
Saturday 5 March 2016

Michele's Cat & Dog cards and a Sparkly Dress Form Tag !

 Michele's Cat Card

Michele's Cute Handbag Dog card

Dress Form Tag 

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that where ever you are you aren't snowed in, please go careful it's sure to be quite icy !! Will it be 'Frozen Pitch' today I wonder? Or will the girls have to go play football in the freezing cold?!

Michele has clearly got her 'mojo' back, as she sent me four cards to share with all of you yesterday! 

I love the cute Cat image on the first card, with the pretty flowers on its colour, it looks as though it is sitting outside someones door waiting to be let in!  
Lovely card Michele, thankyou for sharing xxx

Now the second card reminds me of my 'Grand' dog Diego, he is a handbag dog 
If ever I saw one!  Such a cute image, beautifully coloured Michele, a gorgeous card to bring a smile to anyone's face, thanks again Michele xxx

Now then, I have been buying Somme different materials to have a go at mixed media, I already have lots of bits to play with but I have ordered some pretty lace and ribbon to have a play with the 'Shabby Chic' trend!   But last night I thought I would have a play with myb Tim Holtz Sewing Room Die, I die cut the Dress form and decided to make it into a pretty tag.  I die cut a piece of double sided adhesive to fit the 'bodice' part added it to Dress form, peeled backing away and put a Special Touch Mask on to the adhesive, I then used a baby blue and a pink Martha Stewart glitter, adding the blue first, make sure your tap all excess glitter off and then peerl off the Mask and then added the pink glitter to the remaining exposed adhesive, it created a pretty floral pattern that worked well as a dress or top. I then decided to make a super pretty skirt, by layering some Pink Silky Crush Ribbon with some fancy glittered Tulle over the top, I added some Grosgrain Ribbon in pink and some pearl trim to the waistband, I decided to add nothing but a couple of pearls to the top, it was sparkly and pretty enough, I added the same pearl trim to the neckline too.
I then shaded the Dress form top and base with a little blue ink.  I did exactly thee same background effect with the glitter on the Tag, placed a Doily to lay Dress form on, added a few pearls and some ribbon and tulle through the whole in the tag to finish!  It's very girly and was quite fun to make too! 

Not much doing here today, Paul will be sleeping off nights, ready to go in again tonight and the girls have a football Match.  Hoping to do Somme crafting!

Love and hugs to all


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Michele, I love both cards, the black cat really pops on the red doesn't it, and the cute little dog peeping out if the handbag is sweet. Thank you for sharing.
    Sandra,vits good to see that you have managed to have a go with some of your MDF goodies. This tag is gorgeous, so delicate and pretty. I hope you get to play some more today while Paul is sleeping. Good luck to the girls if they do get to play today.
    Who knows what the weather will do if it's anything like yesterday! We had a bit of everything didn't we.
    Pat, I hope all went well yesterday.
    All that are not feeling so well take it easy please.
    Phoebe is a little better, the antibiotics should be kicking in by now, bless her.
    Our village is having an exhibition in the village hall today of all of the different local organisations and I am helping to run the Scout Group table. Off out soon to get set up so must go now.
    I hope you all have a good day. Hugs to all with extras for those in need . Take care xx

    1. Hi assume
      Hope you had a great Afternoon. I assume the Caligraphy group had a table as well.

  2. Morning Everyone
    After a full day of snow and it settled well the rain came last evening and it's rained all night and taken all the snow away thank goodness. I hope all of you that are still thick with snow are OK and please take care. We do not want any broken bones.

    MICHELE - love your cat and dog. They are so cute especially the black cat.

    SANDRA - you have me a little confused. Should there be two photographs? I only have a picture of your beautiful tag. I love your colours and the way you have dressed the die.

    Off to do some Saturday morning shopping and it's our week-end to meet Jim's Niece and her two littlies.

    PAT - I hope all went well yesterday and that you have a good journey home.

    Will pop in later to see what everyone's up to.
    Hugs in the basket. All's up and running with fresh baked Piklets/Croissants and Pain au Choc for breakfast. Oh and there's Porridge if anyone wants some.

