
Friday 4 March 2016

Teal treat and my guilty secrets!

 My Teal Floral Card

 Some pretty things 

 Some MDF shapes to Alter

 A few of my Farnborough buys

Some Bargain bits and Gorgeous stamps

Good Morning Ladies,

How is it Friday already???? It doesn't seem 5 minutes since we were planning to go to Farnborough!  My shopping from Farnborough is pictured above.
  Nice treat today as Paul is around because he goes onto nights tonight, its lovely to have a day to ourselves.  

Onto my card, I am not sure what inspired me to create this card, I think it was the flowers, I was having a little sort out of my flowers to make an order with Wild Orchid Craft, wow that shopping basket soon mounts up!! Looking forward to my 'happy post'!
I took the flowers and pulled together a few bits that complimented them, I die cut the Creative Expressions Caribbean Background to use as a frame for my flower arrangement.  After placing the flowers I added some white pearls around the frame and matching teal/aqua pearls on the outer areas.  I tied an organza bow, added some pearl string and some matching narrow ribbon and a Decorative Pearl embellishment to the centre. I hope you like it xx

My Shopping Confessions this week are mostly from Farnborough, I wanted some MDF shapes to decorate so I visited the MDF man and bought some hearts, tags and a butterfly, I am looking forward to making them look pretty!  
I didn't really go too crazy at Farnborough, I had a list that included Embossing powder, some pearls, scissors, some dies from Pink Frog crafts to make some flowers,
I wanted a 'Wink of Stella' clear pen to add some sparkle to flowers etc.  I got a bargain Tonic sentiment die, some white card, its so frustrating that Anna Marie changed their 300gsm white card supplier as I loved that card, it was perfect for everything from stamping to die cutting and making card bases, the one they have now is slightly textured, and cracks when creased, so the hunt is on for a new 'perfect card', we did get some at the show so watch this space for an update.
The 'Every Crafts A Pound' stall had to be visited for some more amazing scissors, flat back pearls and some spray ink.  I got some of Sue's new stamps too, which I can't wait to use. The Ross Paper stand had some really pretty sparkly Tulle, I couldn't resist so I bought some pink and white. I tried to find them online to see if you could order their products but that don't seem to exist! 
The top photo is the parcel from Jennings Boutique, some really pretty things but a good few things missing, I have now been refunded though.

Pat, thinking of you and Pete today, love and hugs to both of you xxx

I hope you all have a good day,

Love and Hugs


  1. Good Morning All, waking up to beautiful blue sky this morning, what a lovely change.
    Sandra your card is beautiful,love wild orchid flowers, had an email from them yesterday with new colour flower colour was very tempted but I've Just ordered the misty stamping tool,so I'd better be good, looking forward to it comming been wanting one for a while, but they have been really difficult to get hold of.
    Thinking of you today Pat and Pete,
    Hugs to all ,must get a shift on Rs car has to go to the garage this morning.
    See you later, Lilian

  2. Morning Sandra and anyone coming through the door today.

    Let me have a hot chocolate first, sit down and have a look at this Beautiful card ! I'm not for all these flowers etc. on cards myself because I wouldn't know what to do with them but you Sandra is an expert in doing so.
    The teal colour is lush and the dies you have used is lovely. So I don't really like your card, I Love it !
    You also made some good shopping at Farnborough. Will be fun to see what you make with all that MDF, gorgeous ribbons and pearls. Now I understand why Paul had to run to the car a few times to unload all your shopping Lol.
    Pat and Pete, hope the day goes without and hiccups and the rain stays away, thinking of you both.
    Hope you all with this horrid virus now getting better at last, just take it easy (Hazel you hear me).
    I couldn't sleep last night so I tried to finish the anniversary card for tomorrow, yes I'm late but have changed it so many times so in the end yesterday I just had to put it aside and calm down because I did so many things wrong. This morning 3am I nearly done it, I think hihi just not sure how to make a shutter for the gatecard yet but I find something later or He will get last year card again Lol. Going into town later for some windows hopping and food shopping, Got to stock up as son back from his holiday Sunday so I probably will be washing all Monday hihi. Hope you all have a good day,
    love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Morning Maria
      Happy Window Shopping! Are you shopping for Windows or just Window Looking? hehehe
      (I'm wearing my tin hat).
      Hugs xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra & a great selection of goodies.
    Didn't go out for my meal last night as my friends Mum was poorly & they were waiting for the GP to come out. Had a card order off my crazy (cluttered house) friend so I headed up to the craft room but got a phone call from a lady I met on Saturday. She's moved back to the UK after living in Spain (sounds like she used to own a craft shop). She agreed to do a "one off" card making class at the church but it sounds like she's having second thoughts. As its midweek I can't help her but I said if she can get the organiser to agree to a Saturday then I'll gladly help so she's going to get in touch with the church lady.

