
Saturday 23 April 2016

Mixed Crafts Saturday

 Angela's Gift Bag and card

Ciara's Handmade Flowers

Amy's Cake for Amber

Margaret's Amazing Cross Stitch

Good Morning ladies,

You know how much I love bringing you Mixed Craft Saturday, so I was thrilled when I had enough photos sent in to share with you all.  

Angela, I love your gorgeous gift bag and matching card, you can pop a simple token gift in and it looks so much more!!  I love the design you have used 
too, adding a little crocheted ribbon gives a real touch of luxury!!
Thank you so much for sharing your work with us xxxx

Ciara, WOW, you are so amazingly talented when it comes to creating these beautiful handmade flowers, bringing some die cut pieces of paper to life and creating such a wonderful display is something very tricky to achieve, usually it takes a lot of practice, you should be very proud of your work Ciara, you are very talented, keep practising too, I love seeing all the beautiful things that you create.  Thank you so much for sharing your work with us xxxx

Amy, your cake is just fantastic, I can't believe the detail you have put into every
Piece of the cake, the roof of the stable looks thatched, you can see the grain of the wood on the stable walls, the horses mains look amazing too, then there is
all of the extra detail in the bail of hay and the water trough.  You really do have a talent, if you can achieve this standard without any training, just imagine what you could achieve if you did a college course or something, there is a lot of money to be made in Novelty cakes, maybe its something you should look into if only for a hobby.  I can't wait to see more of your cakes, thank you so much for sharing your fantastic cakes with us xxxx

Margaret, what a beautiful piece of Cross Stitch this is, it looks like you are peeking through the flower garden up to the stunning cottage, with what
Looks like a thatched roof with lots of trees behind, its a really believable
View, which you sometimes loose in artwork, its a piece that yoiu would notice
More detail in every time you looked at it, I cannot wait to see how Maria's Cross Stitch will look once you have bought it to life! Thank you so very much for sharing your work with us xxxx

Once again you wonderful friends have made my heart swell with pride, how lucky am I to have so many talented friends?! I am so thankful xxx

Have a lovely Saturday

Love and hugs

PS.. D


  1. Morning Ladies

    Angela-lovely card & matching gift bag, so pretty.
    Ciara-wow, I love your paper flowers. I recently saw a vase made out of a folded book & these flowers would look perfect in that.
    Amy-that is one amazing cake!! So much detail, I was sure you did this as a job.
    Margaret -gorgeous cross stitch picture. So much work has gone into that piece, it's sure to be a keepsake.

    Well-we have another lovely sunny day here. I need to pop to the shops in the village first thing then I'm meeting my friend at 10am at the local Dobbies cafe. We usually stay for a couple of hours , there's a craft fair in a small marquee in the car park this weekend so I'll have a quick look round that before going into the garden centre. Might have to make a second challenge card this afternoon as I'm not happy with the first one I made!


    1. Have a great time at the craft fair Michele. Val x

    2. Michele, now that's my idea of heaven, craft centre and gardening centre all in one, enjoy. XX

    3. Hi Michele did you manage to buy anything at the craft fair & garden centre,hope you had lovely

    4. Michele thank you. Enjoy your visit to garden centre & meeting up with a friend & of course the craft tent. Hope you have a relaxing weekend before builders start on

    5. What a lovely way to spend a few hours Michelle

  2. Morning Everyone
    WOW what a Mixed Craft Saturday we have today!!!

    ANGELA - beautiful gift bag and matching card. I love your chosen colour scheme.
    CIARA- your paper flowers are just beautiful and look so professional. What a talent.
    AMY- I could not cut into such a beautiful cake!! Everything is just perfect and so very detailed.
    MARGARET - your cross stitch is just out of this world. So many loving hours have been put into this gorgeous picture.

    This is very short this morning as I now feel as though I've had a Shire Horse sitting on me but at least I seem to have stopped streaming.

    All is up and running just waiting for you all.
    Hugs in their usual place.

    1. I was hoping you might be feeling a bit better today Janet. Glad the runny nose has stopped its just the horrible aches and pains now sadly.
      Have a nice quiet day today.
      Love Val x

    2. Hi Janet , you have my full sympathy, I know what you are going through, mine seems to be on it's way out thankfully.
      Healing hugs.

