
Thursday 3 March 2016

A Little Thursday Treat from Cheryl & Janet

 Cheryl's Stylish Stiletto Shoe card

Janet's Pretty Floral Silhouette Card

Good Thursday Morning Ladies

I am excited to share with you today two beautiful cards created by our incredibly talented friends
Cheryl and Janet.

Cheryl has used a very Stylish Stiletto die (Tattered Lace)? and the Spellbinders Triple Flip die to create this
lovely card perfect for Teenagers and Ladies alike, Oh how I would love to be able to strut around in a pair of shoes like that, I wouldn't even be able to stand in them!!  Although I am sure that I am not the only one amongst us that has this problem, Cheryl I could imagine you wearing these at one of your Charity do's though!! hahaha, I love this card Cheryl, it would be perfect for my daughter Becca, thank you so much for the inspiration and for sharing your card with all of us xxxx

Janet, your card is just so pretty, mixing the pretty floral card with the silhouette just works so well, I love the combination, trimming the aperture/frame with pearls works really well,  your floral embellishment and bow give the perfect finish to the card.  Thank you so much for inspiring us Janet and for allowing me to share your beautiful design xxxx

Not too much on the cards today, Sue and I ended up having a Road Trip yesterday afternoon, Sue kindly offered to take me and my broken Guillotine back to the Range, who couldn't have made the whole thing more difficult !! The blade/handle kept tightening with each use, after 4 or 5 cuts it became impossible to use, Paul kept loosening it off for me but it would soon tighten again, so I decided I had had enough and returned it, hoping to be refunded so I could buy a new one, but oh know, even with the proof of purchase I could only have a store refund card !!  We obviously had to have a little look in Hobbycraft but we did't buy very much, the only think I did get was some kids fancy cut scissors as I had given mine away thinking I wouldn't ever use them, but I found out that they are the key to making multiple different flowers from one die, so watch this space.  Thank you so much Sue I had a lovely afternoon xxxx

I am waiting for the Tumble Dryer Engineer to come today, so lets all place bets on whether he will have the right part to fix the dryer (I did explian the full extent of problem on phone), it is one of the problem dryers and the fluff did catch light on the heating element but no further damage was caused, but I have a feeling this may drag on!!

I will call in later,
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-beautiful card. I have both dies you have used so I might just have to re-create this, if that's OK?

    Janet- gorgeous card, I love the die you have used, so pretty.

    Well-we have such a calm day here after the horrendous gales last night. I'm off out this evening for a meal. I'm meeting up with a friend at 6.30pm at Nando's & we'll probably talk for a few hours.


    1. Hi Michele,
      No problems sweetie. Feel free to copy. xxx

    2. Have a nice meal tonight with your friend Michele.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Michele,
      Enjoy Nando's tonight, only been once but loved it. xxx

    4. Hi Michelle
      We had gales yesterday as well. We're also off for a meal at the Tower Hotel in Harwich with Bets Niece and husband who've come down for the funeral.

    5. Hi Michele, Have a nice time and a lovely meal tonight. I like Nando's but haven't been for years xx

  2. Morning Ladies,

    To reiterate Michele, we too had horrendous gale force winds and driving rain that started at 9am and carried on until I retired last night. The wind even managed, somehow, to blow up my washing machine outlet pipe which whistled merrily in the kitchen!

    My card was made for my Daughter Giorgina's birthday.
    Our lovely Lynda cut out and sent me quite a few of the triple flip cards, thank you very much dear heart, from which I have made several cards. Tiegan & Joseph will be using some more of them for their 'Mummy' cards. Yes Sandra you are correct, the shoe die came from a magazine and is from Tattered Lace. The only one of Steph W's that I own and I didn't have to buy it!

    My mobile phone is dead, defunct and deceased so off to get a replacement/new battery? from Carphone Warehouse under their warranty.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl your very welcome I'm glad your using them.
      your card is Gorgeous Giorgina will love it.
      HUG'S Lynda xx

    2. HibCheryl
      I hope you get a new phone or battery whichever the case may be.

    3. Hi Cheryl, your card is lovely. I still haven't used the triple thing die yet!!! Love the wind whistling through your kitchen pipes, makes a change from bag pipes ha ha.
      Hope you've got your new battery or replacement phone.

