been a hectic couple of days away with good friends who I met on this very blog!!
    Thank you Sandra for introducing us all to each other, and the retreat at Birmingham last year where we actually came face to face with each other.
    As Hazel has said earlier what a brilliant two days we had, Margaret (Corgie owner) even provided us with lovely home baking, thanks for that Margaret it was delicious.
    I can thourghly recommend any Ibis hotel if you thinking of meeting up like we did ladies, it was lovely, rooms were excellent and the breakfast was amazing, we didn't do any crafting this time, but did plenty of laughing and shopping, a real treat.
    Well better get on and do something,mayby have a snooze lol!!
    Ladies your guilty secrets are gorgeous, well done.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Such a lovely lot of goodies. I have seen a card that Pat is going to make using these plates, I can't wait to see it when it's finished, andif I'm lucky I will get to borrow the plates, please Pat. I hope Doreen's op went well on Wed. Hope you aren't too tired rushing around, look after your hip please.
    Michele, I love this die, O bet you are going to get lots of use out of it for the teenagers etc. These dies are such good value for money aren't they, and there is something for everyone occasion isn't there. I was spoiled for choice at Ally Pally but the prices are the same online which is good. Please can we see what you make with it : )
    Val, you have some lovely goodies. Let's see what you do with it all please : )
    Sandra, I'm so glad that you are feeling better now my lovely. I've missed our usual meeting, I hate not getting to see you and Pat. Will have to talk extra fast next week to make up : ) x
    Lilian, thank you for your email, you are in my thoughts, I hope you can relax at the weekend ready for Monday x
    I'm visiting Mum and Pop as usual today and then must get my CC finished tomorrow.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with my usual extras for all in need. Take care xx

  14. Hi all, back home again. Great to see Wendy and everyone at the craft class. So envious of Wendy staying in hotel with all the Creative Expressions gang and Hochanda group and eating meals together. Wendy brought some great things back that I'd asked her to get. I'll take a photo for next week Sandra.
    More news about Paul travelling to Jersey he had ti wait 6 hours at Gatwick for his connection. The plane took off but couldnt land at Jersey or Guernsey because of fog, so flew back to Gatwick.That was 10am this morning. His flight out is half 3 so poor man is still sitting in Gatwick as I write. No meal vouchers or anything has been givento him. I could cry for him.
    might have a lie outside in the sun and try and have a sleep.
    Will pop in later.
    Love Val x

    1. OMG Val your poor SIL what a terrible time he is having. It's disgusting that they are not given voucher . He must be shattered sendig him Gental Hug's I feel so sad for him,
      Val hope you had a nice sleep outside but didn't get burnt.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  15. Hi Val. I'm sorry that I didn't say how sad the news is about Paul's mother. He really is having an awful journey isn't he, just when he is at his lowest, poor man. I do hope his flight doesn't have any more delays.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what Wendy has brought you back, I bet she had a great time with John and all of the C E team, lucky her. You will have ask her if you can be her bag carrier next time : ) Enjoy lying in the sun and think of us in the rail here in Wiltshire. Take care x

  16. Val told me about her haul tday at craft meet. I dare not take a pic of what I bought while in UK and at Ally Pally!!!!
    Wonderful to catch up with Val, xxxx

    1. Please show us. We love seeing lovely goodies. Val x

  17. Hi all, Hope your day have been good.
    Yes Lynda, I was in the car 8.58 am so had some minutes to spare hihi With road works and a detour we got to Chesham by ten for our meeting. Over three hours later we were finished looking at everything and I mean everything hihi and it was time for some lunch. Found a nice place and then we spent some time in the area before going home. Tired out I just sat before it was time to make dinner. Had swede to pork but uj what hard they are sometimes to cut. No fingers missing. Now it's time for some lazy time and a mug of sweet tea (pretty weak).
    No worries Pat that will be any Lime green kettle and Toaster here hihi. Hope you and Pete are alright,hugs.
    Oh Val your poor SIL, not have he just lost his mum but now he can't get over to Jersey. Bless him, he must be exhausted, really hope he will get away soon. You take it easy so your BP goes down for next doctor visit.
    Nice to see you in Jacquie, hope you come back and Wendy- did try to see you at Ally Pally but missed you, hope to meet you one day.
    Hazel and Jess, nice to see you had a good meet up. We might do something for us Southern girls one day. Love to meet Lilian and the others somewhere. I hope you doing ok Lilian and have a nice weekend.
    Sue- hope you had a nice time with Margaret and pop, glad he is getting better and can be on his feet again.
    Brenda- hope you managed to make the CC this afternoon. The sketch was an easy one but still tricky what to make up. Not happy with mine but it was sent to Sandra last night so there hihi.
    Have a good evening and a good night my lovelies and I see you tomorrow if not before Xxxxx

    1. Good night MARIA my lovely friend glad you had a good day. Try & have a good night sleep hopefully
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. Maria, thank you. CC card - sort of got it planned (in my head!!!!) I believe I have to many choices. Granddaughter made me realise yesterday. She only had one narrow ribbon and found a pattern card that would coordinate- sorted. .... I have worked through so many colour combinations - I lost the plot!!!! Believe there is a lesson to be learned here,
      Take care everyone, love and Hugs, Brenda xxxx

  18. Evening All, lovely buys this week , had my stamps from Leonie yesterday looking forward to trying them tomorrow.
    Trying to keep busy as the only way to keep going, did my challenge card will send it to Sandra tomorrow after Asda shopping.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  19. Hi Lillian lovely to see you hope your doing ok,yes it's better to keep busy.
    Have a play in your craft room useing Leonie's stamps my friend bought them & all the masks they are lovely
    Take care lovely lady sending you Big Hugs love Lynda xx

  20. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely lot of goodies on show today. Sue took me shopping this afternoon & she had to go to the Range, it would have been rude of me tocsit in car wouldn't it so I went in! I came out with some nice coloured card & a couple of stamps, I will send photo for next week guilty spend. This is the first time we have been in there since before Christmas so don't feel too guilty. Glad you feel better take
    Pat looking forward to seeing what you do with your buys. Hope Doreen is
    Michele I am sure you will find these very useful. Hope your building work is not too
    Val what a lovely lot of goodies for you to enjoy. Hope you get some sleep soon. Your poor SIL, hope he has arrived in Jersey
    Lilian hope you feel better thinking of
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  21. Hello Margaret glad you had a nice day with Sue she is a lovely.lady.
    Yes of Course you should go in the range it would be rude to sit in the car HEHE.Hope Pops doing ok
    Hug's Lynda xx