    3. Janet, take it easy today, make sure you get plenty of rest and hopefully you will feel the benefits, love and hugs XX

    4. Hi JANET oh my dear I was hopeing you might be feeling better today. Sound like the virus as that's how I felt with the acheing all over. Take it easy leave everything it will still be there when your better Gental Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Thank you Janet, I find it very relaxing helps me to unwind. Sorry you still feel poorly please take it easy, don't worry about the cafe one of us will open up. Just relax with plenty of hot drinks. Take care xxx

    6. Hi Janet
      My word fancy coming back and feeling unwell. Make sure you rest up and have plenty to drink.

  3. Morning ladies from sunny Somerset.

    Yesterday was a dull drab kind of day. The clouds must have been really upset as they cried all day long.

    Had a surprise visit from Milly-May and daddy yesterday afternoon, she's one next month, I wish someone would slow down time, it's going far too quick.
    My sister and her fiancé coming up from Torquay today on their way home to Staffordshire, for lunch and Milly-May and Joshua joining us then an afternoon all to myself. Might finish prepping the boxes but if this sun holds out then an hour in the garden might be preferable.

    Beautifu, beautiful talents on display today, I am well impressed with Ciara's flowers and Amy's cake.
    Margaret's cross stitch I am I'm awe of, it's so gorgoues and just the right sort of picture to grace the walls of a little cottage in the countryside.
    Angela's idea of a matching card for her prettily decorated gift bag is wonderful. a lovely gift for someone.
    Slow cooking roast beef for lunch so I'm away now to prepare that, a quick whizz round with the vacuum then a shower ready for my family guests.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I cannot believe Milly-May will be one next month - where has that time gone!

    2. Roast beef for lunch sounds delicious. Have you got room for a little one? Have a lovely afternnon.
      Val x

    3. Cheryl,, hope you've having a lovely day with your family, lunch sounds absolutely delicious. Can't believe Millie-May is almost a year old, where has the time gone? LOL

    4. Hello CHERYL
      Have a lovely day with the family lunch sounds delicious. Have some lovely cuddles with Millie May can't believe she is nearly one. Like my Harry he is comming up to two in June this year is flying by.
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Hi Cheryl, Thank you for your kind words, it is hung up in my spare bedroom along with another similar one, wish I had the cottage in the countryside. Enjoy your visitors especially Milly May, time does go quickly I cannot believe Christopher is 14 months. Take care don't work too hard in

    6. My word Cheryl Milly May us nearly 1. Where does the time go to, it doesn't seem that long ago she was 1 month old. I hope you had a lovely day with your family.

  4. My oh my You talented ladies astound me They are all beautiful. Funny enough I took one of the charity kits (Nov 15)I bought from Christine Emberson's site to Craft Club for my MIL to have a go at. It was a little gift bag to decorate. After a great deal of help she managed it and it did look so pretty. It got me thinking that I ought to have a go at decoraiting bags and matching cards. So ANGELA your beautiful creation has sprurred me on
    CIARA Your flowers are so pretty and they don't need watering!
    Your cake is magnificent and must have taken ages to complete - I know from back in the day
    What a beautiful gift your cross stitch is MARGARET I bet it's is really treasured by the recipient.
    Beautiful sunshine here today and I should really get on with some housework....But I really ache after a bit of dancing last night and well the sun is shining. we don't get much of that do we.

    1. Thank you Karen for you kind words, I have kept this for myself it goes well in my spare bedroom. Hope you get to enjoy the sun. No news yet about the baby?
      Hope your aches & pains disappear

  5. CIARA super paper flowers. Have just got into making them myself, they are so versatile. It's a lovely idea to put them into a pot, hadn't thought of that! because I am useless at cross stitch it is always a joy to see a completed piece, MARGARET what patience you have. LET THEM EAT CAKE!? yes please,
    though I wouldn't like to be the one who cuts the first slice, which way to cut, who gets the lamb? Well done AMY.

    1. Hi Angela what a lovely gift bag & card thank you for showing us. Thank you for your comment about my cross stitch, I never thought I would have the patience to do it but I love it. Take care xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    It never fails o amaze me what a talented group pf ladies you have here Sandra and its great that all we non blog owners can display our makes. Thank you.

    Just love Angela's matching gift bag and card. What a lovely thing to receive.

    Ciara your flowers are just beautiful. I would just love a bunch of them on my dining table.

    What a talented cake decorator you are Amy. The little animal heads are so life like. A feast for the eyes as well as the tum.

    Margaret you cross stitch skill is stunning. Such a lovely flowery garden. i feel as though i could walk in and sit down.