    4. Hi Cheryl, Gorgeous card for Giorgina. Love it.
      Sound fun to have a whistling pipe in the kitchen, yes wasn't the wind really bad, glad our new fence still standing. Hope you get your phone fixed or a new one, take care xx

    5. Tihi ,ok not for your daughter. Did not scroll down enough xx

    6. Hi, Cheryl, love your card, I have this die but had forgotten all about it, thanks

  3. Error: Not for my daughter's birthday, I have hers here in front of me ready to deliver! Brain fog or what this morning! xxx

  4. Morning Everyone - It seems we all had that horrible gale last night. We had an awful day yesterday with torrential rain which turned to snow which in turn turned back to gale force winds and more rain. I could not get to sleep as someone hadn't taken in their blue bin after the bin men had been and so this was rattling around on the road. I only hope that there isn't any cars damaged by it.

    CHERYL - A beautiful card in every way and what an age range it would suit. I bought that triple flip die and love it but I haven't seen this TL die before. I have to admit that I don't often look at their dies as they're always more expensive than some others but you made a good buy there Cheryl. Good on you. Good luck on your new phone search.

    SANDRA - Good luck to you too with the dryer this morning. I absolutely dread any white goods misbehaving as it always seems/turns out to be a real roller coaster ride and at this time of the year in particular you need a dryer.

    My card was made for a friend and it's odd that you should show it today as yesterday you showed my 'Guilty Secret' shopping and today one of my cards where I have used a piece of paper from that 'Bohemian' paper pad as background. The centre piece isn't a die it's from a CD I have called 'Siloupage' from Card Creations. I was a little 'fed up' with using dies all the time and decided it was time some of my CDs saw the light of day. I had forgotten just how many I bought before I discovered dies. The flowers and finishing off bits are all from my stash. I do have to say that seeing the card again it must have been one of those days when my hands just wouldn't stay still while I was putting on the ribbon of pearls. I really do prefer to add pearls individually because of that.

    I've made my prime job for today to say thank you to you all for my gorgeous birthday cards. The postie was still delivering yesterday so I'm still celebrating while ever he comes lol.

    Sheila and Nikki - you're both in my thoughts and prayers Dear Friend. Take it easy.
    Pat - you too are in my thoughts today my lovely. Hope all goes well.
    Lilian - I'm so sorry to see that your Sister is so unwell again as she was on the right road to recovery. I hope things go OK and you can get to see her soon.
    Hazel - will you please look up the meaning of 'take it easy' in the dictionary please!
    Norah - that Bohemian pad is the second one I've bought. Once I start using it I just cannot stop it's so beautiful to work with.

    Now all is set in the Cafe for today - clean linen all round; coffee pot and kettle ready for use. Can I please ask you all to make your Huggles take their shoes off when they have been outside playing. I found muddy foot prints all over this morning and not only on the counter tops either. Perhaps we need Norah to open classes on 'Behaviour when out and about'.

    Hugs are in their usual basket and I've sent some on their way to our Dear Friends who have been absent for a while. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      your card is Gorgeous I have a similar CD from Joanna Sheen. Thank you for your Email this morning.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Hopefully my card arrived in time. Our post goes to Swindon first and is notoriously slow.
      These huggles sure are getting naughty, fancy climbing in their muddy boots. Norah needs a trip to Oxfordshire to sort them out I think.

    3. Hello Janet, Love your card today. It's so sumptuous and elegant. Ha ha, love the thought of the Huggles causing mayhem in the Cafe. Get Dobbie to sort them out!!

    4. Hi Janet, your card is absolutely lovely and the papers too. Glad you had a nice birthday. Oh aren't they naughty sometimes the Huggles, walking with the mucky boots on the counter tops. Will have to keep an eye on them today xx

    5. Janet, love this card, I've been wracking my brain trying to remember where those cameos came from, remember using them .

