
Tuesday 1 March 2016

Stunning Views

 The view from Anne's house of Gairloich Village & Torridon mountains

The View from Anne's house across to Isle of Sky in the distance

Anne's very cute 'Get Well Soon' Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today we get to share the breath taking views from Anne's home in Scotland, 
It looks so beautiful, like the air is so fresh it cleanses you!!

The first view is looking out across Gairloch Village onto the Torridon Mountains off in the distance.
The next view has the Isle of Skye off in the distance, Anne said that it looks miles away but there is no zoom on the IPad.

Anne's 'Get well card' would bring a smile to yourself no matter how poorly you were feeling!  I think it is a Lilli Of The Valley image that Anne has matched beautifully with the backing papers, I love the way that you have got the little straps holding the focal image up!  The daisies give the perfect finishing touch to this gorgeous card, thank you so much for sharing it with us Anne xxxx

Have a great day everyone, Pat & Sue please send me your new stash photo's!

Love and hugs
Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-stunning views & your card is so cute.

    We have such heavy rain here, it's like a monsoon! Such a shame after a week of sunny but cold days. I spent all day yesterday signing off work for our 2nd year student, didn't think it would take me so long & had mentally planned to do some online mandatory training but that will have to wait.
    We were due to have a supervisors meeting tomorrow morning but as the "chocolate teapot " is off sick it's been cancelled. I'm just hoping there's no drama this week then I'm off all next week and I plan to spend quite a bit of time in my craft room plus a couple of days out with hubby.


    1. Hello Michele, I hope you haven't worked too hard today. I used to hate those meetings where people waffled on and on about nothing. Sooo boring. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Like Michele we too have heavy heavy rain and it's been doing it all night.

    ANNE- what a beautiful place to live and views to die for!!! I have never been so far into Scotland but your pics today have certainly made an impression on me and I've added your part of the world to my 'must visit' list. Your Get Well Card is cute and it would certainly make me smile. I have one to make as a friend is going into hospital to have a hip replacement done on 9th so must get cracking and you've given me one or two tips. Thank you.

    It's Knit and Natter this afternoon so as I promised to lend my Tonic Chelsea Bag die and one or two other bits I must collect everything together sooner than later or something going to be forgotten. I'm all up todate with March bday cards so might just have a little play this morning.

    SABA- sorry for putting 'Temptation' in your way yesterday but as I'd fallen and ordered the Creative Expressions 'ASTORIA' collection which Julia was demonstrating I felt I needed support and thought of you!! I still have to wait a little while before they will deliver to France but they did say it wouldn't be long before all would be in place. Did anyone see that gorgeous paper pad they had on Hochanda yesterday called 'Garden ........' sorry can't remember the whole name but it's designed by Shell Rummel for Craft Consortium. It's like the one I bought the other week called 'Bloom Beautiful'.? I just missed it as it sold out. I can highly recommend these papers. They are so beautiful to work with.
    I also noticed yesterday that as well as Crafters Companion Debbie Shore (sewing) has gone to Hochanda from C&C. C&C must be really feeling the pinch as HOchanda blooms. I wonder who will be next?

    It is this THURSDAY 20.00hrs Crafters Companion launch on Hochanda.

    Now everything is set up for the day and as the weather is horrible I thought we just might invite 'Tom and Basil' to lunch with warm crusty cobs. What do you think?

    Hugs are in their usual place by the door just waiting to jump on all who enter.
    Special gentle hugs to Sheila today. I'm thinking of you Dear Friend.


    1. I notice all the big names are leaving c+c. I wonder why. They must be worried. X

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you don't have to wait to long for your goodies. Tom and Basil are going down a storm today as its been so wet and windy.

    3. Helo Janet, I wonder when some of the presenters will be leaving C&C as they must realise that the ship is sinking fast. Enjoy your knit and natter. xxx

  3. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    Rain here too in Somerset. Yesterday was such a lovely sunny day, bit chilly out in the open as we were walking along our new by-pass. We are all under the impression that a by-pass is used to divert traffic away from a certain area. Our new one however has hardly any traffic as all the locals in villages further afield use our village now as a race track to see if they can get from one roundabout to the other before the traffic from the by-pass gets there!
    BIG Parish council meeting next week with someone from the Highways Authority comes to explain why we can't have traffic calming measure in the village. Why not for heavens sake? Or are they waiting for a fatal accident to occur before they say 'Yes'? One has already happened just before Christmas. How many more?