    Paul finally arrived in jersey at 8pm last night after over 20 hours travelling. He has missed sleep the night before and really just wanted an early night. unfortunately he was sleeping on the living room settee and everyone sat up talking until one so he said he needed matchsticks in the end bless. He's only staying for the weekend the him and Lynn will go back for the funeral.

    I'm going to have to visit the dentist on Monday as i was eating breakfast this morning and bit on something really hard which was sadly one of my crowns which has come off. Had thought of Superglueing it back because i am such a baby about visiting the dentist but I think that is the cowards way out and I'm going to force myself to go.

    Well my bedding is drying nicely on the line so I'm off to give it and the bathroom a really good clean this morning. i might even give the windows a treat.

    Enjoy your day all.

    bye for now.
    love Val x

    1. Hi Val, you had me confused as well! So pleased Paul got to Jersey eventually he must have been exhausted.
      Thank you for your kind words about my cross stitch.
      Hope you don't crush Sandra & Sue's hands too much at the dentist, how nice of them to offer as I know neither like the dentist!! Take care xxx

    2. Hi Val
      I was also confused. I thought we had a man join us lovely ladies. I glad Paul arrived safe, even if he isn't getting much sleep.

  7. Hi Dont know why I was signed in as Paul - its me honest !!!
    Love Valx

  8. Hi Val, you had me confused there for a minute, I thought we had recruited a new gentleman crafter!!
    Paul must have been so exhausted bless him, I hope he gets everything he needs to sorted so that he can relax!
    Poor you Val, like you I have a huge dental phobia !!!
    Hopefully its a quick fix, that requires no injections etc, I will be ''virtually'' holding your hand my lovely!!
    Sending huge hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra. You might be sorry holding my hand as I can squeeze very tightly ha ha.
      Val x

  9. Morning Sandra and all,
    so glad you have managed to show us again a mixed craft Saturday and how lovely are they all.
    Angela- the gift bag and the matching card is Beautiful !
    Ciara- your flowers are so Pretty, love them !
    Margaret- I just Love your Cross stitch ! Any story to this little cottage ?
    Amy- you are so talented, that cake looks too good to eat do. Sure it tasted yummy !
    Milly-May one year old already ! Where did this last year go ? Would love to see a new photo, she must have changed so much. Have a lovely Saturday Cheryl.
    Janet- Sending you well wishes and hope you feeling better soon. Thank you for still making up the cafe' this morning ,had a bit of a lay-in.
    Karen- enjoy the sunshine today and hope you ache's will go away. Any news from Charlotte yet ?
    Littlelamb- hope you are ok. Have Scarlett made any crafting with her new things from AP ?
    Lilian- hope you have a good day, keeping yourself busy with some crafting. Take care and hugs to all the family.
    Not doing to much today, feeling very tired and the weather looks cold and grey so liked to stay under the duvet but have one or two cards I like to finish first before. Hope you all have a nice day, many hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria, have you made any decisions about your kitchen yet, or are you still looking? LOL

    2. Maria you asked on my blog if we were filmed in Carlisle? How did you know??? We were and we had to give in and talk to them! No escape!!! Xxx

    3. Hi MARIA
      It's cold here too so may join you under the duvet HaHa. How did you get on with looking for a kitchen any thing sorted yet. Have you managed to finish your cards. I had better go finish my cards too.
      Have good weekend my friend love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Maria. I am ok just really busy with both son's moving. No Scarlett hasn't done anything with her craft things yet because one. They are for her birthday a week tomorrow and secondly all her glue etc are all packed ready to move so we'd aren't unpack anything. Hopefully we will get a chance after next weekend. Love all the crafts today. Must go. Lots to do.

    5. Hello Brenda, I realised the move was getting nearer, it will be lovely having Scarlett closer to you, give her a year or so and she will be walking around to your house. Where you can both craft away, she will love that. Hope the move for both sons goes well. LOL x

    6. Hi Maria, Thank you for your comment, no the cottage does have any significant meaning, although I suppose it is a little like the farm cottage I was born in. Hope you enjoy the

    7. Hello Brenda. Yes it will be lovely to have Scarlett nearer. We saw a flat near her school and I said to her that it would be easy to get to her school but she said I would rather live near you Nannie. Must be doing something right. Ciara's flowers are lovely. When Scarlett is settled we can start crafting again.

    8. Hi Maria
      It's been quite sunny here today. But I'd gladly join you and Lynda under the duvet. Sat watching the snooker at the moment. Well multi tasking as I'm watching and typing.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It's always a treat to see what is on show in the Cafe and today's mixed crafts all have so much detail that takes a good while to take in.
    Angela, your card and gift bag are lovely, I bet the recipient will use the bag for storing something afterwards, like the card it is far to pretty to put away : ) Thank you.
    Ciara, what a beautiful bunch of flowers, they look so life-like, and putting them in the pot is a great way to show them. You will have to give me some lessons, my flowers never look this good : ) Thank you.
    Amy, Nan had described this fantastic cake so I am so glad that we have got to actually see it. Wow, you have got a real talent, there is so much detail. I bet Amber didn't want to cut into it : ) Thank you.
    Mum, this is another of your wonderful cross stitch pictures, I'm glad you sent it to Sandra for the other ladies to enjoy. Thank you xx
    Sandra, Im glad you had enough to do a Mixed Crafts today. Each lady in the Cafe has something to share and I agree with Val that it is so good of you to show all of their skills. By the way I was thinking we had got a gentleman Crafter in the Cage too, until I read Val's comment when all became clear : )
    I hope you have a good weekend my lovely.
    Val, I hope Paul manages to get everything sorted, and that he manages to get some sleep, bless him. Sorry to hear of your dental phobia. I will be holding the other hand to the one Sandra will be holding, giving you some support.
    Lilian, I hope you are getting some rest this weekend.
    I hope you all have the lovely sunshine we have here today, Chris and Gem are going to sort the garden while I do my CC and a card : ) Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs and extras for all in need
    Take care xx

    1. Thank you my dear. Its good that both you and Sandra will be holding both hands as itnwill stop me from fighting off the dentist ha ha.
      Enjoy your crafting. Val x

    2. Hi Sue, Enjoy your time making your CC and birthday cards. xx

    3. Hello Sue,we have some sunshine but it is really cold no heat coming from it at all. Enjoy doing you c c & birthday card,not as strenuous as gardening. Take it easy love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Sue,
      Thank you see I did remember to send pictures. Hope you not too tired after yesterday, have you finished your cards?
      Love xxxx

  11. Hello All, lovely weather here today, not feeling like doing much!
    Angela your card and bag are a real treat to see.
    Ciara your flowers are amazing, you could give me some lessons as I manage to get glue all over mine.
    Amy cake looks really yummy, too good to eat.
    Magaret I am in total all , your cross stitch is stunning, something I always wanted to do, bought a picture of Truro Cathedral about 30 yrs ago never finished it, maybe I'll have to dig it out and try and finish it.
    Sent Sandra my card, so I must find something to do ,maybe out in the garden.
    Hugs to all , enjoy this lovely weather. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, I think keeping busy is good but don't exhaust yourself. Out in the garden you can lose yourself in the the lovely sights and sounds.
      With sympathetic thoughts.
      Val x

    2. Hi Lillian, lovely to see you in the cafe, I hope you are taking things easy. If you are like me going into the garden is a tonic, just don't get carried away. LOL

    3. Hi Lillian lovely to see you in today. I hope you don't get exusted in the garden please take care & not over do it. Your in my thoughts & prayers have a nice weekend my friend Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Lilian
      Lovely to see you in the cafe. Don't over do it in the garden. Take care.

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    ANGELA, I love your card with the matching gift bag, What brilliant idea, it really does show the recipient that you have put a lot of thought into their card and gift. I think I might have to borrow this idea.

    AMY, What a fantastic cake, the detail is amazing. You really are a clever and talented young lady.

    MARGARET, Your cross stitch is beautiful, you have made the flowers look so realistic, I'm sure whoever you made this for is going to enjoy looking at it every single day. It really is gorgeous.

    A BIG THANK YOU from Ciara for your comments about her flowers. We had gone to look after Ciara and her brother and sister, I had taken my Pink Frog book of flowers and some flower making bits with me, intending to make some flowers to put into my stash. I made ONE daffodil and ONE rose, she was making along with me, I left her to carry on as I had a meal to prepare. I couldn't believe how well she had done, talk about duck to water.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, I haven't achieved anything really today, John had misplaced his shed keys (so unlike him) he thought they were in the pocket of his trousers that were in the washing machine, Oops NO, so we have had an hour + searching for them. Yes I found them .... In his gardening trousers that were rolled up neatly by his garden shoes. Men don't you love them!!!! SO maybe I can now rescue my day and achieve something for myself, I'm ever hopeful.

    Sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hello BRENDA Ciara is a very talented crafter just like her Nan,I hope she keeps it up she could be the next Sue Wilson.have a good weekend.
      LoveLynda xx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you I loved doing this one & I do enjoy seeing it in spare bedroom I have not given many away.
      Ciara's flowers are beautiful please tell her how much I admire her talent, mind she does have a great tutor. Take care xxx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Yes, Cairo is very talented. But then she has a great teacher.
      That's so typical of men isn't it. We go somewhere in the car and Pete drives. They asks if I have the keys when we leave to come home as get Dante find the keys. Nearly always in a pocket he hasn't looked in.

  13. Good afternoon Sandra and ladies, more lovely mixed crafts today. Been one of these days of running around getting no where, we are having the family gathering at a hotel and I thought there would be no work involved as such, yes nothing is easy! Having to run to daughters with washing doesn't help either.
    Never mind that's life!
    Wee up date on Stan ( cat) he got home Tuesday doing really well in fact to well he is being a right monkey jumping around, he made is wound bleed! He stays in the big dog cage ( big lab sized one) during the day while they are at work. He has every thing he needs in there! Also over night he goes in there. He looks a poor wee soul being shaved as much.
    Right off to get lunch seen too.

  14. Hello ladies, sorry I'm a bit later today, had a busy morning plus trying to do the challenge card, my mojo has gone for now , so I decided to have lunch, read the paper and see what I can come up with later.
    The mixed crafts are amazing today, well done to you all.
    Hazel great to hear how Stan is doing, I know what cats can be like, they want to be cosy and need to get to places were they can be safe, I hope his leg is on
    the mend.
    Take care everyone whatever you get up to today xxx

  15. Sorry I forgot to wish you English ladies ,Happy St George's day, I obviously do not include myself.!!!!!!

  16. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Had a expensive morning we had to take Annie back to the vet as her breathing was getting worse so the vet has increased herFurosemide tablets but luckily her heart was copping ok on the heart tablets she is taking so. Came out a £155 lighter oh well couldn't let her suffer.just hope they help.
    Haven't done much else just normal housework washing ext. I did cook a big batch of bolognese sauce & have got to bag that & freeze it.
    I am going in craft Room in a minute i have two cards to finish.
    Lovely mixed crafts today ANGELA your bag & card is gorgeous did you make the bag as well.Ciara your flowers are beautiful. Amy wow your cake is lovely & delishous can we all have a slice please.MARGARET your cross stitch is so beautiful your so very clever you must have so much patience I love it.
    SANDRA pleased your infection is leaving you at last.Thank you for showing all the talent with mixed crafts today. Looking forward to seeing the Challenge cards tomorrow I love looking at everyone's take on the sketch.
    Well I'm off to the craft room so see you all later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda you got away lightly, Gillian had a bill of £520 to pay for Stan!!!
      Good job we don't have to fork out every time we go to the doctors! Hope Annie gets better soon. Xxx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      Sorry to hear you had to Annie to get, it is awful when they are under the weather hope the tablets help.
      Thank you for your kind comments I never thought I would have the patience but I love it.
      Take care xxx

    3. Hi Lynda
      I hope the new pills help Annie and she makes a speedy recovery my lovely friend. I do hope Terry is behaving himself.

    4. Thank you Hazel MARGARET & Pat Annie's tablets seem to be working already her breathing is calmer so hopefully she will be fine
      She nearly 14 so a old lady now bless her .
      Pat yes Terry is behaving still helping He makes me laugh when I'm ironing he will empty dish washer then have 5 minuets sit down then does something else then sit 5 min again & so on. HaHa Bless him.
      He is looking forward to seeing you all in September
      Love & Hug's Lynda

  17. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Thank you for showing my cross stitch, Sue spotted them the other day & asked why I hadn't sent them to you. Good job she keeps an eye on me!!!! I will make sure I photograph Maria's before she has it back, I am really enjoying doing it for her. Hope you enjoy the weekend xxx
    Pat thank you for letting us see Amy's beautiful cake for Amber it is beautiful well done.
    Must go time to take Star for her walk hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  18. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning array on offer today.
    Love Angela's bag and card.
    Caira what a lovely display of flowers you've made. One very talented lady.
    Love the cross stitch Margaret, I wouldn't have the patience. Spent the morning in Southmoor, with my card making friends. The afternoon was spent with Doreen whose a bit under the weather after her op.
