
Thursday 21 April 2016

Michele's Fashion Cards & prize

Michele's prize from Sue's launch 

Good Morning Ladies,

I am excited to share some more of our Michele's cards with you all today, I love the colour combination in the first card, so bright and cheerful ! That hat and dress would make a fashion statement wouldn't they !  

The shoe card is amazing too, my daughter Becca would love those shoes!!
Both of these design sheets are from the "House of Zandra'', Michele has used her magic to transform them into these fantastic cards.
The 'House of Zandra' did have a stand at Ally Pally but they were selling stuffed toys, top notch soft toys I might add. No paper craft items though.

Now onto the best part....Michele won a prize on Sue Wilson's 'Particraft' blog
A really beatiful die too, the Bruges die from the 'Belgian' collection.
Michele I can't wait to see what cards you create with this fabulous prize!!

Michele for all of today's contributions, I love featuring all of your work xx

If any of you have cards to share please send a photo in to me x

It was just Pat and I yesterday, Sue was on babysitting duties, Pat was busy with her Groovi plate and was cutting some of her new dies !! Loving the new Lattice Stitched Frame die !

I hope all of you that have been struggling are starting to feel brighter x

Love and Hugs



  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Sorry I didn't manage in yesterday , I meant to but somehow ran out of time as it was a hectic day before our visitors arrived, I was up early and baked some shortbread before putting a roast in the oven about 8:30 am and we had a power cut which lasted half an hour and threw my morning into chaos as I was rushing to go on the Wednesday walk , well we had a fantastic walk but it was a long one and I didn't get home until 4:15pm had a quick shower , had to dry my hair etc , set the table and our friends arrived at 5:30 ( they weren't due till 6:30 )
    so I didn't have a spare minute!
    Anyway before they get up this morning I thought I'd get a comment in, Sandra what a beautiful card you made yesterday and Michele BIG CONGRATULATIONS! on winning such a fantastic die on Sue's blog, also love your cards today , just my cup of tea!
    Sorry to hear your sad news Val I hope your SIL makes it there in time xo.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Morning Anne,
      Sounds like you had a chaotic day yesterday, I hope that this one is a little more chilled. I bet it was nice to eventually sit down and enjoy that roast last night!
      It was lucky that the power cut didn't ruin your roast. They must be so frustrating.
      How long are your guests staying for?
      Hope you get to relax a little today,

    2. Hi Sandra, thanks for that, the roast was fine !
      They are staying until Sunday , so we are going to Dundonnel House gardens this afternoon it's only open a couple of times in the year from 2-5 pm , so we will enjoy that.
      Hope you have a good day too.xo

    3. Oh boy Anne, you don't do anything by half do you.
      Have a good day xxx

    4. Hi Anne
      Hope you gave a lovely day today with your friends. Glad the power cut only last a little while.

  2. Love the Bruges die and it is next on my list. I bought the stitched lattice one and made one on my blog yesterday. xxx

    1. Morning Wendy,
      I love that stitched lattice die, I may pop over and have a peek at your card later on.
      Lovely to see you in today
      Sandra xxx

    2. Love your work/ craft Wendy, will have another look later. Nice to see you in the cafe' xxx

    3. Hi Wendy
      I have just looked at your stitched lattice card
      it's gorgeous 'The die is on my wish list now I have moved it to my must have list HAHA.XX

  3. Morning Ladies

    The card were so easy to make, I love those DVDs. The first card was for one of the nurses on the chemo ward as she'd been hinting it was her birthday. The second card was for my boss off a colleague. My boss used to wear the most outrageous shoes to work & we used to tease her about them do I thought this was perfect!

    My big win-am thrilled to be a winner on Sue Wilsons new die launch. My Mother in Law has already asked for some diecuts using this new die!!!

    I have a lot to sort out at work today & tomorrow as I'm off quite a bit over the next 3 weeks as we have workmen in (at home). We're having a new bathroom fitted, new ceiling & flooring etc. Hubby won't hand the house keys over to some unknown people & he's hoping he can work from home some days & I'll go back into work if he can.

    I'm hoping to have a lot of time crafting but as my craft room is next to the bathroom, I think I'd be safer bring some supplies downstairs & working on the kitchen table. At least I am go up each evening & get more stash to use. I'm trying to stay positive but in reality I'm dreading the work as I hate mess, and cannot stand having strangers in the house. Ah well-needs must!