    Anne's views are simply stunning. Landscapes in their raw beauty. We used to have fields behind us which led to a fantastic view of the Quantock Hills , now we have a Barrett's Estate. Hey ho, that's life as they say.

    Lovely card too Anne. I love the patterned colours you chose, blue and white always remind me of the Wedgewood plates my Nan had.

    Off to see solicitor this morning to get advice on Jamie buying my house and we booked The Great American Crossing holiday on Saturday. We are going to celebrate my birthday at Universal Studios Los Angeles, with an Exclusive All Day VIP tour and for Jamie's birthday, we are staying an extra 4 days in San Francisco. After a year of planning it is now REAL!!! YAY! I am limiting myself to only replacement items in my craft stash to help me save spending money. OOOh, don't know how long that will last many new tempting things to buy and so many items bought over the years that do not see the light of day any longer.
    Memo to self: Use what you have, not what you want.

    Love & hugs to all who need one, I have caught up with the comments made the week I was away and so many of you have this nasty bug. Vicks First Defence is usually in my medicine box and my first 'go to' whenever sniffles start appearing. I can recommend it heartily. Get well soon ladies.

    Must away, get a wriggle on and clear kitchen before I leave. Hope your day will be kind to you.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I do hope you manage to get the house sorted. Your holiday sounds wonderful. That area of America I'd lovely, we did a coach trip round that area quite a few years ago.

    2. Hi PAT,
      We are really excited now, the itinerary is amazing.
      Starts off in New York - Philadelphia - Washington D.C. - Gettysburg - Niagara Falls - The Great Lakes - Detroit - Chicago- Sioux City - Badlands N.P. - Mt Rushmore - deadwood/rapid City - Bighorn Mountains - Cody - Yellowstone N.P.- Grand Teton N.P. - Salt lake City -
      Bryce Canyon N.P.- Flagstaff - Seligman/Route 66 - Las Vegas- Los Angeles - Malibu - Santa Barbara- Pismo Beach - Carmel/Monterey - San Francisco - Home. Costing half a bomb but will be worth every penny as we will be making so many memories to add to mine and Pete's rich kaleidoscopic tapestry of memories. xxx

    3. Hello Cheryl, that sounds so amazing and wonderful. I can just see a head of you carved into Mount Rushmore ha ha. You and Jamie will certainly have memories galore, he is one lucky lad. xxxx

    4. Hi Cheryl,

      Sounds like holiday of a lifetime, hope you have a fabulous time, you deserve it.xx

    5. Hi Cheryl, we did a very similar thing for our honeymoon, we were there for just short of a month, Paul's treat was the car we drove, we upgraded to a Ford Mustang Convertible, we drove thousands of miles, went to loads of national parks, oh and be warned I put on almost a stone in weight!!
      You will have a blast xxxx

    6. Oh Cheryl this sounds amazing - as you say so many memories will be made - have a brilliant time
      Hugs Jean xx

    7. Wow CHERYL that sounds amazing so many places & soooo many memories will be made have a wonderfull time you deserve it dear lady xxxx

    8. Wow, you are going to have a fantastic time Cheryl. As you say so many memories to add to those that you and your lovely Pete made. He will be looking down on you proudly as you cover those miles. We will expect to see lots of photos. Thank goodness for digital cameras, otherwise you would spend enough on films and developing to buy the other half of that bomb : ) x

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What stunning views to greet us this morning, Sandra O know just what you mean about the air being so clean. Anne you are so lucky living in such a beautiful area : ) Your card is so sweet, it makes you smile as soon as you see it. Thank you for sharing with us all.
    Sandra, yes,I will take and then send my Farnborough goodies this morning.
    I am planning to have a go at the challenge this morning too and also a bit of sewing as I have my sewing machine out after shortening some jeans yesterday.
    It's good to see that our ladies that have been ill are starting to feel up to crafting again, please take it easy though.
    Saba and Val, I hope the snow you had yesterday hasn't got any worse.
    Pat, have a safe journey tomorrow, I hope the funeral goes well.
    Sandra, I hope you are not as sorexas you were yesterday. See you tomorrow n the morning.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care, sending love and hugs xx

    1. Hello Sue, I have some shortening and repairing to do as well, so I'll be getting the machine out. I keep putting it off, but there comes a time when you have to bite the bullet and get on with it!!! xxx

    2. Yes, I know what you mean Maureen. I had 4 pairs for eldest son, (he paid £7 for each pair at a Marks and Sparks outlet just after Christmas). I also had a pair for me and another for a friend so it was worth getting the machine out.