    1. Thanks Janet. All went off very well. A sad occasion.

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful cards by Michele. I love the little dog in the handbag and the pretty little flowers on the cat :-)
    Sandra, your tag is gorgeous. Love the colours with the glitter and the beautiful tulle :-)
    Very frosty here this morning. My son's football game has been cancelled, so more crafting time for me ;-) Got a couple of Birthday cards to make.
    Have a good day everyone, keep warm.
    Hugs to all xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your tag is gorgeous, so pretty.

    My cards were really easy ones. The cat diecut was one I found I a bag of bits so I made it into a card. The dog image was a stamped one & my attempt at colouring with my ProMarkers. A few diecuts for the corners & the card was done. I've got so many half finished toppers/cards that my plan was to finish them then start on new cards. It was also easier to finish them with the limited amount of time I usually have.

    Well-we have a bright but breezy day here which is nice after the awful week we've had weather wise. I'm going to pop into Southport this morning then settle down to some crafting.


    1. Michele your cards are great for dog & cat lovers, well done. Hope you enjoy your week off. Love Margaret xx

    2. Love both of your cards, always useful to use as most people have one or the other.

  5. Love the tag, wish you were nearer, could do with some hands on tuition.
    Off to Bath tomorrow, our eldest granddaughter is in a rowing regatta at Cheltenham, rowing twice and then back to our daughters for supper with the rest of the family. Nice that it coincides with Mothering Sunday. Back home late Sunday night, weather
    permitting as Monday I have found a craft class (one off) showing you ideas on how to make paper flowers.

    1. Hi Angela
      I hope it's not to cold tomorrow when your Grand daughter does her rowing.

    2. Thanks Pat will report in on Monday! Spent today tidying up my craft/study room? Probably won't be able to find anything now.

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    The cards are lovely today, love your shabby chic tag Sandra.
    Don't know what I will get up to today sister in law is here for a few days, so I think a shopping trip is on for today, not of lot of crafting will get done she does craft but it is mostly sewing, she makes the most beautiful cushions, incorporating tartan, tweed and feathers, and her husband makes lovely upholstered footstools,
    Anyway have a lovely day everyone, take care xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    Sandra I love you shabby chic tag you really have had a lovely play haven't you! The results are stunning LOL Hope the girls have a good game or is it a training session?

    Michele your cards are beautiful and would be perfect for our dog/cat lover friends. You really are very inspiring, it's always a pleasure to see your creations.

    Not a lot on the cards for today, have watched the video on SW blog and might have a little play with the technique she was demonstrating.

    Hope everyone has a nice relaxing day.
    Take care love and hugs Brenda xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all.
    Like your two cards Michele,very sweet. I have that dog stamp somewhere.
    Like your tag Sandra, very pretty and nice to see what you make with the MDF you bought. Hope you and Paul had a nice day together. don't wish your girls to play football today, it's so cold. Funny weather we are having..
    Managed to make OH card finished last night 10pm, promise never be so late ever again. 23 years married today. Going to Windsor tomorrow, can pick son and his friend up at Heathrow at the same time before going back so today will be a lazy day. Just had a nice brunch and tonight we going out for dinner. Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing, love and hugs to you all ,Maria xxx

    1. Happy Anniversary to both of you, have a wonderful day, 23 years is a huge achievement these days!
      Enjoy your meal tonight, tomorrow sounds like a very busy day for you, have fun xxxx

    2. MARIA Happy Anniversary too you & Ric have a lovely day & enjoy your meal tonight. You have a busy day tomorrow have fun Hope your son had a great holiday.
      Take care love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    3. MARIA and RIC Happy Anniversary hope you have a great day and a lovely meal this evening.
      I'm sure your son will have lots of tales to tell you about his very exciting holiday. Love and hugs Brenda XX

    4. Happy Anniversary Maria & Ric,
      May you have many more years of togetherness.
      Love & hugs
      Cheryl xxx

    5. Happy anniversary Maria and Ric, have a lovely day.

    6. Happy Aniversery to you both , hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your meal tonight.

    7. Happy Anniversary Maria and Ric! Enjoy your meal out this evening. Xxx

    8. Happy Anniversary. Have a lovely day xx

    9. Margaret Palmer5 March 2016 at 17:14

      Maria a very Happy Anniversary to you & Ric, hope you have many more & enjoy your meal tonight. Love Margaret xx

    10. Hi Maria
      Happy Anniversary, I hope you and Rick have a lovely day today. Enjoy your meal this evening.

  9. Good morning all
    Maria happy anniversary, hope you have a lovely lazy day and enjoy your meal out this evening.
    Michele your cards are so sweet, love the little cat.
    Sandra, such a pretty little tag, I love anything pink and sparkly hope you enjoyed your foray into altered art.
    Angela good luck to your granddaughter, enjoy the regatta.
    Pat hope yesterday went alright and was not too upsetting for you both.
    Janet there is nothing like a hot bowl of porridge, thank you.
    Right better get a move on if I am going to get into the city and have a browse around, will have a look in our rubbish craft shop, Germany hasn't caught up with the rest of the world with regards crafting but you never know I might find something, I live in hope every time I go in there!
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

    1. You could always think about opening a craft shop of your own!!,

    2. We could all be mail order customers, think our spends would be a good start !!!!!!!!!!

    3. Maybe it's just as well the craft shop isn't too good! Tin Hat !!! Xxxx

    4. Hi Saba
      Yes, yesterday went well. Sad but lovely. Pete was very upset as were the rest of the family. We went in the family cars as they all think of us as family.

    5. Thank you Saba. Not sure where you are but I go to Germany every year, Biberach, always beginning of December, love it. Stay with same friends we met over thirty years ago.

  10. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Raining again & cold at the moment. Only short post as we are off to my Sons it's Alfie' Birthday tomorrow Darren has him for a couple of hours so will be nice to see him as it's not very often we get to see him ( dew to his horrible mother don't get me started ). Samantha ( Sam's youngest daughter) has just text me for some craft goodies that she can have so been sorting her some bits out.i don't mind nice she enjoys crafting. MICHELE your cards are lovely so cute.
    SANDRA I love your tag so pretty well done on your first MDF project.
    PAT I hope all went well yesterday & wasn't to sad a day.xx
    Well must get a wiggle on will pop in later Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Thanks Lynda. Yesterday went well, well as well as can be expected. I hope you have a lovely day with Alfie.

  11. Congrats MARIA
    SANDRA I love your tag MDF is something I haven't tackled yet It is on my to do list It's given me an idea on how to "dress up" the X-cut dress form I have
    MICHELE both of your cards are beautiful and I love how adding the small flowers on the cat is such a pretty addition - now why didn't I think of that!
    Take care everyone Looking forward to seeing the cards tomorrow

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry did not get in yesterday, spent the day with my 90 year old friend, she lost her sil suddenly 2 weeks ago then her man friend she used to go out & about with died after a stroke on Thursday evening, so we went for a meal & just sat & chatted all day, I felt exhausted when I got back. She is a lovely lady I think of her more as a mother, she has had soo much happen in last 12 years, her husband died suddenly then 18 months later their only child a daughter died, the grand daughter is good to her but not too practical, so we are usually her 1st port of call. Even after all this she comes up smiling.
    Your card yesterday was beautiful & your label today very pretty.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  13. Oh where has today gone. Great selection of cards and I love your tag Sandra.
    Had just got I. From shopping when Gillian and Andrew arrived. They have just left and I have just got the roast of beef and a chicken that I had popped in to the oven to finish then I should get sat down.
    Margaret, sorry your friend has lost another friend. At 90 you don't always expect to out live your friends and family.
    Maria. Congratulations to you both on your anniversary.
    Karen, I hope you are relaxing and enjoying every minute of your trip.
    Right off to get things put away from them shopping,

  14. Hi Ladies,
    Have I got all of this weeks challenge cards in yet?
    just checking as I am just preparing post for tomorrow,
    look forward to seeing what you have all created,
    Sandra x

