
Monday 29 February 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

The Sketch

My challenge Card 

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Here is this weeks Sketch Challenge for you, I have chosen a simple design this week as last weeks was a little more challenging! 
As always, you just follow the basic layout and then you can add your own special touches, embellishments etc.  You don't have to use ribbon, you could use a border die or lace as I have, Sue's Buckle Bars would work well too.  

I usually like to make two variations to inspire you but I have to say that my body was simply 'not playing along' it wanted to just lie down !  Too much in and out of the wheelchair looking for crafty bargains on Saturday, there is a lot to be said for internet shopping!!

Now for a Special Treat for all of you.....

Jean sent us a photograph of her Great Grandson Jackson,
Jean you are the most Glamorous Granny we know, what a lovely photo for the family album, thank you so much for sharing it with all of us xxx

That's well for today ladies, have a lovely day .

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, my plan is to start my challenge card tonight (will try to do them each Monday) then I'm not worrying about it all week.

    Jean-lovely photo of you all.


  2. Good Morning all, lovely and light this morning ,feel Spring is on the way.
    Challenge card looks easy, famous last words as they say.
    Sandra your card is beautiful, love the flower.
    Jean your little chap looks adorable, lovely keepsake picture.
    Busy day today, might pop in latter for a cuppa.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  3. Morning Everyone
    We are white over this morning with a deep frost so thermals on, heating up full and not stepping out of the door unless it's to come here of course.

    Thank you for the Challenge Sandra - you will have mine early this week.

    JEAN - Oh he's a beautiful boy and you all look lovely. Enjoy all those cuddles as often as you can as you know they grow far too quickly.

    Well after having the house full all week-end I'm now looking forward to a very quiet day. I've only Mr Tesco to come between 09 and 10 so shouldn't be too bad. Becoming 70 was quite energetic so I hope I haven't reached my peek too early as I'm looking forward to a Retreat later this year so we all can party.

    MAUREEN - It was lovely to see you back where you belong yesterday and just in time for the Birthday Tea Sandra had put on. So pleased all is well in your house again.

    Thank you Sandra for that beautiful spread of a birthday tea. I hope everyone enjoyed it just as much as I did.

    Hugs are in their usual place and I've sent a special one post haste to Barbara just to say keep going Dear Friend.


    1. Didn't we have a lovely birthday treat yesterday. Loved the cake.
      We had a frost today but it wasn't to bad.

  4. Hi everyone. Fabulous sketch Sandra, and love your beautiful card. Hoping to make a start on this today :-)
    Such a lovely photo Jean with your great grandson. He looks a little cutie. Enjoy all the cuddles.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Hugs xxx

  5. Hi everyone. Woken up to a white smattering this morning brrr.
    JEAN what a beautiful photo of your darling little boy. Many congratulations.
    sSANDRA Sorry cant take part this week. Looks a lovely sketch. You try and take it easy after such a husy weekend.
    Well breakfast is calling. I love being able to stand up and walk away from the table and leave someone else to tidy up.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Val in a very chilly Walesx

    1. Hi Val, lovely of you to pop in, bless you I expect the super cold weather is even more of a sdhock to you!
      I totally agree, breakfast tastes so much better when you haven't got the pots to wash afterwards!
      I hope you are having a wonderful break,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  6. First off JEAN - you look far too young to be a great gran What a beautiful photo of the three if you
    Lovely sketch today It's a shame I'm nowhere near my crafty stash! But I'll keep it in mind for a card I need in the future

  7. PS JANET I hadn't realised it was a biggie birthday

  8. Good morning SANDRA & ladies
    Lovely card SANDRA I think I can manage this one mmm.
    Jean Gorgeous photo of your Gorgeous great grandson you look so young to be a great gran. All looking lovely thank you for sharing Jean.xx
    JANET take it easy today in your new chair they are so comfortable Terry got me one last year love it. Glad you had a lovely birthday. Hug's xx
    I made two cards yesterday got three more birthday ones & the challenge card today hopefully. We have some lovely sunshine at the moment but still very cold I have put some jeans & towels on the line hoping they will dry.
    My craft room is calling so better gett a wiggle on.will pop back later
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Blimey Lynda you don't believe in easing yourself in gently, so many cards! Well done you, please don't go over doing it though!
      We got washing dried yesterday, I love seeing blowing on the line, which is a good job as we still have no tumble dryer! I made need to start ironing my knickers as they are just to creased, the tumble dryer saves so much work! My MiL irons Socks,pants, teatowels flannels, all those get chucked in the dryer and then folded in our house! I do like to iron bed sheets though, we have thick Egyptian cotton sheets and they crease terribly, I am a little bit 'princess and the pea' when it comes to sheets, no creases!
      Have fun crafting!
      Love and huygs
      Sandra xxx

    2. As Sandra says Lynda, I thought you would be taking it a bit easier as you weren't feeling very well all last week. Make sure you don't overdo it.

    3. Thanks SANDRA & PAT I promise I won't over do things Terry did Houswork this morning so all I have done is craft haha. Thanks for caring xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Looks like a nice easy card for this weeks challenge Sandra, but what looks easy sometimes becomes quite hard to do, will give it a try.
    Jean, lovely photo of you and your great grandson, a beautiful keepsake.
    Well this is housework day, so better get a wiggle on, hope to pop back later.
    What do you think of Sues new paper pads.
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Morning Jess,
      I have two photos to show you tomorrow from Anne, if I just say 'breath taking views' you will know what I mean!
      I will have to see Sue's pad 'in the flesh' I think, but it looks like a pretty pattern, I guess it will be handy to have matching papers for the foundation card, as the colours are tricky to match with other patterned paper, what do you think?
      It amazes me how many ideas that she has whizzing around her Brain, bless her she must never sleep!!
      Hope housework is soon done, so that you can craft!
      Sandra xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I like this challenge (I think). I'm sure I can get my head around this one ha ha.

    I hope you're still taking it easy today Sandra, It sounds as though you overdid a wee bit on Saturday.

    JEAN what a lovely photograph, this really is one for the memory album. Jackson looks such a cutie, I think we all love a cuddle with him. XX

    I think I'll take my coffee now, I'll have a cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles and a lovely plate of fresh baked scones and have just appeared on the counter, I think I'll have one knob of butter, I'm so going to enjoy this.

    What ever you are doing ladies, have a great day, looking forward to seeing how we all get on with for this weeks challenge.

    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda XXX

  11. Hi Sandra
    Jean are you sure your a great Gran. Such a beautiful picture of you cuddling Jackson. Try and not do to much this week Sandra as it seems you might have done a bit to much on Saturday. But didn't we gave a great time. Got home from the care home about 1.00, Ellis will be going into another care home. But, he actually was trying to get his wheelchair to move as he was coming home with us he said today. So he really doesn't comprehend what's going on. Think I'll pinch a scone before they all disappear.

  12. Afternoon one and all
    Just popped in to say that have been watching Hochanda earlier this afternoon and seen that CRAFTERS COMPANION have gone over to them. The start later this week Thursday I think Sara said so that's another one away from C&C.

    BARBARA - Have been talking to Hochanda via an order this afternoon and have been told that they now deliver to Germany and soon to other European Countries. Could be really useful to you Saba.
    Hugs just for you and hoping you're keeping busy especially today. xxxx

  13. Good afternoon all,
    Jean what a fabulous photo of you and your adorable great grandson. Enjoy all the cuddles.
    Sandra lovely challenge card, might even join in.
    Lynda glad hear you are a bit better today, didn't you do well, I only ever manage one card a day. I am rubbish at making decisions when designing a card.
    Janet thank you, although I was quite safe when they didn't deliver here! Now you have put temptation in my way.
    It's snowing quite heavily here today, so glad I don't have to venture out. Have done a bit of crafting today oh and had a play with my new Kärcher window vac, love it, my windows were done in no time.
    Love and hugs for all Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba
      Lovely to see you in again today. Fancy having some snow. Jar hers are great aren't they. Pete did some of ours on Sunday. Take care if you do have to go out,

  14. Good afternoon everyone
    Sandra I know this sketch looks easy but only when you have a thinking cap on, I have really enjoyed doing these and also looking through all the cards on Sundays - Thank you Sandra.
    Thank you for all comments about Jackson, he is gorgeous but Im biased haha.
    We went to Inspirations at Preston (hunydory) today and they are changing thye shop around, didn't have a lot of stock on the shelves at all, just managed to get the bits I wanted - in the corner they had baskets (a lot of them) all C & C returns, lots of inserts - but I got a pack of acetate - when I asked at the till she said it was £6 but 3 for £10 so I went back and got 2 more. Someone at craft class will want some no doubt.
    Son-I-law has come down for John to look at their car, making a noise - so Ive got a bit of time for me - I picked up some of the inks Julia was using last night so will have a practise with them.
    Take care everyone - its lovely to see some of our friends back in.
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean
      Great to hear you got a good bargain at the craft shop.

    2. I think they're moving back to their original location, at least I think that's what one of their emails said!


  15. Hi Sandra &all in cafe,
    Sandra I think this card is going to easier than last week, hope you resting today, please take it easy.xx
    Jean what a lovely photograph that first photo is soo precious, enjoy our cuddles.xx
    Had hoped to have a play with new goodies today but spent most of morning with 90 year old friend who needed emergency appointment for a nasty cough, yes another victim of tis nasty bug. Saw the Dr. OK but
    taking prescription he gave her, to 2 chemists found that it is not available anymore, so had to go back to Dr to get a new one. You would think Dr's would keep up to date with what is available, as my friend said if you had no transport it could have been very difficult. Never mind sorted now.
    Pleased to hear Lynda feels a little better, hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret. xx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Looks like I need to do this so. Can comment under people's names.

  17. Good evening I thought I had commented earlier. More and likely I did, but forgot to publish! Had likely been worried about going to get my BP checked. It was up a bit, but they think having had this flu bug won't have helped. Got a monitor to do it at home.
    Well I have done my challenge card and sent it. So I can get on and get some birthday cards made now.
    Jean, beautiful photograph. Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today, again! I came just gone 7.30 this morning and wrote a comment but it's not here so will try again, fingers crossed. I love your challenge card, those papers are gorgeous,I'm surprised you can bring yourself to use them : l
    I hope you have had a rear today my lovely.
    Jean, what a lovely picture of the 3 of you. Hasn't Jackson got a lot of hair. he looks so cute and content safe in your arms : )
    I am on the way home from RJs, we have babysitting this evening young Christopher. The m hoping to do the challenge card tomorrow sobIm not rushing at the lazt inute again.
    Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

  19. Sorry about all of the awful spelling mistakes in my comment. I will blame the bumps in the road as I was typing my latest comment while Chris was driving us home? X