  5. Hi everyone.
    ANNE, what a wonderful view you wake up to every day. It looks fantastic.
    I visited ban many years ago. Such an amazing place . The scenery was beautiful. I remember we went on a boat trip to Iona and Staffa. A lovely holday. We always meant to go back but never did. What a beautful card. It would cheeer anybody up. Just love the image and the straps.
    Well, moving from this beautiful castle in Ruthin over to The Wirral tomorrow to visit my lovely friend. I'm with her for about a week. We never run out of things to talk about and usually put the world to rights. So lookibg forward to seeing her.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hello Val,
      There's nothing more that I enjoy than putting the World to rights. I do it regularly with my friends!! xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    What a stunning view to wake up to Anne, the views up in the north west of Scotland are gorgeous.
    Also your get well card is lovely, put a smile on my face.
    Not much on today, just a few household jobs, hope to pop back later for lunch Tom and basil sounds good, thanks Janet, take care everyone, xxx

    1. Hello Jess,
      When you say not much on today - are you talking about clothes, it is rather chilly this time of year!!! xxxx

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Oh Anne you do have a wonderful views out of your windows, breathtaking. The get well card is so cute and did put a smile on my face this morning. Another photo to put a smile on my face was the one from yesterday with Jean and gorgeous baby Jackson. So much hair on the little one, hope you had a lot of cuddles. You do look alike.
    Post office, pick up meds. and visit to Frost on the agenda. Very slowly as tummy played up yesterday and feeling so weak. Something had to come of the partying on Sunday :). The challenge this week looks fine but will have to see what can be done, never saying anything look easy. have a nice day whatever you are up too, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I do hope your stomach is better today. Take care.

    2. Hello Maria, my little flower pot. I hope you are feeling much better now. Take care xxxx

    3. Hi Maria,
      Sorry to hear you feel poorly hope you feel better soon. Take care xx

    4. Hello my lovely friend so sorry your tummy is playing up take it easy & rest wishing you well love Lynda xx

    5. Hello Maria, I hope your tummy has settled down and you are feeling better this evening. Sleep well. LOL xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone who calls into the Coffee Shop today.

    It a miserable wet day here. toda , so what a delight it was to open the blog and see the wonderful views from Anne's home. They are stunning, in fact the whole area is one of outstanding beauty. I can say that because we had a holiday some years ago and stayed in Gairloch. We were on a coach tour and Gairloch was our base. The driver we had, though he wasn't from Scotland, really loved the area and was so informative, his local knowledge was brilliant, as was our holiday.

    Anne I love you card, confession coming up, I bought two beautiful Lily of the Valley pads at Farnborough on Saturday. The quality of the paper (it's almost card) is great.

    Sandra I hope your aches and pains are starting to ease, I know you overdid it on Saturday, so please take things easy this week. The family need you well,(and the extended family) you are their rock, what would everyone do if you became ill. Listen to you

    Think I will cheer myself up and do some baking, I will make a Margaret cake, and some scones. The smell of baking always gives me a lift.

    Have a good day everyone, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda, enjoy your baking. The smell of baking and new bread always remind me of my mother!! xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Anne your views are stunning, but I expect it's cold as well. Love your card as well, I had a card made with this topper when I had my hip done last year. I'll pull out my stash Sandra and send you a photo. I spent most of yesterday sorting out Ellis and Doreen in preparation for going away to Toms funeral yesterday morning. Will have to go and pick up her Morphine this afternoon.

    1. Hello Pat,
      I'm so sorry, I didn't know about Tom. Please accept my condolences. xxx

    2. Hi Pat,
      Hope all goes well & you can have a bit of a break.xx

    3. Thanks Maureen
      Sounds like we're going down after the funeral, according to what I actually wrote. But his funeral is on Friday, we're going down to keep his wife company before, and staying until Monday as Pete has the hospital on Tuesday. Petes going to be a Paul Bearer, they'll all have green ties as Tom was Irish. Bet has dementia so gets very forgetful.