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely cards on show today, Cheryl love the design of the card, I have this shoe die and love using it.
    Janet your card is lovely, I also have this CD and use it a lot, the papers are gorgeous.
    Well we are off to Edinburgh Playhouse today, to see The Jersey Boys, we will make a day of it, the weather isn't too bad a wee bit nippy but the sun is shining.
    Take care whatever you do, anyone going to the Craft Show at SECC have a brilliant day,mind you need to show of your purchases later. Xxx

    1. Jess have a lovely day & evening enjoy the Jersey boys. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. I hope you have a great time watching the Jersey Boys Jess, it's a great show.

    3. Have a great time Jess, you'll be rocking in the aisles!!

    4. Hi Jess, hope you have a great time tonight and enjoying your day in Edinburgh xx

  6. CALLING - MARIA AND CHERYL - I have tried to send you an email this morning but they have come back saying your addresses do not exist. Could you let me have your new addresses when you have a moment.

    CALLING - DIANE AND LILIAN - I don't have an email address for either of your. I wanted to say thank you for my birthday cards but can't so would you please let me have your addresses when you have a moment.

    Thank you xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you get your dryer sorted today, it's the worse time of year to be without it.xx
    Cheryl lovely card, used to love wearing shoes like that.xx
    Janet a completely different card but still lovely.xx
    Embroidery this afternoon must go make a card for one of my ladies who has had this cough etc since Christmas poor thing.
    Hope those suffering are on the mend hugs on way love Margaret xx.

    1. Hi Margaret, wish I could still do embroidery but the eyes aren't up to it now. I was sorting out wardrobes and found cushion covers that I'd embroidered, but never used, when we first moved in here over 35 years ago. I decided that I'd kept them long enough so 4 are now adorning various chairs. My granddaughters think they are very old fashioned, but Rachel likes them!!! Nothing so truthful as young children ha ha.

    2. Hi Margaret, enjoy your day. hugs xx

  8. Good morning ladies,
    Tumble dryer man been,he has virtually rebuilt dryer, all under warranty!! It was quite scary to see all the burnt bits inside the machine, they seem to be replacing a whole panel as part of this recall, so no more creased knickers and rough towels!!
    Off to tidy the mess he left!!
    Sandra xxx

    1. I'm glad he's been and fixed your dryer. No more wrinkled knickers then Sandra.

    2. Hi Sandra, glad you've been sorted and that it was seen to before any serious accident occurred. I want to know how Pat knows that your knickers were wrinkled!!!!

    3. Glad you got it sorted before anything else happened Sandra. Hope he didn't make to much mess.
      Never had a tumble dryer but my blommers are not so badly creased and we like the roughness of the towels hihi xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    So pleased the tumble dryer has been fixed and under the warranty, even better! now you will no longer have to have a sore derrière as you no have creases in your knickers! Ha Hah

    Janet, such a beautiful card, I recognised the Siloupage lady from a CD I had (hadn't really used it) and passed it on to Sandra. I realised you had used the beautiful Bohemian paper on this card. Think I'll have to look out for this pad it really sings to me. xx

    Cheryl, what a lovely card, those heels Bring back memories! xx

    Sandra, Did you get any Colour Clouds at Farnborough? I know you had your eye on them.

    Pat, hope all goes well today, LOL
    Lynda, don't go rushing into things, or you will be back to square one again. LOL
    Hazel, take it easy, give your body a chance. I know how irritating it is when you can see the windows need cleaning, just don't go pushing yourself.LOL
    Sheila, sending gently hugs - just because !!!! LOL

    Anyone else who is feeling down or under the weather please help yourself to hugs (((((((((( x)))))))))) xxx

    Hope everyone has a good day, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I haven't got the energy to rush into anything just taking my time & sitting in between.
      been in craft room most of the day oh did clean S---T LEG'S OUT.I made another two cards today but still got challenge card to make.
      Thank you Brenda Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hello Brenda, have a good day whatever you are doing. I've to finish my challenge card, but the girls will be coming in from school, so I'll have to sort them out with their Mother's Day cards first. Zoe started hers yesterday so she can finish that today. They want to go to Poundland for a present for mum!!! Last of the big spenders ha ha.

