
Wednesday 2 March 2016

Guilty Secrets....Mega Buys this week!!

 Angela's Farnborough purchases

 Brenda's Farnborough Purchases

Janet's Crafty purchases 

 Lilian's New Pens

 Lilian's New pens

 Margaret's New Craft Stash

Margaret's New Craft stash

Margaret's New Craft essentials

Michele's  Bargain of the week 

Pat's Farnborough Purchases

 Sonia's Farnborough Haul 1
 Sonia's Farnborough Haul 2

 Sonia's Farnborough Haul 3

 Sonia's New Die Storage

The last of Sonia's shopping

Sue's Farnborough Purchases

Good Morning Ladies,

What an amazing shopping week we have had this week, I think that the Bargain of the Week goes to Michele who got her Grand Spellbinders Dies for £5 (i think) but only because she was honest, or she would have got them for less!!

Sonia is our 'Shopper of the Week'  but she has been saving for a long while to go to Farnborough and stock up, you got some amazing goodies Sonia, I love all of your dies and Stamps, Inkyliscious have some amazing stamps to choose from, I couldn't make up my mind!  I am really looking forward to seeing what you are going to create with all of those new goodies, thank you for sharing your shopping xxxx

Margaret, as your friend it was so exciting seeing you so excited about buying all of your brand new craft tools and basics as well as some extra bits and storage, you are probably sick of advice by now, but you really did make some great choices, a fabulous Tonic glass mat, Tim Holtz pokey tool, great Glue choice, some lovely stamps with a good range of messages, a couple of greetings dies too and of course some card and paper, the world is your oyster now as they say, I feel so privileged to be able to be part of your craft journey, I am also very much looking forward to watching your cards change as you grow in confidence and having the use of more crafty goodies, thank you for allowing me to be part of your shopping experience xxx

Brenda, I am so happy that you got your Label die, and you bartered for a good deal, well done you, I love your Lilli of the Valley pads too, you got some lovely stamps and some new bits for your Groovi plate, your bag must have been like Mary Poppins bag as it didn't look like you got all that in there!! Thank you for sharing your purchases with us xxxx

Janet I love your Butterflies, you have the knack of placing them perfectly on a card too, they never look out of place, that Lace is gorgeous too, I see you 'needed' some more craft papers too, did you get any more craft goodies for your birthday??? thank you for sharing your Range shopping treats with us xxxx

Lilian if Julia recommended those pens, then it is only right that you buy them, what more of a reason do you need!!! They look a really good range of colours in one pack, a good make too! thank you for sharing xxxx

Sue and Pat, well what can I say, I think you were both very reserved this weekend, I guess you are waiting for Ally Pally?!  Thank you both for sharing your goodies with us xxxx

Well ladies, my fingers are just about dropping off after that lot of confessions, the craft market is a lot richer this week, that's for sure!!!

Sheila, you are in our thoughts at this tough time xxxx

Barbara, I am so pleased that your flowers arrived, just a small token to show you how much you are cared about by your friends here in the Cafe xxxxx

Pat, safe journey to Essex, I won't say have a good time, I hope all goes well, you and Pete will be in our thoughts xxx

Sue is coming over today, that means I have to clear a space on the dining table! Soup has been made, rolls are ready for baking, cookies waiting to be consumed !! Hurry up !!!!! xxxx

Sending Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what a truly fantastic display of crafty goodies. How exciting to see what everyone has bought-I love being nosy!

    My bargain was actually 2 set for £5- I got the grand squares which I gave to my M in L. A lady who had a sale table on Saturday was selling her sisters craft stash & I found the 2 sets of dies. The lady didn't have a clue what they were & said "oh, £1, is that ok?" But I couldn't hand over £2 so I explained that wasn't enough so we settled on £5 which I was thrilled with!!

    Today it's very very windy & wet. It's stopped raining at the moment but it's been torrential & more is forecast. Almost glad to be heading into work-he he!!


    1. I couldn't either £5 was a real bargain

    2. Fabulous bargain Michele, £5 for two is a steal. Hope you have a good day xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well what can I say.........your Farnborough haul is magnificent and you all showed the Crafting World what Savvy Crafters you are.
    MICHELE - fantastic bargain and I too just couldn't have given the lady £2.
    I hope you all test these goodies to the limit!!

    We had a little snow during the night but it's now quickly going and the sun is out but we have a very cold wind so it's a stay in day for me. I have my hairdresser coming at 11.00 so will feel better for that and then I need to put away my stuff from K&N yesterday afternoon. It was a good one the card for us to make being a kinetic one (it was all cut out and we just needed to decorate it) along with a box for it.

    As it is still bitterly cold I think Leek and Stilton Soup with fresh crusty bread is called for in the Cafe Today so please help yourselves.

    SHEILA - you and Nikki are in my thoughts my Dear Friend so please take care.

    SABA - sorry for putting Temptation your way but you know we Yorkshire Girls have to stick together!
    MURIEL - it was nice to see you yesterday.

    Hugs are in the basket just waiting for you all.xxxx

    1. Have a nice day Janet. thank you for the warming soup, it was needed xx

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone. Sorry I didn't stop by yesterday, very busy day with work, so I thought I'd pop in early today.
    Beautiful views from Anne's Scottish abode - how glorious to wake up to that in the mornings :-) Fabulous card too, love the Lili of the Valley designs.
    Well, didn't we all do well at Farnborough. Some fantastic buys and we are all going to be busy.
    Sandra, I love the Inkyliscious stamp range, am building my collection up :-) They are lovely to stamp with and always produce a nice clear image. What did you buy at the show?
    Angela, I was looking at that Crafters Companion semi circle die, but decided I'd already bought enough ;-) Lovely design and gorgeous samples there using it.
    Michelle, what a great bargain on your Spellbinders. Well done for being so honest, still got them at a fab price :-)
    Hope everyone is keeping well.
    Sending hugs to all whatever you are doing.
    Sonia xx

    1. Sonia, my dear :-) tell us the truth, you did the bank robbery the other week didn't you ? I Love you 'stuff' yikes, must have taken ages to put away but oh so many wonderful things. The dies, papers, stamps and cards. me jealous ? not a bit,Lol You have fun playing with it all, take care xx

    2. Lol Maria, not guilty. Didn't take too long to put away after I'd got rid of some older bits and pieces. Have had a bit of a play already, but looking forward to the weekend for some more crafting time :-)
      Hugs xx

  4. Morning ladies,
    A long message and then hit publish and my internet connection was lost.
    So quick one now just in case in goes again.
    Lovely haul ladies, hope you have many months of enjoying your purchases.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, hope you are ok ? hihi maybe a silly question after booking your dream holiday. All sound so wonderful. Have a good day xx

  5. OMG! (I would normally swear!) what a beautiful load of goodies I don't stamp, apart from shaded poinsettias!, I might just have to take a look at Inkyliscous

    1. Definitely worth a look Karen. They have some lovely stamps :-)
      Hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Looks like I lost my comment again into cyber space.
    Lots of great purchases ladies from Farnborough. Sandra, you haven't shown us yours yet.
    Thanks for the Baileys Maureen.
    Thinking of you Sheila.
    Hopefully we'll leave at 10.00 this morning as I've to cook dinner when we get to Bets. Nearly put Tons then, will be so hard not to see him sat in his chair. House full tomorrow when everyone arrives for the funeral.

    1. Hi Pat, hope the drive down was ok. So windy and quite cold today so wrap up warm. You bought some cards I see, always a need. Hope to get some at AP.
      Take care, I will be thinking of you and Pete tomorrow. Many hugs xx

    2. Thanks Maria. It was very windy on the drive down. Some of the large car transporter lorises were weaving about so much on the M25 Pete thought they were going to topple over. Mind you he gave them a wide berth where he could.

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Gosh ladies what a great lot of shoppers you all are, you have all done well, Sandra where are your purchases!!!!
    It is a lovely day here, sun is shining but it is quite cold, this is Wednesday meet
    up with friends then card class tonight, so a quick tidy up this morning is needed
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you get up to.
    Pat , thinking of you take care hugs (((())))

    1. Jess, have a nice day meeting your friends and have fun at card class. Wish someone had one around here but no such luck. Have to wait until April when Julia is home and doing a special work shop xx

  8. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sorry i have been missing in action but between this having been the like the local infirmary with sick patients right down to my puppy dog Tia over the weekend, a certain young Mr McPhee taking over the computer, laptop and wifi in general since and me having Master Harry for a sleepover at Granny's(which is a laugh as sleep was not on his agenda whatsoever) and guess who was "sleeping" on the settee watching over him? Oh how tired am i the now, never mind it's a beautiful day here at Glenochil with the sun shinning trying to kid me on that it is warm, aye for the polar bears at the north pole maybe.
    Sonia, you can take me shopping for crafty stuff any day flower, cos oooo i am drooling just looking at all your buys. I hope you had fun getting them now all you have to do is play and enjoy them and see what each one does. Girls i think that Sonia bought up the whole Farnborough show so i think we need to descend on her house and help her play and experiment with them just so that no O.H's could complain about her buying all that stuff just to lye in a cupboard and not be looked at again, what do you think? seriously though Sonia, i hope you get great pleasure from your purchases flower and more importantly that you get the time to play with it all. As for our other buys that i see before me enjoy girls. Margaret flower, you made some really good choices in your equipment that you need(as it isn't a want thing, definitely a need). I have that big Tonic glass mat as well and yes it might be a bit heavy but it is a great size for working from. I orginally had the smaller one, the 12x12 but i gave it to my friend who i encouraged into crafting and it seemed only right to give her some of what she would need to play. Di only lives in a small flat with her daughter and hubby, doesn't have a lot of space so it was just the perfect size for her.
    Janet i bought that Bohemian pad last year when i first seen it as it is stunning, but the problem lies in bringing myself to use it as it is so beautiful. I hope that you have a better chance of cutting up and into yours than i have, but it is so pretty girls, honest.
    Pat, take care you and Pete going to the funeral flower, i am thinking about you.
    Right well i am away to get on as i have so much to do while i am getting the peace and quiet to get on with it and to get it done in my time,not someone elses. I will try and get back later but i have brought some little Huggles to see you all and i am hoping that they won't get too excited at being amongst all the lovely food and cakes.
    Norah x

    1. Thank you Norah :-) It wasn't until I put it all out to photograph that I realised how much I had got! As I said to Sandra, and I do keep telling myself, (trying to justify buying that amount) that I was saving since Christmas and Make It is the only show I go to, and my hubby does know, lol ;-)) My main problem is trying to find the time to have a play, having just taken on more work my crafting time is seriously limited at the moment :-(
      Have a good day,
      Hugs xx

    2. Hi Norah, do you think Sonia be happy if we had our retreat at her place next time tihi. We can all help you play, no probs.
      Did you have a craft fair in Scotland to go to recently ? come on girl, photos hihi
      How is your swimming going ? I haven't been for ages, body not co-operating with what I want to do, but will try gym on Friday. Have a nice day Norah and try to get some rest, looking after babies is hard work but he is so cute :-) xx

    3. I could always ask my husband to build me a lovely big craft room to accommodate everyone, but I fear it won't go down too well :-( He hates DIY - I'm still waiting, 6 years later for him to finish our bathroom!! Xx

    4. Hi Norah
      Thanks for the good wishes on Friday. It will be a struggle as Tom was like a dad to Pete and really looked out for him at work. I'm glad you had a lovely time with Harry even if he didn't want to sleep. Special hugs to you, take care if you have to go out my lovely friend.

  9. Didn't we do well. Have had such fun with my score board, several boxes made just need to find the right gift to fit in!!

  10. Margaret Palmer2 March 2016 at 14:13

    Hi Sandra & al in café,
    Sandra we have not seen what you bought, come on own up. Hope you & Sue are having a productive
    Well I must admit that I was very lucky with my purchases, I had good advice from Sandra & Sue as to the best things to get me started, for which I am very grateful, it's like a mine field out there otherwise, thank you both very much.xx
    It was good to see Sonia bought more than me, lovely to see everyone's goodies & Michele's bargain.
    We have had rain, wind, snow, sleet & now sunshine here today & it is bitterly cold, afternoon making my challenge card I hope.
    Special thoughts for Sheila & Nic, hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope you are all right and OH too. You did very well with your purchases but don't blame me and Sue if your purse feel a bit lighter Lol. You have so many things there that I would love to have. Great storage boxes and lovely stamps. Have a wonderful time playing and make some stunning card for us to see,hugs xxx

    2. Enjoy your purchases Margaret :-) It's so lovely when we have lots of new goodies to play with :-)
      Hugs xx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Is it silly Technology day today or is it just me? Everything I touch things goes wrong. I picked up my mobile this morning as it was ringing and it started to do the strangest things, later opened up the laptop and it has decided to do an upgrade, All I had done was sign on! So I get the iPad and decide to leave a message on the blog and that started playing up! I had almost completed quite a long message and scrolled up the page to check if I had left anyone out, scrolled down again, my messages had disappeared also the comment box. I've come to the conclusion I must have so much static electricity in my body it's my fault everything is going wrong. I just hope this message works this time.

    What a lovely lots of goodies we have all got to show, as Angela said ' didn't we do well ' thats some serious shopping we've all been doing. And everything will get used - eventually! AND what about Sandra I ask myself, I'm sure she must have bought something, as Paul had to return to the car, I think on at least two occasions, come on Sandra own up, you might bought something we all need!

    Lillian, I like those pens.
    Janet, what an interesting lots of shopping the Bohemian pad looks very pretty.
    Michelle, what a bargain, I agree I would've had to offer more than the lady asked for.
    Angela, you have some very interesting looking papers or are they packs? anyway they look lovely.
    Pat and Sue you girls were really good, I see you've both managed to stock up on the essentials.
    Margaret, now you are a really serious craft shopper with all your stash. You have made some beautiful cards so far, looking forward to what do you make next time. LOL
    Sonia you have to be the star shopper, what I lovely lots of goodies you found, I am sure you will enjoy using everything, that is when you have time.

    Well I've got this far and all seems to be well with the iPad, just looked at the computer screen and it still doing this Windows upgrade. Think I will walk away from it, it might then sort itself out.

    Cheryl, WOW I was reading your itinerary for this super once-in-a-lifetime trip, it is amazing, don't forget to keep a journal and on your return you can share (we hope) lots of memories with us. XX

    Pat have a safe journey down to Essex, I hope all goes well for the funeral tomorrow, thinking of you LOL.

    Sheila, sending gentle hugs, it must be such a difficult time. Just think how far you have come, Clive would be so proud of you. Take care XX

    Right I think it's time To go and have a little play, sending love and hugs to everyone, hope your day is a good one. Love Brenda XXX

    1. Oh Brenda, I hope you not planing to go on a aeroplane, you would confuse their electronics with all that static and that could be dangerous tihi
      Have a good day crafting xxx

    2. Thank you Brenda. Looking forward to some crafting time again at the weekend :-) Enjoy your goodies too, those Lili of the Valley art pads are fabulous. Sad that they have now been discontinued.
      Hugs xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Thanks for the well wishes.
      I wonder why the Lil of the valley pads have been discontinued.

  12. Good afternoon everyone
    Its a very cold and overcast day here - the sun popped out for about half an hour then hid again - we have had sleet showers this morning but at least its dry now.
    Oh my!! such serious shoppers - I showed John the photos just to make myself feel better - Sonia I really envy you - can I carry your bags next time haha
    You all seemed to have a really good time (and spend) at Farnborough but we haven't seen Sandras haul yet or were you there in an advisory capacity Sandra.
    Looking forward to seeing Phill Martin tonight on Hocanda at 8 o clock.
    Need to finish my challenge card and make a few boxes for cards so will plod on
    Sending warm hugs to Sheila and Nikki xx
    Also to anyone else in need or not feeling too well.
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean, hope you ok and have a nice afternoon crafting xxx

    2. Oh yes please Jean - any help in carrying my bags is greatly appreciated ;-) One of the reasons I wasn't there long on Saturday was because my hands were aching from the heavy bags!
      Hugs xx

    3. Thanks for the reminder Jean, hopefully I've recorded it,that's if the recorder doesn't play up again, as Bets watching big stars little stars.

