
Sunday 28 February 2016

Sketch Challenge & Happy Birthday Janet


 The Gatefold Sketch

 My Sample Sketch

My 2nd sample sketch

 Anne's Challenge Card

 Anne's Challenge Card inide

 Anne's Challenge card 2

Anne's Challenge Card 2 inside

Brenda Lello's Challenge card

Cheryl's Challenge card

Cheryl's Challenge card inside

 Hazel's Challenge Card

Hazel's Challenge card 2

 Janet's Challenge Card

Janet's Challenge Card 2

Jean's Challenge Card

 Jean's Challenge Card inside

 Jess's Challenge Card

Jess's Challenge card inside
Karen's Challenge Card

 Lilian's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge card inside

Lynda's Challenge card

 Lynda's |Challenge card inside
Margaret's Challenge card

Maria's Challenge Card

Myra's Challenge Card 

 Myra's challenge card inside

Sue's Challenge card

Val's Challenge Card

 Val's Challenge card inside

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly today I would like to wish a Very Special Friend a VERY Special Birthday,
Janet, I hope you have a day filled with love and laughter and many happy returns xx

I just can't manage to go through all of the cards today, but I would like to make a couple of special mentions.......

Hazel & Lynda, I didn't expect a challenge card from either of you this week as you have both been so poorly, I was so touched to think that you even thought about the challenge, thank you both, your cards are gorgeous xxxx

Val, you were so busy preparing for your holiday but you too found time to make and send your Challenge card in before you left, as this is only your second time of showing your cards EVER, I think it was a very special gesture, your card is just amazing, thank you xxxx

Anne and Janet, you both enjoyed the challenge so much that you made 2 cards, I wasn't expecting that, thank you for four fabulous cards.

Margaret and Sue, thank you both for your cards, Special thanks to you Margaret for giving Sue 'gentle persuasion' to get her card finished !! Haha xxxx

Jean, I love your 'love' themed card, perfect for an Anniversary, it is beautiful inside and out xxx
Jess, I was amazed at how different the rounded corners made to the look of the gatefold card, I love your design xxx

Maria, I love how your design follows through to the inside of your card, that card you have used is so pretty, did you add thee lace yourself ?? Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone xxx

Myra I love how you have used thee Striplet die to incorporate your inside patterned card to the outside of your card, it balances the card perfectly, a great card for both male or females to have in your Standby card box, thank you for the Inspiration xxx

Brenda, I love the look you have achieved by using a fancy edge die on either side of the 'gatefold', using the gorgeous Pearl card behind really highlights that beautifully intricate design, I can see why you bought those gorgeous little wooden charms today, it looks so cute on your card and gives the perfect finishing touch, thank you for your inspiration xxxx

Cheryl, I managed to download your file, extract its contents and then paste it into my card file, I hope you are impressed, I am not sure why I got the insert but couldn't open the card, the file was huge for the card, so maybe that's why, but OH MY, was it worth it, a totally gorgeous card, with such a heartfelt verse inside, I bought a lump to my throat, thank you so very much for taking part and sharing, I am sure you must be exhausted after the Panto etc, xxxx

Karen, I love your design, which embossing folder have you used? I love those dainty little stars!  your card is so bright and cheerful, I am sure Leah will love it, you were another one with a busy week of preparing, so thank you so very much for finding the time to take part, I hope you have had a lovely trip, looking forward to photos xxx

Lilian, the colours you used are so rich and oplulent, I love the little corners you have used to decorate the front seem to match that gorgeous embossing folder you have used so well, I also love that little bar you have used as a closure, the inside is as beautiful as the out, thank you for inspiring us all xxxx