    3. Hi Brenda,
      I only saw one place selling them at Farnborough and they were quite expensive, I know Hixxysoft had them on offer buy 3 get 1 free, or buy 4 get 2 free SK I might go with them!
      Have you got any of them???
      I would like to try them, but they look quite good, Sue, Julia and John etc all get on with them so they must be ok I guess!
      I have just ordered some flowers from Wild orchid crafts as I was totally out of pink ones, they are quite expensive though.
      Sandra xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Love Cheryl's shoe die, however it looks like a stamp that's been coloured very nicely to me. I'll have to go back and have another look. The triple flip cards are great aren't they. I'm glad they fixed the washing machine.
    Janet, I love the silouette lady on the card you've made. I have a similar CD to this one.
    Just to let everyone know the Toms funeral is tomorrow, Friday. We came down a few days earlier to save her daughter keep coming in everyday after school, she lives in Colchester. Well keep Bet company until Monday evening. I'll go back and comment on what people have written.

    1. Hello Pat, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hope it all goes well. xxx

    2. Hi Pat, take care and hope tomorrow will be ok. Sending you all some hugs xx

  11. Hello Sandra & everyone
    What a night the wind & rain was horrendous also had thunder. Annie woke me up at 1.30am barking & shaking so went down stairs with her she is a wimp doesn't like wind thunder or rain. She just walks up & down the front room shaking so I didn't get any sleep as it never let up until 6.30ish.
    Sandra pleased your tumble dryer is fixed now I had this vison of you in crumpled knickers hehe.
    Pat hope all goes well for you tomorrow & is not raining.
    Sheila & Nikki your both in my thoughts & prayers hope you feel in a better place soon my lovely friend please take care love & Hug's Lynda xx
    Hazel I hope your feeling better & not over doing it. Hug's Lynda xx
    Maria I hope your tummy is better today take it easy my lovely friend xx
    I will be going to ALLY PALLY with my friend but won't be buying much not sure if Terry will go. So looking forward to seeing you all again YAAAY.
    Oh my comment yesterday has gone AWOL must be floating round with Brenda's one.
    lets hope this will publish. Pop back later.
    Hug's Lynda xxxx
    i'm going to have a cupper.

    1. Hi Lynda, you'll be like the walking dead as you'll be so tired. I love how you call Freddy S--T LEGS ha ha

    2. Thank you Lynda, I am better but glad you cleaned out s--t legs cage, think that would have made me feel sock again hihi You take care. Can't wait to AP to see you again xx

    3. Lynda Terry will have to come or else Paul will be the only male, he won't be able to cope with 8+ ladies at lunch time, if he isn't coming I will get Paul to bring decent camera, as Terry is our resident photographer! He will be sat home worrying about all the money you are spending, who will carry your bags??
      How many weeks do we have to save for Ally Pally ?

    4. By the way I see that Hochanda will be at Ally Pally too, I hope that it doesn't make it too much busier!

  12. Hellooooooooooooooo
    Here I am again. It's been a lovely day here today but cold. It's now looking like snow or rain. Last night was wild here as well,
    George decided to do some repairs to the garden shed and then paint it. We now have a lovely brown lawn. Not much paint on the shed because before he'd even put the brush into the tin, he knocked it onto the grass!!! I hope it doesn't kill the roots. It also went all over his trousers, socks and shoes. I didn't say anything, I even made him a cup of tea and took it out. I knew if I started, the neighbours would come to see what the commotion was!!!
    Lynda, I forgot to say have a good time at Ally Pally. It's my ambition to get there one year.
    Right, the girls will be in shortly, so I'll get a snack made for them.
    Maureen xxx

    1. You should have got George one of those Spray Gun things for shed painting, as he turned to take his cup of tea you would have got a lovely spray tan too!
      (As long as shed was not green of course)
      Its good to hear the girls are 'penny wise'
      Sandra xxx

  13. Hi everyone

    I really will get better at popping into the café - life just has this horrible habit of taking over ;)

    Loved the 'hauls' from Farnborough pictured yesterday - found it very reassuring that I am not the only one who comes home laden down like a packhorse from these shows.

    Glad tumble drier sorted Sandra - sounds like a pretty close call there - doesn't bear thinking about.

    Take care all and see you soon.


    1. Hi Deborah,
      Lovely to see you, I understand that life sometimes can interrupt our blogging xxx

  14. Good evening ladies, better late than never.
    Love today's cards. Cheryl I have the triple flip and that shoe die and have not used it yet, time to remedy that I think, I love what you have done with it.
    Janet your card is so pretty and the silhouette looks like Audrey Hepburn. Love her hat!
    Pat all the best for tomorrow, I will be thinking of you.
    Sheila sending you a big hug, hope you are alright.
    Sandra hope you got my email with the picture of my beautiful flower arrangement. Glad the tumble drier is sorted.
    Oh Maureen, your poor lawn. Still a brown lawn is better than no lawn, poor Gerorge.
    I am very tempted to come to Ally Pally with my daughter Joanne. I will be in England when it is on but if we do come it means a night in London plus train fare and I am not sure whether it is worth it. You can buy a lot of dies on line for the price of a hotel in London!
    Right must go and serve dinner.
    Love and hugs for all

    1. Hi Saba
      I did get your picture thank you, so pretty!
      It would be fantastic to see you at Ally Pally, I understand you're point of the expense, not so bvad if you tie it in with some other treat at the same time, you deserve some leisure time my lovely xx
      Sending huge hugs
      Sandra xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all,
    it has been a day of in and out ,phone ringing and another guy regarding the kitchen came home this afternoon. They will have a showroom open in about two weeks so waiting for that. Like to see cupboard, worktops etc. live, not the same just seeing it in a catalogue.
    I hope you all had a nice day. Have comment on the way down. Thank you for sharing your cards Janet and Cheryl, they are both lovely !
    Saba, if you are in England when AP is on it would be fabulous to see you again. Your daughter living in Yorkshire ? Real shame it is so far. hugs.
    Sheila, sending you some special hugs and for Nikki too. Hope to see you back soon.
    Going to watch a film with OH so I bid you all a good night and sweet dreams. many warm hugs too Xxxx

  16. Evening All, Sandra glad the tumble drier is well again, I've used mine more this winter than ever before,much prefer to dry them outside, didn't dare to put them out yesterday as they would have been flying down the street, but they mostly dried today, just had to to air them in the dryer, no airing cupboard.
    I have some of the colour cloud inks, haven't used them much , but so far am impressed, you would need the egg shape foam smoothies, as the ink is below a felt pad.
    I see all of the crafters companion team have moved to Hochanda, they were only on C&C last week , must have been difficult to keep that quiet. I love watching Sheena, so maybe we will see more of her demos.
    Determined to make my challenge card tonight, although I have ironing to ,but that will wait.
    Hugs to all. Lilian

    1. I love watching Sheena too, her ink techniques are amazing!
      I was on C & C today trying to spend my £10 voucher, I noticed that all of the Crafter's Companion products have gone!!
      I ordered some 'smoothy' shaped make up sponges from Ali Express, they are almost identical and half the price!
      Thanks for your review of the inks Lilian

  17. Hi Saba
    It would be lovely to see you again. However, as you say it's a great expense if you have to stay over in London. I do have a spare double bed you could share. Not with me I hasten to add. Sending you huge hugs.

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Sorry for the late comment. It's been one of those days and I've not long Sat down.
    Cheryl and Janet, both of your cards are so beautiful. I love how they have been decorated. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous cards ladies.
    I had a lovely time yesterday too Sandra. I do hope you find a good replacement guillotine though. Does any one have any recommendations?
    Pat, I will be thinking of you tomorrow, I hope it all goes well.
    It's good to see that the bugs etc are starting to clear up for those that have been struck by them. Remember to take extra care of yourselves please.
    Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx