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    How wonderful to open the door and stumble over all the thing you bought at Farnborough, you must have clean them out Lol. Shame I didn't have you Sandra and Sue with me when starting shopping for card making because you know what is essential and not just because. I have so much mismatch but I will use it, one day.
    Lilian did well too, watched Leonie again this morning using those pens. Hope you got them for a good price.
    I hope Sheila will come in when she is up to it again, sending you a hug and to Nikki too.
    Where has our Diane got to ? Hope that Emma is ok ? miss you. Lynda, hope you doing better and Hazel too,hugs.
    Had a little walk today, the wind is horrendous and so cold and hailstones hurts. Had a look in Asda, got some cheap tops for gym. Hope to start again Friday and thought if I tell you I can't hide anymore. Only had a little cinnamon roll at Ikea, it was like sitting in the kitchen at home when dad did some baking and we got to taste some direct warm from the oven mmmm!
    Looking after a little one tonight,(8) so wish you all a nice afternoon and evening if I'm not up again like last night. Love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Naughty naughty Maria. I could really do with going to the gym, but can't be bothered. How bad am I.

  14. Just a quick post, OMG what an amount of money has been spent on all these goodies. My haul would like Pats! Which by the way I hope you had a safe journey, and please Pat take it easy, your hip needs to be looked after, you are doing to much.
    Maria, sorry you aren't feeling to good.
    I am ok, having to do BP checks 4 times a day, as it was a it high. So I have been taking it easy after doing all my windows. Just finished when the heavens opened and down came the rain, now we have high winds. The Windows will not look any cleaner.
    I have had my head in to a book on my kindle, so you won't get much out of me till it's finished.
    Right back to my book.

    1. Hi Hazel
      Did you say you need to take it easy and then you've cleaned the Windows. It's you who need to take care if your BP is sky high. Drs appointment was made last week for my hip and digestive system, but I'm having to wait 3 weeks. I hope you have a good read.

  15. Evening Ladies

    Well-the weather is horrendous, gale force winds now!

    Today has been a sad day for me & my colleagues-it would have been Dave's 30th birthday. His poor widow has this today, their wedding anniversary & the anniversary of his death in the next 2 weeks.

    I'm glad you all like my bargain, am very pleased with it. Not that I've used them yet.


  16. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Late again, sorry. I'd just like to say that you've all bought some smashing things - some more than others ha ha. I bet the stallholders were rubbing their hands in delight when you landed at their stalls.
    Michele, what a bargain, well done.
    Maria, flower, sorry that you are still not well.
    Hazel, what are you doing cleaning windows when you aren't well?
    Pat, I'll be thinking of you on Friday, sending hugs ((()))
    Saba, I hope you are well.
    Brenda LL, your stash is impressive as well.
    Margaret, you are so lucky to have someone to advise you, I wish I'd had that all those years ago. I bought stuff, some of which have never been used and I have finally given away.
    Janet, I'm glad you enjoyed your knit and natter.
    Lilian, I've a confession. I haven't started the smending and alterations yet!!!
    Maureen xxxx

  17. Good evening all, sorry to be late , very busy have 14 different colour hood bundles to do this week, getting ready for bee keeping shows.
    Well ladies I thought I was the queen shopper, but I can see I have been overtaken, my pens I bought from Julia Watts store, they are quite good, but to be fair only had a little play, still I think I will prefer my Inktense pencils, but they take more time, wanted the pens to take with me when I go to my friends.
    All your buys look lovely, love the stamps especially the inkalicious ones, love that brand.
    Pat thinking of you at this difficult time, hope it goes as well as it can.
    My sister is unwell again, she has swine flu ! must have caught it in hospital as she has been in hospital since the 23rd of December, she was just getting on so much better, they have her in isolation, so will not be able to see her for a while.
    Well it's nearly bed time, was up at 5 am this morning as o/h had a meeting to go to in Bristol.
    The weather has been horrendous today, very high winds, and huge hail showers.
    Hugs for all , goodnight Lilian

    1. Fingers crossed for your sister to get better and hugs to you Lilian, take care xxx

  18. Hello, anyone still around ? Got back a little while ago.It was easy to sit with the girl but boy can she talk and when her mum came home I know where she gets it from :) Hazel, I thought you taken it easy today ? Then you don't go cleaning windows, tut, tut, what shall we do with you. Michele, hope you friend will be ok for the next few weeks, so sad. Give her hugs.
    Maureen, I'm feeling a bit better today. just so silly to get these flair ups and no one knows why. NT( nose/throat at hospital couldn't find anything either. He sending me to a speech pedagogue, with everything I forgot to ask why ? I speak alright ,don't I ? for a foreigner I mean hihi Time for the bedbugs to do their best, wish you all a good night Xxxx