Phew, I think that's it, I am needing match sticks for my eyes right now, it was a exhausting day, but I truly loved every minute, spending time with friends I love dearly, it seemed a very large hall but we were never far away from each, which was lovely as it is so much more fun sharing your bargain finds and getting each others opinions on different craft goodies, it was the longest time I have spent with Brenda and I loved every single second.  We didn't have too much trouble getting a table for all of us at lunchtime, there seemed more than Ally Pally but there were no free tables, at AP you can pretty much guarantee to get a table! The whole set up there is really wheelchair friendly, with covered parking and really wide aisles to get up and down easily.  It was so exciting being part of Margaret's first 'cardmaking' craft shopping experience, you could just feel her excitemdnt, I felt very privileged to be a part of your card making 'journey', you are going to have so much fun unpacking and organising all of your new goodies, Alan won't see you for days!! Angela was having a great time shopping too, she even managed to fit in a workshop, I will show you her fabulous creation through the week!  It was lovely to see Diane at the end of the afternoon too!  

Please remember to photograph your craft purchases ladies for our 'Guilty Secrets' feature in the week, it will be a good one this week!

I will be back with a sketch challenge again tomorrow, just a simple one this week I think, once again if there is a design you want me to include (card shape,style etc) just let me know xx

Janet, I managed to summon Marigny Dobby to fetch all of your favourite patisseries,
With some lovely homemade jam from your favourite place in France, so sit down, beside the fire, put your feet up and relax, Paul had freshly ground you some coffee beans, I have put some pretty tablecloths and napkins out for the occasion, afternoon tea later today too, I will be cutting the edges off the cucumber sandwiches later!
Have a wonderful day xxxx

That goes for all of you too,

Love and huge hugs
sandra xxxxx


  1. Good morning Ladies ,
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET ! I hope you have the most special day xo
    My my, what a Fabulous array of cards ! I think we all enjoyed the challenge, a great selection ,full of great ideas, I won't manage to take part for the next four weeks but will hopefully manage in occasionally to see what you have been up to.
    Sounds like you all had fun yesterday , I look forward to seeing your guilty goodies.
    Jess I did take a couple of photos yesterday morning on my iPad ( but as it has no zoom lens the isle of Skye looks really far away) I will send them to Sandra in the hope she can share them with you.
    Sandra , thanks again for sharing all the cards and your daily inputs ( I'm sure it must be a struggle at times) but we all appreciate it xo
    I'm just watching John Lockwood making a beautiful pentagon box using the lattice striplet , absolutely stunning ( definitely one Patricia would love) !
    Bags are almost packed and ready ( I like to have time to think if I've missed anything) I've spent ages looking for my best fleece to take with me but it seems to have gone on holiday without me lol!
    Coffee and birthday cake in the cafe today , can't wait!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      Look forward to seeing your pictures. I hope you have a great holiday and that you find your fleece. I'm recording Johns shows to watch later.

    2. Good morning ANNE have a brilliant holiday & hope you find your fleece.
      Look forward to seeing your pictures.
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Anne, have a wonderful holiday xxx

    4. Hi Anne. I hope you have a great holiday. I bet you will find your fleece within a few hours.....of getting home from holiday. Isn't that always the way! Enjoy yourself x

    5. Hiya, I found my fleece , hanging up in the wardrobe , would you believe , don't know how I couldn't see it!
      I've sent a couple of photos to Sandra to share.
      Just to tempt you to visit Gairloch and me! Xoxo

  2. Good morning Sandra and everyone.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET ! Have a wonderful day. the fire station is on stand-by,:-)
    What a lovely morning to see all our hard work ladies, they are all Super. I have a few favourites and thinking now ,I could do that. Mine was made with lots of blood, sweat and tears Sandra, not even the lace is my idea, it was already on the paper tihi. OH took the photo, good idea to take one shut, one open in this case. Will look back at them many times today.
    So glad also that you all to Farnborough had a real good outing,(spent a lot) Can't wait to see it all, might get some ideas for AP. Also glad you back home safe and sound, got a bit worried there for a moment. I could feel Margaret's excitement all the way to here tihi.
    Will have a lazy morning, OH is on his way out so no one under my feet. Have cut up cereal boxes over some time so thinking of making them into backing for the magnetic sheets in the docraft die storage as they are a bit flimsy, also got a anniversary card to make, perfect time as he's gone all day .
    Tea and toast finished, be back later for the party until than ladies, have a nice Sunday. love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Cheeky cheeky re the fire station. I hope they don't make to much noise and wake us all up. I've still to use my die storage case that I bought at Ally Palky. I bought the spotty one like Lynda got a couple of years ago at AP. Sue is going to get me some mount board when she goes to the Range. Have a lovely day crafting.

    2. Hi MARIA have a nice day by yourself today lots of playing.xx
      Pat I wasn't very happy with my spotty storage bags the magnetic sheets weren't very strong magnet to hold the die's & only one sided.
      I changed them for the Tonic ones.& sold them on EBay. Xx

    3. Hi Maria. It sounds like you are having a lovely Crafty day. I hope you manage to get your anniversary card done before Ric gets home x

    4. Hi Maria,
      Enjoy your peace & quiet, hope you get your card done. I know have to find a place for all my goodies.xx

    5. I bought one of the spotty storage cases, I think it's awful and not really fit for the purpose , all the dies fall off , the magnetic sheets are much too flimsy, I already had an Artbin solid case , and it comes with three hard magnetic sheets and it is super , so I have since bought another one and several more of the magnetic sheets which you can buy in lots of three, very strong and robust, I can certainly recommend .

    6. I also use Artbins, with extra sheets in them. Xxx

  3. Hello everyone. Some amazing cards today. I spend my time thinking "why didn't I think of that" or "oooh! I've got that- must give that a go"
    SANDRA - I borrowed the folder from a friend. Isn't it lovely. It's one of Sue W's Twinkle Twinkle. It's from her Festive range BUT is great for all occasions. It lent itself brilliantly to my Serif design I'd done. I think I'm going to have to get this one for myself! At the moment I am enjoying the benefits of my raffle prize. All I'm going to say is that I am in the Emirates Lounge at Heathrow airport!
    I hope to pop in occasionally - internet permitting I can't wait to see all of your guilty secrets and of course, tomorrow's sketch, even though I won't be able to take part where I'm heading. I think my GC would have still been to heavy to pack! Take care everyone

  4. Jus lost a long comment and my flight is just about to be called AMAZING WORK LADIES
    SANDRA The folder is Twinkle Twinkle by Sue Wilson

    1. Have a fabulous time Karen ! xxx

    2. Hi Karen, have a wonderful time, I know how much you were looking forward to your amazing raffle prize. Not that I'm jealous or anything!!!! Looking forward to hearing all about your 5* holiday xxx

    3. Hi Karen. I thought I had commented earlier but it's not here so I will say again. Have a wonderful holiday, please could you soak up some sun for me too : ) Take care x

  5. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, dry but very cold here, well cold for us softies down here in the South West.

    MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY JANET, hope it's a really special one.

    What a beautiful array of cards we have today, love them all, love the die cut edges, going to try that.

    To day wil be sorting out my work, loads of different colours this week, don't know why we are doing so many colours, used to be only white and khaki, have another new one called sun, sort of a flat orange colour, that four different colour orange, trouble is they use different colour zips, so have to be careful to remember which to use. Sorry sure your not interested in my ramble.
    Glad you enjoyed the craft show yesterday all of those who went, sounds like a great show, bit to far for me though.

    Sandra thanks once again for all the work you do on the blog, you must have been so tired last, but you still managed to shoe and comment on everyone's card. Looking forward to see what you have for us tomorrow.
    Have a good day ladies, I'll pop in later to see Janet blow out her candles, ( don't know how many !!!!!!!! )
    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, have a good day. You would think they at least could have the same colour zips. Take care xxx

    2. Hi Lilian. Maria is right, it would be much easier to have the same zip colour. Have you put the wrong one in and not noticed until it was finished? Please keep on telling us about your work, it's something that not many of us know about and Im sure I'm not the only one that finds it interesting hearing about it all. Have a good day x

  6. Good morning everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET hope you have a lovely day.
    Well what can I say, the variation of cards on display is amazing, yes I have thought - oh I never thought of that - these sketches give us ideas to use over again - thank you Sandra for doing this for us.
    I hope everyone who went to Farnborough has a good time today sorting out their goodies, don't forget to photo them.
    I'm going to have a play this afternoon John is working, they have changed all shift patterns and he's not pleased.
    It's nice and sunny at the moment so hope it lasts, we have done well lately.
    Will pop back later,
    Hugs to all
    Jean xx

    1. Happy crafting Jean. Just found out I got a very special card to make for my parents 40-ish, is that Ruby I believe xxx

    2. Hi Jean. Enjoy your crafting in the Peace and quite. Sorry for John that his shifts have changed. X

  7. Morning Ladies

    Janet- i hope you have a fantastic birthday today.

    WOW-what an amazing selection of cards today. I'm ashamed today that I didn't find the time to joinin. Not quite sure what I've done each evening after work but time time just went so quickly.

    The lady organising the Attic Sale said the next one will be on the 9th April but I've already agreed to something else on that date. There was a email appeal at work for crafters to get in touch with a lady who is trying to organise Craft Days at the hospital so I rushed in & offered to do a card making session. I'm not sure how many people are likely to turn or what they'll want to make! I'm beginning to regret offering now. The next event at the church hall is a Spring Fair on 21st May so I've asked the lady to pencil me in. At least I've got time to get organised for that & pla what cards to make.

    Right-best get dressed & do some housework.


    1. Hi Michele. I bet you didn't get to just sit and relax every single evening, and you have been ill which takes a good while to get over properly so don't go feeling bad about not managing a challenge card this week. There's always next week to have a go. Take care x

  8. Hi Sandra
    Firstly can I wish our lovely Janet a fabulous birthday.
    Well what a stunning array of cards you've received for last weeks challenge. I simply love them all. Lots of ideas. As you said it makes such a difference rounding the edges. I especially love the lacy ones as well. Wouldn't have thought of doing that.
    It's especially lovely to see the cards made by Lynda and Hazel as they've been very poorly with this virus that's going around. Puts me to shame I must say.
    Now I was going to ask Brenda to explain how doing the inserts work but completely forgot yesterday. Should have asked Sandra and a Sue to remind me. I'll have to experiment with what my grand daughter helped me with last year and see if it can be turned around. I'm a but of a dunce when it comes to computers.

    1. Pat, I will let you into a little secret! I had those made already and photographed! I didn't want to let Sandra down so sent them in saying if she wanted she use them to do so. Oh no I was not up to making a card of any kind really. Been playing with bits of card scoring lines on them to improve on what I could do. Even bought a white iced birthday cake to do up for girls mum, they want to have a cake at the house for them returning to day. The thought of baking one was beyond me a few days ago. So glad you had a good time yesterday. It will have been good for you to have a day of "me time" as you haven't had that fir a long time. Hope your hip was ok after your long day? Xxx

    2. Congrats Pat winning a comment game prize on Sue's blog ,yay xxx

    3. Hi Pat. Congratulations on your win : ) How are your hips feeling today, I hope you are managing to get some time to rest them today. You know I am hopeless at most things to do with computers so good luck with your inserts x

    4. Congratulations Pat, enjoy your prize! xo

    5. Thanks ladies I've only just seen Sonia's comment saying I'd won. Now yours as well.
      I hope your feeling better soon Hazel. No rest for the wicked re Ellis. The hospital were having a car sent to pick up Doreen for a meeting, but rang the home where we were to speak to us both. The upshot is I won't be at school tomorrow as I'm taking her to the meeting in the morning.
      My hip is sore I'm afraid today, but at least I didn't have to drive this time, thanks to the lovely Paul. I have to wait 3 weeks to see the Dr.

  9. Happy birthday Janet. Happy a fantastic day.
    Good morning ladies, it's a beautiful day here! The sun being out makes such a difference.
    What a gorgeous display of cards on display. I think so many of you enjoyed making your cards.
    Nothing much on the cards, just another day of taking it easy.
    I must go make a move. Glad everyone had a good day yesterday.

    1. Hi Hazel. I hope you are feeling a little better each day x

  10. Hi Ladies

    Me again-just to say that Pat is a comments winner on Sue Wilsons blog today, well done!!!


  11. Good morning Sandra and ladies,.
    Happy birthday Janet I hope you have a lovely day.
    Wow what a gorgeous array of cards on show today, everyone is stunning, a lot of brilliant ideas to copy (if that's ok).
    It is a beautiful morning here today, very frosty but the sun is shining, so need to get on.
    Have a super holiday Karen.
    Can't wait to see everyone's purchases from the show.
    Take care meantime, xxx

    1. Hi Jess. I hope the sun is still shining for you, it's quite grey here today, and a chill wind x

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Janet hope you have a very Happy Birthday & are spoilt rotten by family.xx
    Sandra what a lovely selection of cards, I must admit I did struggle with this one but was determined. What have you in store for us tomorrow, I have lots of goodies to use now, ha ha. Thank you to Paul for driving us & the trips back to car with my goodies, will send photos soon. Take it easy todayxx
    Must get packed up & get ready to go home & confess my spending!!
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Mum. It was lovely watching you enjoy yourself choosing stamps etc. ( and it was good helping you to spend your money : ) love you xx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Janet, our lovely Yorkshire rose. Hope you have a fabulous day and get spoiled by your family.
    Sandra what a lovely array of cards on show today, each one a pleasure to look at and some great ideas too.
    Glad you all had a good time yesterday, looking forward to seeing what you bought.
    Not doing much today, bit sad really, it would have been my dads birthday and Val and I always phoned each other on this day. I am going to get my platinum out and have a play instead of moping around.
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxxxx
    Oh nearly forgot, congratulations Pat, I am thrilled for you.

    1. Hi Saba, hope you can feel this big hug I'm sending to you. You take care xxx

    2. Hi Saba. Big hugs are winging their way to you feom me too on this difficult day. I hope you manage to get lots of diecuts done. Take care x

    3. Barbara, sending (((((( hugs)))))) for to help today. Xxx

    4. Hi Barbara. Sending hugs to you. Take care and enjoy experimenting with the Platinum.

    5. Hi Saba, Thinking of you on this special day, gentle hugs on way to you.xx

    6. More hugs on their way to you Barbara , I hope you enjoy playing with your Platinum machine xoxo

    7. SABA Big (((((( Hug's ))))) on there way xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    First of all I would like to wish JANET A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you have a lovely day and your family really spoil you to bits. xxx

    What an amazing display of cards today and all so different, I confess to struggling as I wanted to use more of a patterned paper. When that didn't work out I went in the opposite direction and made a very plain card.

    I have unpacked my little trolley, will put it together and take a photo later.

    PAT, congratulations on being one of the comment winners on Sue's blog.

    Sandra, I hope you will take it easy today after what was a long car journey yesterday and Paul who was your brilliant chauffeur getting you all to Farnborough and while you were there and always with a smile on his face, LOL to you both xxx

    I'm off to look at my goodies from Farnborough and maybe have a little play.

    Lynda, Hazel and anyone else under the weather, please br easy on yourself, love and hugs. Saba you are in my thoughts and prayers xx

    Have a good day everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. I'm sure your trolley was filled to bursting hihi
      Glad you had a nice time Brenda xxx

    2. Hi Brenda. It was lovely to see you yesterday and get to have a good chat. Sorry you didn't manage to get that tag die, I hope you find it somewhere soon. Enjoy playing with your new goodies x

    3. Hi Brenda,
      Lovely to see you yesterday, I have unloaded all my goodies, they are on the table at the moment waiting for me to decide where to put them. Take care xx

    4. SUE, I did get the Tag die, before I left I went back to the stand that had it earlier in the day, they were clearing up the demo area, well I was a bit cheeky and asked would they sell me the one on the demo stand, they said yes and reduced it by £3. RESULT or what! I was absolutely chuffed. xx

    5. Good for you Brenda, if you don't ask you don't get!xx

    6. Lovely to see you yesterday Brenda. Forgot to ask about the inserts, the die looked really good, at a bargain price as well.

    7. Well done,£3 off.You go girl, hihi xxx

    8. That's great news Brenda, and at a reduced price too : )) x

  15. Good morning SANDRA & all you Ladies in today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET have a fantastic day being spoilt xxx
    Well done everyone all your challenge cards are all brilliant puts mine to shame I wasn't really in the right frame of mind when I was making mine I wasn't going to send it into SANDRA. You all put so much effort in your Gorgeous cards.
    Congratulations Pat on your Sue Wilso win well done.
    So looking forward to seeing everyone's goodies from Farnborough. MARGARET you might be on your way back to Sue's after confessing your spending to your OH HiHi.
    I have got to get my mojo going today as I have got four cards to make for the beginning of March. So must get started try & pop back later.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. You take it easy Lynda, hope you feeling a little bit better. warm hugs xxx

    2. Hi Lynda. Your catd is lovely, you wouldnt guess you are not well at theoment.i hope you are taking it very easily witj ylur crafting as we want youback to full health as quickly as possible please. Take care x

    3. Hi Lynda,
      I loved your card if I could do that when under the weather I would be pleased. It's alright Alan has decided I can stay, now have to decide where it can all go, I did enjoy it though, it's all Sue & Maria's fault!! Get well soon xx

    4. Oh no you can't blame me and Maria, we did try and warn you : )) xx

    5. Thank you SUE MARGARET & MARIA
      Glad Alan let you stay Margaret sound like you got some lovely goodies.Sue did you buy lots too. Can't waite to see them all xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and everyone. Happy Birthday Janet - hope you have a lovely day :-)
    Congratulations Pat on winning a prize on Sue's blog - enjoy :-)
    What a lovely selection of sketch cards today. They're all so beautiful. There was me thinking I had another day to make one and send it in, doh!! Oh well there's always next week.
    Have sorted out my craft stash, and now need to seperate my dies. I bought one of the docrafts storage folders, but after reading some of your comments am a little worried it's not going to be very good :-(
    Hope everyone is having a good day, and those on their way on holiday, have a fab time.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, it sounds like you have been busy. Any chance you could come and do mine for me please? : ) x

    2. HibSonia
      Yes, my room needs an urgent sort out as well. I don't live that far from Mrs B so you could kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

    3. Hi Sonia, I'm just over an hour North soooo hihi
      If you didn't see my earlier comment, I cut up old cereal boxes and stick them on the back of the magnetic sheets to make them a bit sturdier and that helps but you wish they could have made them that from the beginning. Hope you had a good day sorting out xx

    4. Yay, finished at last! That took a long time to sort - one of those jobs when you're halfway through and begin to wonder why you ever started, lol. Sorry Mrs B and Pat, don't want to be doing that again for a while ;-) Thank you Maria, I did see your earlier comment and having found some thicker magnetic sheets in my stash, I have used them to back the flimsy magnetic sheets that came with the case. Has worked well, and my dies are all now easily accessible:-)
      Hugs xx