  10. ANNE what an absolutely beautiful place you live in
    Interesting to see another two big names defecting to the other side
    I hope everyone's aches and pains are easing Take care wveryone

  11. Sandra and all you lovely kind ladies,
    Thank you so very much for the beautiful floral arrangement which arrived today. It was such a delightful surprise and has made my day. You have all been very patient with me over the last few weeks and your kindness means an awful lot to me. So thank you again. Sandra thank you for thinking of me and arranging it, it was very thoughtful.
    Anne what fabulous views you have. I am green with envy. Thank you for showing us. Love your card too. By the way, if you use your I pad you can zoom by using two fingers and stretching the screen.
    Janet will you stop putting temptation in my way!
    Cheryl how very exciting, you will have a fabulous time.
    Maria sorry to hear your tummy is still playing you up, hope today is a better one for you.
    Right must crack on, love and hugs for all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hello Saba, isn't it lovely when you realise that people really do care? xxxx

    2. Hi Saba,
      We are just pleased to see you back with us. Take care xx

    3. Hi Saba
      I'm glad you like the flowers, they came very quickly if Sandra only ordered them over the weekend.

    4. So glad you liked the flowers, that's what friends are for.

    5. Hi SABA glad you liked your flowers & they cheered you up that's what friends do Hug's xxx

    6. Hi Saba, Glad you liked the flowers. You know we are all thinking of you. Sending Love and Hugs xxx

  12. Hellooooooooooooooo,
    Anne, you live in paradise - mind I'm not sure what it will be like in the depths of winter, but it's heaven on earth from where I'm standing. Love the G.W.S. card. That would lift anyone's spirits.
    Talking about spirits, I've had Baileys on the phone, very worried because our orders have been slipping but I've told them not to worry, deliver a Tanker and things will soon get back to normal ha ha.
    I know, I'm late, but have been quite busy today. I won't bore you but the main thing is that George is obviously feeling much better as he is being a pain in the butt!!!
    If I get into my room, I'll have a go at the Challenge card, but Sue has reminded me that I must get some repairing done, so I'll do that first. Rachel's blouse is beyond redemption but she's asked me to try to repair it, as it's one of her favourites.
    Zoe is away with the School on a 3 day Activity Programme at an Adventure Centre, but is coming back tomorrow afternoon - our peace will be over!!! We forget Eleanor is here sometimes, as she is so quiet, unless she's arguing with Zoe ha ha.
    Regarding C&C, all I can say is that I'm glad I've spent all my £10 vouchers. Unless they pick their socks up they are going to be in trouble. Having said that I haven't ordered anything from Hochanda or the Craft Channel yet. I'm trying to be good!
    Maureen xxxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I could find some more mending for you if you want!
      Good to see you back & glad George back to normal.xx

    2. Hi Maureen
      Margaret said its good to see George was back to normal. I hope that doesn't mean he's now trying again to kill you off. Thanks for ordering a tanker of Baileys. I've missed my drinking companions.

    3. Maureen, if you like sewing I can always send you a few zips to put in collars, I've done 33 today !!!!!!!

    4. OMG Lilian, it's the one thing I hate, putting in zips. How do you keep your sanity - or don't you ha ha. I'm sure Sue would help you!!!
      Pat, here's a pint of Baileys to keep you going!!

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are feeling more rested today, take care,xx
    Anne what a beautiful view you are lucky & your card is lovely, thank you for sharing.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them especially Sheila today love Margaret xx

  14. Da-- da -- ! I just wrote a long comment and its disappeared , but Mandy has just shown me how to copy and paste so that's something!
    We arrived in Edinburgh just after 4pm , we had a good journey down as the roads weren't too busy.
    The photos are a bit dark as they were taken early morning, but you get the idea, thank you for all the kind words about my card , I do love LOTV art pads , they are great for making a quick card.
    Like you I'm amazed how everyone is moving to Hochanda , ( I hope the camera work for close ups improves as its very slow)
    I had been about to join the craft club but they added £4.99 vat so I changed my mind, has anyone else joined either of these?
    Thank you Barbara for that tip I didn't know to do that so now can't wait to try it!
    Mandy has just called dinners ready so I'd better go.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Oh, I'm too late to join you for dinner! I'll have to pop in sooner next time!!!!

  15. Meant to say I loved your photo Jean , he's a wee cutie and you look wonderful!

  16. Good evening everyone - Oh Anne your view are breathtaking , fancy waking up to these view every day, especially when the seasons are changing, I do envy you.
    Ive been busy making mothers day cards for the cemetery this afternoon, so kept me busy then got a phone call from my Daughter in law to say Toni my granddaughter was at their house with the baby so put shoes on and popped round - hes scrumptious.
    Dogs have been groomed today and they look so much better - I do keep them tidy round their eyes and paws but cant groom them the same as their groomer does - he really is good.
    Sheila am thinking of you today sweetheart (hugs) xx
    Sandra are your aches and pains subsiding now and you can have a play with all your stash.
    I bought some colour cloud ink yesterday and I am impressed with it especially with the smoothies.
    Well I'll go and have something to eat may pop back later - need to do my challenge card - Ive left plenty of hugs in the basket near the door if anyone is in need
    Take care
    Jean xx

    1. Jean, I am so sorry, I forgot to say what a scrumptious baby grandson you have. It's so lovely to nuzzle into their necks and just cuddle them. Congratulations xxx

  17. Hello All, hope you're all well, very wet here again.
    Anne love the pictures of where you live, stunning.
    The card is very cute, will have to see if I can find one of those pads.
    Very busy with work as one of our best machinists has been poached by another firm, she told our boss she was going to retire, but we found out she is working for another firm, this means more work for the rest of us.
    Have a few ideas for the challenge card , but too tired to do it tonight.
    Hugs for all especially those who are unwell, or feeling sad.
    Love Lilian

    1. Lilian, it's the same old story. When a machinist left at the firm George worked for, it was almost impossible to find another with the skills needed, and the other girls worked hell for leather. They got good rates, but would rather have had more leisure time. xxxx

  18. Hello All,
    I've just popped in again to have a look at the challenge card so that I don't do something entirely different!!!
    Jean, I apologise again for not commenting on the lovely photograph of your great grandson, as Sandra said, you are a very Glamorous Gran!!!
    Help yourself to the Baileys ladies, there's plenty there as I've set up the intravenous drip!
    Maureen xxxx

  19. Hello Sandra sorry late today I did some ironing this morning then had unexpected visitors & by the time they went after dinner I was so tired.
    Still not much energy. So never got any crafting done today. Must do my Grandson Alfie's birthday card made tomorrow he will be 10 on Sunday.
    We are over my daughters for Mother's Day Sunday for dinner so that will be nice. I was surprised Crafters compainion have gone over to Hochanda & Debbie Shaw too.mind you was getting fed up with C&C all Tattered lace & Tonic gets a bit boring. ANNE your photos are breathtaking how lovely waking up to such a lovely view each morning. Your card is lovely too.
    Well I'm off for my builders tea now see you all tomorrow.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

  20. So sorry SHEILA thinking of you & sending love & Hug's my dearest friend xxx

  21. Hello all, just popped in to see what you all have been up to today. Cheryl- what an amazing holiday, I love to come too ! Remember to take a lot of photos.
    Sending Sheila a warm big hug. Hope you are ok.
    Anyone heard from Margaret corgi owner, I miss you.
    Karen- hope you have a fantastic time !
    Lovely to see you are back all right Maureen hihi. Loved to have a Baileys but my tummy is still not right. Got something for the cramps so little better but... Glad George is better, hope he is behaving.
    Sound like you getting there Lynda and Terry never
    got it ? hugs
    Glad you like the flowers Saba. You are always in our thoughts, big hug.
    Not sure why but I have wanted a window die for ages and saw one with a window box from Amazon. Silly me didn't notice it was a Sizzix die so of course it didn't fit in the GC so that what I had to send back this morning. After we went to Frost. Ours have a huge reform and getting a new roof so the place was a bit mental but the Lilly coffee, spending time with OH and reading the papers took us up to lunch time and as their food is very good we stayed for that too. OH went and got it and as it was Tuesday the elder get meal and pudding cheaper so he said he wanted two ! so I had one too and had to pretend to be an OP for a little while hihi. Afternoon did some crafting but couldn't put anything together so packed it up, sat down in the launch and watched a film instead. Today is another day.Might walk to Ikea, look into the gym (have not been for months) and then a shopping at Asda. Have asked OH for a outing to Oxford on Friday, haven't been for years so it would be nice,
    coffee anyone ?
    Littlelamb and Margaret C O, missing you x
    It's late so will leave you now to dream about lovely things and hope you have a nice day Xxxx