    We have a wet morning, it's not raining too much at the moment but the forecast is for more heavy rain during the day.

    I have a busy morning ahead at work then a few more things to sort out so next week should run smoothly without me-can't wait for my week off.


    1. Morning Michele - I'm counting down the hours for you today so you can get on a work and your Holiday will start as soon as you walk out the door later today. Hugs xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. As I type I am first in today - bet I'm not by the time I have finished typing : )-so I have opened up, put the coffee on and there are warm croissants for everyone. Enjoy : )
    Sandra it is wonderful to see one of your fantastic floral cards, as always you have placed each flower and embellishment perfectly. Teal is one of my favouritr cours too. I won't ever tire of looking at your beautiful "signature" cards. I'm glad that you have got a refund for the missing things. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this weeks guilty secrets : )
    Sending love and hugs to you all, with extfas for all that are struggling at the moment.
    I'm on the the school run for Paige as Phoebe (our two gorgeous granddaughters) has Scarlet fever, as do lots of other children at her school. Apparently there is a lot of it around at the moment.
    Because Mum hasn't had scarlet fever I won't be seeing her and Pop as usual today : ( just to be on the safe side. I hope to get my ironing mountain done instead, at least that's the plan at the moment. But we all know how plans can change, don't we! Take care xx

    1. Thank you so much for opening up as I'm a little late this morning.
      Please put aside your 'hope' for Ironing. I'm sure you can find something much better to do than that. You can tell I HATE that word with a passion can't you. Hugs xxxx

    2. Morning Sue, sorry to hear about phoebe, bless her and wise to stay away from Margaret too, these things can be nastier in adults. It seems to be normal that all of the old illnesses are returning, I find it really worrying, part of the problem is they have stopped immunising for things like TB as it was irradiated in this country (because we vaccinated), but with Immigration on the up, these illnesses are returning from countries where they don't have immunisation programmes at all. I raised this issue, saying more now than ever before they needed to vaccinate our children, but was to!d there isn't the funding! Its so frustrating!
      Soap box stowed for next time!!!
      Hugs Sue, enjoybyour ironing xxx

  5. Morning Everyone
    I'm late this morning and as I opened the blinds snow was falling and starting to cover the ground so I'm hoping it's going to stop very very soon.

    SANDRA - Oh what a beautiful card. Teal became one of my favourite colours the first time I saw it and it still is though I haven't made anything with it for a while. I must change that. I love love love this card. I have to say that the die you've used has been my best background die purchase ever. I find it so useful. Your shopping haul looks very interesting. The lace and ribbons etc are so pretty but what I find most interesting are the MDF shapes and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with them. Did you watch Leonnie on Wednesday Afternoon using MDF shapes. I only saw her second hour but loved what she did using MDF. It really set my fingers itching. I just might have to go and buy a few bits. Don't forget Crafters Companion launched last night on Hochanda. That will be interesting to see what they have.

    I have my extra large Latte and I'm off to sit and see who comes through the door next.

    Pat - I'm thinking of you and Pete today and hoping that all goes well. Take care.

    Hugs are in their basket and thank you so much for keeping those Huggles in place yesterday. I think I just might ask Norah to knit a few pairs of slippers for them so that when they take their boots off they have something to put on their feet.

  6. Oh I could scream, just wrote a long post and its disappeared Aargh!!!
    Good morning everyone
    Sue I hope Phoebe feels better soon
    Janet and Cheryl, your cards yesterday were beautiful.
    Didn't have time to comment yesterday although I did pop in to see everyone was ok.
    It's snowing here, settling on roofs and grass but roads are very wet, hope it clears as I need to go into town.
    I hope everyone who has been under the weather are feeling a little better
    I'll pop back when I come back from town
    Oh Sandra your card ( my favourite colour way) is gorgeous, love the flowers.
    Your haul from Farnborough looks interesting to say the least.
    Hugs to all who need them
    Jean xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies, your card is gorgeous Sandra, love how you have arranged the flowers, and your purchases from the craft show look great, have fun playing!,
    Pat thinking of you both today, hope all goes well.
    It is a lovely morning here, the sun is shining but it is still a bit frosty.
    My sister in law is arriving today to stay for a few days, so better get a move on
    and get sorted out.
    Have a lovely day everyone,make care, Jess xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and Coffee Shop crew,

    We woke up to bright sunshine today, had breakfast TV on and they were showing us snow, it seems to be quite deep in many areas. Hope all our ladies are safe and warm. xx

    Sandra, what a haul you have, I can see many hours of fun coming up. Sorry you didn't get any Colour Clouds. I bought some at AP last year (actually I bought 8) one that gets used quite a lot is Smudged Charcoal, it's a sort of murky grey. Not one that would jump up and down 'saying you need me' I find it great for adding shadow.

    Love your card it is so pretty, it has your signature all over it! Think Sue said something similar.

    Pat and Pete, hope al goes well today. LOL xx

    We are off to Croydon in a while, don't think we will be gone for that long, but will have lunch out.

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. What a beautiful card SANDRA and all your stash! Amazing!
    I have a tip that might work to stop card cracking when you crease it - from Kay, Hougie board lady Score both sides ie score down one edge and turn north to south and score again It might help
    Got to go sunshine and Cappucino calling

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Lynn and welcome to our crazy cafe xxx

  11. Good afternoon, where has this week gone? I have Beth coming tonight to make a Mother's Day card. She wants to make a gate fold one! So disappointed she missed doing that challenge. She will also hopefully get her challenge card made!!. She was cross with mummy when she told her I was not needed to do pick up this afternoon, as she had planned on card making. We have sorted that out so peace again. Was at Glasgow yesterday to the show there, very quiet and hardly any stalls, no real big names. Didn't buy much at all just some card from Anna Marie card. It was more a day out, after being not far over the last few weeks. Oh to be able to go away some where warm and get good sunshine.
    Sandra, I see you bought a good haul on Saturday. I think we would need to go to the likes of Birmingham to get good bargains, just can't afford the costs of getting there.
    Off to get things sorted out to make a baby basket and a couple of cards. Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love your card today Sandra, it's stunning. Glad to see your purchases from Farnborough. Some lovely goodies there and looking forward to seeing what you create :-)
    Beautiful cards yesterday too from Janet and Cheryl :-)
    Hope everyone having a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  13. Hello Sandra & everyone
    It's been lovely & sunny today after the horrendous rain yesterday but it's very cold.
    Just hered from my friend Hochanda are selling AP tickets for £2.50 instead of £5 if any of you want them.I watched Crafters Compainion show last night I liked some of her colection but not keen on Sara herself. Loved those sparkley pens Leanne was using but £50 bit too much for me.
    Finished my challenge card & sent it too SANDRA
    MARIA how are you feeling today hope your tummy is better today. Hope you got your windows when shopping earlier hehe.take care.xx
    Sue hope Phoebe soon gets better. Did you do your mound of ironing or crafting
    Makes sense staying away from Mum & Pops best to be on the safe side.
    SANDRA what a lovely lot of goodies you got at Farnborough lots of MDF I haven't used any of that yet but might have a go after seeing Leonie the other day.Sandra your card is so pretty love the colours & flowers.
    Well late today have got to go Tesco now as OH was doing some painting for a friend.& didn't get in till 4 pm was surpose to be home at 1pm but hay ho.
    Well better get a wiggle on.
    Try & get back later. Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, taking one day at the time and hope you do too. Had a look in Hochanda, you have to be a member to get the tickets for half price I think so no luck. hugs xxx