    1. Sandra I'm Sorry!
      No card from me this week! Been missing as been in Scotland and just got home before 3pm! I didn't take crafting stuff with me so afraid no card! Will do detention! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      welcome home my lovely, i hope you had a lovely week away, I wasn't expecting a card from you this week as I knew you were on holiday.
      No detention necessary, you can round up the huggles though if you like Hughie has had a ball since you have been away xxx

    3. Detention for me also Myra. I still haven't done my first one let alone this weeks.

    4. Ooh! Pat!
      It's the naughty step for you, young lady! Xx

  15. Hello All, hope you all have had a good day, sunshine and showers here, but very cold.
    Went in to Truro this morning, tried out our new park and ride, works well will be great in the summer when it's impossible to find anywhere to park.
    Didn't get much in town , wanted some new shoes, but new styles not in yet !
    Had lunch liver and bacon, was a bit over cooked,but very nice.
    Very busy as its St Perans day today, so a big perade in the city, we didn't stay as was too cold to stand about.
    Going to finish sorting my craft room now, bought some new lever arch style folders for my stamps.was very good didn't get much else, noticed a lot of Sue's dies in stock now.
    SANDRA love your tag, always wanted to do this sort of thing.
    Well I'm off to my room have a good evening everyone.
    Hugs Lilian

  16. Hello Everyone,
    You have had a week's peace! I've been in Scotland on holiday and Internet connection isn't always good. Anyway I'm back home - no more peace in our time!!
    I have missed some very pretty cards and a lot of posts but I can't read all of them just now.
    We had a lovely break and the weather was kind to us. Travelling each Saturday was in sunshine! Not bad for March. We were at The Trossachs and we had snow one night but it didn't lie for long on the roads so no problem really. The mountains looked lovely. Norah's Ochils included!
    Michele both of your cards are lovely. Sometimes I think we try to be too complicated . These are just right.
    Your little tag is very pretty Sandra and I know I enjoy doing things like that. Hope you did too.
    Well, I need to finish putting things away.
    Be good! Xxxx

    1. Hi Myra
      I'm so glad you had a lovely time up in Scotland. We've never been, but it's on my to do list. It's a two day journey for us so needs to be planned. But that won't be this year as were away 3 times at least this year. I also want to do York after Patricia telling me about the Railway Museum in York. Pete and Heather are avid steam enthusiasts. Well I think the museum was in York and not Harrogate. Well wherever it is well so sooner rather than later. Plus the Edingurgh Tattoo as well.

  17. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I didn't comment yesterday ladies. I did start but everyone came to the house so I couldn't continue. Although a sad occasion, we all had a very enjoyable day. Luke started me off crying in the car by stating. There was an Irish man, a English man and a bottle of scotch. That summed up Grampy and Pete. All deadpan in between his tears.
    Anyway lovely cards yesterday and today ladies. We've had visitors all day. I cooked at lunchtime for us and now I'm nearly ready to go and do tea.

  18. Hellooooooooooooooo
    Sorry, I've been AWOL again but have had a quick look at the offerings, although haven't been able to read the comments.
    Sandra, you certainly got some bargains at the craft show, and the card is just beautiful.
    Michele, you've been busy and they are all great.
    Pat, glad the funeral was a success - that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean. The Railway Museum is in York, and the Edinburgh Tattoo is fantastic. Much better than it appears on TV as the atmosphere is amazing.
    That's my lot, got to go. Hopefully will be able to spend more time with you in the near future.
    Maureen xxx

  19. Hi everyone,
    Hope you all had a nice day and good to see some
    of you back in the right place.I missed you.
    I have had a lovely day, most days are fine but today was a little more special. even got some roses this morning.
    Dinner was good and it was nice not to have to cook for once. Thank you all for your wishes for me and Rick. Back home we watched a film together with a bottle of red, feel like I can fly hihi only joking ,I'm real goood !
    Have a good night and hope to see you all again tomorrow.
    Extra cuddles to anyone who need one, I have plenty to give. Bye for now xxxx
    Happy Mothers day to all Mum's x