    1. Beautidul cards Michele. You certainly have a certain style which is stunning.
      WOW I don't envy you having workmen taking over the house but I know the end result will be fantastic and well worth the hastle.
      Just love the die youve won. The Belguim collection is beautiful.
      Bye Val x

    2. Hi Michele,
      Hope you get caught up and prepared at work without it causing too much stress!
      I don't envy you one bit having builders in, banging and clanking while you try and relax, it will be worth it though to get the bathroom all finished and new, do you have a separate loo to use?
      Love what you create with this CD ROM, I do actually have this one but I always forget to use Craft CD/DVD, I have loads, I must make more effort.
      Try not to get too stressed today,

    3. Congratulations Michele, the dies are beautiful.
      Stunning is the word for your cards, the clouring in is superb. xxx

    4. Hi Michele. Congratulations to winning the Bruges die ( I want !) Your cards are fabulous,love them !
      Good luck with the building work, hope they not make a too much mess for you. Take care xxx

    5. Hi Michele
      Congratulations on your Sue die win the Bruges die is lovely enjoy playing with it. Good luck with the builders Take care xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE - Oh what beautiful cards. Your first design would do more than credit to Ladies Day at Ascot. I love your colours and you work wonders complimenting all elements. What can I say about your Shoes only that I wish I could wear something on the lines of these again (maybe not) but we all can dream can't we.
    Good luck with the builders. I know what you mean about not liking mess. I love to have things done but don't want all the mess that goes with the jobs.

    LILIAN - I'm thinking about you Dear Friend and am hoping that you're managing.

    We have a beautiful sunny morning again and I'm hoping that it's not too chilly out there as I have to go and have the first half of my Annual MOT (bloods) this morning and I have a streaming nose and very watery eyes so it will be there and back and no stopping off on the way. I did manage to get my CC done yesterday so just need to take a pic and send it off. I didn't get any other crafting done because of this cold. It was place a piece of paper, blow and wipe nose, glue, blow and wipe nose, repeat these actions.

    Everything is up and running and just waiting for you all to pop in. I've checked the biscuit and there's still some left for today.

    Hugs are in their usual place. I'll try and pop in later. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. What is it about today? Thats 3 of us off to have blood tests. Spooky.
      Do hope your sniffles don't develop into anything worse. They say its a common cold but its the worse feeling in the world. You take care.
      Love Val x

    2. On Janet sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, there is nothing more frustrating, get some vitamin C in you to help fight it before it takes hold, our Cheryl swears by Vicks first Defense too!
      Having to go and have blood taken is a big ask on a normal day but when you are feeling ill it just makes you feel more drained..
      I have my fingers crossed that all is well and you hear some good news too.
      Sending huge hugs

    3. Oh bless you, having blood taken too today. Hope your sniffles soon goes and you can enjoy the sunny weather, big hug xxx

    4. Hi Janet
      Sorry your not feeling well I hope you feel better soon. Just hope it doesn't go into that virus. I have a blood test next Friday Dracula is doing well with us all. Take care xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies. Must just thank you all for the lovely supportive comments you made re Maureen. YOu have the most amazing blog Sandra. All the group are so lovely and caring. I'm so glad I found you all.
    I managed to make my cc card and a few goodies arrived from Joanna Sheen yesterday. I'll send you photos later Sandra.
    I'm off to the doc. this morning mainly for a blood ters re my anemia but I'll also tell him about my not sleeping. It's 4 nights now and I feel likeca zombie. On the up side all my aches and pains have gone yeh.
    Looking forward to watching whatever is on today to mark our lovely Queens 90th birthday. Hope thats not too contraversial!!!
    Also sad to hear Victoria Wood died yesterday. Such a talented lady. So sad that so many celebrities have died this year mostly through cancer. What a terrible desease. Although great strides have been made to find a cure, too many people still die because of it. I sound on a real downer dont I. Sorry ladies I have my happy face on again.
    Maria hope you get on ok at the docs today.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. You are more than welcome Val, I am so thankful you took the courage to step in and join us, I love having you as part of our little family! I hope and pray that Paul manages to make good progress, there is nothing worse than travelling to visit a very sick relative, you are stressed for the whole journey.
      I was devastated to hear about Victoria Wood last night, such a talented lady in so many ways, I love her stand up comedy routines and her songs depict both people and events perfectly! I was watching some clips on You Tube last night and was almost crying with laughter. We have lost way too many amazingly talented people this year!
      I look forward to your photos, I also hope you get on a doctors OK, I hope he can help you with your sleeping, its so frustrating when you lay there desperate to sleep but just can't, I have suffered for a long time, I am usually lost in pinterest at 3am. Our Maria is the same, maybe we should start "insomniac's crafting Group" and make the most of those wasted hours!
      Hope to see you later,good luck with the Vampire!