  17. Helloooooooooooo,
    Happy Birthday to Janet, I hope you have a lovely day, and don't do anything that I wouldn't, which give you plenty of scope!!!
    Sandra, I'm sorry that I've been missing for so long, but hopefully will be able to pop in more regularly to spread a little of my bad jokes and mayhem along the way!!!
    Ladies, we have had some problems but also good news in the extended family, and then to top it all George collapsed nearly two weeks ago at 4.30 in the morning. To cut a very long story short, he's had loads of tests but they are all clear, thank the Lord, and he can drive again - yippee. I drive very little now as my eyes are getting worse, although the Optician says that I am still in the range to permit it according to DVLA guidlines.
    I have to say Sandra, that all the challenge cards today are beautiful, everyone has really gone to town, and some have done two, so the ladies have enjoyed making them.
    I have looked back over earlier posts and comments, but have had to give up. I hope everyone is well, that Cheryl's panto was a success.
    Saba, I'm thinking of you today, it will be difficult for you so it's a good idea to keep busy.
    Hazel, Sorry to read that you have been poorly, hope you are picking up.
    Lynda, I'm sorry to read that you have also been poorly and hope you are picking up.
    Karen, oh you are going on your prize holiday. How wonderful, have a fab time.
    Anne, I don't know where you are going but have a lovely holiday with Iain.
    Pat, what a lovely surprise to win on Sues' blog. I'm so pleased for you and hope that Pete is well.
    Brenda LL, you little tinker, you've been spending I see, good for you!!!
    Maria, have a lovely day without the OH and just do what you fancy.
    I'll try to call again later today.
    love Maureen xxxx

    1. Hello Maureen - lovely to see you in once again - take care - Jean xx

    2. Hi Maureen. It's good to see you back in the Cafe x

    3. Great, to see you in Maureen. Glad George is ok after his collapse? They are a worry aren't they? It takes its toll on us as well, with all the worry and seeing to them. We have to carry on regardless xxx

    4. Hi Maureen.
      How lovely to see you back, you have been missed. Take care xx

    5. So happy to see you back Maureen I was getting quite concerned about you, good to hear George is alright, it really gives you such a shock when anything like that happens. xoxo

    6. Hi Maureen, Sorry to hear George gave you such a scary time. I am so pleased he seems fine now and has the all clear to drive again. Its lovely to see you back with us, We have missed you. xx

    7. Hi Maureen
      Lovely to see you again on the blog. I'm sorry to hear that George gave you all a scare,but glad the the tests were OK and that he can drive again. A worry for you I'm sure.

    8. Hi Maureen, sorry to see your George gave you such a scare but hopefully he will be alright and you too. It's lovely to see you back, hug xxx

    9. Hello MAUREEN lovely to see you to see you nice. Glad GEORGE is ok after his scare give him a Hug from me. Xxxx

  18. Afternoon Everyone
    I have to say I am overwhelmed with so many beautiful cards from you. They are all in pride of place where I can see each and everyone of them. I will thank each of you over the next few days.

    I am having a wonderful bday which started yesterday by the girls and their OHs bringing me my present. They have joined and bought me a wonderful new chair which elevates and reclines so it's now no effort to get out of a chair and of course they say I can now have a relaxing nap in the afternoon!! I only need the extra hour in the day to do this lol.
    My Grandchildren are coming this afternoon just to pop in and say hello and then we can have that wonderful Tea Sandra has organised for us. I hope you all enjoy the pastries etc.

    I'll read all your comments later this evening and will be back tomorrow morning when everything is back to normal.

    Hugs to all of you xxxx

    1. Enjoy your day Janet -
      Jean xx

    2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Janet. I hope you are having a wonderful day, sitting in your lovely new chair and being waited on by the family. At your tea party layer on will you be giving rides in this chair, it sounds lovely : )) Have a wonderful time x

    3. Janet what a fantastic gift, it will make life easier for you. One useful gift if better than a lot of yes useful but not as if you know what I mean. We bought Charlie his new I Pad for his 70th, he was thrilled.
      Enjoy all your goodies and cuddles from the grandchildren and thise gorgeous great ones too. xxx

    4. What a lovely gift, something really useful enjoy it & having the Grand Children round. Looking forward to the pastries. xx

    5. Janet such a fabulous gift you've had. So useful to have these kind of chairs. I hope you had a great afternoon with the Grand children.

    6. Hi Janet,what a great present. Many long ,lazy afternoons sitting knitting or snoozing coming up.Promise one thing, Do Not Stand On It ! xxx

    7. Hi JANET glad your enjoying your special day what a great present.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    A very quick visit.
    Carry on enjoying your lovely birthday Janet.
    Hope you all enjoyed Farnborough and bought lots of goodies which I'm looking forwrd to you sharing.
    Fantastic array of beautiful cards today. Will examine them in more detail but some wonderful ideas.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Val from a lovely sunny Walesx

    1. Have a nice time Val in the UK and see the spring arrive, Take care xx

  20. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I must point out that it was Mum who made the beautiful Hedgehog cross stitch that was shown yesterday, I sent the pics to Sandra late on Friday eve and didn't explain properly who had done which one, sorry but I can't take the praise for it.
    Sandra, thank you to you and Paul for taking us yesterday, it's always lovely to spend a whole day together, well I know we split up while looking around but you know what I mean. I will take a pic of my haul ready for "Confessions" later on this week.
    What can I say about everyone's gorgeous challenge cards. They are all lovely, and as always such a lot of different ideas to try.
    I have commented on the way down and now I'm off to get ready for Janet's birthday tea party. Best not recline Janet's new chair while I'm in it or I may fall asleep! Sandra, I bet you are exhausted too, take it easy my lovely. Take care xx

  21. First of all Happy Birthday to Janet. Hope you have a lovely day. Like the sound of your new chair. Enjoy.
    Like al, today's cards. Sorry I didn't get time to do one but been a busy week. Will try harder next week but we start Craft session on Wednesday so getting ready for that plus all the other things I have to fit in around it,, Very cold here today. Just cannot get warm. Good to see Barbara back and that Hazel and Lynda are feeling a bit better. Take care Ali that are not so well. Hugs for all.

  22. Hello Sandra,
    Sorry I didn't make it yesterday and I may be missing some other days!
    Today's cards look lovely - what a super selection!
    Happy Birthday Janet!! I'm so sorry I your card is late! I didn't post it on time I don't think! Being weekends you are never sure though!
    So pleased you have had a lovely Birthday so far.
    Maureen - my friend - it is lovely to have you back and I will be very nice to you for the first week! Ha ha! Keep looking after George! He is a treasure!
    Barbara - thinking of you today - well every day really but today especially!
    Glad all the ladies who went to Farnborough had a good day! Looking forward to seeing the purchases!!,
    Take care! Xxxx

    1. Hi Myra
      Looking forward to seeing your nice comments to Maureen. If only for a week. I only bought card and 1 embossing folder. Nearly forgot some embossing powder, which I still owe Mrs B for.Nothing really said please buy me. How boring am I. No, don't answer that.

  23. Hi again, just to say welcome back Maureen, you have been missed, glad George is ok.
    Saba, thinking of you today, keeping busy is the best thing for you today.
    Take care, xxx

  24. Hi Sandra
    I've just started to read the comment and seen Sonia's comment that I've won a prize on Sue's comment game. Wow wow wow

  25. Well, when I've read down, lots of people said I'd won a prize on Sue's blog. Thank you all very much as I hadn't had time to go on it.

  26. Just popped in on the off chance (well Maureen is back in n town!) to see how everyone is. I think we have all had a very exciting day but the excitement of all the that has been going on over the weekend has caught up with us and we are now ready to drift off into slumberland. Janet I hope today has been a wonderful and memorable birthday for you, thank you for allowing us into your very special family/friends space. LOL Brenda xxx