    2. Hi Lynda. I hope you are still being kind to yourself by not doing too much.
      Phoebe was a little better yesterday, thank you.
      I did a bit of both ironing and crafting amongst other tjings, crafting last so I had it to look forward to : ) Take care x

  14. Hi again all, back home with sore feet and creaky back. Feels like we walked miles, window shopping is hard work. Very funny Janet, we actually will have to get a window when we do the kitchen because we are getting rid of the back door that we never used, bricking it up and having a little window so you can take the tin hat off now if you want hihi.
    Oh Sue so sorry for Phoebe, scarlet fever is not nice and can take some time to get over. Bless her, hope she is better soon. Good idea not going to your mum and pops today as you never know if they can get it too, hugs to you all.
    Lilian- when you have played with the Misty Stamping tool, would you mind telling me how you like it or not. Have been thinking of one because you can over stamp in the right place time and time again and not like I do now it goes every else but tihi
    Michele- hope your day goes fine and you next can look forward to some holiday, take care and happy crafting.
    Hazel- hope you are ok now and you will have a nice evening crafting with Beth. Take a photo and send Sandra, love to see them.
    Jess- have a lovely time with your SIL, do she craft as well ?
    Jean- hope you are ok now but isn't frustrating when you lose a comment, don't understand where they go and why it's happening quite often to us all.
    Brenda- hope the time in Croydon was good and you had a nice lunch, so nice when you don't have to cook. I have been looking at these Colour clouds and they look good, however as my place of crafting is minimalistic for the time being and they are quite big it will have to wait but maybe I will just get the Smudged Charcoal hihi always good with recommendations.
    I'm looking for a scoreboard, anyone you ladies like
    best ?
    Karenlotty- you just sit there in the warmth with a drink in your hand will you while we freezing our bums here in Blighty.hihi Hope you have a fabulous time and coming home brown and nicely relaxed.
    Hi Lynn Dalby, welcome to the best cafe' in the world . Do join us and tell us about yourself if you like. It's nice meeting new people and we are a bit 'nutty' but hope that wont stop you popping back in.
    Sending special hugs to anyone who need one, just noticed the Huggles seem to be good today, wonder how long that will last. No Myra around to give them sugar tihi and how is our little wee man doing ? Must finish "The Card"
    now !! bye,bye xxxx

  15. Evening Ladies

    What a day-we've had snow, rain, wind & sunshine! Work was crazy- we had a power failure & the generators didn't kick in straight away. This caused us major computer problems which continued until 4.30pm!! To say I was glad to leave at 5pm is an understatement.
    Am hoping to get some quality crafting time in next week. My car is going into the garage for a service & MOT on Monday so I can either ask the mechanic to drop me off at home or walk into Southport the get the bus home. The garage I use is a man on his own-most if the consultants take their cars there so I figure my little Micra will be just fine.


  16. Good evening ladies,
    Sandra what a lot of lovely goodies you bought. Beautiful card, I am very tempted to get that background die, it looks fabulous.
    Pat and Pete, have been thinking of you today, sending you both hugs.
    Sue, hope Phoebe is feeling alright, wise decision not to visit your mum.
    Oh Maria, you poor thing, a creaky back is no fun, but lucky you getting a new kitchen.
    Brenda hope you enjoyed your lunch out.
    Janet, buy yourself some calamine lotion for those itchy fingers. Hope the snow is not too bad where you are. Our beloved Yorkshire seemed to have got it bad.
    Lilian, I have been thinking about your hoods, more specifically the coloured ones you mentioned the other day, wouldn't the bright orange/yellow ones attract the bees?
    Lynda glad you sound chirpier today, hope you are over that nasty bug.
    Love and hugs for all