    2. Hi Val , yes I do feel for you not being able to sleep and then some days you can't be awake. Hope the doctor can help you out.
      Maybe we should be called 'the zombie crafter's' hihi Take care Val and don't let hem take to much, still thinking of T.Hancock. Very sad about Victoria Wood.
      hugs xxx

    3. Hi Val
      hope all went well at the doctors this morning,did you get some help with your not sleeping.Have a good evening & hopefully you get some sleep tonight. Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Two beautiful cards by Michele, I love your colour combos :-) Congtratulations too on your fabulous prize from Sue's blog. It's so exciting when you win - enjoy :-))
    Hoping everyone is keeping well. I just want to apologise for not always commenting, and mentioning everyone who is feeling unwell or going through tough times - I must admit I don't always have time to read all of your comments, so sorry :-( Your blog is wonderful Sandra, and I love popping in each day to see what's on display :-)
    Anyway, just wanted you to know I am thinking of you all and always sending hugs. Have a lovely day xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia, its lovely to see you when you do manage to pop in, hope you are keeping well, did your SET craft feature bring you some new followers?
      I just love Ben, such a truly genuine caring chap!!
      Happy crafting,

    2. Hi Sonia, it's just lovely that you pop in.
      Quite a few of us have health problems and we do have better days or really bad days. I started to make cards to forget my problems for a while and to find Sandra's blog was the best thing that happened to me ! We have become very good friends and I can't wait until we meet up again. Also love to meet you Sonia somewhere one day, until then I will go to your blog as well later today to see what you have made lately. Have a nice day xxx

    3. Hi Sonia
      It's lovely that you can pop in and comment whenever you can. We all missed each other at Farnborough, but I look forward to meeting you.

    4. Hi. Thank you all for your kind words :-) You are all so lovely and caring, and I do hope too that we may get a chance to meet up one day.
      I agree Sandra, Ben at Set Craft is such a kind, caring and genuine man. He has been so supportive through showing my blog :-) I have some new followers, and the last post he showed had over 600 views! I was chuffed to bits :-))
      Hope everyone has had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. MICHELE the dress and hat card is stunning. What an accolade "1st prize"
    for you, well deserved I am sure.

    1. Morning Angela, hope you and Trevor are well, it doesn't seem five minutes since you were packing to go away for the weekend away does it ?
      Hope you have something nice planned for this one!

    2. Hi Sandra, been a manic week, we are filling the case again....we go to Bath first thing in the morning to look after two grandchildren until Sunday evening. Parents are going to Nottingham with eldest who is trialing again for GB rowing. Hope to send you something for Saturday's review just have to organise myself and him indoors first.
      Have a good weekend xx

    3. Have some wonderful days with the grand children Angela. Maybe do some crafting, how old are they ?

    4. Hi Maria, Georgia is 14 and loves to craft with her Nana and Hugo is 10. We won't have a lot of free time as school Friday doesn't finish until 6 pm and Saturday morning 8 - 12.30 lunch then sports afternoon. Hopefully next week will be calmer and I can get going again.

  8. Morning ladies,

    Apologies for not popping so much lately. This week has been one of my busiest for simply ages. Monday's walk, Tuesday's birthday lunch with good friend Peter, yesterday's U3A coffee morning and then lunch with Rosie and today is the photography club. Tomorrow I will be shopping then a spurt on housework before the afternoon off to prep all my boxes and cartons ready for altering either with material and lace or paper and flowers. Saturday my sister Beverly and fiancé Pete are stopping in for lunch on their way home from a week's holiday in Torquay.
    I might need the day off on Sunday to recover!

    Looked at yesterday's post Sandra and your card was simply stunning. My, how you have changed your crafting techniques is an example to us all. Try it out, why not?
    I am having fun playing at the moment doing my version of the altered items. I hope they will turn out ok and it they don't, does it really matter? No, because nobody knows what I intended in the first place. hahahaha
    Much more fun that way than getting stressed out and crying, 'Wah! it's not perfect!'

    Wow! just look at the time, I must be away, I'll try and catch up later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, love your outlook on the crafting. If something gone wrong, yes why not just say it meant to look like that hihi.
      Do try to slow down just a little bit will you, yes I know, no use telling you is it but do take care !
      Hugs xxx

    2. My word Cheryl you are going full pelt thus week aren't you. Just make sure you get some rest in between. But as Maria said knowing you, you won't.

    3. Hello Cheryl
      My goodness have you got sparks coming off your shoes HaHa I wish I had half of your energy,please don't over do it my Dear friend take a rest in between.pleeeeeaaasse. Hug's Lynda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Wow Michelle just love both cards. I have a Christmas version of the dress stamp but have never used it. Must find it and have a go. Maybe the Zandra sheets are the way to go. I also have a Father Christmas, and a cake stamp which I love. Plus I have her exotic birds CD which she was selling cheap at a show. Must find the topper I did and send it to Sandra of the cake. Congratulations on your win on Sue's blog. Hope everyone is feeling better today. Had a lovely meet up with Sandra yesterday. Doreen was kept in the High Dependency Unit yesterday after her op as she had abnormal blood counts and she had a problem with her kidneys. Hopefully she'll be able to go on a ward today.

  10. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    A quick tea just this morning please, I'm seeing my friend soon and then the nurse this afternoon and in between I must finish the CC to send before I forget.
    It's a bit dull outside but hopefully it will blow over and the sun will reappear.
    Lilian, you are in my thoughts. Hope you are alright,hug.
    Must get a 'wiggle' on so hope to see you all later, love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope you had a good time with your friend.Did the nurse take lots of blood 💉💉😷 HAHA. Take care my friend. Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you & Pat had a lovely day yesterday, shame Sue had to babysit, I'm sure she had a hard job choosing which she wanted to do!XXX
    Michele love your cards & congratulations on winning on Sue's, lucky you. Good luck with the building
    Janet, Val & Maria hope your BT's go well & Janet hope your cold goes as quick as it
    Alan seen the surgeon this morning & has been discharged, she very pleased with it, the resting certainly has made a difference, he can gradually get back to using it now. I see Consultant this afternoon with my carpal tunnel so hope he is pleased & then we can get back to normality, whatever that is.
    Lilian sending hugs hope you are feeling
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret. xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, so glad your husband has had good news from the surgeon and hope you have equal success this afternoon. Good luck.
      Love Val x

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Just a flying visit to say hi to you all, feet don't seem to have touched the ground since yesterday morning. I am just about to get ready for Beavers then hopefully will get back to the Cafe to catch up with you all. Love and hugs. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue you take care all this rushing around like a blue A........s fly we don't want you laid up now do we.Hope Beavers went ok .
      Hug's Lynda xx

  13. Hi all. Just found out that Maureen died this afternoon. Paul in pieces obviously. Dont know if hes going over or waiting for funeral. See you all tomorrow.
    Love Val x

    1. So sorry to hear this sad news Val. Thinking of you and your family and sending hugs xxx

    2. Hi Val
      So sorry to hear Maureen died this afternoon my thoughts & prayers are with Paul, I'm so sorry he didn't get to say goodbye to his mum.
      Thinking of you all love Lynda xx

    3. Many condolences and prayers to Paul & all in the family. How heart-broken he must be not being able to get there in time.x

  14. Margaret Palmer21 April 2016 at 19:33

    Val please give my condolences to Paul & you all, sending higs love

  15. Hi All, Michele love your cards, also congrats on winning the die set.
    Sandra loved your card yesterday, love that style.
    Val very sorry to hear your sad news, thoughts for the family.
    Hope those who are seeing the vampires today get on OK.
    Janet hope your cold doesn't get any worse.
    Did a bit of crafting today to help take my mind off Monday.
    Hugs to all who are under the weather. Lilian

  16. Hi Lillian
    Lovely to see you hope your coping ok & I have been thinking of you.
    Hug's Lyndaxx

  17. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    Gosh I started this at 6 o'clock just got hear have commented on way down takes ages. Well I went back to doctors this morning about my feet legs & she wanted to try another tablet so I said I'v tried three different ones already so can you send me somewhere to try & find out if it's a trapped.nerve or Arthritis as it's in my hands neck & spine. So I have a blood test next Friday & she is sending me to see doctor at hospital so hopefully I might get some help.fingers crossed.Glad you had a Nic day with Pat yesterday shame Sue couldn't make it.
    Will send you my cc in a moment.& guilty secret buy.
    Just got my Cupper so going to drink it love Lynda xx

    1. Thank goodness for that Lynda, I can't understand why all these tests have to take so long. Why don't they go for the most probable first then work backwards? I'm sure if Pete had had that chance, he might have had longer with us. xxx

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Its been a very long day, spent the morning in London sorting out stuff for my sister, got home about 2 o'clock, had a quick lunch, prepared everything for dinner and was out again by 3 o'clock, to pick up grandchildren from school. Ciara did her CC card after she had eaten ( she really puts me to shame) I haven't even started mine yet. I have 'orders' to post it to you Sandra - before I email you the picture. So will get it in the post tomorrow.

    Michele your cards are beautiful, thank you for sharing. Congratulations on being a winner on Sue's blog, it looks a lovely die. Hope you enjoy using it.xx

    Val, so sorry to read your sad news. LOL

    Saying good night everyone, hopefully tomorrow will be a peaceful day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx
